REPERTORIO DI SCRITTI CONNESSI ALLE "RICERCHE SPECIALI" DEL CENTRO (SR) REPERTORY OF WRITINGS RELEVANT TO SOME SPECIAL RESEARCHES OF THE CENTRE (SR) Research "CITCAB" The "Cabled" City [La città cablata] 93.1 Klaus Turke Urban and regional impacts of the new information and communication technologies (From: Ekistics: The Science and Study of Human Settlements, vol. 50, n. 302, Sept./Oct, 1983, pp. 370-373) 93.2 J. Gottman Urban settlements and telecommunications (From: Ekistics: The Science and Study of Human Settlements,vol. 50, n. 302, Sept./Oct, 1983, pp. 411-416) 5 Research "COCOLPIA" Collective Plan Bargaining [Contrattazione collettiva di piano] 93.1 F. Archibugi Pianificazione economica e contrattazione collettiva [Economic Planning and Collective Bargaining] (From: Rivista della Facoltà di Economia dell'Università di Napoli, Studi Economici [Journal of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Naples, Economic Studies], Anno XIII, n. 6 Nov. /Dic., 1958) 5 Research "COPAMB" Catalogue of Methods and Techniques of Environmental Heritage Accounting [Repertorio di metodi e tecniche di Contabilità del Patrimonio Ambientale] 88.1 Edith Archambault & Jean Benard Sistemi di contabilità dell'ambiente e problemi di valutazione economica. L'approccio francese (Relazione al Convegno su "Ambiente e sviluppo" [Report to the Meeting on "Environment and Development"], Milano, 24-26 marzo 1988) 88.1a Edith Archambault & Jean Benard Idem (English text, Environment Accounting Systems and Problems of Economic Evaluation. The French Approach) 88.1b Edith Archambault & Jean Benard Idem (Texte francaise) 88.2 Jean-Louis Weber Ecologie et statistique: les comptes du patrimoine naturel (from: Journal de la Societe de statistique de Paris, n. 3, 1987) 88.3 Jose Manuel Naredo Comment l'economiste doit-il prendre en compte les ressources naturelles? (In: E. Archambault et O. Arkhipoff, Nouveaux aspects de la comptabilite nationale, Paris 1988) 88.4 United Nations, Statistical Office A Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (Statistical Papers Series M, N. 78), New York 1984) 88.5 Jean Margat & Jean-Louis Weber Comptabilite' des Ressources naturelles. Proposition pour l'etablissement de comptes des eaux continentals (Pour un Groupe de Travail OCDE) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 89.1 Giuseppe Pennisi Calcoliamo il P.I.A. (Prodotto Interno Ambientale) - Estimating the Domestic Environmental Product (In: VIA, Anno 2, n. 8, Dec 1988) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 90.1 Robert Dorfman Towards a Social Index of Environmental Quality (In: B. Balassa and R. Nelson, eds., Economic Progress: Private Values and Public Policy, North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1977) 90.2 Anthony Friend Structured Framework for Environmental Statistics and Indicators on the State of the Environment (OECD Group of Experts on the State of the Environment, Paris, 1977) 90.3 Knut H. Alfen, Torstein Bye and Natural Resource Accounting and Analysis: The Norwegian Lorents Lorentsen Experience 1978-1986 (Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, 1987) 90.4 Knut H. Alfen and Lorents Lorentsen Statistics and Analytical Methods for a Sustainable Development (Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, 1989) 90.5 Salah El Serafy Natural Resource Accounting: An Overview (Paper presented at the "Conference on the Environment, Development and Economic Research" organized by the Overseas 5 Development Institute, London, March 27-28, 1990) 5 90.6 Salah El Serafy and Ernst Lutz Environmental and Resource Accounting: An Overview (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.7 Herman E. Daly Toward a Measure of Sustainable Social Net National Product (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.8 Salah El Serafy The Proper Calculation of Income from Depletable Natural Resources (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.9 Anne Harrison Introducing Natural Capital into the SNA (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.10 Derek W. Blades Measuring Pollution within the Framework of the National Accounts (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.11 Jacques Theys Environmental Accounting in Development Policy: The French Experience (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.12 Henry M. Peskin A Proposal Environmental Accounts Framework (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.13 Ernst Lutz and Salah El Serafy Recent Developments and Future Work (In: Y.J. Ahmad et al., eds., Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1989) 90.14 Peter Bartelmus Sustainable Development: A Conceptual Framework (Working Paper n. 13, UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, New York, 1989) 90.15 Peter Bartelmus, Carsten Stahmer SNA Framework for Integrated Environmental Economic and Jan van Tongeren Accounting (International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Twenty-First General Conference, Lahnstein, W. Germany, August 20-25, 1989) 90.16 Orris C. Herfindahl & Allen V. Kneese Measuring Social and Economic Change: Benefits and Costs of Environmental Pollution (In: M. Moss, ed., The Measurement of Economic and Social Performance, Columbia U.P., New York, 1973) 90.17 William D. Nordhaus & James Tobin Is Growth Obsolete? (In: M. Moss, ed., The Measurement of Economic and Social Performance, Columbia U.P., New York, 1973) 90.18 Wassily Leontief National Income, Economic Structure, and Environmental Externalities 5 (In: M. Moss, ed., The Measurement of Economic and Social Performance, Columbia U.P., New York, 1973) 90.19 M. Di Palma I conti economici dei beni culturali, della ricerca e dell'ambiente: il quadro generale ed i conti satelliti [Economic Accounts for Cultural Heritage, Research and the Environment: The General Framework and the Satellite Accounts], (Convegno di studi "La statistica italiana per l'Europa del 1993" [Meeting on "Italian Statistics for the Europe of 1993], Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - National Research Council, Roma, 21-23 May 1990) 90.20 M. Di Palma Statistica e risorse naturali [Statistics and Natural Resources] (Universita' di Roma, Istituto di Statistica Economica) 90.21 C. Stahmer Intermediate Report on the Development of a System of Environmental Accounts (January 1990) 90.22 W.D. Nordhaus A Perspective on Costs and Benefits (In EPA Journal, vol. 16, n. 2, 1990) 90.23 E. Lutz, M. Munasinghe, R. Chander A Developing Country Perespective on Environmental Accounting (World Bank Policy and Research Division, Working Paper n. 12, Washington D.C., 1990) 90.24 E. Lutz, J. van Tongeren, Mexico: Environmental Accounting Project S. Schweinfest (Back-to-Office Report) (World Bank, Washington D.C., 1990) 90.25 H.M. Peskin and E. Lutz A Survey of Resource and Environmental Accounting in Industrialized Countries (World Bank Environment Department, Working Paper n. 37, Washington D.C., 1990) 90.26 UNSO and UN Centre for Human Expert-group Meeting on Human Settlements Statistics Settlements (Report of the meeting, held in Nairobi, Kenya, October 1987) 90.27 P. Bartelmus Accounting for Sustainable Development (United Nations, Working Paper n. 8, New York, 1987) 90.28 L. Jinchany and G. Zhengany National Resources Accounting (Progress) 90.29 L. Jinchany et al. National Economic Accounting and Natural Resource Accounting (Progress) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 91.1 M. Carlucci et al. Metodi e Tecniche per una nuova contabilita' ambientale [Methods and Techniques for New Environmental Accounting] (Seminario di Studio "La contabilita' ambientale: Metodi e Tecniche" [Study Seminar on "Environmental Accounting: Methods and Techniques"], Roma 1991) 91.2 Christian Leipert A critical appraisal of gross national product: the measurment of net national welfare and environmental accounting (In: Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XXI n. 1, March 1987) 91.3 A. Harrison Environmental Issues and the SNA (In Review of Income and Wealth, n. 4, December 1989) 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 92.1 Beltratti A. Elementi teorici per la organizzazione di un sistema di contabilità ambientale [Theoretical Elements for the Organisation of an Environmental Accounting System] (Milano 1991) 92.2 Costantino C. I conti del patrimonio naturale: Linee guida per una metodologia [Natural Heritage Accounting: Methodological Guide Lines] (IRSPEL, Roma 1991) 92.3 Costantino C. Specific problems in the implementation of the S.E.R.I.E.E. with reference to the public sector. Case study: Italy (Luxembourg, 1991) 92.4 A. Bareme Compatibilitè des Ressources Naturelles. Etude Pilote concernant (OCDE, Direction de l'Environnement) les eaux interieures (OCDE, Paris, 1988) 92.5 Karl-Goran Maler Economic Growth and the Environment (Preliminary Draft, 1992) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 93.1 M. Weale Exhaustible resources
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