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TUESDAY .. TUESDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volwne LVI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 22, 1956 Number 55 LENN MILLER BAND TO PLAY FINAL Calyx Honors Dr. Desha; Hollins Girl Is Queen Miss Justine Bailey Is Chosen •PiSigmaAlphaSelects• Ray McKinley-Directed Band Beauty; Dedication To Desha Nf»' Initiates, Officers Will Play Here First Night Lusiw. Junius De .ha, ProfeSI!or MISS J u:.tlne Bailey, rising junior Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary political The Glenn Miller Orchestra under the direc.tion of and fra­ Emeritus of Chemistry, wos selected ot Hollins College, was selected the science Iratem1ty, elected new of­ for the dedication of the 1956 Calyx winner of the Calyx beauty contest ficers last nutht turmg Ray McKinley Will play the fim night of Fmals, Ned it was unnounced by Russell Ladd. by comedian Gary Moore, it wu an- Next year's pr tdenl 1S John Gron•, dance set presid~nc, s:ud coday. Dr. Defoha, long head of the chcm- nounced today by RUAeU Ladd, edi- Mar.!h. Other office" are: vice prcsi- 1 try department, retired last yea~ tor of the year book, which was dent, Wes Eason; ond secretary- Thr Commanders w11l play the second mght of the dance receiving the Board of Trustee~ released today. lieasurer, Warren Welsh. set according to an carher announcement. recognition u Professor Emcnlus. Other members or the Calyx court Oulgomg president Carl Swanson, Andr Greeman, v1cc prcs1denc m charge of publicity, said Dr. Dt ha 1!1 the aulhot of sc\·erul "' chQ<I. n by Moore are: Miss San- announcC'd the new inibateo. TheM! rhc M1llcr Orchcstra-McKmle} hook-up IS a brand new or· 1ook!! 111 the field of chemistry as dra Stingily of Sweet Briar College; men are~ Hugh Stevens, Bill Ro­ well O!-. being recognized as a lend- Miss Margaret Taylor of Holl in~ gamzanon wh1ch IS expcctrd to atcrnn nattonwide attenuon. mans, Dick Hornaday, Bill Bowers, ing mnn in his field In educational College; MLc;s Eleanor Elliott, of John Marsh, D1ck Johnston, Warren RAY 1\lcK I!\'LEY He posnted out that Washmgcon and Lee 1s one of the lirst five circles Columbia, South Carolina; and Miss ----------------------------• appearances !llatcd h~ the rroup. Wel~h . Russ Ladd and Dick Ander- Lade! 1\taled, "I feel that the stu- Mary Easlc:rby of Converse CoiJege. son. The orchestra wtll be Oown to dents or Washin~n and Lee will he Ladd commented that th~e final­ Roanoke by ~opecinl arrangement Colonl'l Wllltam Couper wa!l made proud to have their yeorhook dedi- ists were ~;elected from an entry IFC Elections Are Contested; with the United Stctlcs Army. Thev an honorary member of Pi Sigma cRted to :-uch a great educator who group of approximately thirty. will lc v .. June 7 for an appearance Alpha la!it nighL Couper spoke t.o was himself as loyally dedicated to Moore !laid that it was "a difficult 10 Oregon. the group on malcnal he had found University Party Makes Protest his work a this year'c: hook is dedt- decision" to select the Queen and Bill Henley, pre idc·nl 01 the W&L on why General Lee came to W&.L. cated to him" the court from all the buutiful B~ RUSS EARLY the pcopl<' votm~r wer<' not •·votmj:l Dance Board. !!nid McKinley's in­ Ladd said he felt that perhap& the entries. Colonel Couper. who received an Editor's note: Thr complete te~t 1'\emhcn; of the Council." in fa<'' terest in Wal'hington and Lee made engmeering degree from MIT, has followmg quote from the dedicaUon I Th1s year'!! Ctllyx Court marks of lht- EC re~ol u t ion on the lntcr­ wrrc not membel'!. or thi" Council. tt po~ lhle for th<' Orchestra to work i~elf would best sum up the CnlyA the third yenr that . uch a fe-ature written 11 four volume history of fratemih Council elec t io~ di ~ pule 2. 'Th<' m<'elmll at \\ hich thl!! elec­ out the arrangem nls for commg to tall's reru.ons for $Clectlns; this num. has b«n added to the makeup of VMI and a three volume htSt.ory o£ m a~ he read on po~r e two. : ·on~ .... ('T(' h<'ld Vtolntrd Arttel(' rv, [.(-l(mJ:ton. "Th<' outfit has gone out lhe Shenandoah Valley. The Colonel SN:tion 1." .. r h _... th the school yearbook. commt'ntcd Sirl Kaplan. Jlil"t pre!<idt>nt of the of its WAY in order to h4! hf'r<1 for . ~me 0 w. aw ('Jl)OY~ e Ladd He added. "1 feel thnt n fcn- was for 30 years Superintendent o( prlvtleJ~c of knowmg you well. They t f thi ,. I d 'd d t lntl'tfrnt<'rnity Council, last 111~ht In thl' hi~hly irre~tulnr mrNing Finn I ~." he ssud · d ure o s .ypc s a ect c a - VM I nnd is a past-president of lhe which followed thr prolC'st, Kaplan h.. vc !>c<·n you g1ve t 1me an ener"y l t t th t d t.s d lh t <'Onte-,tl'd the les:tnlity of the May McKinll'y join<'d \\lth Glum Miller rae ton o e ~ u en an a Southern Conference. from a sc<:mmgly endless store, n II h . H 11m · · · 14 IFC <'ll'clion m \\hich Don at fit·~t su~t~testcrl thRI he .1<-oUm<' many lime~ bt"fore his untimch• I avmst a o s ~tr1 as wmner 1S the cha1r, a procedure whtch he directed toward s u~. our probl ems . d---' h f book" Lur111 had br<·n choM:n pre;idenl death in December, 1942. Their first and our Untverslly. They know m 1."\."U an onor or o~r year · Washington and Lee Band ove>r John Gold St.ud had heen outlined to him by renl triumph come when McKinley your goal~ nnd standards and the d•"- or the sev<·ral 'untque fcnt\lres Thi'l !turprl!li' movl threw thl' lFC Ellis Drew. After considernhlr ind<'­ went with Miller to help organize c~ion on the parl o! both parti(.>'l, it clplin<' whtch is no less strong for ndded to Utis years book , the sup- Elects Kullman as President into " nincty-nunute .ession replete the Dorsey Brothers' Orche,tra. 1-K·mg sympathetic. Those of us hove plemenl, commented Ladd, ts un­ \\as mutually agreed upon that Sparked by Glenn's writing and Mc­ The W~ hingt.on and Lee Band with confusion and parliamentary bccn pnvileged mdecd to know you quesltonably the. mo. l outstandmll Lur1a retain the chair. Kinley'. wpirin • drumming. the announced today iL'! new officers for chaOs. this well .... We have no way of Thts four-page mscrt Includes ~.he Then Kaplan requested Luna and I nexL year. Presiding as president Cor Kaplan cited the following $(rounds Dor~;cy orchC~~tra bi:came one of the knowmg how much you have di- Minstrel Show, the dedication In aU of the newly dcclcd officers in­ next year will be Buddy Kullman, for protest: outstanding dnnc<' bsmds of nil time. reeled our lives through your work Memnriam" to Alben . W. Barkley, 1. "The election \'lolated Article cludmg Cairns, K ing, and John to ZBT. The Miller Vamr 10 directing our Unive~ity but we and the Mock Convention parade. Section 4 of the constitution and leave the room for ~eve rol minutes. Other officcn; elected are lA-w m. know neH:rtheiCSl>, that some part "The ndd1ttonal difficulties that hy-lnws of the Washington and Lee In the abl ence of all of the officers B} this time, thou11h, Glenn had I John, ccrct.ary-lreasurer; Dave of your wisdom has become a part were involved tn corr<'lating th~ Uruven.1ty Inler-Fralernily Council Kaplan stated that h1s postlion made ~;uch a name for him elf a Flegal, librarian; Ross Pickus, pub­ o[ each of us." sismificant pictorial activities nt such which stales: was not "a duel between pnrlies an orl(anlzer, arranger and trom­ licity manager; nnd Mal Clinger, bonist, thal his l!ervlces were In con­ Ladd also stated that the picture n late ~ate have been w~ll ~orth the 'Offi<'en; of thr Council ~hnll be or house!!." Rather, Kaplan argued drum major. stant dtmand. Ovcr,;eas. in England. of Dr. Dc:.ha in his office typific:. effort, tf I may say so, Judgmg !rom elected from the ~cmor repreo:cnta­ for an eiTccti\'e IFC for next year. Commenhn$( on lhl!! achvihes of the attitude that he carr1es always the reception they received from uves or the Counetl by the voting At th<' conclU:.ton of Kaplan's ar­ Ray Noble, about to emihlrk on hb the band for next year, Kullman with him. That I.' that until this l lhe students," added Ladd. members of the Council at the first guments the officers led by Luria re­ American career, heard about Miller stated: "In playing thl' type or music ond a!-.ked htm to gel together a day he has remained 8 student. Dr. The other features that have been meeting tn May, and shall scrv<' turned to the meeting, and the the student body likes to hear, the Dc~a will be presented with n newly added to the yearbook are throui(hout the following year." ground11 for lhe contesting were diS- band for him in thi• countrv. Glenn band hopes that it will reee.ive more kit the McKinley e.ll>cted to !-pccial volume.
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