Eighth International Conference on Mars (2014) 1477.pdf Halobacterium salinarum: Polyextremophile Model for Life Inside Martian Halite. A. Srivastava1, Depart- ment of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, BioAxis DNA Research Centre Private Limited, Hyderabad (13-51, Sri Lakshmi Nagar colony, L B Nagar, Hyderabad-500068, A.P., India, [email protected]) Introduction: It is essential to define and under- eral studies have come into light that isolated and cul- stand the limits of life here on Earth before we can tivated halophilic microorganisms from ancient salt anticipate the potential for life on extraterrestrial des- deposits, provided detailed taxonomic descriptions, tinations. Indeed, when we consider the prospects of and retrieved DNA from ancient sediments [9-19], extraterrestrial life, we should not be confined to the which again strongly supported the presence of biolog- Earth-centric point of view of life, however, there are ical material in evaporites of great geological age and compelling lines of evidence at terrestrial analogues suggested important astrobiological implications [20]. for extraterrestrial environments that project them as Among halophiles, Halobacterium salinarum seems to plausible models to those extraterrestrial sites, to study be a versatile microorganism and can be attributed as life at those extreme ends. The present work briefly a poly-extremophile. reviews the recent studies on long-term survival po- Halobacterium salinarum is a model organism tential of Halobacterium salinarum in ancient terres- from the halophilic branch of Archaea [21] that has trial halite, seeks to understand its poly-extremophilic been isolated from a single fluid inclusion in a 97 000- life-style, and studies the possible survival potential of year-old halite crystal from Death Valley [13]. Several this archaeon inside Martian halite. studies have discussed the dormant states of halophilic Evidence of Martian Halite and Long-term archaea, and other studies reported the presence of Survival Potential of Halobacterium salinarum: small spherical particles in fluid inclusions of modern Significantly, halite was discovered from SNC meteor- and ancient halite [22-25]. Notably, a recent study ites [1] and their emergence from Mars was confirmed reported that H. salinarum strain NRC-1 forms by several studies [2-4]. Recently, White et al, re- spheres apparently in response to low external water viewed that nearly all Martian meteorites, which have activity and suggested that spheres might represent been studied at microscopic details, have exhibited the dormant states and might facilitate survival over geo- "presence of secondary mineral assemblages and logical times [26]. Furthermore, Professor T. McGeni- evaporitic deposits present within veins and internal ty explained Halobacterium salinarum as long-lived fracture surfaces" and halite is one of those principal poly-extremophiles, as it can grow in extremely high- mineral phases associated with these "secondary alter- salinity, can withstand high doses of UV radiation, ation features" [5]. Halite, commonly called rock-salt, and can survive over geological times buried within occurs as evaporite deposits in saline lakes and water salt-crystals, living in tiny fluid-inclusions; therefore, courses or as bedded sedimentary deposits, results proposed the super-survival of these microorganisms from the drying up of enclosed lakes and seas [6]. [27]. Also, to stay alive over long period of time and Masson et al. [7] extensively reviewed and suggested to obtain energy to repair proteins and nucleic acid, the presence of water activity in the distant Martian they can feed on organic matter from co-entombed past [7], as well as, recent evidence for the former microbial cells such as, D. salina and other dead cells presence of salt water on the Martian surface was ob- of haloarchaea that are not hardy enough to survive in tained by the NASA rovers. brine inclusions [28]. Terrestrial analogs to Mars, where the presence Conclusion: Indeed, the evidences of presence of of halite has been documented, have also been identi- salt-water in Martian past, the detection of halite of fied with the biological evidences. Notably, Atacama Martian origin, and several documentations that sug- Desert (Chile) and Mars are analogous as both include gest the viability of H. salinarum for thousands and hyperarid conditions, highly oxidizing chemistry, and possibly millions of years in ancient terrestrial halite, intense UV radiation [8]. Fernández-Remolar et al [8] compel to envisage the possible halophilic microbial detected the excellent preservation of biomolecules in life on Mars. As reviewed, H. salinarum are adept in salty deposits, in Atacama Desert [8] and corroborated employing multiple survival strategies to withstand the possibility of long-term viability of these biological adverse environmental conditions, such as, they are information in chloride-rich deposits [8]. They also adapted to acquire dormant states by forming spheres suggested that possible subsurface salt-bearing depos- when exposed to low-water activity, they can survive its should be considered as high-priority targets for hyper-salinity and high-radiation, and can employ search for life on Mars [8]. Specifically, there are sev- interspecies interaction to stay alive over geological Eighth International Conference on Mars (2014) 1477.pdf time scales. Thus, given the poly-extremophilic nature and unique characteristics, H. salinarum deserves spe- cial interest in astrobiology. In particular, this haloar- chaea may present a tractable model to ultimately un- derstand the possible microbial life on Mars, if de- tailed understanding of its extreme survivability, ener- gy metabolisms, and adaptive functions in the micro- environment of halite, which are still scarcely studied especially in astrobiological context, come into light in further studies. References: [1] Gooding J. L. (1992) Icarus 99 28–41. [2] Treiman A. H. et al., (2000) Planet Space Sci. 48 1213–1230. [3] Squyres S. W. et al., (2006) Science 313(5792) 1403-7. [4] Rieder R. et al., (2004) Science 306 1746–1749. [5] White L. M., et al., (2014) Astrobiology 14(2) 170-181. [6] http://www.mindat.org/min-1804.html [7] Masson P. et al., (2001) Space Sci. Rev. 96(1) 333–364. [8] Fer- nández-Remolar D. C. et al. (2013) JGRB 118 922– 939 [9] Reiser R. T. P., (1960) Transac. of the Kansas Acad. of Sci., 63 31–34. [10] Norton C. F. et al. (1993) JGM 139 1077–1081. [11] Denner E. B. M. (1994) IJSB 44 774–780. 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