PERCEPTIONSJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PERCEPTIONS Spring 2012 Volume XVII Number 1 Number XVII 2012 Volume Spring PERCEPTIONS NATO and Turkey – Meeting the Challenge of Change Anders Fogh RASMUSSEN Transformation of NATO and Turkey’s Position Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU The Evolution of NATO’s Three Phases and Turkey’s Transatlantic Relationship Gülnur AYBET NATO’s Missile Defense – Realigning Collective Defense for the 21st Century Sean KAY Lisbon and the Evolution of NATO’s New Partnership Policy Rebecca R. MOORE NATO and Russia: A Perpetual New Beginning Roger E. KANET & Maxime Henri André LARIVÉ Book Reviews Spring 2012 Volume XVII - Number 1 ISSN 1300-8641 PERCEPTIONS Style and Format Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions. If another version of the article is under consideration by another publication, or has been or will be published elsewhere, authors should clearly Editor in Chief indicate this at the time of submission. Manuscripts should be submitted to [email protected] Bülent Aras Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. A standard length for PERCEPTIONS articles is 6,000 to 8,000 words including endnotes. The manuscript Deputy Editors should begin with an indented and italicised summary up to 150 words, which should describe the main arguments and conclusions, and 5-7 keywords, indicating to main themes of the manuscript. The author Şaban Kardaş • Mesut Özcan is also expected to give a brief biography in a footnote at the beginning of the article. Book Review Editor PERCEPTIONS also publishes reviews of new books or reports; ‘book reviews’ are usually around Şule Toktaş 700-1,500-words. Names of the authors, places and the publishing houses are required to be written in their original forms. Managing Editor The styles of the references in endnotes should conform the following examples: Engin Karaca Books International Advisory Board John Smith, The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, p. 100. John E. Smith (ed.), The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, pp. 100-102. Nuri Yurdusev Middle East Technical John Smith and Mary Jones, The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, p. 100. Subsequent references should appear as: Smith, The Book Title, p. 100. University In footnotes ‘Ibid.’ should be used where possible, but it should not be used where the previous note Fuat Keyman Sabancı University contains more than one source. Talip Küçükcan Marmara University Articles in Journals Ayşe Kadıoğlu Sabancı University John Smith, “Article Title”, Journal Name, Vol. #, No. # (Month Year), p. #. Mustafa Kibaroğlu Okan University Subsequent references should appear as: Smith, “Article Title”, p. #. Pınar Bilgin Bilkent University Articles in Edited Books Burhanettin Duran Istanbul Şehir University Selçuk Çolakoğlu Yıldırım Beyazıt University John Smith, “Article Title”, in Mary Jones (ed.), Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Company, 1999, p.100. Tuncay Kardaş Sakarya University Oktay Tanrısever Middle East Technical Official Papers University Parliamentary Papers: Select Committee on Manufacturers (Parl. Papers, 1833, VI), 0.456. Subsequent Şaban Kardaş TOBB-ETU references as: SC on ... (PP, 1839, VII), 00.2347. Mesut Özcan Center for Strategic Research Hansard (Commons), 4th ser. XXXVI, 641–2, 22 Aug. 1895. Homepage: http://www.sam.gov.tr Theses The Center for Strategic Research (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi- For titles of published and unpublished theses use italics: SAM) conducts research on Turkish foreign policy, regional studies and John E. Smith, Title of Thesis, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Name of the University, Year, Chapter #, p. # international relations, and makes scholarly and scientific assessments of relevant issues. It is a consultative body of the Turkish Ministry of Internet References Foreign Affairs providing strategic insights, independent data and analysis to decision makers in government. As a nonprofit organization, Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “A Global Spring- Why NATO needs SAM is chartered by law and has been active since May 1995. to go Global”, at http://www.sam.gov.tr/perceptions/volume13/autumn/DustinDehEz.pdf [last visited 21 SAM publishes Perceptions, an English language journal on foreign October 09] affairs. The content of the journal ranges from security and democracy to conflict resolutions, and international challenges and opportunities. Images and Figures Perceptions is a quarterly journal prepared by a large network of All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as figures and consecutively numbered. Tables affiliated scholars. should be kept to a minimum and contain only essential data. PERCEPTIONS is a refereed journal and is included in the PAIS Index and the CSA Index. Numbers To subscribe, write to the Center for Strategic Research, Dr. Sadık Numbers under 10 should be spelled out. Ahmet Caddesi No: 8, Balgat / 06100 Use numerical values (14, 233) to express numbers 10 and above. Ankara - TURKEY Figures should be used to express numbers under 10 that are grouped for comparison with figures 10 and Phone: (+90 312) 292 26 41 - 292 26 22 above: The results showed that 2 out of 20 recipients disagreed with the proposal. 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ISSN 1300-8641 Common fractions should be written out: One fifth of the respondents… PERCEPTIONSJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Spring 2012 Volume XVII Number 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guest Editor: Gülnur AYBET 1 Editorial Preface: NATO and Turkey – Meeting the 3 Challenge of Change Anders Fogh RASMUSSEN Transformation of NATO and Turkey's 7 Position Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU The Evolution of NATO’s Three Phases and 19 Turkey’s Transatlantic Relationship Gülnur AYBET NATO’s Missile Defense – Realigning 37 Collective Defense for the 21st Century Sean KAY Lisbon and the Evolution of NATO’s New 55 Partnership Policy Rebecca R. MOORE NATO and Russia: A Perpetual New 75 Beginning Roger E. KANET & Maxime Henri André LARIVÉ 97 Book Reviews PERCEPTIONS - Spring 2012 Editorial It is a real honour to have been asked NATO’s adaptability to a perpetually to be the guest editor for this special issue changing security environment, while of Perceptions celebrating Turkey’s sixty offering some robust policy prescriptions years in the North Atlantic Alliance. I on how to keep the Alliance alive into would like to thank Prof. Bülent Aras and the 21st Century. These prescriptions staff of the Center for Strategic Research offer useful insight as to how NATO (SAM) for inviting me to contribute as must adapt further, even by engaging guest editor and for all their assistance in with rising powers such as Russia and helping me to bring this issue together. China alongside like-minded traditional partners. In fact I foresee potential Indeed, much has changed since divergence between NATO and Turkey Turkey joined NATO in 1952, yet in engaging with global partners, and this not only has the Alliance repeatedly is reflected also in the Minister’s policy proved to be successful in adapting prescription from a Turkish perspective. itself to changing circumstances, but The Minister also underscores the Turkey’s relationship with the Alliance importance of local involvement in has also stood the test of time, despite overcoming regional problems. This is the perpetual balancing act between the a principle likely to be shared for some divergence and convergence of regional time by NATO and Turkey. interests and a common outlook towards the sea change in global affairs. Rebecca Moore provides us with an exploration of NATO’s Partnership This edition takes stock of some of Policy adopted in April 2011, which the important issues in areas that are moves towards a more tailor-made not only crucial for NATO but also for and flexible approach to individual Turkey, and of how these issues can be partnerships and, as Moore argues, managed in light of that relationship. leaves a question mark over NATO’s NATO’s Secretary General, Rasmussen, more traditional partnerships with ‘like- opens this edition with a preface focusing minded’ members that share its values on Turkey’s role in NATO. and norms. This also ties into the wider The Foreign Minister, Prof Ahmet debate in this volume, revisited in other Davutoğlu, provides an overview of articles, about the changing nature of 1 partnerships and whether these should of the biggest challenges to NATO’s be fostered for normative or strategic relationship with Russia is the emergence purposes. of a ‘two-tier’ NATO, one that still Sean Kay explores European Missile sees the championing of a liberal order Defence as a necessary but problematic beyond its borders, and another keen to solution for collective defence engage in territorial defence against an requirements by providing an overview old adversary that is returning to a status of missile defence debates within the of great power. Alliance, and an evaluation of the I explore these divergences in the necessity and potentially problematic Alliance through the development progress of the European Phased Adaptive of its role from a normative security Approach. In progressing with missile community to a functional security defence, the most significant problem provider. Within this context, I conclude foreseen down the road remains NATO’s with Turkey’s role in this security relationship with Russia. It is this same community and evaluate what the likely relationship which provides the theme of convergent and divergent perceptions Maxime Larive and Roger Kanet’s article.
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