CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA & SMALL LYMPHOCYTIC LYMPHOMA New Treatment Options in 2020 Parameswaran Venugopal, MD Professor of Medicine The Elodia Kehm Chair in Hematology Director, Section of Hematology September 16, 2020 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Natural History CLL impacts survival for all age groups <75 • Most common type of leukemia – ~10,000 cases/year • Common in the elderly – Median age in the 7th decade of life • Often asymptomatic • Median survival – Low risk (Rai 0): >10 years – Intermediate risk (Rai I/II): 5-7 years – High risk (Rai III/IV): 1-3 years Stilgenbauer, et al. Hematology. Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2004;163. 2 Shanafelt T, et al. Cancer. 2010:116:4777. Maurer, et al. ASH 2014. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Statistics SEER Cancer Statistics: Cancer Stat Facts: Leukemia — Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia How is CLL diagnosed? Blood Smear in CLL Blood counts Blood Smear Flowcytometry Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia What is my prognosis? Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Prognostic Factors Prognostic Feature Associated With Poor Prognosis CD38 expression on CLL cells High CD38 expression (30%) Chromosome Study Zap-70 expression on CLL cells High Zap-70 expression (20%) IGHV mutation status FISH Unmutated CLL Serum β2 macroglobulin PCR Elevated (3.5 mg/L) FISH cytogenetics Mutation Analysisdel(17p), del(11q) Gene mutations NGSTP53, NOTCH1, BIRC3, SF3B1, or ATM Rai KR, Jain P. Am J Hematol. 2016;91:330-340. CLL: Prognostic Value of FISH • Deletions on the long arm of chromosome 13 is most commonly observed (55% of all cases) – Isolated del(13q14) is associated with a benign disease course • 17p deletion and/or TP53 mutation is an adverse prognostic feature, predicting for inferior responses and survival in CLL – Lower responses to chemoimmunotherapy • Important to obtain at diagnosis and should be repeated before subsequent therapies as additional genetic abnormalities may be acquired Dohner et al, N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1910. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia What are the indications for starting treatment? NCI-WG Indications to Treat • Constitutional symptoms referable to CLL • Progressive marrow failure • AutoimmuneObservation anemia +/- isthrombocytopenia appropriate poorly in responsivethe to corticosteroids absence of indication for therapy • Massive or progressive splenomegaly • Massive or progressive lymphadenopathy • Progressive lymphocytosis Cheson BD et al. Blood. 1996;87:4990-4997. First-Line Treatment • Chemotherapy • Monoclonal Antibodies • Combinations: – FCR, BR • Ibrutinib (Imbruvica) • Acalabrutinib (Calquence) • Venetoclax (Venclexta) • Clinical Trials 11 Timeline of New Agents for CLL Obinutuzumab TN: w/Ibrutinib; w/Chlorambucil Idelalisib R/R: w/Rituximab Venetoclax Duvelisib R/R: Monotherapy & w/Rituximab R/R 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Ibrutinib Ofatumumab Acalabrutinib TN: Monotherapy; w/Obinutuzumab TN: w/Chlorambucil TN: Monotherapy; w/Obinutuzumab R/R: Monotherapy R/R: Monotherapy; w/FC R/R: Monotherapy CAR T-cells Not yet approved for CLL TN, treatment naïve; R/R, relapsed/refractory; FC, fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) 12 Targeted Treatment Options for CLL Copanlisib Obinutuzumab Duvelisib Ofatumumab Idelalisib Rituximab Umbralisib Ublituximab Acalabrutinib ARQ 531 Ibrutinib LOXO-305 Tirabrutinib Vecabrutinib Zanubrutinib Agents listed in bold are FDA approved Venetoclax Figure adapted from Crisci, et al. Front. Oncol. 2019. doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2019.00443 BTK Inhibitors Mechanism of Action • Selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) BTK Inhibitors • Acalabrutinib, Ibrutinib, Zanubrutinib: Forms a covalent bond with a cysteine residue in the BTK active site, leading to inhibition of BTK enzymatic activity • Vecabrutinib, LOXO-305, ARQ 531: Noncovalent binding to BTK • Blocks B-cell receptor signaling and survival, proliferation, and migration of cancerous B cells Figure from Bond DA et al. Clin Advances Hematol Oncol 2019 Summary of FDA-Approved BTK Inhibitors Ibrutinib Acalabrutinib Zanubrutinib • CLL (monotherapy or w/ • CLL/SLL (monotherapy • R/R MCL obinutuzumab or rituximab) or with obinutuzumab) • R/R MCL • R/R MCL (monotherapy) FDA-approved • WM indications • MZL (after ≥ 1anti-CD20-based therapy) • cGVHD • CLL/SLL, WM, and cGVHD: 420 Method of mg taken orally once daily 100 mg every 12 hours Once daily (320 mg) or administration • MCL and MZL: 560 mg taken orally twice daily (160 mg) orally orally once daily • Bleeding, atrial fibrillation, • Headaches, diarrhea, • Diarrhea, infection, Key toxicities diarrhea, fatigue, and increased fatigue, infection, anemia fatigue, anemia risk for infection Owen, et al. Curr Oncol. 2019; 26(2): e233–e240. doi: 10.3747/co.26.4345 8-Year Follow-up of Ibrutinib Monotherapy: High Rates of OS, ORR and Long-term Tolerability in CLL PFS OS First-line First-line First-line R/R Median, mos Median, mos 7-year PFS 7-year OS (95%CI) (95%CI) First-line (n=31) NR (NE-NE) 83% First-line (n=31) NR (NE-NE) 84% Byrd, et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Mar 24; clincanres.2856.2019. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-2856. Phase 3 RESONATE-2: 5-Year Update Ibrutinib Provides Durable Response as Initial Therapy in Frail Pts Efficacy • Ibrutinib benefit was also consistent Ibrutinib in patients with high prognostic risk (TP53 mutation, 11q deletion, and/or unmutated IGHV) Safety Chlorambucil • Discontinuation due to AEs decreased over time, with 58% of ibrutinib pts continuing daily treatment Median PFS, mo HR (95% CI) Ibrutinib NE 0.146 (0.098-0.218) Chlorambucil 15.0 Burger JA, et al. Leukemia. 2020;34(3):787-798. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0602-x. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Three major studies in the past year that have influenced the first-line therapy of CLL in 2020 Obinutuzumab + Ibrutinib or Chlorambucil in Treatment-Naive CLL/SLL (Phase 3 iLLUMINATE) PFS per IRC in ITT Population PFS in High-Risk Population 100 100 80 79% 80 60 60 Free Survival (%) SurvivalFree (%) SurvivalFree - - 40 31% 40 Ibrutinib- Chlorambucil- Ibrutinib- Chlorambucil- Firstobinutuzumab obinutuzumabnon-chemotherapy combinationobinutuzumab obinutuzumab 20 20 Median (mo) NR 19.0 Median (mo) NR 14.7 Hazard ratio 0.231 (95% CI, 0.145–0.367); Hazard ratio 0.154 (95% CI, 0.087–0.270); Progression Progression P<0.0001 P<0.0001 0 0 0 3 6 approved9 12 15 18 21 24 by27 30 FDA33 36 - January0 3 6 9 12 201915 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 Months Months Obinutuzumab + Obinutuzumab + Ibrutinib Chlorambucil ORR per IRC (per investigator) 88% (91%) 73% (81%) CR/CRi per IRC (per investigator) 19% (41%) 8% (16%) Patients with undetectable MRD 35% 25% OS rate at 30 months 86% 85% High-risk population (del(17p)/TP53 mutation, del(11q), and/or unmutated IGHV. 19 Moreno C et al. ASH 2018. Abstract 691. IR vs FCR in Pts with Treatment-Naive CLL/SLL (Phase 3 ECOG-ACRIN E1912) Treatment-Naive CLL/SLL N=529 Ibrutinib (QD) + Rituximab (7 cycles) •CLL (IWCLL criteria), or SLL (WHO Primary Endpoints st criteria) 1 Interim Analysis n •Disease requiring treatment 2:1 Fludarabine + PFS, change in QoL •Age ≤70 years Randomizatio Cyclophosphamide •No deletion of Ibrutinib17p13 + Rituximab+ Rituximab (6 cycles) leads to •ECOG PS 0-2 PFS (All Randomized)better diseaseOS (Allcontrol Randomized) & survival HR=0.352; 95% CI, 0.223-0.558; P<0.0001 HR=0.168; 95% CI, 0.053-0.538; P=0.0003 • Median follow-up 33.4 months 100 compared100 to FCR 90 90 • PFS: IR was superior to FCR 80 80 70 70 independent of age, sex, PS, 60 60 stage or del11q23 50 50 presence/absence 40 40 30 30 • IR was superior to FCR for -6 -4 20 P=1.62 x 10 20 P=3.22 x 10 IR (37 events/354 cases) IR (4 deaths/354 cases) IGHV unmutated, but not 10 FCR (40 events/175 cases) 10 FCR (10 deaths/175 cases) mutated patients 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 20 Shanafelt TD et al. ASH 2018. Abstract LBA-4. BR vs IR vs Ibrutinib Alone in Older Patients with Treatment-Naive CLL (Phase 3 ALLIANCE A041202) Bendamustine + Treatment-Naive CLL Rituximab (6 cycles) N=523 Primary Endpoint •CLL (IWCLL criteria) n Ibrutinib (QD) 1st Interim Analysis •CLL requiring treatment (IWCLL criteria) PFS •Intermediate- or high-risk Rai stage Randomizatio Ibrutinib (QD) + Ibrutinib +/- RituximabRituximab leads(6 cycles) to better disease PFScontrol compared to Bendamustine + 100 90 87% Arm RituximabN 24-Month Estimate OS 80 IR 170 88% (95% CI: 81, 92%) 70 88% • No significant OS differences among I 178 87% (95% CI: 81, 92%) 60 arms 50 74% 40 BR 176 74% (95% CI: 66, 80%) • Median OS not reached for any arm 30 • 2-year OS estimates 20 Arm Events/Total % Alive and Progression-Free and Alive % 10 Arm A (BR) 68/176 Arm B (I) 34/178 – Arm 1 (BR) 95% Arm C (IR) 32/170 0 Censor 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 52 – Arm 2 (I) 90% Time (Months) Patients-at-Risk Arm A (BR) 176 140 129 122 103 88 57 26 11 0 – Arm 3 (IR) 94% Arm B (I) 178 165 154 147 136 120 78 45 22 0 Arm C (IR) 170 159 145 138 132 115 74 40 20 0 21 Woyach J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018;379:2517-2528. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1812836 Treatment for Relapsed CLL • Chemotherapy • Monoclonal Antibodies – Ofatumumab (Arzerra) – Alemtuzumab (Campath) • Ibrutinib (Imbruvica) • Acalabrutinib (Calquence) • Venetoclax (Venclexta) • Clinical Trials • Stem Cell Transplantation 22 Ibrutinib is Superior to Ofatumumab in R/R CLL (Phase 3 RESONATE Final Results) CLL/SLL diagnosis Ibrutinib QD N=391 Crossover • ≥ 1 prior therapy upon PD • ECOG PS 0-1 Ofatumumab (300 mg followed by 2000 (n = 122) mg x 11 doses for 24 wks) • Measurable nodal disease by CT PFS OS Ibrutinib: mOS 67.7 mos Ibrutinib: mPFS 44.1 mos HR: 0.810 (0.602-1.091) HR: 0.148 (0.113-0.196) • Median follow-up 65.3 months • Long-term treatment with Ofatumumab: mOS 65.1 mos ibrutinib is tolerable and continues to show sustained Ofatumumab: mPFS 8.1 mos PFS and OS regardless of high-risk cytogenetics Munir, et al.
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