Sale Provisions- prohibited except as follows: Herptile Exhibits Definitions Wisconsin’s A Class A Captive Wild Animal Farm License NON-NATIVE SPECIES: “Aquatic turtle” means any turtle that naturally Amphibian and Reptile (CWAFL) may authorize the sale of native ♦ Residents and nonresidents may possess and overwinters under water. amphibians or reptiles. The original license fee is Regulations exhibit non-native herptiles for educational or “Amphibian” means cold-blooded, smooth-skinned $200; annual renewals are $100. This license allows commercial purposes without any Department of for the sale of ONLY 3 species of native amphibians vertebrates of the class Amphibia and includes all Natural Resources license. life stages. collected legally in Wisconsin: eastern tiger salamanders, mudpuppies, and northern leopard NATIVE SPECIES: “Herptile” means amphibians and reptiles frogs. It also allows for the sale of these three ♦ Native to Wisconsin herptiles may be exhibited collectively. species and other native amphibians and reptiles without a license, but ONLY for non-commercial legally collected or purchased from out-of-state and educational purposes. These exhibits may not be "Native" means species that are indigenous and sold to out-of-state sources, or sold to education or associated with the sale, bartering or trading of any occur, or have occurred, naturally within the research institutions in Wisconsin. Only a Class A type of animal, native or non-native. boundaries of this state, regardless of whether a CWAFL holder may sell eastern tiger salamanders, ♦ Residents and nonresidents may exhibit but not particular specimen originates outside of this state. mudpuppies, and northern leopard frogs as pets, bait sell native herptiles, at commercial exhibits, such as "Nonresident" means a person who is not a resident or for other purposes, except that a licensed Bait swap meets, but ONLY under the authority of a These regulations apply to native Wisconsin of this state. amphibian and reptile species, regardless of their Dealer may sell live frogs for the purpose of fishing Class A or Class B Captive Wild Animal Farm or bait. A Class B CWAFL allows for exhibiting but Nonresident Temporary Exhibitor’s License. Each “Reptile” means cold-blooded, scaled vertebrates of origin (in-state or out-of-state). not sale of native herptiles. exhibitor (each person displaying native herptiles) is the class Reptilia and includes all life stages. required to possess an appropriate license (must be Protected Species These licenses may be obtained by contacting: 14 or older, or if less than 14 years of age, must be a “Resident” means a person who maintains his or her Department of Natural Resources place of permanent abode in this state. Domiciliary All native herptiles are considered protected, but member of a 4-H club or a sporting club.) have different levels of protection. The protected Bureau of Customer Service & Licensing ♦ intent is required to establish that a person is Nonresident Temporary Exhibitor’s License fee is species listed below have NO OPEN SEASON. P. O. Box 7924 $50 and is valid for up to 30 days, but does not allow maintaining his or her place of permanent abode in Madison, WI 53707-7924 this state. Mere ownership of property is not for the sale, bartering or trading of native herptiles. Endangered and Threatened species (including all Or Phone: (608) 266-0862 sufficient to establish domiciliary intent. Evidence parts and all life stages) may NOT be collected from Additional restrictions on possession of native of domiciliary intent includes, without limitation, the the wild, dead or alive, or possessed without first Exception: Native herptiles not listed as endangered location where the person votes, pays personal herptiles by nonresidents apply as follows: having a valid Endangered and Threatened Species or threatened may be sold without a license if it has income taxes or obtains a driver's license. an atypical color or an atypical pattern (e.g .snakes Permit. Permits are issued only for selected NONRESIDENT POSSESSION OF NATIVE HERPTILE education, research, and conservation activities. that exhibit aberrant colors and/or patterns). Wild Animal means any animal of a wild nature ♦ A nonresident may ONLY bring into Wisconsin “ ” that is normally found in the wild and that is not a Legally collected native dead turtles and their parts and possess native herptiles for up to 60 days if they Endangered Herptiles: (not eggs) may be sold ONLY during the open comply with all the following conditions: domestic animal. Blanchard’s cricket frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi turtle season. The sale of live native turtles 1. The person holds every license or other approval Western slender glass lizard, Ophisaurus a. collected in Wisconsin is not allowed. A Fishing, that is required by the state, province or country from For additional information on Wisconsin’s attenuatus * Small Game, Sports, Conservation Patron, Setline , which they reside. amphibians and Reptiles, check out our website at: Eastern massasauga rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. * or Set or Bank Pole or Commercial Fishing 2. A veterinarian has filed a copy of a valid http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/EndangeredResources/ catenatus License is required to collect, possess or sell native Certificate of Veterinary Inspection for the herptiles Northern ribbon snake, Thamnophis sauritus dead turtles of their parts. with the DATCP. septentrionalis Queen snake, Regina septemvittata * These licenses are available only to residents. Applications for a Nonresident Temporary Western ribbon snake, Thamnophis p. proximus Importing Wild Animals & Wild Animal Exhibitors License may be obtained from: Ornate box turtle, Terrapene o. ornata Markets: Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Law Enforcement Threatened Herptiles: The Wis. Dept. of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Butler’s garter snake, Thamnophis butleri Protection (DATCP) regulates these activities. P. O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921 Blanding’s turtle, Emydoidea blandingii Contact them for more information about these Or Phone: (608) 267-2774 PUB-ER-102 04(REV) Wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta permits, licenses and requirements at (608) 224-4872. Other Herptiles- that may not be collected from the Seasons ♦ Up to 2 black rat snakes, 2 bullsnakes, and Harvesting Methods wild in Wisconsin. 2 yellow-bellied (blue) racers may be possessed, but Black rat snake, Elaphe o. obsoleta Frogs: The open season for frogs runs from the ONLY IF legally obtained and originating from out FROGS: may not be taken with firearms or airguns. Bullsnake, Pituophis catenifer sayi Saturday nearest May 1 through December 31. of state. Timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus There is no open season for bullfrogs, Rana ♦ There are no possession limits for herptiles not TURTLES: may be taken by hand, dip net, hook Yellow-bellied (blue) racer, Coluber constrictor catesbeiana, in Jefferson County. Frogs listed as Endangered and Threatened that are and line, set line, set or bank poles, hooking, or hoop atypically colored or atypically patterned (e.g. net trap. No other trap types are allowed. may not be taken or collected from the wild albinos, striped snakes that are typically blotched). during the closed season. Turtles may not be taken by hook and line from trout ♦ Eastern tiger salamanders, Ambystoma t. tigrinum, streams during the closed trout season. Turtles: The open season for aquatic turtles runs mudpuppies, Necturus maculosus, and northern from July 15 through November 30. Turtles or turtle leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, may be collected and The numbers of hoop traps that can be operated are eggs may not be taken or collected during the closed possessed in unlimited numbers if the collector or 10 in Iowa-Wisconsin or Minnesota-Wisconsin season, unless authorized by the department. possessor is a resident and has a valid Class A boundary waters and 3 in all other waters of the Captive Wild Animal Farm License. state. Other Herptiles: There are no closed seasons for ♦ Licensed bait dealers and registered fish farmers amphibians and reptiles not listed above under the may possess more than 5 specimens of any Hoop Net Trap Specifications Licenses for Collection and Possession: Protected Species or Seasons sections. amphibian not Endangered or Threatened which are Any person who collects, attempt to collect, or collected or possessed as part of a bait shipment. Trap hoops must be at least possesses native Wisconsin aquatic turtles, or frogs Size Limits 2” above the water’s surface. Name Tag ♦ There is a 3-month grace period on the possession used for bait, must possess one of the following ↓ ↓ Snapping turtle have a minimum carapace (top shell) limit for native lizards and snakes, that are not licenses: Fishing, Small Game, Sports, Conservation size limit of 12-inches and a maximum of 16-inches Endangered or Threatened, that are born in captivity Patron, Setline*, or Set or Bank Pole*. Existing in length. and that bring the possession limit above the legal Senior Citizen Recreational Cards also qualify. In limit for a species. The offspring must be given addition to the licenses listed above, residents ⏐→measure front to back←│ away within 3 months of their birth, but they may not holding a Commercial Fishing License may harvest be sold, bartered, or traded. These offspring may not turtles on Wisconsin/Mississippi Boundary Waters. be released to the wild without a Stocking License * These licenses are available only to residents. from the Department of Natural Resources. ♦ A person may collect and possess up to 1 full Herptiles with open seasons: No native herptile 12” minimum 16” maximum clutch of amphibian eggs and their hatched larvae up with open season may be collected or possessed dead Traps must be made of stretchable fabric (e.g., There are no size limits for other herptiles. until metamorphosis (transformation to the adult nylon) and must have a minimum mesh stretch of 6 or live in Wisconsin above the legal possession form). Only 5 adult-form individuals may be limits (see Section on Possession Limits) without a inches.
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