H4020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 14, 2003 PROTECTING UNBORN CHILDREN UNBORN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE Thompson, Kevin Bailey, and Rick (Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey asked ACT Noriega. The Governor of Texas said and was given permission to address (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was they should resign. Mr. Governor, you the House for 1 minute and to revise given permission to address the House need to consider your own words. and extend his remarks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend Maybe some believe you should do the Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. her remarks.) same. Speaker, I rise today in support of the Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, f Unborn Victims of Violence Act, a today I rise in support of the Unborn HONORING SAVANNA, GEORGIA, piece of legislation that is now right- Victims of Violence Act. For too long PORTS fully receiving overwhelming support Federal law has failed to recognize (Mr. BURNS asked and was given and one that I am proud to now be an what is obvious to so many Americans, permission to address the House for 1 original cosponsor of. that when an unborn child is injured or minute and to revise and extend his re- It is the responsibility of every pub- killed during the commission of a marks.) lic elected official to try to do all that crime of violence, there are two human Mr. BURNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise we can to protect those who cannot victims, not just one. today to recognize the contribution to protect themselves. And that is exactly Already 26 States have enacted the economy that the port of Savannah what this piece of legislation does. It criminal penalties. Now Congress must provides to the port city in Savanna, does that by punishing those who lead a national effort to bring justice Georgia, in the 12th district. would intentionally try to harm or in to criminals who would harm pregnant Last year, the port city served more some cases kill an unborn child. women and their children. To those than 50 steamship lines serving more This piece of legislation has the fur- who would perform these heinous acts, than 150 countries around the world. ther benefit of actually trying to en- we should say we, as Americans, will Exports of kale and clay, wood pulp courage the efforts to discourage no longer tolerate your callous dis- and machinery helped send Georgia crimes against women, the mothers. It regard for human life and for the fami- products abroad, and the port is re- does that by punishing those who lies that you devastate. sponsible for more than 80,000 Georgia would inflict the crimes against women Mr. Speaker, this bill requires the jobs, paying more than $585 million in and their unborn children. Federal law recognize an unborn child State and local taxes. These jobs pro- So I would encourage people today as a victim if he or she is harmed dur- vide a total of $1.8 billion of personal from both sides of the aisle to do what ing a Federal crime by letting the as- income to the citizens of Savanna and all public elected officials should do: sailant be charged with a second of- the surrounding areas of Georgia. protect those who cannot protect fense on behalf of the second victim, The economic impact from my dis- themselves. the unborn child, the exact charge de- trict and the State of Georgia is enor- pending on degree of harm done to the mous, and we must make sure that the f child. port remains open, efficient, and se- We should all take a moment and re- cure. I support the efforts of the Gov- PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH flect on the profound loss and sorrow ernor and the Georgia Port Authority (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given suffered by a family and their commu- to maintain and improve this vital permission to address the House for 1 nity when a new life is extinguished by commercial center. I look forward to minute and to revise and extend his re- an act of violence and let that thought working with all branches of govern- marks.) guide this debate. ment to secure the necessary resources Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, George f to protect this asset and expand its in- Bush made his first address to the Na- fluence in the community. HONORING TEXAS HOUSE tion as President-elect from the cham- f ber of the Texas House of Representa- DEMOCRATS HONORING THE TEXAS 53 tives. Today that same House is in (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked lockdown. He was introduced by Demo- and was given permission to address (Mr. HINOJOSA asked and was given crat Speaker Pete Laney. Today, Mr. the House for 1 minute and to revise permission to address the House for 1 Laney is at work with 50 courageous and extend her remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- colleagues in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. marks.) Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I come while some Republicans outrageously Speaker, let there be no mistake, this to the House floor today to salute he- call them ‘‘fugitives’’ and ‘‘criminals.’’ action by 51 sheroes and heroes is by no roes in my State, the Texas 53. Yes, Throughout his campaign, Mr. Bush means dealing with the political aspect these 53 State House representatives professed to be a ‘‘uniter, not a di- of redistricting. These individuals are have taken a courageous stand to pre- vider.’’ If that quickly-abandoned mon- dealing with the constitutional prin- serve justice and democracy in Texas. iker is ever to achieve any meaning, ciples of freedom and human dignity. As those State representatives said in perhaps home in Texas is the best place The Houston Chronicle today said a written statement, they are taking a for him to practice what he preached. the ability of the Democrats to thwart courageous stand for fair play for all Mr. President, tell Karl Rove to stop DELAY is good for all Texans. I am Texans. We refuse to participate in an messing with Texas. Mr. President, tell going to add something else: it is good inherently unfair process that slams TOM DELAY to withdraw his redis- for America. Because you do not know the door of opportunity in the face of tricting plan that slices and dices com- the kind of oppressive leadership that Texas voters. munities across our State. the majority leader is bringing to the The proposed redistricting plan bla- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE State. He says he will not relent. He in- tantly violates the Voting Rights Act The SPEAKER pro tempore. Re- dicates that at a breakfast the Presi- and the U.S. Constitution. In south marks in debate must address the dent of the United States said when he Texas, border cities are cut up into as Chair, not the President of the United said redistricting is ongoing, the Presi- many as three different congressional States. The Chair reminds the gen- dent said, well, I would like to see that districts and grouped into residents of tleman from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT) that happen. Fair enough. But this is a divi- downtown Austin over 350 miles away. he is to address his remarks to the sive, implosive act by the majority Chair, not to the President of the leader. This is Washington telling b 1030 United States. Texas what to do. And do you know Democratic representatives have no Mr. DOGGETT. A distinguished pred- why? Because TOM DELAY says he is voice in the development of this redis- ecessor as President of the United not going to compromise because Re- tricting plan, nor did citizens through- States, Dwight David Eisenhower, publicans are in control in Austin and out the State of Texas, in violation of pledged, ‘‘I shall go to Korea.’’ Washington. State law. To achieve peace, why don’t you sim- Well, let me thank Garnet Coleman, Again, Mr. Speaker, I commend these ply pledge, ‘‘I shall go to Austin.’’ Jessica Farrar, Joe Moreno, Senfronia 53 representatives for their courageous VerDate Jan 31 2003 03:50 May 15, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MY7.009 H14PT1.
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