Homecoming Seahawks February To Host 4, 5,6 The Seahawk Camels Vol. VIII, No. 5 Wilmington College, Wilmington, North Carolina January 29, 1965 Library Course Annual Homecoming Nears As To Be taught Final Preparations Are Made A library science course in high school book selection is HOMECOMING CALENDAR Final preparations are under¬ being offered at Wilmington OF EVENTS way for the annual Homecoming College for 16 weeks The ciurse Thursday: February 4 at Wilmigton College. bgan January 16. 5:45 p.m. Sigma Phi Kappa Aciording to co-chairman Tim Part of th East Carolin Col¬ Dinner for Brothers Chappel and Ronnie Station, lege Extension Division, the and Dates at Block¬ “this year’s homecoming is ade Runner right course will be taught by going to be the biggest yet.” 7:00 p.m. Bonfire and pep Miss Vivian Crickmore, regular Kicking off the agenda will rally fulltime instructor of library be the pep rally and traditional 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Va¬ science for the ECC Extension bonfire at 7 p.m., Thursday, Division. , ■ W riety Show February 4. Highlighting this 8:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. In¬ Tuition for the course will be event will be a variety show formal dance in Pub made up of Wilmington College $>45 per student. Cost of the re¬ Friday: February 5 talent. Immediately following quired textbook is additional. A 6:00 p.m. Pi Kappa Phi supper $3 late registration fee will be these activities there will be an at Boccan Room informal dance in the Student charged for students who regis¬ Brothers, pledges, ter after the first class meeting. Services Building until 11 p.m. and dates No registrations are permitted Music will be provided by the later than the second class meet¬ 5:00 p.m. Sigma Phi Kappa Shufflers. Cocktail party at ing. A Folk Concert featuring the Marina Restaurant Coachmen and the Huntsmen The five-quarter-hour under¬ 8:30 p.m. Folk concert in col¬ will be held Friday at 8:30 p.m. graduate course is one of six lege gym in the Wilmington College Gym. required for certification in Announcment of The main event will be the ■ library science. Homecoming Queen presentation of the Homecoming at Intermission Court during intermission with Students in the upcoming Saturday: February 6 the announcement of the Home¬ class may include those who 6:00 p.m. Game between Sig¬ coming Queen. have not registered for prior ma Phi Kappa and Student tickets and date tick¬ courses in the Wilmington Pi Kappa Phi ets were available for the series. 8:00 p.m. Game between Sea- concert for two days only, Janu¬ hawks and Camp¬ ary 28-29. Students obtained Registration and the first class bell their student tikets by present¬ meeting were scheduled at 6:30 10:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. Home¬ ing their picture ientification p.m. Tuesday, January 26. coming Dance in Pub card. Date tickets were obtained Pictured above are the Huntsmen who will appear at the Folk at the same time for $1. After Concert Feb. 5. the 29th tickets will cost $1.50 Sale price at the door will be $2.00. All ticket sales will be made from the ticket windows Thalians Will Present in the new gym. February 6 will bring the 'Look Homeward Angel' game between the Seahawks “Look Homeward, Angel,” is undeniable and frequently of¬ and the Campbell Camels. based on the first of Thomas ficious such as Mrs. Marie Gametime is 8:00 p.m. Wolfe’s autobiographical novels, “Fatty” Pert (Mary C. Hodgin), will be presented February 19, Will Pentland (Ray Tolly), Jake Concluding Homecoming will 20, and 21 by the Wilmington Clatt (Bill Weir), Mrs. Clatt be the dance held in the Pub featuring the music of the King- College Theatre and Thalian (Eliza Collins), Florry Mangle bees from 10:00 p.m. until 2:00 Association, according to Doug (Betsey Talley), Mrs. Snownen W. Swink, director. , (Tina Forrester), Mr. Farrell a.m. Dress for the occasion will (William King) and Mis Brown be suits an ties for the men and Winner of the Pulitzer Prize s suits for ladies. (Deedie Bullock). in playwriting and of the New Others in the cast include York Critics’ Award as the best Ame Elizabeth (Doroth Pastis), play of the 1957 season, “Look Tarkington (John Day), Mad- Twenty Girls To Homeward, Angel” features a Loke Gant (Ron Mihal), and cast of 20, and tells the story of Dr. Maguire (Sandy Carr). the family of Eugene Gant. Compete For Written for the stage by play¬ For “Look Homeward, Angel” wright Ketti Frings, the com¬ Miss Catherine O’Brien is the 1965 May Queen of Wilmington there was nothing but praise edy-drama is actually a chron¬ from the seven New York news¬ Homecoming Queen College. icle of Wolfe’s own boyhood in paper reviewers. Thomas Wolfe At least 20 girls are expected Asheville, N. C. wlote the story originally,” to compete for the coveted title Chosen as the 1965 May nity Sweetheart, and is a mem¬ Broons Akinson pointed out in In the play, Eugene Gant of Homecoming Queen accord¬ Queen of Wilmington College is ber of the Alpha Chi Sigma So¬ hp Times, “Miss Frigs has given (David March) is a .gangling ing to chairman Tim Chappel. Catherine Collins O’Brien. rority. Kitty has a part-time job it honor on the stage.” Kitty, as she is known, is a job in a clothing store and is the restless youth of 17, who is Each club on campus was given junior at Wilmington College sudent secretary in the college about to go forth to meet a new Stage managers for the pro¬ a nomination blank which was returned to Patsy Futchs by and is the daughter of Mr. and bookstore. life at the State University in duction will be Carole Benton Jauary 28. Eugene M. O’Brien. Working on The members of Miss Chapel Hill, N. C. The mother and Diana Smith. Sound tech¬ a double major in Spanish and O’Brien’s May Court will be of the household, Eliza Gant nician is Jay Howard. Make-up Election of the Homecoming history, Kitty plans to teach Louise Lewis and Janis Buris. (Evelyn Garvin), is a possessive, artist is Gayle Foyles. , Queen will be held February 3 high school Spanish for a year. freshman attendants; Sherry Well-meaning woman who un¬ Poster Design is by Jack in the Student Services Building. She then will begin work on Lackey and Carol Smith, sopho¬ wittingly has sacrificed the wel¬ Lane. Assisting in scenery con¬ A partial list of the nominees her masters degree in order to more attendants; Memory Far¬ fare of the family to the crass struction are Sterling Coward, was available when the Seahawk obtain a college teaching posi¬ demands of maintaining a went to press; Betty Kay Car- rar and Pat Beasley, junior at- Lee Davis, Herman Johnson, tion. boarding-house. Art Joye, Acie Kinlaw, Dolan roll, Patsy Futchs, Gloria Shep¬ At Wilmington College, Kitty tendnts; Kay Wells and Pat herd, Sara Fussell, Sherry Arocnd Eugene swarm his Little John Nelson, Edward is the secretary of the Student Stiles, senior attendants. Ann Lacky, Camilla White, and Jan roistering father, W. O. Gant Ward, Wray Ware, and Lionel Body, the Phi Sigma Mu Frater- Bryant will be maid of honor. Darby. (James Potter); his beloved bro¬ Vow. Publicity director is Mary ther Ben (Wally Carr) who is C. Hodgin. Student tickets and date tick¬ Miss Mae Sanders, president of chained to a job with the local Lighting is by Sandy Carr. ets for the Folk Concert during NEA Chapter Formed the NCNEA who spoke on “A newspaper; a stout-hearted sis¬ ter Helen (Rosemary Green), The scenic designer is Betty homecomng will be issued only Members of the Wilmington Code of Ethics.” Hudson. College Teacher Training pro¬ The National Education Asso¬ and her husband Hugh Barton on January 28 and January 29. gram have organized a student ciation of the United States is (Art Joye) along with the Curtain time for “Look Place: Ticket window in the new chapter of the Naional Educa¬ the world’s largest professional pretty boarder, Laura James Homeward, Angel” is 8:30 p.m., Gymnasium. Charge will be tion Association. organization. Founded in 1857, (Sally Reai, who opens his eyes at Thalian Hall. Admission is collected for any tickets issued The local chapter, which was the NEA for more than a century by Wilmington College Student to love. after this date. Picure I. D. cards organized in November of 1964 has been the most representa¬ Activity Card, or Thalian Mem¬ held its second meeting on Jan¬ tive voice of the teaching profes¬ And here are also the Dixie¬ bership. Tickets will also be on must be presented for tickes. uary 20. The meeting featured sion in America. land boarders, whose presence sale at the box office. .
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