International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 179 - No.36, March 2018 Optimal Power Flow using Cockroach Swarm Optimization M. A. El-dosuky Computer Science Department,Mansoura University Faculty of Computer and Info Mansoura University, Egypt. P.O. 35516 ABSTRACT and the reactive power, qf , is n Optimal Power Flow(OPF) faces challenges of convergence and Xb local minima. This paper reviews nomenclature and literature of yftvf vt sin(δf δt θft) (3) j j − − both OPF and metaphor-based heuristic optimization, emphasiz- t=1 ing Cockroach Swarm Optimization (CSO). Then the paper in- where θshift is the phase shift angle. vestigates CSO as applied to OPF. The solution is tested on the OPF is a global minimization problem [32, 18], i.e. benchmark systems such as IEEE 9 bus system using Matpower. x min f(x) (4) x General Terms with constraints : Global optimization, Power Systems pf pf = pf (5) g − d and Keywords f f f qg qd = q ; (6) Optimal Power Flow,Cockroach Swarm Optimization − where g is generation 1. INTRODUCTION g(x) = 0 (7) Optimal Power Flow(OPF) is implicated in both security [49] and and d is demand economy [13] of operation. Solving an OPF faces many challenges OPF operates near maximum loadability limit (MLL), formulated [50] such as convergence [29] and local minima [42] . as [30] The rest of this paper presents OPF nomenclature and metaphor- based heuristic optimization, emphasizing Cockroach Swarm Opti- max α (8a) mization (CSO), in the second section, before reviewing OPF litera- z 0 ture in the third section. Then the paper investigates CSO as applied subject to Pd = Pd + αd (8b) to OPF in the evaluation section where CSO is tested on benchmark Q = diag(tan φ0)P (8c) systems, before concluding and showing future directions in the last d d sections. g(z) = 0 (8d) z z z (8e) min ≤ ≤ max 2. BACKGROUND where 2.1 OPF Formulation 2 Θ 3 Vm Power flows can be calculated from voltage phase angle denoted as T T 6 7 z = [x α] = 6Pg 7 ; (9) δi [53]. Hence, vi, the voltage at node i, is 6 7 4Qg 5 α vi δi (1) j j\ Differences among MLL and OPF regarding voltage constraints in- Admittance matrix Y of size nb nb can perfectly describe a net- × clude [12]: work of nb buses [53, 23]. Now, pf , the active power injected into bus f at time t, is (1) Magnitudes at the reference buses are locked at their set point values. nb X (2) Magnitudes at all PV and PQ buses are not constrained from yftvf vt cos(δf δt θft) (2) t=1 j j − − below. 1 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 179 - No.36, March 2018 (3) PQ magnitude upper bounds are relaxed. (4) PV magnitude upper bounds are set to the voltage set point of Start correspondent generators. 2.2 Metaphor-based Heuristic optimization Generate Cock- roaches Quorum Figure 1 depicts an arbitrary search space with many local mini- ma/maxima. This nonlinear problem, and the like, requires global optimization [52, 7, 16]. yes Stop Cond. Stop is met? no 2.5 Randomize 2 Cockroaches 1.5 1 Coordinates 0.5 0 10 Measure Cock- 10 5 roaches Fitness 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 Is a near one good? Fig. 1. an arbitrary search space with many local minima/maxima. yes Global heuristic optimization, a.k.a metaheuristics [22], scrutinize search spaces using a dichotomy of intensification and diversifica- Update Co- tion [21, 10] . ordinates for Metaphor-based optimization [1] usually mimic nature [54] such as the remaining Cockroaches Genetic Algorithms (GAs)[24], Cuckoo Search (CS) [55], Hoopoe Heuristic(HH) [19], or swarms [34] of particles(PSO) [35], bees (BCO) [33], or ants (ACO) [18]. no Dispersion? 2.3 Cockroach Swarm Optimization (CSO) Many algorithms mimic cockroaches [57, 27]. CSO uses: yes (1) Swarming of a quorum of cockroaches, excreting a fecal matter Rerandomize trail in the way for the others to follow [5]. some Cockroaches Coordinates (2) Dispersion in presence of danger or resource sparsity [5]. (3) Eliminating each other in resource shortage [57]. no Blattodea insects, comprising cockroaches, have an affinity with Ruthless? Hymenoptera,comprising ants and bees, showing gregarious be- haviour [40]. Ants are eusocial with distinguishable behavioral spe- yes cializations [28]. Otherwise, the nocturnal cockroaches swarm in aggregations [9] for collective decision-making [39]. Eliminate some As depicted in figure 2, cockroaches quorum is initialized ran- Cockroaches domly, as shown in figure3. Then, they are evaluated, the best indi- vidual being associated with a given position in their field of vision. Hence, forming a cluster based on that, as shown in figure4.CSO converses rapidly as shown in figure5. Fig. 2. CSO Flowchart. 3. PREVIOUS WORK —GAs [36, 56] Since the original formulation of OPF [13], the Newton-Raphson was the de facto solving method [51, 45] even for ill-conditioned systems[31]. —ACO [38] OPF is periodically surveyed [26, 29, 11]. A honorable mention is use of linear programming (LP)[4]. —BCO [48] Metaphor-based heuristic optimizations [14, 37] are used such as —PSO [47, 2] and fuzzy version [8] —CS [46] 2 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 179 - No.36, March 2018 Fig. 3. Initial settings. Fig. 6. IEEE 9 bus system [6]. ----------------------------------- Fig. 4. Cockroach Clustering. 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 0.87 5 90 0.81 6 0 0.85 7 439.53 0.66 8 0 0.82 9 125 0.78 % Fig. 5. Pre-Convergence. All busses have direction 0, except the 7th has direction 1. The Reactive power production and generators voltages are : 4. EVALUATION CSO applied to OPF is tested on the IEEE 9 bus system [6] imple- Bus Qgen Qmax mented in MATPOWER.V.6[58] as CASE09.m as shown in figure6 ----------------------------- . CASE09 has 1 area, 9 buses, 9 branches, 3 generators and 3 loads. 1 305.15 9999 Consider continuation flow, runcpf in MATPOWER.V.6, with no 2 300 300 reactive power limits. 3 255.64 300 Bus Volt.magnitude Volt.angle All with Qmin=-300, Vm=Vref=1. ----------------------------------- CSO converges in 4 iterations, approx.0.29 seconds, giving 1 1 0 2 1 -50.45 Bus Volt.magnitude Volt.angle 3 1 -55.24 ----------------------------------- 4 0.84 -19.34 1 1 0 5 0.77 -37.63 2 1 9.67 6 0.82 -58.71 3 1 4.77 7 0.61 -79.87 4 0.99 -2.41 8 0.78 -57.92 5 0.98 -4.02 9 0.74 -38.42 6 1 1.92 7 0.99 0.62 The results are: 8 0.99 3.8 9 0.96 -4.35 Bus P Q ----------------------------- The generations are 1 482 362 2 163 355.5 Bus P Q 3 85 305.5 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 71.95 24.07 Total: 730 1023 2 163 14.46 Compare This with MLL as shown below. 3 85 -3.65 ------------------------------ Bus MLL Load Voltage Total: 319.95 34.88 3 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 179 - No.36, March 2018 400 MW A1 333 MW Hydro, 6 U50 Nuclear × Bus 18 Nuclear A2 400 MW A3 300 MW Bus 17 Bus 21 Bus 22 2 U155 1×U350 × Bus 23 A2 155 MW A4 660 MW Bus 16 Bus 19 Bus 20 181 MW 100 128 MW MW Bus 14 Bus 15 Synch. A5 Cond. 591 MW A1 317 MW 3 U197 A3 155 × MW 194 MW 230 kV Bus 13 265 MW Fig. 7. PSO vs CSO on Systems with 10 groups [15]. Bus 24 Bus 11 Bus 12 195 MW Bus 3 Bus 9 Bus 10 Bus 6 cable 108 Bus 4 175 MW MW 136 MW Bus 5 Bus 8 74 MW 171 MW 71 MW 138 kV 125 MW cable Bus 7 2 U76 Bus 1 Bus 2 2 U76 × × A4 300 MW 152 MW A1 A2 152 MW 108 97 3 U100 MW MW × Fig. 9. IEEE Reliability Test test [25]. Fig. 8. PSO vs CSO on Systems with 15 groups [20]. [3] Mohammed R AlRashidi and Mohamed E El-Hawary. A sur- As PSO is widely applied in power systems[17, 3], let us compare it vey of particle swarm optimization applications in electric with CSO on benchmark systems such as [15] in figure7 and [20]in power systems. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computa- figure8. tion, 13(4):913–918, 2009. [4] O Alsac, J Bright, M Prais, and B Stott. Further developments 5. CONCLUSION in lp-based optimal power flow. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 5(3):697–711, 1990. CSO shows a fast convergence as compared to PSO. 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