Alaska Regional Directors Offices Director Email Address Contact Numbers Supt

Alaska Regional Directors Offices Director Email Address Contact Numbers Supt

ATTACHMENT B - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR CONTACTS Alaska Regional Directors Offices Director Email Address Contact Numbers Supt. Phone Fax Code ABLI RegionType Unit U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Alaska Region (FWS) HASKETT,GEOFFREY [email protected] 1011 East Tudor Road Phone: 907‐ 786‐3309 Anchorage, AK 99503 Fax: 907‐ 786‐3495 National Park Service(NPS) Alaska Region (NPS) MASICA,SUE [email protected] 240 West 5th Avenue,Suite 114 Phone:907‐644‐3510 Anchoorage,AK 99501 Bureau of Indian Affairs(BIA) Alaska Region (BIA) VIRDEN,EUGENE [email protected] Bureau of Indian Affairs Phone: 907‐586‐7177 PO Box 25520 Telefax: 907‐586‐7252 709 West 9th Street Juneau, AK 99802 Anchorage Agency Phone: 1‐800‐645‐8465 Bureau of Indian Affairs Telefax:907 271‐4477 3601 C Street Suite 1100 Anchorage, AK 99503‐5947 Telephone: 1‐800‐645‐8465 Bureau of Land Manangement (BLM) Alaska State Office (BLM) CRIBLEY,BUD [email protected] Alaska State Office Phone: 907‐271‐5960 222 W 7th Avenue #13 FAX: 907‐271‐3684 Anchorage, AK 99513 United States Geological Survey(USGS) Alaska Area (USGS) BARTELS,LESLIE lholland‐[email protected] 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508‐4626 Phone:907‐786‐7055 Fax: 907‐ 786‐7040 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management(BOEM) Alaska Region (BOEM) KENDALL,JAMES [email protected] 3801 Centerpoint Drive Phone: 907‐ 334‐5208 Suite 500 Anchorage, AK 99503 Ralph Moore [email protected] c/o Katmai NP&P (907) 246‐2116 ANIA ANTI AKR NPRES ANIAKCHAK P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 (907) 246‐3305 (907) 246‐2120 Jeanette Pomrenke [email protected] P.O. Box 220 (907) 443‐6139 BELA BIBE AKR NPRES BERING LAND BRIDGE Nome, AK 99762 (907) 443‐2522 (907) 443‐6101 George Helfrich [email protected] c/o Western Arctic Parklands (907) 442‐8316 CAKR CALO AKR NM CAPE KRUSENSTERN P.O. 1029 Kotzebue, AK 99752 (907) 442‐3890 (907) 442‐8301 Paul Anderson [email protected] P.O. Box 9 (907) 683‐9612 DENA DENA AKR NP DENALI Denali Park, AK 99755 (907) 683‐2294 (907) 683‐9581 Paul Anderson [email protected] P.O. Box 9 (907) 683‐9612 DENA DEPO AKR NPRES DENALI Denali Park, AK 99755 (907) 683‐2294 (907) 683‐9581 Greg Dudgeon [email protected] 4175 Geist Rd. (907) 455‐0601 GAAR GAAR AKR NP GATES OF THE ARCTIC Fairbanks, AK 99709‐3420 (907) 455‐0615 (907) 455‐0615 Greg Dudgeon [email protected] 4175 Geist Rd. (907) 455‐0601 GAAR GATE AKR NPRES GATES OF THE ARCTIC Fairbanks, AK 99709‐3420 (907) 455‐0615 (907) 455‐0615 Ralph Moore [email protected] P.O. Box 7 (907) 246‐2116 KATM KATM AKR NP KATMAI King Salmon, AK 99613 (907) 246‐3305 (907) 246‐2120 Ralph Moore [email protected] P.O. Box 7 (907) 246‐2116 KATM KEFJ AKR NPRES KATMAI King Salmon, AK 99613 (907) 246‐3305 (907) 246‐2120 Jeff Mow [email protected] P.O. Box 1727 (907) 224‐7505 KEFJ KEMO AKR NP KENAI FJORDS Seward, AK 99664 (907) 224‐7500 (907) 224‐7515 Supt (AKR)‐ Susan L. Boudreau [email protected] P.O. Box 517 (907) 983‐9249 KLGO KNRI *AKR NHP KLONDIKE Skagway, AK 99840 (907) 983‐2921 (907) 983‐9216 George Helfrich [email protected] c/o Western Arctic Parklands (907) 442‐8316 KOVA KOWA AKR NP KOBUK VALLEY P.O. Box 1029 Kotzebue, AK 99752 (907) 442‐3890 (907) 442‐8301 Joel Hard [email protected] 240 West 5th Ave Suite 236 Anchorage, (907) 271‐3707 LACL LACL AKR NP LAKE CLARK AK 99501 (907) 271‐3751 (907) 271‐3753 Joel Hard [email protected] 240 West 5th Ave Suite 236 Anchorage, (907) 271‐3707 LACL LAME AKR NPRES LAKE CLARK AK 99501 (907) 271‐3751 (907) 271‐3753 George Helfrich [email protected] c/o Western Arctic Parklands (907) 442‐8316 NOAT NOCA AKR NPRES NOATAK P.O. Box 1029 Kotzebue, AK 99752 (907) 442‐3890 (907) 442‐8301 Randy Y. Larson [email protected] 103 Monastery Street (907) 747‐0144 SITK SLBE AKR NHP SITKA Sitka, AK 99835 (907) 747‐6281 (907) 747‐0111 Meg Jensen [email protected] P.O. Box 439 (907) 822‐7216 WRST WRST AKR NP WRANGELL‐ST. ELIAS Copper Center, AK 99573 (907) 822‐5234 (907) 822‐7202 Meg Jensen [email protected] P.O. Box 439 (907) 822‐7216 WRST WRBR AKR NPRES WRANGELL‐ST. ELIAS Copper Center, AK 99573 (907) 822‐5234 (907) 822‐7202 Greg Dudgeon [email protected] 4175 Geist Rd. (907) 455‐0601 YUCH ZION AKR NPRES YUKON‐CHARLEY Fairbanks, AK 99709‐3420 (907) 457‐5752 (907) 455‐0615 RIVERS Ralph Moore [email protected] c/o Katmai NP&P (907) 246‐2116 ALAG ALFL AKR WR ALAGNAK P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 (907) 246‐3305 (907) 246‐2120 Susan Boudreau [email protected] Box 140 (907) 697‐2654 GLBA GLBA AKR NP GLACIER BAY Gustavus, AK 99826‐0140 (907) 697‐2232 (907) 697‐2616 Susan Boudreau [email protected] Box 140 (907) 697‐2654 GLBA GLCA AKR NPRES GLACIER BAY Gustavus, AK 99826‐0140 (907) 697‐2232 (907) 697‐2616 Greg Dudgeon [email protected] 4175 Geist Rd. (907) 455‐0601 YUCH ZION AKR NPRES YUKON‐CHARLEY Fairbanks, AK 99709‐3420 (907) 457‐5752 (907) 455‐0615 RIVERS Northwest Region Bureau Directors Offices(WA,OR,ID) Director Email Address Contact Numbers Supt. Phone Fax Code ABLI Region Type Unit Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Pacific Northwest Region (BOR) KARL,WIRKUS [email protected] Pacific Northwest Regional Office Phone:208‐378‐5012 1150 North Curtis Road, Suite 100 Fax:208‐378‐5019 Boise, Idaho 83706‐1234 U.S Fish and Wildlife Service ( Fish and Wildlife) Pacific Northwest Region(FWS) THORSON, ROBYN [email protected] U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Phone:503 231‐6120 Pacific Region 911 NE 11th Ave Portland, Oregon 97232 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Northwest Region(BIA) SPEAKS,STANLEY [email protected] Northwest Regional Office Phone: (503) 231‐6702 Bureau of Indian Affairs Telefax: (503) 231‐2201 911 Northeast 11th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232‐4169 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregan State Office(BLM) SHEPARD,ED [email protected] 333 S.W. 1st Avenue Phone: 503‐808‐6001 Portland, OR 97204 Fax: 503‐808‐6308 United States Geological Survey ( USGS) Northwest Area(USGS) DIERAUF,LESLIE [email protected] 909 1st Avenue Phone:206‐220‐4600 Seattle, WA 98104‐1055 Fax:206‐220‐4624 Supt (PWR)‐ Karen Beppler‐Dorn [email protected] 319 Second Avenue South (206) 553‐0614 KNRI PWR NHP GOLD Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 220‐4240 (907) 983‐9216 KLSE RUSH Hank Florence [email protected] P.O. Box 774 162 Cemetery (360) 678‐2246 EBLA EDAL PWR OTHER EBEY'S LANDING NATIONAL HISTORICAL RESERVE Road Coupeville, WA 98239 (360) 678‐6084 (360) 678‐6084 Tracy Fortmann [email protected] 612 E Reserve Street (360) 696‐7657 FOVA FOWA PWR NHS FORT VANCOUVER Vancouver, WA 98661‐3897 (360) 696‐7655 (360) 696‐7655 Chip Jenkins [email protected] c/o North Cascades (360) 856‐1934 LACH LACL PWR NRA LAKE CHELAN 810 State Route 20 Sedro‐Woolley, WA 98284‐1239 (360) 854‐7200 (360) 854‐7205 Debbie Bird [email protected] 1008 Crest Drive (509) 633‐9332 LARO LAVO PWR NRA LAKE ROOSEVELT Coulee Dam, WA 99116‐1259 (509) 633‐9441 (509) 633‐9441 Chip Jenkins [email protected] 810 State Route 20 (360) 856‐1934 NOCA OBRI PWR NP NORTH CASCADES Sedro‐Woolley, WA 98284‐1239 (360) 854‐7200 (360) 854‐7205 600 East Park Avenue (360) 565‐3015 OLYM ORCA PWR NP OLYMPIC Karen Gustin [email protected] Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 565‐3000 (360) 565‐3002 Chip Jenkins [email protected] 810 State Route 20 (360) 856‐1934 ROLA RUCA PWR NRA ROSS LAKE Sedro‐Woolley, WA 98284‐1239 (360) 854‐7200 (360) 854‐7205 Peter K. Dederich [email protected] P.O. Box 429 (360) 378‐2615 SAJH SAND PWR NHS SAN JUAN ISLAND Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (360) 378‐2240 (360) 378‐2240 Jim Hammett [email protected] 32651 Highway 19 Kimberly, OR 97848‐ (541) 987‐2336 JODA JOFI PWR NM JOHN DAY FOSSIL BEDS 9701 (541) 987‐2333 (541) 987‐2333 David Szymanski [email protected] 92343 Fort Clatsop Road (503) 861‐2585 FOCL LIME PWR NHP LEWIS AND CLARK Astoria, OR 97103 (503) 861‐2471 (503) 861‐4401 Vicki J. Snitzler [email protected] 1900 Caves Highway (541) 592‐3981 ORCA ORPI PWR NM OREGON CAVES Cave Junction, OR 97523 (541) 592‐2100 (541) 592‐2100 Wendy Janssen [email protected] P.O. Box 570 (208) 837‐4857 HAFO HALE PWR NM HAGERMAN FOSSIL BEDS Hagerman, ID 83332 (208) 837‐4793 (208) 837‐4793 Wendy Janssen [email protected] P.O. Box 570 (208) 837‐4857 MIIN MIMA PWR NHS MINIDOKA Hagerman, ID 83332 (208) 837‐4793 (208) 837‐4793 vacant vacant PO Box 10000 (208) 843‐2124 NEPE NICO PWR NHP NEZ PERCE Lapway, ID 83540 (208) 843‐7001 (208) 843‐7011 California and Nevada Region Bureau Offices Director Email Address Contact Numbers Supt. Phone Fax Code ABLI Region Type Unit Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Mid Pacific Region(BOR) DONALD R.,GLASER [email protected] Mid Pacific Regional Office Phone:916‐978‐4400 Federal Office Building Fax:916‐978‐4416 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento CA 95825‐1898 Lower Colorodo Region(BOR) LORRI,GRAY [email protected] Lower Colorado Regional Office Phone:702‐ 293‐8411 P.O. Box 61470 Fax:702‐293‐8333 Boulder City, NV 89006‐1470 ‐‐or‐‐ 500 Fir Street Boulder City, NV 89005‐2403 U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Pacific Southwest Region(FWS) LOHOEFENER,REN [email protected] 2800 Cottage Way, W‐2606 Phone: 916‐414‐6464 Sacramento, CA 95825 Fax: 916‐414‐6486 National Park Service (NPS) Pacific West Region(NPS) WESTBERG,RORY [email protected] One Jackson Center Phone:510‐817‐1300 111 Jackson Street Suite 700 Okland CA 94607 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Pacific Region(BIA) MORRIS,DALE [email protected] Pacific Regional Office Phone: (916) 978‐6000 Bureau of Indian Affairs Telefax: (916) 978‐6099 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Sacramento(BIE) PEACOCK, CLYDE [email protected] 2800 Cotage Way Phone:916‐978‐6057 Sacramento,CA 95825 Fax:916‐978‐6056 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada State Office (BLM) WENKER,RON [email protected] P.O.

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