Guantanamo Bay drivers get traffic safety booklets By JOC Lew Reed we don't'suffer from those problems lets about driving safely. residerts of Guantanamo to read, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, isn't prone but, we do have a tendency to get These booklets, three of which understand, and use the information to some of the traffic problems you a little "laid back" about our were from the National Safety Coun- In case you didn't have the op- can expect to experience stateside driving. This causes some unique cil and one from Imagination Inc., portunity to get one or all of the or in some other foreign countries. problems for us and may cause us contain many details on drinking booklets, The Gazette will be run- For instance, you won't likely some problems when we return to the and driving, rules for bike riding, ning a series on traffic soon. have to spend two or three hours States or a large metropolitan area some reasons for auto crashes, and If you would like to make an in- stuck in a traffic jam or worry a- overseas. pedestrian safety. put, pro or con, to the series, bout exceeding the 55 miles per Recently some of the residents Passing out booklets is a good write it down and either drop it by hour speed limit. of the Base, mostly youths from the start, but only a start. The hard, the Public Affairs Office or out it Because we are a small community, high -"1 most important school, were passing out book- part, is for the in the Guard Mail, stop 53. TRAFFIC SAFETY APPLIES TO ALL VEHICLES REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY ALTHOUGH MOST OF THE PEOPLE PASSING OUT SAFETY BOOKLETS WERE YOUTHS wheels they have. Pictured is David Navadel giving a booklet from the high school, Base Police were also involved as we see here to a vehicle operator. Also pictured (standing) is Petty Off- at Ordnance Triangle with Policeman James Willis giving a booklet icer Steve Campbell of Base Safety (Official U.S. Navy photo). to a passing motorist. (Official U.S. Navy photo). Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS T THE RESPONSIBILITY OF E EVYONE Take ice trays from the freez- GAZETTE er a few minutes before you need the ice. The cubes will loosen at room temperature and you will Guantanamo Bay, Cuba not need to run water over the trays for quick removal. Use flexible plastic trays which do not require water for ice remov- Volume 37 Number 181 Friday, September 17, 1982 al. Citizenship ARC YOU DOING YOUR PART? Year marked by uncertainties Day -sraeli New Citizenship Day (UPI)--Israel is celebrating the Lebanon took its case to the United will be observed to- Jewish New Year under less than i- Nations last night, but no resolution day in Guantanamo deal circumstances. was issued after heated debate. Bay with the natur- News The country is in its fourth month Israel already has rejected U.S. / alization of 16 new of war in Lebanon, and at home the anneals to leave the Moslem West Sec- citizens at 4 p.m. Digest economy is sagging badly. tor. at the Pil-Am Club. WASHINGTON (IPI)--A bill is headed Israel says its presence is needed Everyone who has 5 for the House to keep order in Beirut, but it's In Rome, LO leader, Yasser Arafat, been naturalized floor that will en- able most government agencies having trouble convincing others of asked yesterday for the International u here in GTMO is in- to continue with business that. Peace-keeping Force to return to Bei- vited to the cere- as usual. The House Appropriations Committee Israeli soldiers continue to occu- rut. mony and is encour- approved py the consular building next to the Arafat accused the United States, aged to attend. a resolution yesterday that would keep spending levels for Soviet Embassy in Beirut. The Isra- France, and Italy, the three nations A potluck dinner vir- tually the entire government elies first broke into the Soviet who sent soldiers to maintain peace will follow the at their current levels Compound Wednesday night. in Beirut, of breaking their word by ceremonies. through next Soviet Diplomat Yuri Suslikor said allowing Israel to invade the city. February. the soviets immediately protested WASHINGTON (UPI)--President Reagan the violation of the diplomatic en- New report on smoking PLO officials say Arafat next heads wined and dined his counterpart from clave and cabled Moscow to file an for Amman, Jordan. Then he'll travel (UPI)--The National Academy of Sci- the Philippines last night, hosting official protest. on to Damascus, Syria. ences says is you've switched to low an elegant dinner for visiting Pres- tar and nicotine cigarettes, you mrv ident Ferdinand Marcos. During a Japan Air Lines DC-8 overshoots runway . not be doing yourself much good. toast to his guest, Peagan vowed the The academy says the only sure "av United States will try to strengthen TOKYO (UPI)--A Japan Air Lines DC8 First reports from Shanghai says to reduce the health hazards of current political, economic, and mil- jetliner with 122 four people onboard people were carried away from smoking is to quit. itary ties between the two nations. overshot a runway while landing at the plane on stretchers, and some or his part, Marcos declared Pea- Shanghai Airport in the People's Japanese reports Re- say at least 10 "an has, "Stopned the slide of Amer- public of China today. people Contract faces big test were hurt. ican nrestica throughout the world." JAL officials say the plane missed Japan Air lines officials say the (AP)--Chrysler's new contract with ' landing slightly, and its wheels plane tried to return to Shanghai (UDIT--A national general strike has the United Auto workers Union to a halt ina ditch by or a- Airport after developing mechanical faces its first test today. begun in Bolivia in an effort to oust ss the runway. trouble right after takeoff. military rule in the economically ra- A vote is set on the new accord hy vaged nation. Padio reports say ex- Hurricane'Debby' the 150-member Chrysler Council of continues on northern track Local Union Leaders, representing iled Hernan Siles 7uazo, Bolivia's the rank-and-file nationwide. president-elect from the 1880 elec- MIAMI (UPI)--In its latest advisory The storm is besinnins to slowly tions, A six-hour strike Wednesday plans to return to LoPaz. the National Hurricane Center in weaken as it moves over colder wa- ended Miami said Hurricane Debby was cen- ters. with what the UATc calls a modest settlement. tATp'raoy (c"n TI--The COP-controlled tered about 530 miles south of Hali- Too winds are now about 100 miles 5 nn a related front, auto importers Senate is export to to give a long, fax, Nova Scotia. an hour. are lobbying to tough lnok at the Democrats' billion Satellite pictures and Air Force prevent the House from dollar hill that breezed through the reconnaissance aircraft indicate approving a bill forcing maior Ball tickets automakers to produce House yesterday. The hill holds the the storm continues on a generally go on sale up to 00 ner- cent of their vehicles in the U.S. potential of 2nn,nn ublic service northerly track at 17 miles an hour. A highlight of this year's 'Tavy The United Auto Workers Union says jobs. This course is expected to con- Birthday festivities will he a hall the measure would create more than tinue for the next 12 hours with a to be held 5aturdav, nctober 2, from 800,000 jobs. But a representative (i'PI)--Authorities in Panama have slow turn toward the Northeast with- 8 p.m. to midnieht at the TinAiammer seized 5200 million worth of cocaine. in 24 of auto importers says the estimate hours. Club. It's the largest drue bust in that The is inflated and that the bill would projected track outlined by The ball will feature "The grand Central American country's history. the Hurricane increase prices for all cars. Center would keen the Rand" from Jacksonville and horse Panama's army arrested 10 Colombian center of the storm south and east d'oeuvres hv Mamma Ellie. men carrying more than 1,nOn pounds of Nova Scotia. Tickets cost S5 each and ao on Rosh Hashanah of cocaine. Border natrols reportedly However, unexpected continued sale this weekend in front of the nabbed the men when their boat cross- northward motion could take Debby Navy and marine Corps Exchanges. Jewish New Year ed into Panamanian waters "esterday. near the coast of Nova Scotia by Tickets are limited, so get yours Panama did not say where the men were late today. now. September 18, 1982 headed. Page 2 The Daily Gazette Thursday, September 17, 1982 Special Announcements ~7N ATTENTION EXPECTANT PARENTS: FREE THE NAVAL STATION ENLISTED DINING pre-natal classes are being offered facility and the Naval Station by the Red Cross. The classes will Branch facility at Leeward Point meet Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. for will offer a special birthday six weeks, from Oct. 5 to Nov. 9 in dinner to all active duty personnel the education room of the Base having a birthday during the month Hospital near ER. Please bring two of September. The meal will con- THIS IS IT!! LAST CHANCE TO LEARN pillows and a blanket to lie on for sist of steak and lobster, with all how to quilt "as you go". Have class. Anyone interested please the trimmings and will be served at fun and make some beautiful things.
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