FINAL REPORT PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF PAINTED TERRAPIN ( BATAGUR BORNEONSIS ) IN SERUWAY SUBDISTRICT, ACEH TAMIANG DISTRICT, INDONESIA Joko Guntoro Principal Investigator of Project Lembaga Satucita LEMBAGA SATUCITA ACEH TAMIANG INDONESIA MAY 2010 Supported by : LIST OF CONTENTS LIST OF CONTENTS …...………………………………………………………… 1 LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………………. 2 LIST OF PICTURES ………………………………………………………………. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………. 4 ABSTRACTS ……………………………………………………………………….. 5 I. I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………... 6 I.1. Background ……………………………………………………………………… 6 I.2. Objectives ………………………………………………………………………... 7 II. METHODS ……………………………………………………………………… 8 II.1. Nesting beach survey and patrol ……………………………………………….. 8 II.2. Interview .……………………………………………………………………….. 8 II.3. Eggs incubation .………………………………………………………………... 9 II.4. Village monitoring …………………………………………………………….... 9 III. STUDY SITE STUDY SITE ………………………………………………….. 10 III.1. Sungai Kurok III: nearest village to nesting beach ……………………………. 10 III.1.1. Administrative ………………………………………………………………. 10 III.1.2. Local's livelihood ……………………………………………………………. 10 III.2. Pusong Cium: nesting beach for Painted terrapin ( Batagur borneonsis ) ………11 III.2.1. Some physical characteristics ……………………………………………….. 11 IV.2.2. Long history for Tuntong laut nesting …………………………..................... 13 IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ..……………………………………………..14 IV.1. Beach survey and patrol ……………………………………………………….14 IV.1.1. Nest counted and characteristics ……………………………………………. 14 IV.1.2. Individuals counted …………………………………………………………. 15 IV.1.3. Eggs saved ………………………………………………………………….. 16 IV.2. Incubation and hatchling ……………………………………………………… 17 IV.3. Villagers Knowledge …………………………………………………………. 20 IV.4. Threats ………………………………………………………………………... 22 IV.4.1. Human activities ……………………………………………………………. 22 IV.4.2. Natural ……………………………………………………………………… 25 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………. 26 V.1. Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………. 26 V.2. Recommendations ……………………………………………………………... 27 REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………….. 29 Appendix 1. Interview Guide ………………………………………………………30 Appendix 2. Form of Nesting Survey …………………………………………….. 31 Appendix 3. Triangulation Method ……….……………………………………… 32 1 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1.1. Characteristics of nest in Pusong Cium ……………………………….15 Table 4.1.2. Characteristic of individuals found in survey …………………………16 Table 4.2.1. Number of nests and incubation Time ………………………………...19 Table 4.3.1. The relation between Batagur borneonsis with local people ………….21 2 LIST OF PICTURES Picture 3.1.1. Project location ………………………………………………………….10 Picture 3.1.2. Some of the locals Livelihood …………………………………………..11 Picture 3.2.1. Pusong Cium: Nesting Beach for Painted Terrapin …………………….11 Picture 4.1.1. Nests found ..…………………………………………………………….14 Picture 4.1.2. Marking an ID by cuting the marginal of carapace and releasing ……....16 Picture 4.2.1. Incubating the eggs were purchased from fishermen …………………...17 Picture 4.2.2. Hatchlings of Batagur Borneonsis which we incubate …………………18 Picture 4.4.1. Forest Reserves area converted to palm oil plantation ………………….23 Picture 4.4.2. Berembang tree ( Sonneratia sp), food for Tuntong Laut ……………….23 Picture 4.2.3. Local communities using mangrove wood for charcoal production ……24 Picture 4.4.4. Local communities visit to Pusong Cium for recreation ………………..25 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, thanks to ALLAH ALMIGHTY for HIS consent and blessing this field study is finally completed. I would especially like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Prof. Eng Heng Chan and Pelf Nyok from Turtle Conservation Center, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia and Mr. Rick Hudson from TSA who have always being supportive, encouraging and understanding of my difficulties in completing this report. Thanks also to Mr. Rick Hudson and Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) for providing a small grant to support this preliminary study and field conservation actions. My appreciation goes to Mr. Rick Hudson, DR. Brian D Horne, Mr. Hans-Dieter Philippen, Prof Djoko T Iskandar, DR. Hans-Dieter Philippen, DR. Awal Riyanto, DR. Mirza D Kusrini for correspondence and all of information needed to this preliminary study. To Mistar Kamsi, S.Si and Fransisca Ariantiningsih, M.Sc from YEL, Kholis from WCS Indonesia Program, many thanks for discussions. I would also like to thank the head and staff of Forestry Office in Aceh Tamiang Regency, Board for Natural Resources Coservation (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam / BKSDA) Province Aceh, for all of kindly cooperation, coordination and communication. I also wish to extend my special thanks to Datok Laksamana – traditional leader for sea management -, Atok, Pak Sanusi, Tengku Mujib and villagers, fishermen in Sungai Kurok III Village, village government of Sungai Kurok III, for making this study easier in the field. All of the information, emergency transportation, logistic supply will become a spirit for us to research and save the species in habitat. Last but not least, my greatest appreciation to members of Lembaga Satucita, many thanks for support and donation, both of cash and in-kind, to making this preliminary is possible to conductued. Thanks also to team member of Painted Terrapin Conservation Initiative (PTCI), Kartika Indah Sari, S.Si, Dony H Lubis, Yusriyono, Sulistyati, A.Md, Guntur Adi Sukma, SH. In unity, we can save the Batagur Bornonesis ! This is just an initial step, keep our spirit for the next! ☺☺☺ Kuala Simpang, May 2010 Joko Guntoro 4 ABSTRACT Indonesia is rich of freshwater turtles and tortoises. A total of 27 species of turtles can be found in Indonesia. One of the most important and threatened with extinction according to IUCN Red List is Batagur borneonsis . The species is also included in the Top of 25 Freshwater Turtle in endangered. According a map produced by Iverson, one of the habitats is in Sumatera. However, the map did not include the Aceh Province as one of the habitats. In the meantime, the existing regulations have not list this species as protected animals, as Regulation Number 7 of 1999. Therefore, it is important to study about the presence, population, types of threats to this species in their natural habitat. The field research conducted from October 2009 to February 2010 shows that: 1) Pusong Cium Beach and surrounding areas in Seruway Subdistrict, Aceh Tamiang District, Aceh Province, Indonesia is the habitat for this species, 2) The survey found and marked as many as nine individual of adult Batagur borneonsis ; 3) The survey was able to save as many as 121 eggs for hatching (natural and semi-natural method) and of that total number, 59 eggs was hatched into hatchlings. Hatching success rate was 49.76 percent; 4) The threats to the preservation of this species are consist of natural and human factors. Natural factors such as predation by other animals such as monitor lizards and wild pigs, coast abrasion. While the human factor are consists of the land convertion of mangrove into palm oil plantations, collecting and harvesting the eggs by the local people for consumption or sale, production of charcoal by using mangrove wood as raw material, making Pusong Cium as the location of destination of recreational activities (tourism). The study also found that the ignorance of people towards conservation and legal status of this species as well as economic motives are also factors that affect human relations in utilization (exploiting) the species. To ensure the preservation of this species required a systematic strategy: 1) It is necessary to establish head-starting facility, 2) Increasing knowledge and awareness of the local people about this species, 3) establishment of local regulations and system to protect the species, 4) continuous monitoring of this species, including research on the ecology and biology and other aspects. Keyword: Batagur borneonsis , Tuntong Laut , nesting, threats, population 5 I. INTRODUCTION I.1. Background Indonesia is a country which rich of freshwater turtles and tortoises. According to Guide Book by Mark Auliya (2007), from 44 of freshwater turtle species listed in the book, 25 species are live in Indonesia, with 34 of taxa and has 9 of sub-species, just to name a view are batagur borneonsis, batagur baska, cuora amboinensis, chelodina mccordi. Meanwhile, according Hendrie and Vazquesz (ATCN, 2004), Indonesia has as many as 27 of freshwater turtle species. But, according Government Decree Number 7 Year 1999, until now Indonesia only protecting as many as eleven of turtles species, both of freshwater and sea turtle. Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneonsis) is not protected yet. Moreover, Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneonsis) formerly known as Callagur borneonsis (Praschag et all , 2007), according IUCN Red List classified as critically endangered species and included in CITES appendix II. In addition, this species is also included in the TOP of 25 Most Endangered Species (TSA-TCF, 2003). Painted Terrapin, or called by local people as Tuntong Laut is a species of freshwater turtles. This species is spread in Indonesia (the island of Borneo and Sumatra) and Malaysia. According to distribution maps written by Iverson (www.asianturtleconservation.org), the distribution of this species especially in the east coast of Sumatra are in Province of North Sumatra, Riau, Kepulauan Riau, Jambi and South Sumatra. But, based on map made by Iverson, the Province of Aceh was not included as a distribution area for this species. In fact, in Aceh Province also can be found. Even, according
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