MARKETING TEXAS MELONS FEDERAL — STATE MARKET NEWS SERVICE 987 SEASO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE MARKET NEWS BRANCH MARKETING DIVISION FRUm AND VEGETABLE DIVISION TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1231 E. Hackberry, McAllen, Texas 78501 PREFACE Inforiâtion on the iarketing pf the IW Heion crop in Tsxa-s is suiisrized in this publication. This publication is provided for its histcrical perspEctive. Bhipients, shipping point prices, production and disiribution data are prisiaril y a " review of the inforsation carried in Vne daily market reports which were issued on cantaloups ànû hone/dens bv the Fedtderal- State ^nàîkËi News Service in HcAllen, Texas froi Hay Eè, i987 through June 15, 1987. AH inforeation on Texas naterselons was carried by the IMnter Park Florida Harket Hens Office fro? ^?Y 1, \W thmu-nh Jane 5, 1987 ev^ú the Thostasville, 5A MM Mei^s Office fros June B, 1987 through Jalv 15, 19S7. Dailv inforn/ition on Texas yaternslons can be OQtainsd by Hritino the Austin Ti Harket KB^S Office at P. 0= Box 1ES^7, Caoitcl StraHnr. Ai^^tin. lï 7S711 (Froneî 518-463-7623), \\\B TfiOiasvilíe office àï ?. ö. BOîî IW, Thosasville, 6A 31799 (Piionei 91P-EEe-ie08) o^ tie yinter Park Office at P. Q. Box 1H3, Hinter ^-ark, FL 3H970 (Phone; 305-628-8636). " So/rie of the information in this oiiblicaticn is D-eliíiinary and subject to revision. Price adjustsents, if ^}iúe sfter shipments, ¿re not shown in this suiijirary. Prices shcivn ITS for stocks of qe'erally cuod öüaütv and condition. Ev2rv e^^ort nas been niade to include data in this su^i^â^ary î«hicn ï^iSll be of the inost value to the >P5 D U s Î ^ V t have sndeavjred to include basic statistics for coiUparison i^ith'past seasjns. Preparation áV^ú publication of this suiisary was by Arthur P. Huchos, Jr., The USDA Local Renresentative and Yolv Trevmo L-f^-the H-Allen Federal-Etate Harret Nens Office, and Ann Vargas and Bary Hiller of the Austin Federal-State Hsrket Neîvs IfMTH. The cooperation of the grosfers, shippers and buyers in these areas has been iost gratifying, ye àrs also crateful to all sef'bers of the felon industry and related agencies for their fine cooperation in iiiaKing the susiiiary possible.' Special thanks go to the folloifing for tiieir contributions and assistance; Padio Stations KURV ñü'í KEEl, e-.¿ Charlie Rankin, ' in Edirburq i=^hc Drcvided fo Zl^SíV '"S í!"krt nsHs recorta. The South Texas Helon C^^í^^'tte^ in ypslac^^- The E^S í^oü R^portinq Board m Auatin Texas ?~d rashraton. r.r, Tne Fruit Í Vegetable Inspection Service in San Juan, who âd?^inister the Rose S'jaticns à^,u provide tinjelv inforsiation or 'Truck Shipsents frcá the LoNsr Rij Brande valley. The National ^eather Service in BrownsvillS: Texas. KVOl-Uvalde, KEEH-Carnzo Sorinqs for their tiinely releases of-.f n^ri-y^ h-z -Dr-rf= yptiß ¡1 î^ersford cVtz KKYN in ^'ainview f^r th^íf ti^i^lv 3r r-íH-i-.-H rrcrr Additional sa/üsiarics iri-ad n- .= t any ^^ r.h offices listed bút^ at a change of 16.00 DE i^i ;;•» - ir ^ per 3*0 iidiled at a zh.è^Q^ of IB.DO per cooy fren- anv of the offices listed belo^. -¡renn c : ? - c r " t hp-r ei^cludino Canada and He.;ic nuit couble fees tor sailed reoorts. Additional cooies of susiEsry are available upon recuest froiB the followinc officssî i-ederal-State ¡larket Neivs Texas I-eot. 0"^ A^'^i OSDA HO Harketi-o Ser ÍE31 East Hackbe^ry Federa]-Bta"e harket News Firv Division HNE' HcAilen, Texas 7S5Ö1 ¿DUO ^r.H^h PHn Phi 51E-6EE-E581 Capitol Station p. D. Box 96455 Austin, Texas 7S711 yashinaton. D.C. E0090-6456 Phî 512-463-7683 Phi 202-447-2745 Releassj April: lYSS-HcAllenr T^ lâtLt IF COM IINî S PASE Harketing ^^-úET Boundaries (HAP) ..=...,.........,,....,....,.............................,.....,......... 1 Handl:ng Regulations. .......x. E - 3 Í-Bí Linn-Ten Early Helor Deí^onstrítion SL!^:?»i§3ry.. c. z .>>«.......>.•>..>..<.<..>>.........>.>>...<..« c.,.-.. ^ <.. ...t...... ^ -• 5 Final Helen ^'Creage Regietration (Planted A-reage 1996)......t.i....,x.x..,,.,..r...,....x.t,.....t.......,...,x....x. é South Texas Helon Araa Cli^iate (April 1935-narch 19O¿)X... = ..,..... = .x, = «w.,:.....xxx«:....r...,.....:..: = = ...,...,.. " CAMTALOÜPS Narrât i ve...,.,........,..,.,,.,...t t..........................:,....t.,*.......x ».......i,, 8 Harvested Acreage I Seasonal Hovejient (Sraphs) 1985........x.....................x......»,.....,..,.x...... 9 weekly Shipfients (Nationwide)..x x....x......, 10 ^'roductioM Cnartsî Acreaqe bv Coonty 19S5-1^0é.......x.x.^.x....::.,..x,..:...,x,,.:..,. ,..:,, = .:,,,.. = = ,: : i\ Daily F.O.B. Prices (Loner Ric Brande Vâllev),........^...,.................,^........«.z.x»..x.........x.. It Honöav's RholeHale Prices in Hajor üxS. Cities.::.....x.:.x..x..xr.....»t.....xx.:. ...s.. x.r = .:. ,x,......,. 19 San Antonio - ifintsr Barden Area Narrât 1vSx x x.....x:...,.x............x........... x... x,........ U Trans-PecDS (Presidio L Pecos) I Hereford - High Pîair^s Arsa N 5 r r a V i Ve : . : . X . , . , 1 : . , . , . , r , . , X X . X Î . t . X X . X . : X X , : . , x . , , , . X x . r X X x • • . X . x . X - X X . X . 1 ^ Uarycrtvii Arr^A^"'? ?. vsacfti-i.q •: H^':V?j5?!i~ (i"-^a'h'-i) ^'^P'^- s ■ . ... ='^ yeek 1V Bhio^ents ( nat ion^ií i de )...... x. x .,., =,.,,,....,,., x..... x.... x................. x =... x.,...,.,., x. x... IS Production Charts: Acreage By County 19B5-19SDX........X....X...........X........X...X..X ...... ,X.. X . : X .... 19 Daily F.G.Bx Frires (Lower Rio arenas Valley).............x..x..x.x.........,,.x......x.,.....x...x....,x.. 2C rlcnda/'s 'Wholesale Prices in Hajor OxS. Cities... ....x.,......x.x..:...xx.,x..,..x...xxx.x....x. = ...x :.. x.. El-Ec yATERHELONS Narrât i ve.......................,.......,.............,...,,.,.,,...,,.......,,,,.,,...........,.,.,,,.._. 23-E^ Harvested Acreage l Seasonal Hoveient (Sraphs) 19S5...x.....,.,.....,...,.....,....,..x,x.................x 25 Meekly Bnipsents (Nationi^ide 1986-1987)...,.. x............................. 26 Production Charts: Acreage by County 1905-1986.....x..x....x..x................................x.........., E7-cB Daily FxO.B. Prices (Statewide) by Varietyx,..,.....xx............x....x.......x.x.....xx..x...,x.,.x...xx, E9 Monday's Hnolesale Prices in riaior 0.3, Cities. ..x..........x..... SO South Texas relon Harketing Policy (1983 Season)....x................x......................................... 31-¿tE MELON MARKETING ORDER BOUNDARIES c Poi^^n j '^* _-RQSÄfi|l - Fort wo^th;'7r,^J^^||;;] ^^^^ ^ ._, .^, ■N. ■^^TTtN. ííiíí.Tp^F V »s».-. XHJOC ."■ Bf . "^ -- . < Beaum tPortAr \^ \ Pcsadenp- GJADW UH / ijOH.'t^i: < i>* * : ' SaifAftoíHft¿°*/^^ /A ^w-- It»?' ooivesTon !*<A^ ' ''X wi: ireaa Ñ^jüt^ ■;?r rTT^^ District 1 -Í 1 I J üjöSl District 2 - "^^^ BrownsviTi COURTESY: SOUTH TEXAS MELON COMMITTEE (I) HELONS BROÏN IN SOÜIH IEXÄS HANDLIIS REBlLATiai Section 979.42 Rate of assessaent. An âssessfient rate of $ .02 cents per carton «ill be assessed froi Hay 1, 1987 through June 30, 1987. Section 979.304 Handling regulation. During the period beginning Hay 1 and endinq June 30 each season no person shall handle cantaloupe or honeydew selons unless they ieet the requireient of paragraphs (a) through (c), (d) or (e) and (f) of this section. (a) Grade requirements. (1) Cantaloups shall be U.S. CoMercial grade or better, except that not sore than 8 percent serious daaage including not iore than 5 percent decay shall be periitted. {S) Individual packages lay contain not aore than double the specified lot tolerance. {3) At least 50 percent of the honeydew ielons in any lot shall seet the requireients of U.S. Cossiercial grade except that not iore than 20 percent serious daiage shall be allowed including not «ore than 10 percent for iselons affected by decay. In addition, tne coibined juice froa the edible portion of a saniple of honeyde« ielons selected a randon shall contain not less than 8 percent soluble solids as determined by an approved hand refractoseter. Individual cartons shall contain not less than 25 percent U.S. Coiiercial or better quality. (4) Black surface discoloration shall not be considered as a grade defect with respect to such grade. (b) Container requireients. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(4), (d) or (e) and (f) of this section all cantaloups shall be packed in fiberboard cartons with inside diiensions of not more than 17 1/4 nor less than le 3/4 inches in length, nor »ore than 13 nor less than 12 3/4 inches in «idth, and not aore than iö 3/8 nor less than 9 3/4 inches in'depth. All honeyde« selons shall be packed in fiberboard cartons with inside dimensions of 17 inches lonq by 15 1/4 inches Hide and not iore than 7 1/2 inches nor less than 6 1/E inches deep. A tolerance of 1/4 inch "for each disensión shall be periitted. (2) Each carton shall be iarked to indicate the count; the ñaue, address, and zip code of the shipper; the naae of the product; and the mrús "Produce of U.S.A." or "Product of U.S.A.". (3) If the carton in «hieb the ielons are packed is not clean and bricht in appearance without siarks, stains, or other evidence of previous use, the cartons shall be conspicuously iâriced with the words "USED BOX* in letters not less than three-fourths (3/4) inch high. (4) Honeydew ielons iay be pàckea in bulk containers of 48 inches long by 40 inches wide by 24 inches úee^ or siailar diiensions. (5) These container requireients shall not be applicable to selons sold to Federal agencies. (c) Inspection. (1) No handler lay handle any aelons regulated hereunder, except pursuant to paragraphs (d) or (e), and (f) of this section, unless an inspection certificate has been issued covering the« and the certificate is valid at the tiae of shipient.
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