United States Patent 19) 11 Patent Number: 5,436,143 Hyman - 45 Date of Patent: Jul

United States Patent 19) 11 Patent Number: 5,436,143 Hyman - 45 Date of Patent: Jul

US005436143A United States Patent 19) 11 Patent Number: 5,436,143 Hyman - 45 Date of Patent: Jul. 25, 1995 54 METHOD FORENZYMATICSYNTHESIS OF cleotides', in Oligonucleotide Synthesis: A Practical Ap OLGONUCLEOTIOES proach, M. J. Gait ed., pp. 185-197 (1984). Mudrakovskaya et al., “RNA Ligase of Bacteriophage 76 Inventor: Edward D. Hyman, 2100 Sawmill T4. VII: A solid pahse enymatic synthesis of Rd., Apt. 4-103, River Ridge, La. oligoribonucelotides', Biorg. Khim., 17: 819-822 701.23 (1991). (21) Appl. No.: 995,791 Stuart et al., “Synthesis and Properties of Oligodeox ynucleotides with an AP site at a preselected location', 22 Filed: Dec. 23, 1992 Nulceic Acids Res. 15: 7451-7462 (1987). 51) Int. Cl. .............................................. C12P 19/34 Norton et al., "A ribonuclease specific for 2'-O-Me 52 U.S. C. .................................. 435/91.2; 435/91.1; thyltaed Ribonulceic Acid', J. Biol. 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U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 1 of 7 5,436,143 UNCONTROLLED METHOD primer -- nucleotide l TrOnsferose enzyme incubcation primer + (primer-- 1) + (prime?--2) + (primer--3) +...etc. Purify (primer--) product from side products (primer--1) Repeat cycle until oligonucleotide synthesis is complete BLOCKED METHOD primer + blocked-nucleotide TrOnsferose enzyme incubation primer + (prime?--1)-blocked + blocked-nucleotide noCivotion/RemovOlof TOnsferOse Removal of Blocking group (chemical or enzymatic) primer + (primer--1) + nucleotide Purify (primer--) product from nucleotide and primer (primer--1) Repeat Cycle until oligonucleotide synthesis is complete FIGURE U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 2 of 7 5,436,143 primer + App (d) Np (or ATP + 3',5'-ADP) l RNA ligase incubation, then heat inactivate primer-(d) Np + primer + App (d) Np + AMP Alkaline Phosphatase incubation, then heat inactivote primer + primer-(d)N + App(d) N + Adenosine + PO Repeat cycle until oligonucleotide synthesis is complete FIGURE 2 primer + App (d) Np (or ATP + 3',5'-ADP) l RNA ligase incubation, then heat inactivate primer + primer-(d) Np + App(d) Np + AMP Exonuclease -- Nucleotide Pyrophosphotose incubation (e.g. venom PDE I), then hedt inoctivote primer-(d) Np + 3',5'-(d) NDP + AMP + (d) NMP's l Alkaline Phosphatase incubation, then heat inactivate primer-(d) N + (deoxy)nucleosides + adenosine + PO Repeat cycle until oligonucleotide synthesis is complete FIGURE 3 U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 3 of 7 5,436,143 pyrophosphole AP -H CICentne -- O O O O BASE N/p -o-1N O -/ \ prime?-p(d)Np / O 3 O + primer -- o-/ BASE AMP N:f " SP/ Yo O /Y-C) O O O (H) 3',5'-(d)NDP osN / " / NO O App(d)Np pyrophosphole Odenne -- O Ap \/ p d BASE Y\ o1'N O s/ BASE 7 d / N O primer-p(d)Np(dNp o CD -> -- primer -- Sp- /- c. M o (H) AMP \ BASE2 N p - o \ BASE2 d Nsk P 'N Kd of o o / o p(d)Np(d)Nip Appo)Npd)Nip FIGURE 4 U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 4 of 7 5,436,143 5' m 3' synthesized oligonucleotide ligote to oligonucleotide N1 with RNA ligose 5 Ham- 3' Onned to oligonucleotide N2 3' - 5' 5 - 3' Odd reverse transcriptase + dNTP's 3 - 5' 5' m- 3. Cleave Complimentary oligodeoxyribonucleotide from N2 with nuclease, e.g. RNase 3 - 5' complimentary oligodeoxyribonucleotide product FIGURE 5 U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 5 of 7 5,436,143 primer + App (d) Np (or ATP + 3',5'-(d) NDP) Pump through RNA Ligose Column, recirculote if necessory Heat Inactivation of troce RNA Ligase leaked into solution (if necessory) primer + primer-(d) Np + App (d) Np + AMP Pump through Exonuclease + Nucleotide Pyrophosphotose Column (e.g. snoke venom PDEI), recirculote if necessory Hedt Inoctivation of troCe Exonucleose Ond Nucleotide Pyrophosphatase leaked into Solution (if necessory) primer-(d) Np + 3',5'-(d) NDP + AMP + (d) NMP's Pump through Alkaline Phosphatase Column, recirculate if necessary Heat Inactivation of troce Alkaline Phosphotose leaked into solution (if necessary) primer-(d) N + (deoxy) nucleosides + adenosine + PO Repeat cycle until oligonucleotide synthesis is Complete FIGURE 6 U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 6 of 7 5,436,143 FIGURE 7 U.S. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 7 of 7 5,436,143 FIGURE 8A FIGURE 8B 5,436,143 1. 2 and the blocked nucleotide App(d)Np (or ATP--3',5'- METHOD FOR ENZYMATC SYNTHESS OF (d)NDP) have been used to make oligoribonucleotides OLGONUCLEOTIDES and oligodeoxyribonucleotides.

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