jBattfftfStgf tttroittg H rratt AVBBAOB DAILY OIBOULATION SunMt Council, Degree of Poca­ Townsend a u b No. 3 wUl hold Pioneer LodM. Junior I. O. O. F., for the month of Jnae, ieS7 hontas, will hold a public setback Its regular meeting tomorrow night the Chamber not later Monday party tomorrow evening at 8:80 at will hold a ej^ la l meeting tomor- aerved In the evening by the Pease at 8 o'clock at the T. M. C A. The row evening at 7 o'dock sharp. Im­ CHANBHt OUTING noon. Transportation wiU be ar­ House management The menu will the home of Mra U y n Fltagerald, business wlU be followed by ranged by the office, if nnrnwtirj. Um c o n An t t w m e ar* InUrMted t»- 9 Ulac street, in xes will be award­ portant business wlU be acted upon taicludn steamed clams, clam chow­ 5 , 9 1 3 Fab, sllghUy waimer tonight. "Dutch Auction" and the members and aU Junior members are urged A final mMting of the outing der and clam broth, blueflsh, half Meeabar o f the AnMt 1 ttintlng : Um o m o m of tho ed the winners and refreshments are requested to plan accordingly. committee, beaded by Jay E. Rand, Saturday genenUly fair, eoattonad served. to be present. broiled chicken, choice of whole Bofoan a( ObentottoM waraa.'Ooolsr Smiday. *X3€MtmI WoUuo rwiumUoa NEXT WEDNESDAY will ba held next Monday to com- broiled lobster or ateak, and water­ 2:30 TO 5:30 FRTOAT I in town wUl m«*t at tha Eaat The Salvatloa Army holiness ’>leta plana for the event expected melon. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM j-d a Raoraatloa Trtdajr avanlna at BuUding Inspector Edward C S eS P E aA L S Thomas J. Wood, who has con­ meeting tomorrow night at 7:80 wlU m ilott Jr., today issued to Herbert o be one of the best ever held by ;9:00 iitatp. Baalda tha offictal buai- be In charge of Envoy Ralph Jones the Chamber. Harold Burr has IN THE SELF SERVE ducted the gasoline station at Main W. Swanson of 388 South M.m VOL. LV I„ NO. 250 (CtossUtod Advartlslag on Paga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 23. 1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) A M tbata -win ha reporta from and Blseell street, the lease, on and Cedi Kittle, in the absence of street, a permit for the construc­ Resenrations Benif Made been placed in charge of the sports PRICE THREE CENTS .WaAlastod, D. o f a conatnietlTe which eaplred yesterday, vacated Adjutant Anscombe. tion o f a two-car garage estimated program that wUl be held in the Any navoi^-Sfy-T-Flae natora aa eoaiiof direct from the the place during the day and wilt to cost 8600. Allan Hayes of Cov­ eftemdon and announces that -*# Oongreaiional and Steerloc; Com- coniine his activities to hts station Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vennart of entry wUl do the work which will Daily fo r Dinoer at the swimming, boating, voUey baU, base­ Bdttaa Chairman of tha General on Bast Center street. The manage­ 68 Benton street have returned start immediately. ball and tug of war will ba among DESSERT Foes Celebrate Court Bill Death WaUara A c t home after spending a week on Cape the activities. FUNERAL JAPANESE TALK MADRID SHELLED LANDPURCHASES ment of Ue station was last night Cod. Pease House, Saybrook. to- taken over by Robert Clark of New It WlU no longer be necessary for A teunteoua shore dinner wUl be Helen ttealdaon X«dca, Daughtara Britain. local people to ask, "Is this the Man­ H PRESIDENT IS SILENT o f Scotia. wlU celebrate lu 17th Nathan Hale Boys' Band and chester Green busT", as Gus Walt^ PEACE; PEIPING TWICE WITHIN BY STATE UNDER Orange Young Americana No. 6 will who operates the bus during the Reservations are being made dally analaataary at lU meeting in the Miss Phyllis Carney of Garden Meaorlc 'hinple tomorrow evemns bold their annual outing at Lake morning and early afternoon, has at the Chamber of Commerce office Any Kind Red Croaa street. Miss' Marjorie Behrend of Compounce on Saturday, July 24. A again returned to work. The desti­ for the annual Chamber outing, to at 8 o'clock. Hembara of d a n Hc- High street and Miss Margaret W alter N. Leclerc IS S m C A L A SIN^E DAY S W A R T K RULE bus WlU leave at Orange heSl, Sat­ nation of the buses leaving the north be held next Wednesday afternoon l«a n hava been Invited and Chief Sullivan of Center street are urday niotning at « o'clock sharp. MACARONI Daoxhter Kra. WtlUam Henderaon end are not so much known by the and evening at the Pease House at Funeral Director ON SENATE’S ACTION vacationing at Narragansett Pier, All members are requested to at- signs that they carry aa by the Saybrook Point AH members who hopea for a larfe attendance, inaa- r* tend. operators. 488 No. Mala St. Phoas 8M much aa the grand chief daughter, plan to attend are asked to notify Tokyo Believes Force Is to Hundreds of Projectiles Comptroller Informs High­ Hlaa Margaret L- Roy of New York Mr. and 'Mrs. EHlIott Knight, Miss Jessie Wright left yesterday Miss Bernice Juul df the Weldon SPAGHETTI win be present and Grand Deputy 'formerly of this tovm, have moved for her home in Toronto, Ontario Beauty Salon la vacationing at her Be Abandoned But Chi- Land in City, Killin way Head That Hereafter Annie Anderson of TerryvlUe. A this week from Wllklnsbiirg, Pa., to after a month's visit with her cousin. cottage at Columbia lake wltji the KILLING COURT PLAN turkey aupper for the Scotia Daugb- Enfield street, Enfield. Mr. Knight Miss EUrmbeth J. Golway of Golwav famUy of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Rand, p k g . tera will be aerved at 8:30 at the Who has been employed at the Pitts­ street who are spending the summer there. >.-nese Fear New Drive to Many; Franco Fails to AD New Projects Must Be Hotel Sheridan. Mrs. Mary Thomson burgh branch of the Westlnghouae neads the committee of arrange- company has been transferred to Mias Annie M. Morse of Pasadena, Mr. and Mra. Millard F. Hutchin­ Woreester f p Reap Fruits of Incident. Break the Miaja Salient. Approved hy Comptroller. ^kesm an TeBs Reporters -tnents. their Springfield plant. Cal., who la on her annual visit son of Bigelow street are at their 3 Pt. Parior Set Eaat with her slaters, Mrs. Frank cottage at Lake Hayward. Colches­ Comparison of Bills Holbrook and Mlsa Madeline Morse ter. SALT Chief Exeimthre Belie?es of Wollaston, Maas., Is the guest of b e a r WHEEL ANDERSON B.V THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Madrid, July 28.—(A P )—Twice Hartford, July 28.—(AP) — De-: Washington, J u l^ 2 3 .—(AP) — T one a year, also provided for speedier Miss Lyllan Hutt of Bolton la a l ig n m e n t Diametrically opposite reports Here are the p rin ^al differences | appeals on constitutional qiiestions Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Holman of visiting on Cape Cod with Mr. and le-Upholstered Oreeahonaea and Flower Shop shelled within 24 hours and with at daring that the responsibility placed I Further Legishthm Need­ Summit street this week. •i lb. pkg. from Chinese and Japanese threw on him by the new cohiptroller's law between the original Court BUI and 1 from lower courts to the Supreme Mrs. Thomas Prentice of Buzzard’s Spedaliaed 168 BMrMgn S t Phoae 8488 least 15 killed and a score Injured bench. om Y O U K N O W - ^ Bay, Mass. Choice at coverings, new seata, | the current North .China crisis Into adopted by the recent General As­ the "eight-point program of Judicial: The regular claaa meeting of the Brake Service by the Insurgents' big guns, Madrid The new "eight-point program” ed to Bring About His Re­ new springs, new finings, new Phimpe’ new confusion today just aa the two was abruptly thrown back today to sembly makes It necessary. Comp­ reform" substituted by Senate' calls for: Church of the Nazarene tomorrow ooshions. leaders: , night at 7:30 wlU be combined with week's of tension was thought to the grimness of a bitter siege. After troller Charles C. Swartz nas notified 1. No change In the Supreme PUBUC RECORDS GIBSON’S GARAGE two weeks of comparative calm State Highway Commissioner John The President's first bill called Court. organization Objectiyes; the Women'! Foreign MIsaionary 185 Main S t Phone SOU have been ended. for: I society- meeting. TOMATO while a tornado of offensive and A. Macdonald that the prices paid 2. No proctor to assist ^ e Su­ 2 ? O'.-. “ 1» <• 1.— ' WI-. In Tokyih, the government received 1. A permanent increase In the preme Court In relieving congestion Warrantee Deed report!, of Chinese troop withdraw­ counter-offensive raged over the by the state for land for the Mer­ ritt highwray project, and for all I size of the Supreme Court, through; In lower tribunals. LeaTes That to Congress. ” **-”* * * ^ homemaker o f today is a weU Informed person Past Chief Daughters of Helen HoU Investment company to SOUP als 1 rom Peiping and was disposed to hills and plains some 15 miles to appointment of not more than six Davidson Ix>dge, Daughters of Charles Donohue, property on West F. E. BRAY the west, Madrid was Jolted Into other state highway projects hcre- 3.
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