-. 3746 CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE. A-uGusr_r 11, By 1\Ir. PURNELL: A bill (H. R. 8372) LTanting an increase He also presented a petition of sunilry citizens of Ensign, of pension to Isaac J. Green; to the Com~ttee on Invalid Pen· Kans., praying for the repeal of the " stamp " ta..--c on medicines, sions. toilet preparations, etc., which was· referred to the Committee By Mr. SANDERS of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 8373) granting on Finance. a pension to Thomas A. Puyear; to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Winfield, Kans., praying for the repeal of the so-called daylight-saving law, which was ordered to lie on the table. _ PETITIONS, ETC. 1.\.Ir. CURTIS (for 1\lr. KEYEs) presented a petition of sundry Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid citizens of Somersworth, N. H., praying for the repeal of the · on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : tax on ice cream, soda, and soft drinks, which was referred to By the SPEAKER: Petition of Legislature of the State of the Committee on Finance. Nebraska ratifying the proposed amendment to the Constitu· l\lr. GRONNA. I present a memorial from the Jamestown tion extending the right of suffrage to women ; to the Committee (N.Dak.) Commercial Club with reference to the zone system of on Woman Suffrage. rates of postage. I ask that it be referred to the Committee on Also (by request), petition of council of the dty of Portland, Post Offices and Post Roads and printed in the RECORD. Oreg., indorsing any action by the President to lower the cost There being no objection, the memorial was referred to the of living and recommending a nation-wide campaign to bring Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads and ordered to be about this result; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign printed in the RECORD, as follows: Commerce. JAMESTOWN COMl\fER.CI.AL CLUB, By l\1r. LUFKIN: Petition of the Tuesday Club of the Maple Jamestotvn, N. Dak., July f!9, 1919. Street Chuxcb, of Danvers, in favor of a league of nations; to Whereas the executive committee of the Jamestown Commerical Club the Committee on Foreign Affairs. after considerable investigation, discussion, and consideration, are of the unanimous opinion that any change in present postal laws that By Mr. POU: Petition of 383 farmers of Wake County, N. C., makes a flat rate for transportation of periodicals to all points in the protesting the placing of duty on the importation of potash and United States should be opposed; and other ingredients used in fertilizer; to the Committee on Ways Whereas we believe that the Jaw, practically universal, that pay for service rendered should be in proportion to the cost of such service and Means. is entirely appropriate in this case, and that this principle is now By Mr. RAKER: Petition of Richmond City Council, Rich­ being recognized by the Government in charging periodical transpor­ mond, Calif., indorsing location of a United States naval academy tation by weight and distance and is one of the principal factors in on the Pacific coast; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. rate malting by rate-making commissions: Now, therefore, be it Resol1:ed, That we sin-cerely hope you will use your best efforts in Also, petition of physicians, lately medical officers of the Congress t(l defeat any efforts of publishers to repeal the zone system _United States Army, of Chicago, Ill., indorsing House bill 2492, and revert to the old flat rate of postage on the advertising pages of for conferring of rank on the Army Nurse Corps ; to the Com­ their periodicals. mittee on Military Affairs. JAMESTOWN COMMERCIAL CLUB. L. B. NIEMEYER, President. Also, petition of Pacific Rice Growers' Association, Sacra­ ANDREW HAAS, Secretm·y. mento, Calif., protesting against H.ouse bill 8115 ; to the Com­ 1\lr. FLETCHER presented a resolution adopted by the Cen· mittee on the Judiciary. tral Trades and Labor Council, of Jacksonville, Fla., favoring By Mr. SMITH of Michigan: Petition of Illinois Association the ratification of the proposed league of nations treaty, which of Postmasters for increased pay; to the Committee on the Post was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Office and Post Roads. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Key 'Vest, Fla., praying for the repeal of the tax on ice cream, soda, and soft drinks, which was referred to. the Committee on Finance. SENATE. Mr. CAPPER presented a memorj.al of . sundry citizens of Barton County, Kans., remonstrating against Federal control ~fONDAY, August 11, 1919. of the meat-packing industry, which was referred to the Com· The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. following prayer : ·He also presented a petition of sundry citi~ens of the State Almighty God, we come to Thee to worship and lift up our of Kansas praying for the repeal of the tax on medicines, toilet hearts in grateful acknowledgment to Thee for Thy boundless preparations, etc., ''Thich was referred to t11e Committee on goodness to us. -We would not be less grateful because Thy Finance. bounties are ministered to us through a thousand avenues of Mr. HALE presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce nature. We would not forget the provision Thou hast made for of Auburn, Me., remonstrating against Federal control of the us on the earth, the sea, the sky, because these come to us medi­ meat-packing industry, which was referred to the Committee on ated by the band of nature. We remember the heart that is Agriculture and Forestry. back of all, the heart of God, the heart of love. We praise Thee Mr. PAGE presented a petition of the congregation of the for Thy goodness to us. We pray Thee to accept our expressions Second Congregational Church of Bennington, Vt., praying for of gratitude. In Jesus' Name. Amen. the ratification of the proposed league of nations treaty, which The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed· was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. ings of Friday last, when, on request of Mr. CuRTIS and by unani­ Mr. TOWNSEND presented a memorial of the Michigan Hard­ mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the wood Manufacturers' Association remonstrating against the Journal was approved. ratification of the proposed league of nations ~aty, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. GOVERNMENT DORMITORIES. He also presented a petition of the Federation of Labor of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Flint, llich., praying for the adoption of the so-called Plumb tion from the United States Housing Corporation, transmitting, plan for the operation of railroads, which was referred to the in response to a resolution of the 2d instant, certain information Committee on Interstate Commerce. · relative to the project known as the Government Hotels, which He also presented a resolution adopted by the Michigan State was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Manufacturers' Association favoring the return to private PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. ownership of the railroads of the country, which ,-vas referred MP. CURTIS presented a memorial of sundry citizens of to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Newton, Kans., remonstrating against universal military train· He also presented a petition of the Social Science Class of ing, which was referred to the Committee on :Military Affairs. the South Baptist Church of Lansing, Mich., praying for the He also presented a resolution adopted by Dewey Lodge, No. enactment of legislation to reduce the high cost of living, whicll 199, Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of was referred to tlle Committee on the Judiciary. America, of Horton, Kans., favoring the adoption of the so-called He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of l\Iuskegon, Plumb plan for the operation of railroads, which was referred Mich., praying for the repeal of the tax on ice cream, soda, soft to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. drinks, etc., which was referred to the Committee on Finance. He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Oswego, Mr. COLT presented a resolution adopted by the Equal Kans., remonstrating against the ratification of the proposed Suffrage League of Barrington, R. I., favoring the ratification league of nations treaty, which was referred to the Committee of the proposed league of nations treaty, which was referred on Foreign Relations. to the Committee on Foreign Relations. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of the State of He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce, vf Kansas, praying for the establishment of a Department of Edu· Providence, R. I., praying for the return to p1ivate owners of - cation, which was referred to the Committee on Education and the railroads of the country, which was ref ~ rrell to the Com· Labor. mittee on Interstate Commerce. · • 1919. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3747 He also presented a resolution adopted by the Americaniza­ ?.Ir. President, I wish to say that I think that shows a splendid tion Committee of the City of Providence, R. I., favoring the American spirit. I am delighted to know that the soldiers, enactment of legislation providtng for the training of alien sailors, and marines takes such a view. I think it is a healthful women in citizenship, which was referred to the Committee on sign when, of their own .accord, they protest against any at­ tile Judiciary. tempted coercion or direction of governmental action by any :Mr. LODGE. I ask to haye printed in the RECORD, without particular class of our people.
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