FREE NEWS Published by the Merchant du Vin Corporation 2020 Edition MerchantDuVin.com - @MerchantDuVin Crafted By Wind, Brewed Through Generations Dirk Lindemans rural area on the outskirts of Brussels, Bel- Geert Lindemans We are the Linde- gium. Vlezenbeek is a small village which mans family which has the immense advantage of benefiting has been brewing from exceptional microflora. lambic since 1822. Here at Lindemans, we Our valley air is full of hundreds of char- have never done things like everyone else. acteristic wild yeasts, of which the best known are ‘Brettanomyces Bruxellensis’ Moreover, we are not like everyone else. and ‘Brettanomyces Lambicus.’ These Is it because we live in a place that is like yeasts are unique. They constitute our no other? Is it because the prevailing winds wealth, what makes us special. are from the southwest? Is it because the Spontaneous fermentation is carried out air contains something mysterious? Is it without the controlled addition of yeast to because the Senne River, which is so close, the wort. makes people crazy? It may be for one of It happens naturally, thanks to the mi- those reasons. Or all of them. The fact cro-organisms in the air. This exceptional is that we are different and our beers are brewing method, which is the oldest in made in our image. Different. the world, has been developed in our re- Driven by passion, we brew the oldest gion from time immemorial. This natural beer style in the world and are dedicated technique requires patience and a unique to sharing its unique flavor with as many know-how that we have mastered at the people as possible. brewery here for almost 200 years. Our beers are authentic, have a very These micro-organisms allow us to brew specific and quirky character and offer a a beer according to an exceptional method: unique tasting experience to every con- spontaneous fermentation, also known as sumer with each sip. natural or wild fermentation. At the heart of Pajottenland, a very fertile The cousins, Geert and Dirk Lindemans - 6th generation lambic brewers. The Apprentice Becomes A Cooper The latest happenings at Samuel under Samuel Smith’s head cooper, David Smith’s Brewery in Poulter who has been at the brewery for Tadcaster, England 40 years. Per tradition, Dylan’s graduation Congratulations to Dylan Scrancher of ceremony culminated in him being lifted Samuel Smith’s Brewery for completing into a 54 gallon oak cask that he built, his five-year cooper apprenticeship at the being covered in wood shavings, soot and brewery! beer and then rolled around the cooper’s Coopers like Dylan are becoming a thing workshop and into the cobblestone yard of of the past in England and only a handful The Old Brewery. of artisans still practice the craft. Their art Tradition is a hallmark of the Samuel is dedicated to preserving the ancient skill Smith’s Brewery. Local deliveries in the of barrel making. These coopers create town of Tadcaster are still made by a rotat- wooden, staved vessels, which are held to- ing duo of the Smith shire horses - Prince, gether with metal hoops and possess flat Sovereign and Jim; every drop of beer uses ends or heads. With the advent of stainless limestone rich water from the brewery’s steel kegs, breweries throughout England original well that was sunk in 1758; and made the decision to close their cooper Samuel Smith’s is the last remaining brew- ery in the world to ferment all of their ales Dylan Scrancher building the cask for his graduation ceremony. shops. At Samuel Smith’s, the practice has never stopped. in open-topped stone Yorkshire Square Dylan completed his apprenticeship fermenters. Premier Brew Classe Inside Orval Women in Beer By Michael Jackson Pages 4 - 5 Page 5 Page 3 @MerchantDuVin Alephenalia News Page 2 Why Gluten-Free Beer? The Green’s Story David Ware So began a long process of discussions, Green’s Beers meetings, trials, false hopes, and dead Once the awards started rolling in, the ends. Breweries did not want to know range of gluten-free beer expanded and The Green’s Story about production that did not exist and one they started to be exported to more coun- In 1988 Derek Green had a problem. He that could not be quantified. tries eager to try this new assortment of had to avoid the gluten in barley and wheat, beers. Today Green’s makes the original and at that time in the UK - in all of Europe The Breakthrough Discovery Ale, plus Dubbel, Tripel, Dry - there was no gluten-free beer available. A The breakthrough came in 2003 when he Hopped Lager and India Pale Ale, all of miserable life without beer lay ahead. met an eminent Belgian professor of brew- which are brewed with 100% gluten free ing who had a daughter who also needed raw materials. A natural entrepreneur though, he trav- to avoid gluten. The two began a rela- eled across Europe at the start of the cen- tionship with the mutual goal of brewing Developing The Range tury asking brewers to make a gluten-free a beer made from alternative grains. One Each of Green’s beers are approved by beer and getting brewery doors slammed in that would be naturally gluten and wheat- The Vegan Society and The Vegetarian his face. The response was not good. “Too free. In May 2004, after numerous trials Society. I hope that you will rediscover complicated” and “Why bother?” were Green’s launched the UK’s first ever alter- beer with Green’s Gluten-Free beers! @GreensBeers common refrains. native grain and naturally gluten-free beer; named (not surprisingly) ‘Discovery.’ Aying, a Complete Work of Art Privatbrauerei Franz Inselkammer which we have performed our craft for over Aying, Bavaria, Germany 140 years. Beer in Bavaria has had an exceptionally Strong financial, social and cultural high value since time immemorial. It is not commitment for the well-being of all con- just the proverbial “liquid bread” alone, but cerned is therefore firmly incorporated rather also social “cement” of our culture, into the production of our Ayinger beers in which values such as conviviality, com- – in the company, in the community and munity, honesty, reliability and solidarity in the entire region. Beyond the realm of with the homeland play a major role. The the world-famous Ayinger beer specialties, deep roots in our region, continuously these crucial components have also con- deepened over generations, form the nu- tributed to creating a unique brand name trient base of the Ayinger Brewery. The philosophy: “Aying, a Complete Work of quality of our beer, consistently awarded Art” as the brand was once described with numerous prizes for its excellence, is con- perfect accuracy by a specialist journal. sequently not just based on the select in- Maintaining this within the boundaries of gredients of our region and the capacities genuine beer culture and preserving it for Franz Inselkammer III (left) and Franz Inselkammer II (right) of our brewing art. Equally important is generations to come is our daily assign- the spirit, the mindset, the very values with ment. Brewing Lambic at Lindemans Peter Renders, Head Brewer Lindemans Brewery I have been brewing lambic for 13 years. by wild yeasts that will then trigger the fer- My father also worked at Lindemans. mentation process. During his 52-year career, he helped make Beers of spontaneous fermentation need the brewery into what it is today. a long fermentation and maturation period, Lambic production methods are signifi- which requires a lot of patience. We ma- cantly different from the brewing process ture lambic in wooden barrels called fou- of other types of beers, pilsners and spe- dres. But since we don’t like doing things cialty beers. As head lambic brewer, I have the usual way, we also apply a method that to bring the wort to a boil before pouring comes to us from the world of wine. We it into large shallow vats called coolships, use stainless steel tanks to which we add which is an ideal way to expose it to the wood chips. Taste a Lindemans lambic, ambient air. As the wort slowly cools down and you will see that we were right to think to fermentation temperature, it is fertilized outside the box. Peter Renders, Head Brewer at the Lindemans Brewery Zundert: The Netherlands Newest Trappist The monastery Abdij Maria Toevlucht met with open arms. Eventually the broth- is the home of the Zundert Trappist Brew- ers were able to return home and build a ery. An opportunity for a new monastery church on the grounds of Our Lady of Ref- in the Netherlands arose in 1897, when uge. It soon grew to become home for 80 Miss Anna Catharina van Dongen from the monks, but a monastery of that size was town of Zundert gifted a piece of land to unsustainable due to difficulties on the the Abbot of the Koningshoeven Abbey. farm. In 2007, the sixth abbot of the abbey It was decided that the church would build was selected, and the cattle farm came to an abbey on the land, a refuge for French an end. Between 2000 and 2005 several monks called “Our Lady of Refuge.” of the abbey buildings were extended and renovated. The brewery was built in 2011 After financial troubles, the brothers of and beer production started in 2013. At the Our Lady of Refuge left with their horse moment, there are 21 monks who make up and cart in the direction of the Trappist the Trappist community of Zundert.
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