Cecilia Beaux: PhiladelphiaArtist PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 BY THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA - - 2 b ?n1nq CXXIV a 3 Book Reviews OGDEN, Legacy- A Biography ofMoses and Walter Annenberg, by Nelson D. Lankford 419 HEMPHIL, Bowing to Necessity: A History ofManners in America, 1620-1860, by Franklin T. Lambert 421 ST. GEORGE, Conversing by Signs: Poetics of Implication in ColonialNew England Culture, by Margaretta M. Lovell 422 DALZELL and DALZELL, George Washington'sMount Vernon: At Home in Revolutionary America, and GARRETr, ed., LAuTMAN, photog., George Washington'sMount Vernon, and GREENBERG, BucHMAN, photog., George Washington:Architect, by James D. Kornwolf 425 WARREN, ed., The Papersof George Washington.Presidential Series, Vol. 7. December 1790-March 1791, by Patrick J. Furlong 431 MASTROMARNO, WARREN, eds., The Papers of George Washington. PresidentialSeries. Vol. 8: March-September 1791, by Ralph Ketcham 432 ABBOT and LENGEL, eds., The Papersof George Washington. Retirement Series. Vol. 3: September 1798-April 1799. Vol. 4: April-December 1799, by John Ferling 435 LARSON, Daughters ofLight: Quaker Women Preachingand Prophesyingin the Colonies andAbroad, 1700-1775, by Jean R. Soderlund 437 LAMBERT, Inventing the "GreatAwakening," by Timothy D. Hall 439 FORTUNE, Franklinand His Friends:Portraying the Man of Science in Eighteenth-CenturyAmerica, by Brian J. Sullivan 441 NUxOLL and GALLAGHER, The Papers ofRobert Morris, 1781-1784. VoL 9: January 1-October30,1784, by Todd Estes 443 RIGAL, The American Manufactory: Art, Labor, and the World of Things in the Early Republic, by Colleen Terrell 445 SKEEN, Citizen Soldiers in the War of 1812, by Samuel Watson 446 WEEKLEY, The Kingdoms ofEdward Hicks, and FORD, EdwardHicks: Painterof the PeaceableKingdom, by Carol Eaton Sokis 448 GRIFFIN, ed., Beloved Sisters and Loving Friends:Letters from Rebecca Primus ofRoyal Oak, Maryland, andAddie Brown of HartfordConnecticut,1854-1868 by Frances Smith Foster 452 DYER, Secret Yankees: The Union Circle in ConfederateAtlanta, by Jonathan M. Atkins 453 BARKAI, BranchingOut: German-JewishImmigration to the United States, 1820-1914, by Max E. Moeller 455 IVEY, Prayers in Stone: ChristianScience A rchitecture in the United States, 1894-1930, by Gretchen T. Buggelin 456 MELLOW, Walker Evans, by David P. Peeler 458 .......... THE PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORYAND BIOGRAPHY VOLUME CXXIV July 2000 NO. 3 Cecilia Beaux: Philadelphia Artist EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION Cheryl Leibold and Tara Leigh Tappert AIM9E ERNESTA AND ELIZA CECILIA: Two SISTERS, Two CHOICES Tara Leigh Tappert "THE GREATEST WOMAN PAINTER": CECILIA BEAUX, MARY CASSATT, AND ISSUES OF FEMALE FAME Nancy Mowl Mathews UNDER THE SKIN: RECONSIDERING CECILIA BEAUX AND JOHN SINGER SARGENT Sarah Burns "INTRICACIES AND INTERDEPENDENCIES": CECILIA BEAUX AND THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS JeanettcM. Toohey CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "THE DELICIOUS CHARACTER OF YOUTH": HAROLD AND MILDRED COLTON Sylvia Yount "THE ONLY Miss BEAUX": PHOTOGRAPHS OF CECILIA BEAUX AND HER CIRCLE Cheryl Leibold BETWEEN THE COVERS: AN ARTIST LOOKS AT THE SKETCHBOOKS OF CECILIA BEAUX Barbara Katus CECILIA BEAUX: THE OIL SKETCH AND REPRESENTATIONIST THOUGHT IN THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF PAINTING PatrickConnors CECILIA BEAUX AT THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE PINE ARTS: WORKS OF ART AND ARCHIVAL MATERIAL Cheryl Leibold BOOK REVIEWS © The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 2000. All rights reserved. (ISSN 0031-4587) THE PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY is published each quarter in January, April, July, and October by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-5699.* Yearly subscriptions: individual, $35.00; institutional, $45.00. Back issues: Selected issues and annual bound volumes are available. Query editors for availability and price. Authorization for academic photocopying: Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., Academic Permissions Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Submissions: All communications should be addressed to the editor. Email may be sent to [email protected]. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the editor in triplicate and should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self- addressed envelope. Please send SASE for submission guidelines. The editor does not assume responsibility for statements of fact or of opinion made by the contributors. * N.B. THE PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY is currently published three time a year, with the January and April issues (nos. 1 and 2) appearing as a combined issue. Editorial Advisory Committee RICHARD R. BEEMAN CARLA MULFORD University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University RICHARD S. DUNN GARY B. NASH McNeil Center for Early University of California, American Studies Los Angeles J. WILLIAM FROST JEAN R. SODERLUND Swarthmore College Lehigh University DAMIE STILLMAN JACK P. GREENE Johns Hopkins University University of Delaware DELL UPTON EMMA JONES LAPSANSKY Universityof California,Berkeley Haverford College RUSSELL F. WEIGLEY J.A. LEO LEMAY Temple University University of Delaware STEPHANIE GRAUMAN WOLF RANDALL M. MILLER McNeil Center for Early SaintJoseph's University American Studies Editor IAN M. G. QUIMBY Assistant Editor JAMES E. WHEATLEY Guest Editors CHERYL LEIBOLD TARA LEIGH TAPPERT Contributors SARAH BURNS is Ruth N. Halls Professor of Fine Arts at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the author of Pastoral Inventions: Rural Life in Nineteenth-Century American Art and Culture (1989), and Inventing the Modem Artist: Art and Culturein Gilded Age America (1996). PATRICK CONNORS is a painter who lives in Philadelphia. He has lectured and taught at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Yale University Art Gallery, and the Graduate School of the New York Academy of Art. BARBARA KATUS is an artist whose work has a strong foundation in drawing and anatomy. She has taught at the Academy school and is currently a member of the Registrar's Department at the museum. CHERYL LEiBOLD is the Archivist at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and is the co-author of Writing About Eakins (1989) and Eakins and the Photograph(1994). NANCY MOWLL MATHEWS is the Eugenie Prendergast Curator of the Williams College Museum of Art. She has written extensively on Mary Cassatt, including the recent Mary Cassatt:A Life (1998). TARA LEIGH TAPPERT is an independent scholar and consultant in American art and archives. She has written and lectured extensively on Cecilia Beaux, the Emmet family, and on twentieth-century American crafts. Tappert's article on Beaux and her sister was developed from an unpublished study of the artist's life and work. JEANETTE M. TOOHEY is an Associate Curator at the Delaware Art Museum. From 1985 to 1992 she was a member of the curatorial staff at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, focussing on the prints and drawings collection. SYLVIA YOUNT is Curator of the Museum of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. She has lectured and published widely on late nineteenth- and twentieth- century American art and culture..
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