Camp Longhorn Alumni and Special Parents 1000 Indian Springs Road #1 Longhorn Road PRST STD Burnet, Texas 78611 Burnet, Texas 78611 U.S. Postage PAID 512/756-4650 512/793-2811 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 22 Burnet, Texas L U M N E W S May 2021 CLASP ON TO THE MEMORIES Ready to get started with another summer of Camp Dear Friends, We also have a very popu- pavilion. Please stop by and taken and congratulations are lar LIFETIME MEMBER- ABOUTABOUT THISTHIS LUMNewsLUMNews . see them on your next NOR- given. What a special group It’s almost time for anoth- SHIP .. $200.00 and add a NoNo picture takingtaking last summer and no socializing,socializing, our MAL VISIT to camp! of outstanding CLHers. er summer of fun-in-the-sun, spouse. $250.00. Lifetime year hashas beenbeen quiet. We dodo getget lotslots ofof mailmail andand hopehope We are building up those We look forward to sever- and our Counselors and all members already have a life- you keepkeep thatthat coming!coming! SO, I havehave calledcalled on some ofof ATIAWAYTOGO AWARDS al “tree ceremonies’ next the Staff are more than ready time “pass” so another WILL thethe “older” groupgroup to come up with stories and pictures for some very special tree summer for LAWRENCE to give the campers a won- NOT be sent to them! Most of times past. WOW, some reallyreally greatgreat stories andand lotslots ceremonies for the summer and RUTH SKELLEY (both derful summer of fun, fun, of all, we thank you, our par- of pricelesspriceless pictures!pictures! YOU WILL ENJOY!!ENJOY!! of 2022! We give this fun deceased) and, through their fun! It will be abbreviated ents, for your grateful and award twice a year to special children, SALLIE, RUTHIE, in certain areas but GOOD positive outpouring of sup- people that are recognized KATHERINE and LARRY TIMES for all!! port through this unprece- at both camps are still sooo PERD and BOB HUDSON. for their many accomplish- we will celebrate those two We are still concerned dented time! popular! What a wonderful If you wish to purchase a ments through the years at outstanding people. Also at about Covid-19, and are Virtual Carnivals were a place to have your name(s) brick, the cost is still $100. camp and beyond. Each re- Inks Lake, summer of 2022 following some “common huge success! What a won- or to remember a loved one. A form is included in this cipient(s) comes to camp we will honor our newest sense” guide lines! We are all derful, unique way to stay in At Indian Springs the bricks newspaper or call the CLASP sometime during the summer ATTAWAYTOGO Recipi- ready for things getting back touch since there were no “in are located between the chow offi ces at either camp for to accept his/her “forever ent, BOBBY MAXFIELD, to normal! person” Carnivals! Keeping hall and offi ce and at Inks more information. We start- tree” with a “forever plaque” successful camper, counselor For the alumni .. we are our fi ngers crossed that this Lake they are in the pavilion, ed out a few years ago with with his/her name on the and life after camp! still in the questionable stag- fall Carnivals will be in ‘’full a special place to honor TEX a small sidewalk at Inks .. tree. With lots of activity At Indian Springs, PHIL es .. no socializing .. pick-up swing” and the fun and con- and four founders of CLH with a dozen or so bricks. from the marines and ma- SIROIS, wonderful pho- and drop offs .. same as last tagious laughter will once .. BOB TARLTON, ZARK In a few short years we now rinas, family members and tographer who spent many summer. So, it’s roll over again be the norm at those WITHERS, DR. JOE SHEP- have over 500 bricks in the campers, our gracious re- time again! If you paid dues wonderful CLH parties. And, cipients shine as pictures are See HELEN, Back Page in 2020 or 2021 you will be with that comes alumni fun rolled over to 2022. And, for and catching up with friends LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW! AND IT DID SNOW!! those of you who sent in dues you haven’t seen in a couple because you have not paid of years!! any dues lately, you, too, will We have some great priz- be rolled over to 2022! es because our dues paying This means you are still Alumni and Special Parents up-to-date on everything and also draw lucky numbers will receive your new 2022 for those fun and sometimes Membership card(s) some- useful prizes! time late summer or early Mini-camp is still on fall and your 2022 “parking our minds. The decisions pass” next spring! No mon- about mini-camp have been ey involved. Credit card ma- delayed somewhat while chine will be cut off June 1st concentrating on virus free and will be back on Sept. 1st. camps!! We are all open for For those of you “not paid suggestions. It will more up” .. no problem . Just than likely have a very dif- wait until next fall to tend to ferent format but discussions business! It’s still a bargain . are ongoing and your input OH, DEAR REPORT! The deer are lined up at Inks Lake Chow ALUMNI OFFICE . Inks Lake . 2021 . $15.00 SINGLE and $20.00 would help! Hall, out of snow, ready for their OD Report! for MARRIED COUPLES. Our “memory bricks” Page 2, LUMNEWS, May 2021 AATTAWAYTOGOTTAWAYTOGO gy world ofof SiliconSilicon Valley,Valley, BOBOBB MAXFIELD . while raisingraising two beautifulbeautiful ATTAWAYTOGO! BOB MAXFIELD WWhathat a great choice foforr daughtersdaughters who ofof course oourur next ATTAATTAWAYTO-WAYTO- spentspent summers at CLH.CLH. In MEMORIES OF THE FIFTIES . GO Award. BBOBBYOBBY started 1979 we purchased a fam-fam- camp,camp, Inks Lake (There was ilyily vacation home on Inks I was 9 years old in the nono Indian Springs yet), in the Lake and have enjoyedenjoyed winter of 1951 when a nice early 50’s and every summersummer spendingspending time there ever man named TEX came to our intointo the middle 60’s a part since.since. A third generationgeneration ofof home in Wichita Falls and ofof the summer was spending the Maxfi eld clan, includingincluding timetime at camp!! Great Camper, mymy two granddaughters,granddaughters, invited me to attend his sum- Great Counselor and many, havehave been CLHCLH campers mer camp. As the school year manymany stories of past! andand soonsoon toto be counselorscounselors drew to a close, I was fi lled BOBBYBOBBY wrote an article a at CLH.CLH. CampCamp LonghornLonghorn with excitement and not a few years back for LUMNews hashas playedplayed a bigbig role in our little trepidation over this and we are going to print that familyfamily history.history. fi rst time away from home, a along with a brief bio to catch whole month. you up to the present! BOBBOB included with his in- I got on the bus with many formation he sent several pic- other kids, most of them old- fromfrom BOBBY turestures of camp from Vdays in AfterAfter camp, ! graduat-graduat- thethe 50s along with some more er and whom I did not know. eded fromfrom Rice UniversityUniversity recentrecent pictures! There was no The bus stopped in Hamilton in Electrical Engineering,Engineering, CampCamp Annual in those days for lunch at a small restau- married MOMO HARRISONHARRISON - soso these pictures are part of rant. We sat at long tables also a formerformer CLHCLH counsel- a story before Annuals and and were all served chicken or - and moved to CaliforniaCalifornia moremore up-to-date modern tech- fried steak, mashed potatoes toto workwork forfor IBM andand toto do nology!!nology!! and green beans. This sce- graduategraduate studies at Stan-Stan- BOBBY’sBOBBY’s wonderful writ- nario repeated itself every ford.ford. I then spent a career inging that was in LUMNews a year for the next four years; in the highhigh tech technolo- few years back! the same restaurant, the same food. When we arrived at camp we received new uniforms (orange shorts and caps, INSPECTION - 1953 white Tshirts), visited the merit store to see all the goodies we could purchase with our soon-to-be earned merits, and went swimming. There were 10 or 11 land cabins, no fl oating cabins, and no girl’s camp. Each ATTAWAYTO GO cabin was single story with BOBBY MAXFIELD . 10 campers and 2 or 3 coun- (left) Camper Bobby Maxfi eld selors. in the 50’s I was in the Cabin 5 Apaches. One of my coun- selors was LEROY FEN- STEMAKER, a quarterback from Rice. (He led Rice to a legendary Cottonbowl victo- ry over Alabama in 1954). I remember the names of only two cabin-mates that year: DAVID FAIR who became my best friend at camp, and DUKE CARLISLE, who was the best at sports (and years later was quarter- back of the UT Longhorns that won a national football championship in 1963). GIRLS CAMP INSPECTION - 1953 I loved most everything about camp - the friends, the it was a waste of time to get dirt? Slave labor, that’s how. planting. activities, LT BARNETT’s everything spruced up when Every cabin was assigned I especially liked the chow (especially Sunday it was just going to get messy a patch of dirt, and part of water sports - swimming, noon - fried chicken and two again. preparing for inspection each sailing, canoeing. The sail- kinds of pie with whipped Have you ever wondered day was to till the soil and boats, called Sabots, looked cream), campfi re (especial- how camp came to be cov- plant a few squares of grass, like bathtubs with a sail, ly BOB TARLTON’s scary ered with lush green St.
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