' 1 K-:' ';--v '- p ; M-.I L - moB sixmisf iiantlff^r lEufttitiie llfralb ■^^r^ 'TOT^SDAY, DE( This Edition Is The Herald^s Christmas Gift to Its Newsboys ■ M>- The Croase and Blackwell food ^TheWaatlMr hamper which waa given, away Sat­ Bad Weather Provides ____ J • •* h * ATotaga Daily Nat Praaa Ron Chief Urges : '.'Vadiaa Wiaalc EiMM' - About Town urday by the I^ehurst Grocery Party for Guardsmen >—■ - ___ - was won by Mrs. James W. Farr Dae. M. IMS '"■f! of 84 Bigelow street, with ticket Only three of the members r IX. Robert A. Jones, eon of J*r. Holiday Care Fair eoaStneed naild laaight. No. 178,478. of Mary Bushn'ell Oteney :Eor Last -Minute -Shoppy ■H4.Mn. a. w. Jones Of S54 SUm^ 1 0 ,8 6 0 \ Partly eiaedy, little ehoaga la taaa- mit stm t; arrived home 8unda>, Auxiliary N o., IS. United for the hOltdaye. He is an instruc­ The Christmas party of the* Sal­ Spanish War Veterans, and * Christmas Motorists ' Meaaker a f tAe Anffit peratare Tharaday. tor in ’ the Weapons Department^' vation Army Sunday 8ch«»l will be grandchild of« one of them, Daraaa of Ctreolatioaa -Manchester’^ A City of Village Charm Infantry School, Fort Benning, helk tomorrow at 7 p. rn. under su- turned out for the''Christmas i Should Use Extra Cau­ permlon of Russell Clough. The l e n <4 ^ On. Christmas Eve service will follow party last nigtot .at' the State 'Armory, 'bwlii* to the tion, Schendel Says .. t: (ClaaalM Advartlalag aa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1952 , (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS A son was bom this morning at | at H p. m- ' treacherous drirtng and walk­ V O L . L X X U . l^ O . ’ I I the Hartford HospiUU to Mr. and ■ ing condltion.s/ I Be wl.se this Christmas.. start !. V Nine of the women employes of , I .vour holiday trip in time, take it . ■ t TP ------------------------------- ------- Mrs. Frank Rival of ♦ !» Hackma-1 AU three were pa^t presi­ “ tack street. The coople also has The Herald.motored to Holyoke, I jeasy. and arrive aafel.v! Mass., last night for a dinner and dents, namely, Mrs. >Jt,bble Ed­ ’ V ' another son. I Appealing to Manchester motor- w* K i i i V Christmas party at the Yankee | wards. Mrs. Etheleeri Lewis I Ists who plan to drive home for \ ■ ^ (Om it Ruii ft ILE V " Urine Lodge No. 72. Knights of Pedlar. They exchanged gifts with | and.,, Mrs. Inez Batson. They 1 the Christmas holiday. Chief Hcr- ■. J Fythlas. will cancel its regular each other, and each, one received ; brought a decorated Christmas I man O. Schendcl today Urged cx- Meeting, which falls on Christmas ah additional gift in one of the, ckJee, sandwiches and other ‘ tra care In driving over winter games. They report a fine time. good things, made coffee and OSes *ve. The next meeting of the lodge , ' rosfls. will be held Jisn. 14. I wsited for others to come but The Young People's Fellclwship j no one appeared. Chief Schendel pointed out that Santa on 'r| . of St. Mary's Episcopal dhurch | ' reports by .24 states to the Na- The Girl Scout office at. PS3 , Finally, one of the committee : tional Safety, Council, listed un- MaJbi street a'lll be closed from : will omit its meetings for Dec. 34 I had the idea to invite the State and 31. Wednesday evening meet- j ' favorable road conditiona as a fac­ toRtorrow afternoon until Monday,, Guardsmen who were in 'the ings will be resumed Jan. 7. I tor in nearly one out of four fatal Jan. S. J buUdihg. The boys gladly ac­ accidents in ',1951.^ SPECIAL GIRDLE AND PANTIE ■ ■ 1 cepted, about 13 of them, and < In Own Acc R. Southcrgill, A.0.3, son of. The Sunday School Christmas' everybody had a merry Christ­ "A lot of our people," he said, Mr.' and Mrs. L. R. Southerglll of I "will be leaving town to drive program of the CTiurch of the | 8 Hendec road, Is home on a 10 mas party after all. , ra^utor price S4.5D * Naaarene will be held Christmas; J borne for the Chri.stmas holiday. day leave before returning to the Careful driving will a.s.sure their By H A L BOYLE A Salta Claua’a private runway, and Bh-e at 7:30 at the church. The | West Coast for rea.ssignment.— tatJi pric* $3 .5 0 ' Mnrih ‘pnl« Unr 2d— f)Pl__- i the pilot etepped out, and aalutad. program will consist of the narra­ presence the best present of all." Chief Schendel urged the use of , wS'Siiten.SSi ' S ' » » . « . «,T- tion of the Christmas story and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haugh of Plan Phone Aids music by the Junior Choir and tire chains for road.s covered with bed now. Santa Claus is on his g „ t a pointed at the broken run­ 71 Garden street are the parents glare ice or hard-packed anow. Sunday School classes. Everyone of a Son born on iVtc. 30 at the way ttt your, house. He has ner on hii big sleigh. Sees \^orld He quoted figures from the Na­ is invited. For Tax Figuring The A ir Force pilot looked at it •I St. Francis Hoapital in Hartford. tional Safety Council which ahow your address in his pooket. and amlled. I that at 20 miles per hour it tal^s He and his eight reindeer took Ralph E. Abbott, USN. aon of TK'e preparing and filing of your <•;, • : -A, off from a snoWy runwiy Just at "Ohi that isn’t such a disaster, a car without chains an average of I air.” he said. "W hy don’t you let Desolatioii Mr. and Mrs. LeSter C. Abbott of income tax returns may be an 1 69 feet (4 1-2 car lengths to stop J twilight. And right this minute, . TOYS — TOYS 261 Charter Oak street. Is home on easier and more pleasant task this I on packed anow. But with chains . they are zooming through the'' us lend you a modem Jet bomber. Largest Selection leave. He Is stationed aboard the aklea with your Chriatmaa— • ■ prea- and you can deliver your presents S - 'v V year due ,to new arrangements i 2". wheels, it can atop in in it. After all, that aleigh ia rather USS Elokomin which just com­ 2 1-2 car lengths ehta—faster. faster . , . and From W ias pleted operation M*tnbrace in the made by ‘Acting Director of In­ faster. old-fashioned, and your reindeer NORMAN'S "On glare ice it takes a car \ if’ “ The Variety Mart” Baltic Sea and off the coaat of ternal Revenue Edward Roche. But of course he can't come are probably getting old and slow the Kfixhb*rai>*4 Oalrr England. Mr. Roche plans to use the revenu< about 11 car lengths to stop, hut downi your chimney until you art and could use a rest this year.” Vstksn City, Dao. 24—44’) ;4M H.\RTPORD ROAD personnel in luch fashion t< with rear wheel chains it requires aound asleep. Santa hesitated. He walked over —In . a Christmas Eva lOas- A meeting of Civil Defenae ataff eliminate unnecessaJ-y standing it only five car lengths," he said. There was a lot of excitement and patted each reindeer on its •aga to tha world, Popa Piua. CTiief Schendel listed five gen­ and division heads, originatly line. This will J>e accomplished b> at the North Pole this morning, I muzzle. Xn said ^ h East and W9at scheduled,for Dec. 26, haa been eric mles for motorists to obse^e can tell you. Here’s what hap- "What do you think?” ha aaked. immediately learning a taxpayer’s must look not to a mechaoibed cancelled, CD Director Edward problem upon his entrance to the rombatlng —unfavorable ' ------ " road | penad: "Do you want to stay honit and conditions:' society but to Christ for'nl- Kraaenics announced today. No revenue office aind dlfectirig him to The eight? reindeer trotted gayly rest this year?" 0 i . further CD meetings will ba held in the section handling his problem, | 1. Get the "feel" of the road.' ' out of their hangar a l dawn and Refuaes to Uee Plane vation. Tha Pope’s Christmas 2. Adjust speed to road and December, and the next one will Persons s a e k I n g information, i frisked in their harness as Mrs. The reindeer shook their heads, massage draw a picture of be in January. easily transmlttid by telephone. | "'* * conditions, Santa Claus tied tlnkly Jingle bells anjl big tears rolled out of their 3. Use . tire chains for severe - poverty and dasolatioa in a may call Hartford 7-0781 or Hart-1 ‘'"Si to their antlers. brown eyes. They loved their, job snow ami ice conditions. world plagued firsts by a real A chimney Are at 37 Brookfield ford 7-3281, Monday through Fri­ "Hold still, you little reindeer," of pulling the big old-fashioned street was pul out by Companies day, from 8:30 a. m. until 4:45 4. Pump the brakes to stop. aaid Mrs. Santa. "W hy don’t you ww and Wen a Cold war. Hp I t 5. Follow other vehicles at a sleigh through the skies . each 2 and 3 of the SMFD at 6:15 last p. m. Telephone service will al.so act more like a Christmas treeT Christmas.- They looked forward to said such scenes filled hiii . night. , from 4:45 i »«f* distance.
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