Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 22, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 25-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS BOE Not to Renew UCESC Hillcrest Lease By MEGHAN GILL Westfield resident, in “fulfilling her Specially Written for The Westfield Leader responsibility to decide, through the WESTFIELD — The board of edu- contested case process, disputes aris- cation last week announced it would ing under school law and regulations.” terminate the lease of Lincoln School Mr. Harnett said the UCESC had to Hillcrest Academy South, a school not received a formal notice as of operated by the Union County Educa- June 19 from the Westfield BOE at- tional Services Commission (UCESC) torney. He said this notice must be at 728 Westfield Avenue. UCESC has submitted to the DOE commissioner leased the school since 1982. in order for the UCESC to make a In an e-mail sent to residents and formal appeal of the BOE’s decision. The Westfield Leader, Board President Regarding the future of Hillcrest Anne Riegel stated, “Dr. Foley has Academy South, Mr. Hartnett said, recommended to the board that we not “Our students don’t have a school renew the lease for one more year.” now; it is very distressing to them. We “The district will be sending notice are looking at available schools to UCESC this week. As such, the through the Archdiocese of Newark, board will not need to vote on this which would be our first choice.” item at our June 21 board of educa- Sue Hopper and Lisa Stern, resi- tion meeting; an actual vote would dents who live adjacent to Hillcrest only be necessary if we were plan- South, told The Leader, “We are very ning to renew the lease,” she said. pleased with the board’s decision of “The board of education is regret- non-renewal. However, we are cau- ful that the situation has developed to tiously optimistic about the results Horace R. Corbin for The Westfield Leader and The Times this point,” the e-mail read. and question why the UCESC feels A TALE OF TWO HILLCRESTS...Hillcrest Academy South is located at Lincoln School on Westfield Avenue in Westfield, with Kehler Stadium visible in the According to the terms of the lease, the need to appeal this decision. background (left); Hillcrest Academy North is located on Plainfield Avenue in Scotch Plains (right). The Westfield Board of Education has opted to not renew the the UCESC must vacate the facility “It’s not just a matter of securing the lease of Lincoln School to Hillcrest, operated by the Union County Educational Services Commission (UCESC). AM Educational Associates of Elizabeth owns the by June 30. safety of our neighborhood but getting Scotch Plains property and has leased it to the UCESC since 1995. UCESC Superintendent Ed Hartnett space back that the Westfield schools told The Leader that the commission desperately need. We intend on moni- plans to petition the New Jersey De- toring this action very closely to assure Union County Educational Services Commission partment of Education (DOE) a satisfactory result for all involved.” commissioner’s office of controver- One of the solutions residents sug- sies and disputes for “emergent relief, gested to the board was to move the which means we will be asking the existing population of Hillcrest South Budget More Than Double Since 1996 commissioner to direct the Westfield to Hillcrest North in Scotch Plains. By DON WILLIAMS has been discussed by the Westfield In 2005, 299 students were en- The commission officials are: Presi- Board of Education (BOE) to give us “Moving the students to that location and DAVID RIGGS Board of Education (BOE) following rolled in UCESC schools, according dent Frank Cicarell of Rahway, Vice time to locate a new facility,” he said. will definitely not happen,” Mr. Hartnett Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times the arrest of four students from the to the annual report. In 1996, 285 President Thomas Bistocchi of Union According to the DOE website, the said. “Our contract with the Elizabeth Editor’s Note: The operation of the commission’s Hillcrest Academy students were enrolled, rising to a County Vo-Tech, Helen Kirsch of office of controversies and disputes is School District is for 150 students, and Union County Educational Service South campus in Westfield. high of 366 in 2003 and then drop- Berkeley Heights, Henry Varriano of designed to assist Commissioner of the Hillcrest North campus holds nearly Commission (UCESC), with facili- Budget and 10-year history data ping in 2005. Clark, Camille Widdows of Cranford, Education Lucille Davey, a former ties in Westfield and Scotch Plains, from the UCESC’s 2005 annual re- Mr. Hartnett said that the UCESC Francisco Gonzalez of Elizabeth, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 port are included in this report. See has a contract with Elizabeth to edu- Linda Koenig of Garwood, Nathalie Table 1 on page 10. An interview with cate 150 students at Hillcrest Acad- Yafet of Hillside, Gerard Laudati Summit HS Assistant Principal Rejects UCESC Superintendent Edward emy. Thomas Beese, director of Spe- (non-voting) of Kenilworth, Bryan Hartnett appears on page 10. cial Services for the Scotch Plains- Russell of Linden, Scott Worswick of * * * Fanwood schools, reports that nine Mountainside, John Wolak (non-vot- Offer for Westfield HS Principal Position WESTFIELD – The UCESC oper- students are in UCESC programs from ing) of New Providence, Lenny By MEGHAN GILL scheduled to vote to approve Mr. has worked at SHS since 1980, where ates schools at four locations in his district, and Westfield Board of Cathcart, Jr. of Plainfield, Silvia Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Akey’s appointment to replace the he started as a social studies teacher. Westfield and Scotch Plains that ca- Education member Alice Hunnicut, Fonseca (non-voting) of Roselle, WESTFIELD — Summit High retiring Robert Petix at last night’s Mr. Foley said newly hired ter to children with special needs. It who is also Westfield’s UCESC’s Katherine Panetta of Roselle Park, School (SHS) Assistant Principal An- board meeting. Westfield administrators are not also provides transportation for ap- commissioner on its board of direc- Craig Nowlin of Scotch Plains- thony Akey, told Westfield Board of According to a statement released granted tenure automatically. After proximately 3,500 special-needs stu- tors, reports that between 12 and 18 Fanwood, Anthony Delia (non-vot- Education (BOE) officials on Tues- by Superintendent of Schools William holding a position for three years dents from the county to other non- students from Westfield attend ing) of Springfield, Patricia Calhoun day that he will not accept an offer to Foley on Tuesday, Mr. Akey was not they receive a review and either re- district schools, according to UCESC USESC schools. (non-voting) of Summit, Linda Lewis become the principal of Westfield willing to relinquish the tenure that he ceive or are denied tenure. Superintendent Edward Hartnett. According to the UCESC website, (non-voting) of Union, Ms. Hunnicutt High School (WHS). The BOE was now holds as assistant principal. He Mr. Foley announced that he would UCESC accepts students from pub- ucesc.k12.nj.us, the UCESC was cre- of Westfield and Kathleen Wittrock reopen the search for a new principal. lic and non-public school districts, ated in 1969 with special state legis- of Winfield. “It is unfortunate that Mr. Akey did both inside and outside the county. In lation. As of now, all 21 county public The schools operated by UCESC Cupcakes In, Candy Out: not accept the terms of the Westfield 2005, its budget was $38.2 million. In school districts are members, al- serve students with different special administrator contract,” he said, “but 1996, the budget was $18.7 million. though not all have voting privileges needs. Beadleston High School and we are confident that we will find the Legislation such as the Individuals on the commission. In addition to the Westlake School are located at 1571 GW BOE Reviews Nutrition right match for Westfield High School with Disabilities Education Improve- schools operated by the UCESC, the Lamberts Mill Road in Westfield. By CASSIE LO provided by the Westfield Y. An op- without compromising the standards ment Act of 2004 has increased the commission is also responsible for Hillcrest Academy North is located Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tion for students to stay at Lincoln of our performance review process.” requirements (and costs) for special vocational education and special at 2630 Plainfield Avenue in Scotch GARWOOD – The Garwood Board School instead of being transported Board President Anne Riegel said education. These increases can be projects such as educating students at Plains, while Hillcrest Academy of Education (BOE) discussed a new to the Y is being considered. Also, the that there was an initial 13-member seen in the Westfield and Scotch the Union County Juvenile Detention South is located at 728 Westfield wellness and nutrition regulation for borough’s library, located in the Lin- committee made up of teachers, su- Plains-Fanwood districts, where spe- Center. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the school system at its monthly meet- coln School complex, is currently pervisors, students and a parent that cial education now makes up nearly ing Tuesday night. accepting donations for its book drive. met and interviewed four candidates. 15 to 20 percent of the school budget. “Cupcakes are in,” said board mem- Books can be dropped off during regu- Three finalists were brought before The chief administrator of the Council Conducts Hearing ber Gary Maher as he began the dis- lar library hours.
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