Central University Libraries Southern Methodist University • PO Box 750135 • Dallas T X 75275-0135 CUL 20 08- 09 Southern Methodist University • Central University Libraries Annual Report Contents Unbooked and Unbound 2 Support for Central University Libraries is an essential part of SMU's capital campaign "SMU Unbridled: The Second Century Campaign." New and longtime friends are helping the libraries meet the sophisticated needs of the digital age and preserve the important legacies of the past. Rich with Resources 4 From a forgotten painting of the first president of the Republic of Texas to historic photographs of everyday Texans, new library acquisitions are ripe for researchers. The number of digital academic journals accessed through JSTOR has doubled and opera lovers can find their favorite aria in the extensive Wilson Snodgrass Opera collection. Gifts and Gatherings 8 SMU library lovers listened to favorite authors, traveled to important libraries and, with their gifts, planted the seeds of knowledge for current and future scholars. Staff Achievements and Awards 10 Selected Statistics 13 Donors 14 Striving for success without hard work ... On the cover: Wood-carving detail from DeGolyer Library portico Inside cover: Fayette County, Texas, 1895, albumen print, Lawrence T. Jones III Texas Photography Collection, DeGolyer Library Plant More Seeds! An article in the June 2009 issue of Harvard Business toward the $1 million goal to endow an archivist posi - Review made the suggestion that, in order to have more tion for the Archives of Women of the Southwest. tomatoes, one first had to plant more seeds! That piece At the same time, CUL has been making good on its of advice describes CUL’s modus operandi for the promises from last year. The strategic planning process year. Why do we need more meta phoric tomatoes? was completed, with the final plan —Unbooked and Because if SMU’s libraries are to sustain their levels of Unbound: Central University Libraries for the Second excellence while growing to meet the increasingly Century —presented to library staff on October 2 sophisticated needs of the digital age, they must imple - smu.edu/cul/stratplan/unbooked.pdf. More than ment innovative and aggressive approaches. 6,000 digital images are available in the CUL digital In fall 2008, SMU launched its capital campaign— library and its use continues to grow. Since September SMU Unbridled: The Second Century Campaign. CUL 2008, we have received 27,219 visits and 131,069 is an integral part of the University’s bid to stretch page views from users all over the world. DeGolyer CUL Capital Campaign Co-chairs itself to the next level of academic prestige and Library made its most significant acquisition to date by Ann Brookshire and Tav Lupton; Dean and Director of Central University accomplishment. The CUL Campaign Committee, one purchasing the Lawrence T. Jones III Texas Libraries Gillian McCombs of 17 committees overall, is chaired by SMU Libraries Photography Collection—the most com - Executive Board members Ann Brookshire’77 and Tav prehensive and valuable gathering of Texas- Lupton ’79. This group is charged with raising money related photography in private hands. New specifically for library objectives. This first year, we online resources include a major expansion focused on creating infrastructure, networking and of the JSTOR database that more than building our base. doubled the JSTOR journals to which we The CUL development team members are now in have full-text access. place, led by Paulette Mulry ’83, director of develop - But, to return to our theme of planting more ment, assisted by Tom Greene ’06 and Amy Carver seeds. To create an abundant harvest, it takes ’94, director of Friends of the SMU Libraries/ a lot of seeds, many farm laborers, fertile Colophon and her assistant Cindy Ruppi. A smooth soil and fortuitous weather conditions. The and fully staffed operation paved the way for a joint leadership efforts of our campaign co-chairs, Ann meeting with SMU’s New York City Campaign Com - Brookshire and Tav Lupton, have been instrumental mittee, with more such occasions planned for 2009- in helping us till the soil and begin the planting process. 2010. The CUL Campaign Committee met twice in For a successful harvest, we need your help. Ann and .. .is like trying to 2008-09 with some members joining the Libraries Tav will be expanding our networks and bringing Executive Board in New York City for the fourth people together to brainstorm—finding work for annual library field trip. Progress was celebrated everyone according to their talents. If you have a harvest where you in April with a reception featuring Sen. Kay Bailey talent—or some seeds—please join the collective! Hutchison as the speaker and recognizing the women My thanks to all of you for your support this year, have not planted. who have been honored so far in the Remember the Ladies! campaign. More than $600,000 has been raised Gillian M. McCombs Dean and Director, Central University Libraries David Bly 2 “The more I’ve learned about SMU libraries, the more impressed I’ve been,” she says. “The health of these libraries is critical to the welfare of the University .” Books show the Prothro legacy Laura Bush Promenade, Fondren Library Center If SMU’s libraries are to sustain Open a book from Fondren Library and check to see who paid for it. their current levels of excellence Unbooked and Unbound If it’s a recently purchased book, there’s an even chance that the bookplate will show that it was bought while growing to meet the Campaign keeps SMU’s heart healthy with money from the Prothro Endowment General increasingly sophisticated Support for SMU’s Central University Libraries is an Book Fund. essential part of the University’s Second Century “Elizabeth Perkins Prothro and her family have been needs of the digital age, they Campaign—which seeks to “dramatically advance” major supporters of the SMU libraries,” says Curt must implement innovative Southern Methodist University among the ranks of Holleman, deputy director of Central University United States institutions of higher education, says Libraries. “During the past 10 years, we have used and aggressive approaches. Tavenner “Tav” C. Lupton III ’79, co-chair of the their endowment fund to buy more than half of all CUL Capital Campaign Committee. of the new books we have purchased in Fondren Library. Their support has been critical in building — GILLIAN MCCOMBS Lupton and co-chair Ann Brookshire ’77 say that the strength of SMU’s library collections and services are our collection.” Dean and Director, at the heart of SMU’s goal of becoming a leading The Perkins Administration Building, the Central University Libraries research institution. A high-tech, 21st-century Perkins School of Theology and Perkins library system with a robust collection is an essential Natatorium are named in honor of Joe and component of SMU’s commitment to scholar - Lois Perkins, the parents of Elizabeth ship and is critical to creating an active learn - Perkins Prothro. Elizabeth Perkins ing environment for students and faculty, Prothro Hall will open in Septem ber Brookshire says. at the Perkins School of The ology “The campaign will provide money to upgrade where Bridwell Library houses the for today’s technology,” Lupton says. “But books Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Galleries. are not dinosaurs. We also are renovating to Elizabeth Perkins Prothro also was make more physical space for books. Another a founding member of the Friends important goal is to make the library a destina - of the SMU Libraries /Colophon and Vice President for Development and tion spot on campus—a place where students want External Affairs Brad Cheves, Honorary served as its president for two years Co-chair of Campaign Steering to spend time.” during the 1970s. Committee for Houston and LEB As an active volunteer at SMU, Brookshire also knows member Sue Trammell Whitfield and Gillian McCombs at the Campaign what a vital role SMU libraries play at the University. Regional Kickoff for Houston. 3 Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Elizabeth Perkins Prothro, who died May 23, “was an believed that a strong library avid reader and always interested in libraries,” says her is central to the success daughter-in-law Caren Prothro, a member of the SMU Board of Trustees. “She believed that a strong library is of a liberal arts university. central to the success of a liberal arts university.” Campaign remembers the “ladies” Left: Holly Prothro Philbin, Elizabeth Prothro's granddaughter; Caren Sara Isadore Callaway, the first women’s editor of the Prothro, and Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Dallas Morning News, called for free kindergartens at the 2007 Tables of Content. Caren Prothro served as honorary chair and suffrage. Judge Sarah Hughes swore in Lyndon in honor of her mother-in-law. B. J ohnson as president on Air Force One. Mamie McKnight founded Black Dallas Remembered, Inc. Contributors to the Archives of Women of the South - west “Remember the Ladies!” campaign now have (pl¯ant ) honored almost 90 women, some who are household Plant to establish or implant, names and some who are not so famous. as in ideas or principles. Campaign organizers celebrated in April when they hung a plaque with the names of these women in DeGolyer Library and announced that they have raised more than $600,000 of their $1 million goal. “I am so proud of SMU for doing this to honor the women who have done so much in our history,” said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the campaign’s honorary chair, at the celebration. “This collection of archives will be a part of the history… of where we have been. It will help us know where we can go.” The library will use the money to endow an archivist position for DeGolyer’s Archives of the Women of U.S.
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