II .1 HI of Blue FATHER AND IN ARMY RESERVE UHIT MOTHER SAVES SOW KILL ATHLETES TOOT Ridge' DAUGHTER COLLEGE Hundred Year Old TE-OL The local Army reserve unit St Auguestine, Fla. While BEST BELLEH" (' Cast Clothe* To Be Worn will meet as usual on Tuesday, Mrs. Dolores C. Holland and her ¦AYS BOOVX DRUG CO. ! ... i ¦¦11in'i HERES THE REASON. The germ }' July 12 at 8:00 p. m., in the lec¬ son Cates were (Continued from page 1) ture nine-year-old (TOW* deeply. You must REACH it to (Continued frontage one.) hall of the science building fishing from jetties near here, KILL it. TE-OL. containing 90 par- Gilbert Herndon of Appalachian State Teachers Cates decided to go swimming. Mint alcohol. PENETRATES. Reaches Proffm, Adams, College. Charles The more germs. Your 88c back bom any liuL Houston Younce, Dick Lav- dotted organdy dress she will Rodgers, Jr., tide swept him out to sea. druggist if not pleased IN ONE HOUR. wear a buck lace mantilla that will be the next speaker. ,A11 The mother swam 300 feet and is more than 100 years old. 'reservist are asked to be present. held him up until help arrived. ?l*da Johnson, Helen The wedding gown of Mrs. E. Baker, Pear] Cowles, Erma Nor¬ S. Coffey dates back to 1894 and ris, Margaret Moretz, Mr*. W. C. is being displayed in the window Richardson. Rosalind Isom, Lucy of the Fashion Shop this week; ?orEtfrtYfear- Cqwleq, Mary Moss, Ethel Rich- a picture dress of ivory brocade, ar it o' WANT Macie ADS lson, Townsend, Mary featiyes leg mutton sleeves, W(?o»JSlio«Rtpair Ft incis Klutz. a tiny tucked waist and an ex¬ BRING YOUR LAWN MOWERS to FOR RENT.« room house, almost UO Oak Street. Will ihupn una new, with bath and bMtmtnt, on U. I S. A_ Girls.Lena travagant fullness behind form¬ (or $100 (or 30 dan. Alao barber five miles east Mary a modified highway all. of Boone, SHUSTOOAY Lawrence, Cynthia Kino, Ruth ing train. Her white ¦hears and clipper*. E. Sprung t-J0-]p unfurnished. Year-round renter pre¬ W lson, Bcenaa Mast, Wil- kid slippers, feather fan, hand¬ ferred. Inquire at Meat Camp Service Evelyn kerchief and are SADDLE-HORSES FOR RENT~by the Halloo. lp aa x Roberta Barnes, Dianna Wat- prayerbook, hour or day. 110 Oak Street or Phone Daniel Boone Shoe shown with the dress. Mrs. Nelle 11»-W ktfis, Laiia Greene, Barbara Ms- Mt-» FOR RENT.Three -room apartment trtbson, Burlee Church. C. Linney, daughter of Mrs. Cof¬ with fey, wore the gown last RADIO BATTERIES, metal covered private bath. See George C. Shop . Tuesday Greene, at Restaurant. 7-7-tc Torest Spirits Joan Houser, at the A B pack* guaranteed 1400 hour*, Skyline CHAS. C. ROGERS. Mgr. Jane Rivers, Billie Jean Storie, night Appalachian Thea¬ special this week 96-St. Our customers tre'* Centennial Preview and was find they last one third lonfer than LOST Diamond ring, with 16 stones BOONE. N. C. Bitty Ann Hagaman, Joan Wil¬ awarded first prize in the "old the 1000 hour parks yet they sell lor surrounding large one. Reward. Re¬ cox, Evelyn McCracken. costumes" division. Mrs. Coun- laaa. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE turn to Democrat office. lc - . STORE. [Flower Spirits Betty Raye cill C. Cooke wore «-»-tfn G Carol** Thompson. la-ypar-old sanlof si the UniTaraiiy- oi Wash at the Pre¬ FOUND.Wrist watch. Owner may re¬ ¦eene, Pat Aldridge, Lynn lngton in Baatils, points an artmonlshlac Angst at bar fathar, Hugh view an 1889 dress belonging to WANTED.Girl to do general house¬ cover same by calling at Democrat of¬ B own, Neva Norris, Patsy Mc- ~Hara 44, now Mrs. Preston Bridges of Charles¬ work. Contact Herbert Wey, Appala¬ fice. identifying watch and paying G lire. Brown. Thompson. stlandlng fha colUga as a frashman chian High School, lc for this ad. lp Orlando Jia's tailing him what ha usad to t*U har whan sha was la ato- ton, S. C.; an elaborate creation . of . Sky Spirits Janet Bingham, mantarf and high school.that hs'd baiter ha gatting highar gradaa black chiffon and taffeta with TOR SALE Ward rifle, with shot, jwESCCfrE SUPREME PAINT, guaran- PROTECT B ttjf Sue Norris, Barbara Farth- 'If ha axpacts to ha gradualad. hand-sewn lace applique, the pouch and powder horn. In good con¬ teed the highest quality possible to iiig, Sara Lind dress had full o' mutton dition. May be seen at Democrat o(- manufacture $3.29 gal. We also have s Dowlin?, Betsy leg (lce. lc large selection of wall paper ss low as YOUR FUTURE Highes, CIqo Bolick. D. Oil sleeves, a high cnocker neck, 39 cents per double roll. Western Auto . is, Bent Wood- Sue River Spirits Beth Eggers, Elijah ley, Mary Greene, Louise Klutz, waist and a short full train. FOR SALE.New adding machines, Associate Store. S«10-tfc Pkuline Eleanor row Greene, Clark Storie, J. D. typewriter* and office ;Greene, Geer, Roberta Critcher, Beatrice Mc- Complementing the outfit were Prices equipment. NORTH WILKESBORO BEAUTY us BAD P >UT. Stokes. Eva Nell Cooke, J. H. Thomas, Edwin a handmade hat and a black lace and terms right. Special prices by sending your Banner, Dougherty. Nit'l, Mrs. C. H. Kirkman, Janieve to churches and other organizations SCHOOL O. I. approved. Now open LUCK. That's what we are Margaret Dew, Isabel Eggers. parasol. not operated (or profit. to both boys and girls. 1-30-tfc II Settler Women.Mrs. B. D. Mast. Mrs. Ralph Winkler, Dixie An tive in Representa¬ Episode Early Cherokee 80-year-old dress of white your territory twice monthly. REPAIR SERVICE. add¬ lin business for to pick up the . Indian Village Clawson, Mrs. James Councill, Rae Farthing, Lois Townsend, with more than 200 Will gladly demonstrate or leave typewriters, organdy yards machine on ing machines, duplicators and all of¬ when others Chief. iMrs. Mrs. W. M. Reba of lace trial. Call or write O. P. jcheck say you [Indian, George Jenkins. Tracy Councill, Smith, Pearl Dowling, Mar¬ and ribbon applique, the Walls. Ronda-Elkln N. fice equipment. Reasonable prices, . Albea. Matheson, Lyons, Mrs. fan and small that were Road. Ronda. prompt attention and guaranteed, have to pay for injuries or (Danced Johnny Daisy garet Welsh, Virginia Cooke, purse C. Ic satisfaction. Also Men and Braves . Custer Wallace, Mrs. John G. carried with it are in equipped to handle losses which claim are Frances Davis, Joan Welch, Ruby originally ATTENTION repairs to sewing machines, scales and they Kenneth Greene, Fred Michael, Barden, Helen Hayes, Mrs. S. D. the keeping of 'Mrs. Joe Winkler; BROILER RAISERS. all small appliances. H. H. Nobles with the result of you Ollis. Mast, Betty Tester, Mrs. R. W. a Special (or month of July) Rapid Radio something Glen Hodges, Bixon Quails, Jer- gown of black lawn cloth worn feathering. (ast Nichols Electric Co., Bus Terminal, did.or failed to do. We . Watkins. growing Phone 298-W. rjj Troutihan, Harry Farthing, Settler Boys John Ralph Bu¬ with a shawl of china silk and strain baby chicks at special low 3-3-tfc . write to Bbbby Gtlley, Oscar Milton J. W Episode VIII War Betwaan tha lace to Miss Lelia price of 12 cents each. Take advant¬ FOR liability insurance fit Harmon^Joe chanan, Barden, belonging Ray's of RENT Floor sender, eager and Timer, , Jim Harrison, Ed Mack States Mrs. age this money-saving o((er. Order polisher. Call C 4c E Home Auto needs. All Hayes, Wellborn, Welborn, Joe grandmother, Mary Hodges; yours today from Farmers Federation and your particular B&ll Richardson, Cannon Minor. a bronze that' was Supply Co.. Boone. N. C. 7-19-tfc Ward, Conferedate officer Robert alpaca gown Hatchery. Ashevllle. or through your lines of Insurance, Health & the dress . Cprson Perry, Grey Bingham. Settler Girls.Elizabeth Walk¬ Martin. wedding of Miss Eliza¬ nearest Federation warehouse. 7-7-Ac DR. C. G. BAUGHMAN, eye, ear, nose .r beth Lord's Aunt Belinda and throat Accident, Life, Automobile, Squaws Nancy Zachary, er, Sheila Gilley, Barbara Conferedate soldiers . Cecil great specialist of Elizabethton, Deane Collins. Pat Ellis, Sarah Story, are only a few of the HAY.Anyone Interested In buying 9 Tenn., will be at the Hagaman Clinic Bvifrglary, Glass. Lou Mast . period Rath Mary Greene, Pat^l Miller, Harold dresses acres of good hay. close to Boone, see in Boone the first of each Morton, Burris, Mrs. Wiley . that may be seen here me Monday Smith, Rena Colene Bo¬ Episode V Carolinian Patriotism Steelman, Custer Wallace, Phil- this week. at once. B G. Teams. lc month lor the practice of his profes- SAVE YOU THAT KIND OF Billings, British Officer.Asa Reese. ilip Counts, Lewis Mack, Joe Dix¬ 4on. lick. Mrs. Pavid Hodges. FOR SALE CHEAP.2 rubber tired POLICY? . on, Claude Wimebarger, Bob Mar¬ several Indian Boys and Girls.Ken¬ British Soldiers Dean Hodges, wheelbarrows, shovels, mat¬ DR. L. E. WELLMAN, Optometrist, neth Wilcox. Phil Kent Robinson, Ray Harmon, tin, William Wilson, Woodie W. H. Installed tocks. picks, and other small tools, al¬ will be in his office at Mountain City, McGuire, Hoye Greene, Richardson, Edward Comm. Gragg so various lots o( moulding, knotty Tenn. every Tuesday. Wednesdoy and Insurance Charles Taylor, Mark Hodges, Ed¬ bby Ray. Men pine celling, 3 or 4 doors, and good Thursday from 9 a. m. to 8:89 p, m. Watauga . and women of win Taylqr,, Larry Klutz, Buddy Carolina M .a Officer, John Watauga As New Rotary Head body for Chevrolet pickup. See me Eyes examined, glasses fitted l-C-tfc Gjreer,.
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