Yoshie Burrows Mami Izuishi Junko Nichols Yoko Nishimura-Parke Jill Bignell Cathleen Jin Rebecca Llewelyn SERIES CONSULTANT Professor Anthony J. Liddicoat iiTomo 2 iiTomo 2ND EDITION ii Tomo Teacher Guide い 2ND EDITION TEACHER GUIDE い pagesと Sample も 2 JAPANESE LANGUAGE Foreword iiTomo is a series that integrates aspects of intercultural language teaching and learning into a sustained program for teaching and learning Japanese language and culture. Intercultural language teaching and learning is based on the understanding that language education must prepare students for meaningful communication with people from another culture. Language and culture are connected and mutually reinforced; through learning a language, students also engage with the culture of the people who speak it. iiTomo moves beyond learning about Japanese culture from the outside, focusing instead on helping students personally engage with Japan’s culture through its language. In adopting an intercultural approach, iiTomo lets teachers and students go beyond language structures. They also explore the language’s cultural context through reflective questions about the language and culture. The questions highlight the ways Japan’s culture is embedded and reflected in its language. Even where the language is quite simple, iiTomo reveals the cultural depth that lies beneath words and phrases. The authors of iiTomo have developed ways of bringing together language and culture so that learners can explore connections between Japanese culture and their own. When these connections are recognised, learners better understand not onlypages the new language and culture but also their own. iiTomo also allows students to reflect on how Japanese ideas, values and ways of life differ from their own. As learners start to see culture through language, they begin the journey to becoming independent, interculturalSample communicators. Anthony J. Liddicoat iii iiTomo Second Edition Engaging and interactive Japanese language learning for Secondary Years Clearly aligned to the Australian Curriculum, New South Wales Syllabus, Victorian Curriculum and Western Australian Curriculum, iiTomo 1–4 Second Edition offers new components and updated features for a motivating and supportive set of Japanese resources for students and teachers. Student Book A clear layout with improved, scaffolded content and visuals for Years 7–10 that focus on support and engagement and allow flexibility of use. Reader+ Reader+ gives you access to the eBook version of your Student Book as well as multimedia content including audio, new grammar animations, new stroke order animations, new videos, interactive games and worksheets. Activity Book Updated engaging activities offer even more differentiatedpages learning opportunities and reinforcement of key skills. Teacher Guide A comprehensive teacher support for beginning, relief and experienced teachers, making lesson preparation and implementation easier and saving you time. At a glance, see all the resources linked to a chapter to make planning easier and select the right resources to suit your class or individuals. The Teacher Guide also includes clear learning goals, answers to the Student Book, audio scripts and teaching supportSample notes. Teacher Reader+ and Audio Download Access to all of the Student Reader+ content as well as a wealth of teacher materials, including tests and associated audio, answers to all tests and worksheets, audio scripts, all of the Activity Book pages with answers ready for projection, weblinks and curriculum grids. Audio downloads are also available for ease of access. Also available: a new iiTomo Senior Student Book and Reader+ for Years 11 and 12. iv Contents How to use this Teacher Guide vi How to use iiTomo viii Detailed Student Book table of contents x An introduction to IcLL xii An introduction to rubric writing xvi Japanese classroom expressions 1 だい一か いそがしいですか 2 だい二か 学校、がんばろう! 18 だい三か 学校のたのしいイベントpages 34 カタカナ Katakana 46 だい四か しゅみは 何ですか 60 だい五か どん なキャラクターですか 76 だい六か お まつりとお い わ い 90 Sample v How to use this Teacher Guide Your iiTomo Teacher Guide is designed to support you in teaching Japanese language, culture and all related skills, from intercultural understanding to twenty-first-century skills. It contains practical teaching notes, including a wealth of activities, ideas, intercultural language learning support and answers, as well as audio transcripts. The iiTomo 2 Teacher Guide: • saves time in planning and preparing lessons • provides a range of learning activities to cater to all students • gives links to other resources available in the iiTomo 2 course and suggestions on when to use them. The structure of the Teacher Guide makes it easy to use and follow. The following is an outline of its key features for each chapter. だい一か だ い 一 いそがしいですか か Chapter 1 digital asset map Resource Description Skill SB PAGE Chapter asset map Videos Skill builder Dialogue video Listening Daily routine 1 ナオミとともだち : だ い 一 わ Viewing Pronunciation: Telling the time Telling the time Speaking 2 Animations Stroke animation 時、学、校、半、分 Writing 2 My kanji: 時、学、校、半、分 Grammar animation 1 Asking and telling the time Grammar 12 Talking about past events Grammar animation 2 Grammar 13 Past tense of verbs and particle に Interactive games Recognition of kanji Bubbles: Telling the time Reading 2 The chapter asset map highlights all Telling the time Various teaching and learning strategies are Memory: いま、何時ですか Recognition of kanji Reading 2 (What time is it now?) Telling the time Reorder: 中村久美さんの一日 Listening Asking and talking about daily routine 5 (Kumi Nakamura’s day) Reading Reading Asking the time Karaoke: いま何時ロックンロール Speaking 5 Talking about daily routine (Singing) Drop-down menu: 鈴木たかしくんの土よう日 Talking about the things you did in the past Reading 7 the digital components the series (Takashi Suzuki’s Saturday) provided under the skill builder heading. For Drag and drop: ひるごはんに何をたべますか Talking about what you eat and drink Reading 9 (What do you eat for lunch?) Treasure island: まい日いそがしいです! Talking about daily routine Speaking 9 (Busy every day!) Photo story: まい日いそがしいです! Talking about daily routine Reading 14 Worksheets Worksheet 1 Telling the time Listening 2 Self-introduction Worksheet 3 Reading 5 offers for this chapter. It includes the Talking about daily routine example, you will find practical suggestions such as Telling the time Worksheet 4 Writing 5 Talking about daily routine Speaking Worksheet 2 Talking about what you did 7 Writing Test Reading Writing Chapter test Chapter 1 content 16 Listening name of each resource, a description Speaking language and script games, cultural notes, points for of what it covers, the skill(s) practised 2 grouppages and class discussions, learning-how-to-learn and a suggested Student Book page strategies, extension tasks and assessment. reference for when to use it. The assets mapped are: Intercultural language learning • videos: conversational videos, pronunciation (IcLL) videos There are three types of prompts, which • animations: grammar animations, stroke order provide comprehensive and flexible support for animations implementing IcLL in your classroom. • interactive games • scaffold – prompts to help with the prompts • worksheets in the Student Book • chapter tests. Sample• prompts – additional prompts related to the Chapter focus Student Book Chapter vocabulary Key vocabulary だ Asking and telling the time い • いま now • 一 • 何時 what time – prompts to extend your students’ • ~時 ... o’clock extension か • ~分 ... minutes • 半 half (past) Talking about daily routine • まい every day Each chapter opens with a chapter • はやく early • うち home • 校 school • あさごはん breakfast • ひるごはん lunch thinking. These could be used for homework • ばんごはん dinner • きゅうしょく school lunch • ( お ) べ んとう packed lunch • ぶかつ club activities (at school) • ~ぶ (activity) club focus that includes the chapter • しゅくだ い homework • (お)ふろ bath Chapter learning objectives • シャワー shower • Ask and tell the time Verbs • Talk about your daily routine • おきます to wake up; get up or a research project. • Discuss what you do each day • ねます to sleep • Describe what you eat for lunch • たべます to eat • Use the past tense • のみます to drink • Learn about club activities in Japan • かえります to go home; return • learning objectives, an overview Chapter key language functions お わります to finish • は いります to get in/enter • ~時 • ( シャワーを) あびます to have/take (a shower) • ~時半 Useful phrases • ~分 • すみません excuse me • いま何時ですか。 • ああ oh • まい日、 ぶ か つをします か。 • ねえ hey • は い 、まい日 ぶ か つをします。 • じゃ well then • いいえ、しません。 • いいですか Is it OK? • 何 時 におきますか。 • だれ who IcLL scaffold STUDENT BOOK • PAGES 8–9 of the key language functions and • 土よう日は、何時にねましたか。 • だれと with whom • ひるごはん に 何をたべます か。 Food • にくと や さ い をた べ ます。 • (お)ちゃ green tea • ともだちとはなします。 だ 1 What did you do last Saturday? • くだもの fruit • Adverbs (まい日、はやく) • ぎゅうにゅう milk • Phrases (ああ、ねえ、じゃ、ちょっといいですか。) 2 What did Takashi do last Saturday? • じゃが いも potato(es) い Chapter key script • はるまき spring roll 3 Complete a Venn diagram to compare the similarities • スープ soup Previously introduced kanji • トースト toast 一 and differences. 日、本、語、人、円、一~十、百、父、母、何、大、小、月、火、 • コロッケ croquette(s) script learning – new and previously 水、木、金、土、好 • チリコンカン chilli con carne • サフランライス saffron rice New kanji か Additional 時、半、分、学、校 IcLL extension • メンバー member • スピーチ speech • ア ン ケ ート survey/questionnaire Discuss your Venn diagram with a partner and think • インタビュー interview of reasons why these similarities and differences exist between you and Takashi. introduced and revisited in that 3 Skill builder ➤ Sentence practice chapter – and a complete list of the Use the basic pattern 「~に ~を ~ました」 to practise Learning objectives talking about different days of the week. • Talk about eating and drinking ➤ Matching game • Talk about who you eat with What you need: a set of activity word cards and verb cards – you can also use images on the back to show Key language each word’s meaning new vocabulary covered in the chapter.
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