M i n i t - e d Who waa th e winner in the elec­ tion la New York last week? You say Dinkins. Yon are wrong. Giu­ liani was the winner. Dinkins goes on to an impossible job. It will make mince meat of him. Giuliani, now a powerful Republican who lost by only 8% in a Democratic and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW city, approaches his next election dean as a whistle and ready for Published at 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, N J. Sccond Class Postage Paid Al Rutherford, N J. bear. Goodbye, Senator D’Amato. VOL. 7Ï NO. IS L'SPS 125-420 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1989 Subscription $8.00 • Published Weekly 25 cents A n orgy of character assassination By John Radick Nelson belabored the board mem- said that she knows for a fact that her board, Russell said, “Most people The November 13 meeting of the •* « wh° had accePted the direclion son did not say the deeply incrimi­ have the bodies of adults but not the LyndhurstBoardofEducationisthe °f ‘he board’s le«al counsel- nating things Cecchi attributed to minds of adults. It’s unfortunate but onethatwillberemembercdastheses- ,Those’ he said’ who perpetuated him in the report. She said she felt the art of learning to deal with stress sion that witnessed the decline and ^ myth of the ‘confidential report strongly enough about this matter to comes only with time and continued fall of practically everybody. Yes, and insisted on a ‘no comment’ atti­ volunteer her son’s taking a properly application. We have to live with everybody, including those who said tude as the proper response to bewil­ supervised lie detector test. rules and regulations or else we are and did nothing to moderate the dered and frightened parents, seek­ Claire Marino, addressing the forced to live in chaos and disorder.“ mayhem. They became guilty by ing for their sons an appeal from the board through John Russell, presi­ Joe Nelson said, “How can we default for not trying to stop their heavy onus of guilt put upon them by dent, said, “You are wrong to deny evaluate what happened at Millers- less restrained neighbors and board the actions and inactions of the anyone the right to appeal to you, to ville when we have been told not to members. board.” hear their side of the story.” discuss the issues, when we have to What went on in the name of a obey an order not to read the report?” President John Russell made a school board meeting could only be All the while, two distaff mem­ Lorraine Quatrone, who walked creditable attempt to get this wreck called an orgy of character assassi­ bers of the Cecchi law firm sat at the out of a board meeting several weeks nation. In this ocean of bad feeling, center table in the No Man’s Land back on the track and headed in some ago with Joe Nelson in objection to almost everyone got his oar ih between the members of the board sane direction. But in such a bedlam board actions over the Millersville They’ll be saying,it was all Sam and the parents assembled. They did state, even John Russell’s sumptu­ incident, said “What do you do when LaFaso’s fault, or at least it all their best to keep alive the spiritual ous talents came off second best you feel that you can’t go along with started when Sam put a round over values of the phrase ‘‘No Comment.” because, in the mood and the mad­ the trend of your fellow board mem­ business administrator Joe Abate’s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connolly ness in which this august body had bers? I did not join the board to deal bow. Sam, it seems, said he detected were there. Mrs. Connolly told of found itself, it was like trying to refe­ with controversy. 1 hope we can fumes of nepotism, or, at the very being present when her son, Keith, ree an earthquake. come to some form of agreement on least, an aromatic conflict of interest was interviewed by Cecchi and she Alluding to the outbursts from the this whole matter.” in the appointment of one Ben Capaccio, president of the AARP Lyndhurst Elks 11 o’clock contest group in Lyndhurst, to a post in the - asbestos clean-up of Lyndhurst On Sunday, October 29, 1989 at JACQUELINE BENTIVEGNA, 7 at right, and her sister Nicole, 5 its annual 11 o’clock oratorical Con­ dance. Refreshments were enjoyed schools. Abate reared up and the Elks Lodge in Nutley, the by all after the ceremonies. were prize-winning angels in the Halloween parade sponsored by test-Fourteen lodges were repre­ returned the fire tenfold, exonerating B.P.O.E North Central district held sented in (his competition, with first the Lyndhurst Kiwanis Club. Jacqueline’s name was inadvertantly Capaccio completely. Other board place honors awarded to exalted rul­ omitted from the list of prizewinners published last week. We make I I N D E X j members suggested that Sam apo­ er William G. Bradley of Lyndhurst amends by publishing the pretty picture this week. The girls are logize for his “atrocity.” Sam took a Elks Lodge #1505. Many hours of 20 PAGES the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bentivegna of Lynd­ Editorial 7 lesser chargc and apologized instead hard work were involved in this ............................... hurst. for bad manners. competition whose message is a tri­ Vagabonding....................... 9 15 Sam was the kindliest person pre­ bute to their departed brothers Medical................................ ,, 16 sent, in a room in which no role mod­ Joseph Pepe, president of the New Obit...................................... Real Estate......................... 17 H e’s there to stay els were on display. Jersey State Elks and Peter J. Mus- Annette Bortone, stating that she Classified............................. 18 cientiy public officials are duty- tardo. North Central district deputy Dear Editor: was about to make a statement, Business Directory............ 19 bound to let the people of the com­ grand exalted ruler, were in atten- Regardletfr«f whai Ralph DeNis- called for the impeachmentof fe low munity know when they seriously co, Annette Bortone, John Russell board member Joseph Nelson. She disagree on issues with their and the rest of the school board cited a menu of his so-called bad majority think, an individual school colleagues. habits, including what she calle:1 his Proclamation Joe Nelson board m em ber’s performance “negativism” on most issues and should never be measured by how Trustee N ational Fam ily Week matters that came to the attention of well they sacrifice their judgement Lyndhurst Board of Education the board, and various and other WHEREAS: The status of the family has changed dramatically in the to the will of the majority. To enable P.S. I have no intention of resign­ indelicacies. history of this Nation, but remaips'a basic moral and economic element of our democratic system to work cffi- ing my position. Nelson, who had appeared to be society; and / drowsing, came rigidly alive and WHEREAS: We recogilize that sound family relationships are vital to What happened to inflation ? bristling with protectionist piety, his the preservation of the American ideals which are reflected in the moral and voice rising almost to a peak of fal­ spiritual strength of communities, states and the nation; and Thousands, perhaps a million, lead and offered the same 19 cents a setto whose emotional intensity car­ • WHEREAS: No institution can ever take the place of the family in giv­ families in North Jersey will be eat­ pound deal. ried clearly to a stunned audience. ing meaning to human life, and a stable structure to society; and ing turkey this Thanksgiving for WHEREAS: Thanksgiving is traditionally a lime for family gatherings Shop-Rite of Lyndhurst upped which they paid only 9 cents a pound and giving thanks for our Blessings; a time that reinforces our belief in the because Shop-Rite of Lyndhurst their ante or maybe you should say Hold those recyclables vital importance of the role of the family unit; opened its newly renovated store last lowered their ante and announced Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no col­ THEREFORE: We, the governing body of the Township of Lyndhurst week. they would turkeys for 9 cents a lection of recyclable materials on Thursday and Friday do hereby proclaim Thanksgiving Week, November 20,1989 as NATION- ■ As part of a promotion to draw pound. All other supermarkets in customers to the new store Shop- North Jersey met the challenge and November 23 and 24, 1989. Save your recyclables for AL FAMILY WEEK in our community, emphasizing the fundamental role ■ Rite offered a turkey for 19 cents a all of them offered the same sale. the following week. Happy Thanksgiving. of the family in promoting and sustaining the strength and vitality of the pound if $50 worth of other food was Last week the Leader reported Comm. Paul B. Haggerty social and moral fabric of our town, slate and nation. purchased. you could by a 20-pound turkey for Dir. Dept, of Public Works Louis J. Stellalo, Jr. Other supermarkets in the area $3.80. This week the same turkey Mayor immediately followed the Shop-Rite will cost’you $1.80. E lection results: D istrict by d istrict 756 10,555 • 646 810 719 815 6,395 393 483 399 375 455 4,164 285 329 252 286 163 2,184 251 112 153 108 129 162 22 218 3,483 232 214 282 275 249 217 233 212 237 225 230 215 272 282 214 237 222 231 228 218 220 219 225 220 3,432 2.604 183 161 142 179 195 171 174 147 200 187 154 172 214 169 130 126 161 175 120 146 174 169 152 121 178 2¿33 PATSY’S SHOP JU TE, Lyndhurst, grand oprali»! wai tir** mootks 1« freeholders 21» 213 222 220 3,323 the making aad after ahiHMt 20 7«m os VaBqrlirookAm, Sm ton«.
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