TROVI~CIAL L~BRAR~ PARLIA~EHT BLD3. V£C~OR£A B.C. C0MP. l I / . : . _ . v. '.• : • •. [ • , : i ~ • .' .C0ntrol oullet•in' Te/'racd are '" " "¢" ~ , ' ! ' : thankfulthey took time'out for.a .. " , ~: - -i- ~ ".- :--- - "-, ~:,coffee_break ,yes{el'day ~af-., ' " , '.' ,. ~ ~ f -,-, tern0on~shbflly.:-t~fom4p,m-"~ ...... "i ~ ~ :.:~ . r ' 1 l~ " " "' : ~As.one of them said later: 1%' • "If we hadn't .:,," He let the , sentence tail off and shuddel'ed'.~, ~ '.' :, slightly, , • , " . The employees took the break ..... " ~ " from 'the task of unlcadlng a- ,:' ~ . ~ ~'~::' " |arge semi-van While they sat.~ • , ;, . •~ ~ " ~. ~ .. ~ • : , ,,~.• f / ~, , , in their coffee room a con- .....~ .....' :', ,'-:i":-,~i,- ~;''~ ! ..... :. LIQUOR siderable secti0n of the roof d- " ' ' :~"/"~!. • - the building came ~crashinl ' ~ down where they had bee: -.i."; ": working. The building ,wa . ., .,:' .; • :~' . -; .: " STORE immediatel, evacuated. " :. i: :i : ~ _i _,!- ~i,:, If the men had been working : •, at least one and probably more ~. L would have been injured by the.. :.,i. ' , : :, '.~ I : : 4 ~ "-.~ ' I :';',~'['~I collapse of [he roof. ' . - ..... ROOF Judging from statements. :=... : r " '" "~'~ made by employees of the LCB -:.... :": ................ -1. •~. , : •.~ • ....... --- at the site it would 'appear [he' "i : : ":' " :i e:41:, '[ ~ = ~ " 4 : " ~ ~ v ' :'" ~ CA YES roof coll,psed when workmen',' - , ,' ,,!,." ,~, !i;~i: ':'1 2 ' i " ,. installing a double door a't the . :': :- ~!~ rear of a build[ng~ knocked out ' " ~ .... " '~ one of the roof's supports. Two : :: " .~ : ., • had been designed'to replace ..~-~: :i~i"' , the one severed were not dry, . , . ~:~" . ~ . _. said the employees, and could . • ,.~,~ not hold the roof. • " " ~ • i!!. • . As it is the rear quarter of the " ~':, .:::~ - .... ,, " "':,'. :' building is down andthe ceiling .. " : i!':~,:• :i .- i n the store is buckled aild ~. ~I. ' ~ " ripped in several places~ :" I~~ : ' The store is expected tO he ...... ~_ ...~,;~-r: ~=..,~.~.a,~.~..~,~j '---. closed for aeme ~ime while ~.~'~-~~_~.i~~1~,'_ ~.~.~" - ~'~ '/,~,r~,%~.-~.~!+':.~:~-~ ...~ :.,~'~r@l~~-'~-~,~-~':~~t.,,'~T~';~--.--.--.--.--~;..;~l i" ": ":~~ repairs are affected. '~,'~ .... .~:,"~ ,~,~:;~,~:,-...~'~"..... /.~' ,,'!~,~~;~-~'i~~~ "s~ ~'~ ":/ '~'~' ' - .......... " VOLUME 6B NO 44 PRICE "15 CENT s race t O become l[ r I " : ::Hydro Center , ""::.:=' ! ' I J .;iHC~l!r'0 his become the " haschangedhandsandthedeed I ~~ .TM~ • 'l .fib ~I~ h ~r~l~"~~ ld major firm to let .it be to Ihe land is transferred. I New ~t. use¢l vemcles I 1 il 1 Im'l .1 • ~l I IW ~i 1 I 1 n" they re interested in Plans for the site include a • . : 1.1 1 ~ 'll r i ~l I J 1 a fewm" acres" ' he large tolalcomplex,I .ilncluding" I ev-.-,.,a a,,ve~ I lW..IgivlJ1ll' / mlilll'~'~j'J]l ~'~Wl~/ll:•[I~lll ram• ow le :ards warehousng and 1 ~lr~=ffi=ll#~t . 1 Industrial Part n PO Y- , "1 .. ,,.,___~V|V , AJ ~ I "' . : d,C,;eloped in Terraee's office space in one or more I " Melal :mop LTa. I ~d)- ~. , . buildings • The cost?, Ac- II [ ~ '. 7-~:.':'",- ..... cording toSandahls quite a '! "~..D8.273 63,5"6572. I WEDNESDAY, • OCTOBER 30, 1974 TERRACE, B.C. o'!ts so3merestea ~.n tact., number of dollars. ". ' 1 ""----'" • : I - ' t'alk 6fthem Purc.nasing The complex "weuld house =° ' . " • . " , :.Thepurchasewould[itinwi.th ." " -----"- -" " "-"-" p,¥"e-'-- i ;han.ustconsderingthejIhal i B.C,-It~,dro is current B.C,. Hydro .plans'. " --VVI!~fll I IIrl if-" I I IM,Iv-- •rat ru., m#n nu/ra uu•I iiiii"l'n ~s'e',0f the land, :Details which, overlhe next two' to ~ - , . , ~ I1 - taken care of by tlead three years will.see princ e " . - ~- " -," . ' - Hardy. This was granted and Vancofiver, Sandhals Rupert •phased~OUr :as the -,. Alderman Richard-Green "unjustified. the disatisfaction of Council of members of councll present, chamber and asked that the Alderman Duffus absented ;it appears 4hat it's regional center.with=TetTa ¢e: , ex-ressed Complere ,A ~resolution tabled by Mr. thereplyandasking fora more Prior to the discussion of the, letter from Mr. Taylor be read h resell until •the m~[ tar was [atter~of somc ground becoming the central point for' diSaPti~fac{ion,.wltha t;eply Green..asking the Mayor ' to positive report received the' mallei" Alderman Duffusasked, by Assistant Administrator concluded,:i., • ,."," .':~ ~ ~a donn'~ until money ~his region '/.eeieved fr0m Mr.-J;P. Taylor, write o'Mr: Taylor expressing :. unanimnus" approval of the. for. permisSica to."~ leave the Wa~,ne Buchanan and not Mr. • 'Assistant Deputy [nspee to r 0f . ...:... ;...,:.•.......,,.......•.•.....................•.....••;..•..•..,...........•...•..~' ~':- .... ' " ' - ' " ' ~ ': ' ..... ' ..~.~.•.:•:•~:..:~:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ' ' .:.~, =. lhl~ .~WAJ ~-, .~:-~-~,•,~,.,~~,~. L~ St .~t em ent S ~l~a d~" , ..... HaVe thi : Cho ce i: .... :M!d = ......... .......... t LII!!::;!IlSCH..... O REFERENDUM -lostland," Project." 'ma'ih"P taring , albi~g/-the '.ma 6 . 'stemsfr'om. he,laet lhal.thero = r he Canadian "route to Prince Ru~rt. ~ was:apparent indication of i ":' Ther~icdfor situationat the School candidates are conlcating th¢~ TheTerraceeleetoratewillbe way's route north . Another problem that has 'io . 'change from lheuse of.land use:~: National l: the,!Mtinicipal .council oF,the. ,:: :.;~. Boardisslightly more compleX two two year terms with the :,faced wtth:a decision on two ihoge clarified be resolved involves the Kih contract Io an :amendxnenl db'": :1o (Grd District:of,.,Td/~acd,~is. alnfobt/ /'~:[han ~a[~at:Ctty.Hall, ,There Boai'd they are the incumbent .~: .referenda ialong with their •na~ hy "C.N.•s sumkalum who hold claim [o the zoning by-l~w iO cdverjhe-. Straighferw~ird.: AU voterswill " are-: nine candidates:saeamg Nancy err, housewife 'James . decisions for aldermen and ~lanager o[ ' 2000 feet through the Canyon at c0nstructi0n of condominium:: " beaskcdtb.dois'tochoesethree. ' , electi0n[o three seals, two of ' Patrick Boyle, a sales ' school trustees, :They will be Ir:. :John Sturgess, mile 5 /rhis small section is us .iypo buildil~gs and in particular : :: of file eight Candidates for two, • thdse!f6r two year.terms m~d manager; Dennis Weele~': : asked [ov0te for, or against an :onventibii of the lnd an Reserve' No,2 find" must .' as t applied o a development to : ye'~Jerms on the'Council, : • : -one for.a one yea.r.!e.r.m... Brewer a manager; and Nan" : " expondilure ~of $400,000 ,as the ,£: cha'mber oft b6 resolved. " , , ' " be undcrtaken by, C M.I.~Ursen, r • 'Tl~.:~,eight are as -followst/ . ", -uvdr nmt mecanalastes, nye, Ge0rgina Harrison . a .. :. ~Regi0nal • District's..two ,third ): " Cnmmer'ce, last SundaySundhv in The C,N crews must get on 'gaveMr. Duff0s~lhe impression Their statements and platforms . will be in the running for the housewife. .... " portion of the development of a " thislandtodotesl'drillingtosee "that the,z0nlng by-law was to h~ ffmnd inside~ today's ' lodd nneyear seat, ,They are Statements from most' of : • i .eki.complex on:Kitsumkalum : . • ~Kittma(, He agreed " ~,'ith Mr. Sturgess" !f the........ rock is right and suf- xeptace the land use contract in .can .. "~h'~:~m.ald ' :.r;.L ~ :: Jolifi"Edward Cook manager; these candidates can be found -. ,' •'Mountain. They will also be issue of the'Herald, .~,,..:,,;,: ..... : Ai~ ~his: Statement q!~al ;~.~:N R. "cientTc in~g"of la0iuaUe°~ ~ thisparttcular iestancewasnat Shar~n~ :3eahhd :~Blgg-4;/a~ .~ " a Marie LaPlante, inside the Herald To date all .... : _asked the same question in " ould llOt.'ibe~,kept ". conslr ' ' r made, 'clear", is Completely cnndidat'es have sh0wn an i//~: :~ / :: regard to the embellishment of rveyors •w~ : homem akdF;": l:I~ct~iF Ma~"Vthi:. Raymond Lyle wrong..:,~ ..... -. terest both in education and tl'ie ~', :... ' ~.Lower Little Park as a passive oundsitlin,gonlheir:,~fahny)~ , alterna vc'.would beia -very " " ~". !~: BuncOmbe, retiretl; Michael': , ,, Chief : X-ray th;noiw0rklb d6.• tlowever', deep cut.' There isrno.wnY of M~-: Green pointed out to a :. Joseph Gerald Di~[fus~: a ' t; Margaret Vivian financial end of the big business ' , : :~ ': park at a cost of $290,0o0. the ScheeFBoardhas become ' " ~. ~i .' :Citizens i'esiding outside of 'He:'Hostland said there is still 'gettingtver or aroundthis~very newspaper report of the • • manager;He)mutGiesbrecht, a i ;ewife; Daniel Gray r. " meeting in question in which it Like those running for Council , :: ~'~ Terrace in Thurnhilll Queen- )rk"lo defer hi least key, men steep area. : ' ' teacher William Grant ingle[', machine ~d he hopes':thaE~ this w'ill Mr. Hostland said that efforis was r~corded Ihat Mr~ Duffus all are involved and concerned . :sway Will he voting on the Ski i'. a manager; Catherine lMary. William On November 16/ you can ~ Hillproposal and in addition nflndc tobd the Ca~e:'u~iil ai Io meei with the Kit~umkalum was, fformed by .Ihe mayor~ '- Little a homemaker;~ Patrick a Salesman. asi arounirt November~lB:hnd kmve not been crdwned with severiil aldermsa:and the fid-}i show yo~ involvement •~a'nd will be l~aking their decision on -., gs'of success to date but that h e ,,minislratorthaithis~,asnotthe~~: ;i Earl• O'Donaghy an editor,: tg four voice your concern by getting a $60,000 refei'endum plus a -when the:itext mectifi : David.Pease; an accountant; ~g for the ici.0rs takes place hopes that a mootingcan be set:-:. Case dn, seven Occasions.... ,'. ":
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