University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The aP cifican University of the Pacific ubP lications 5-15-1953 Pacific eekW ly, May 15, 1953 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eW ekly, May 15, 1953" (1953). The Pacifican. 595. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican/595 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific ubP lications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP cifican by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Persons interested in apply-j I For all those interested in the ! ing fdr positions of editor| |working on and with the Rally or business manager of the. ! Committee for the school year Naranjado should send letters , j 1953-54, there will be a meet- of application to either Mr. I |ing in the PSA office Tuesday Washburn, c/o art department, night May 19, at 8:00. Bob Butterbaugh or Bob Coon, c/o Naranjado office. These For those who are interested applications must be in by and cannot attend, please con­ Tuesday, May 19 and should tact Jim Taylor at 2-9405 or contain the person's qualifica­ I leave a message in the PSA tions for the job he wants. J office. Vol. 48 C.O.P. — STOCKTON, CALIF. May 15, 1953 — No. 25 4"—«—«—>•—•—»™—"*—•—"—•—« List of PSA winners Appointive offices in PSA government shows coming promise A week ago yesterday, the stud­ still available to desiring students ents of COP went to the polls to Pacific students who would like one of the PSA appointive offices. vote in a run-off election for Stud­ a chance to serve in the student Members of the new executive ent Body officers. Here are the government next year and do not committee are now ready to con­ results of that election and a as yet have an office, are now sider applicants to fill the posts of little information concerning the being given a chance to apply for winners. drives commissioner, student af­ The presidential run-off found fairs commissioner, publications Phil Wogaman, a junior pre-min- Advance registration commissioner and graduate repre­ isterial student defeating Kane sentative. In addition to these of­ Waggoner. Phil is also president For fall-summer soon fices which are set up by the con­ of the CRA, a member of Phi Students currently enrolled at stitution, each member of the Kappa Phi, Blue Key, and for the Pacific may register in advance 'ex" committee is interested in last year, assistant pastor of the for the fall semester of 1953-54, having at least one asistant ap­ Clay Street Methodist Church and/or for the first summer ses­ here in Stockton. pointed to help with that particu­ Th new PSA officers get started on their new job. Left to right sion of 1953, during the dates May lar phase of the PSA work. The vice presidential race was they are Phil Wogaman, president; Marilyn McClure, secretary; 14 through May 20. Requirements for these offices settled in the primaries when and Norm Harris, vice president. A1 Alstrand, treasurer, was unable Tuition charges are payable at are as folows: All appointees Norman Harris, Omega Phi, Pa­ to attend this meeting. the time of advance registration, cific Weekly Sports Editor, and or on September 14 and 15. For must have a 1.00 G.P-A. and must , Tiger Basketballer defeated jun­ those wishing to use the deferred be a regular member of the PSA. Parents shown campus The student affairs commissioner ior class president Don Cunning­ Final senate meet payment plan, four drafts may ham of Archania in a close race. be signed covering the tuition and publications commissioner Marilyn McClure, a sophomore last Saturday at COP charges. These amount to one must be seniors during their term in office; the graduate represen­ education major from Epsilon propose larger pool The Second Annual Parents third down and the balance in won the post of student body sec­ three equal payments due Octo­ tative must be a graduate student By GEORGE FOWLER Day was held May 9, beginning during his term in office. retary from Janie Barrett. with registration at 1:00 and end­ ber 1, November 1, and Decem­ In one of the more interesting The final meeting of the PSA ing with the final curtain of ber 1, 1953. Students must report Duties of the previously listed contests for office, Archania's A1 Senate was highlighted by several "Good News". to the Business Office on Septem­ offices: commissioner of drives — Alstrand defeated write-in cam­ amusing if unusual "suggestions." ber 14 or 15 to complete final fi­ serve as a member of the Senate paigning Jack Francis, Pacific Dr. Robert E. Burns welcomed nancial arrangements. and be responsible for planning Weekly Editor for the position of It was moved by Pete Schnei­ parents and visitors at an assem­ Students enrolling in advance and executing all drive programs treasurer. der that the PSA Student Body bly in the Conservatory following for the first Summer Session will on the campus during the year; registration. The A Cappella In the vote battle for Social cards be raised from $15 to $515, be expected to pay half the tui­ student affairs commissioner—su­ Choir sang and a panel discussed Chairman Bob "'orribly ugly" the extra funds to be used to fill tion at the time of advance regis­ pervise PSA elections, serve as a what the College of the Pacific tration and the remainder on Young of Omega Phi defeated the swimming pool with Alco­ link between individuals and the Sharon Kelly of Epsilon in a very offers. Members on the panel June 22 or 23. government and form a perman­ tight race. holic beverages. were Miss Harriett Monroe, Ursu­ ent campus-wide committee that This "motion" was brought up la Herrick, Phil Wogaman, Bob meets regularly to discuss stu­ Funny man Jim Taylor of the Steres, Dean Edward S. Betz, and PSA OFFICERS Archite House defeated Jack dent problems; publications com­ after mention of statistics, which Dean Lloyd Bertholf. LEAVE ON TRIP Green for the position of Rally stated that the average person in missioner — supervise all PSA Chairman in the run offs. Following the assembly, the publications and appoint the edi­ the United States consumed 21.8 Geoff Thomas, PSA President, audience went to Anderson Social tors and business managers of the Barbara Lee Ratto, an Educa­ gallons of alcoholic beverages a Phil Wogaman, President elect, tion Major, squeaked by T.K.'s Hall for coffee and then ad­ and Nbrm Harris Veep Elect, de­ publications; graduate representa­ Louetta Salsa in the closest race year. Since the COP student body journed outside for the Band parted by plane last Tuesday for tive — effectively represent grad­ of the campaign. Barbara is a comprises 800 students, the ex­ Concert. Guided tours of the cam­ the annual PSPA Convention in uate students and take on special member of Epsilon Lambda Sig­ cess funds from Student Body pus, open house at the living Tucson, Arizona. Their destina­ duties as assigned by the Senate. ma and Omega Nu. cards would purchase approxi­ groups, dinner, and "Good News" tion was the University of Arizo­ There are many posts to be completed the program of the day. In the run offs for Junior Class mately 40,000 gallons. Unfortun­ na for a 3-day parley involving filled as the Senate is forming representative Epsilon's Carmi- ately, however, the swimming A total of over 300 parents were colleges and universities of eleven new standing committees in ad­ lita "Carmie" Castro aced out pool will only hold 35,000 gallons, formally registered; twice as western states, Hawaii, British dition to above mentioned offices. "old Smokey" Todd Clark. the glaring deficiency in total many attended as last year. Columbia and Mexico. PSA President elect, Phil Woga­ capacity was pointed out, and the man urges that all interested stu­ The Sophomore class represent­ The Pacific Student Presidents only obvious course, that of em dents file applications with one ative as chosen in the Final elec­ Association conference has been larging the pool, was brought up. of the "ex" committee members tion was Carolyn Carpenter, Ep­ Speech trainees spend established so that old and new silon Pledge. Carolyn won over The second amendment, bril­ Student Body presidents will be so that the best possible person Allison "Ome" Tucker (The liantly brought up by the present day at school of deaf able to exchange ideas. may be found for each vacancy. Voice). junior representative, was to the C.O.P. audiometry students and effect that the heating of the pool Miss Loida Farrow, instructor, be raised to the top temperature visited the California School for SEASON TICKET DRIVE CONCLUDED lefa Phi, Archania of 80 degrees, from the present the Deaf in Berkeley last week. 60. (We can only assume from Last night the Pacific Student Association, en masse, com­ receive awards this that his taste runs primarily Class members, learning about pleted one of the semesters most important of all campus func­ The final President's Convoca­ to Hot Toddys.) hearing impairments, deafness tions, The Football Season's Ticket Sale's Campaign. tion, combining the regular con­ and hearing testing, had an ex­ Geoff Thomas and Jim Taylor were the co-chairman on the vocation and the Honors Assem­ About this time the admini­ cellent opportunity to view the stration brought its power to bear student level with Ed Zuchelli and Jerry Kirsten of the Athletic bly, was climaxed with an ad­ areas in practice as well as theo­ on the matter.
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