% yohofhaH make fucb Discoveries as are abov*-nt entioftd,'t ab'j^he i# Day jpf this Termj requiring him -to appear to aVid * to be paid upon the Convidion of the faid Offenders, antwer the fame; but the Defendant hath not So done, as by rhe Six Clerks Certificate appeared ; and that upon Inquiry t0r hrh oni or niore of them, bj" Jamei Fel(, of Ten at the. laid Defendant's usual Place of Abode, he ia not, to be tburcbfrsst, London, Hpbezd&Jber, found so as to served with such Procesi, and that he is -gone out James Fell, \ of riœ Realm, and doth abscond to avoid being served therewith, as by Affidavit ajso appeared ; and that the said Certificates and Affidavits being now read, this Court doth order, thac the said Mine-Office, Oftober 30, 1745. Defendant do appear on or before the lost Day of thia Term, This is to give Nofce, that a Qeneral Court of tbe Wl HEREAS a Letter has been transmitted to thc Earl of Governor and Company of the Mine Adventurers of •VV Shastsbury, Lord Lieutenant of the County "of Dorset, sjid to be found on the Highway near Poole, dated Sept* 2Z, England, -witlbt held at'this Office; on Thursday the 1745^ and figned J. W. with the Words £fqj Weld ist iqjb Day of November nixi* at Twelve at Noont for Purbeck superscribed, insinuating some Promises of Assistance hi tbe Elt&ion of ar Governor, Deputy Governor, and \ Cafe of a Descent in the West! I Edward Weld do tal^e Twelve X>ireclors for the Itear enffiingx pursuant to the th's publipk Opportunity to testify my Innocence, and my .De­ Charter and Att os parliaments concerning (he Affairs sire to bring the Author or Authors of so base, scandalous ani malicious a Libel, to condign Punishment; and in ordeV thereto, of tbe said Company* And that the-Tr an ser Books do hereby promise a Reward of F< rty Pounds to arty Person who will j?e Jhtit from a> d after 'Thursday the Jib, anU sliall discover the Author or Authors of the said Letter J tb Be optntd again on Thursday the Zist Day os the said paid immediately on his or their Conviction, by me, month of November next* Lulworth Castle* Oct. Edward Well. 14, 1745. t * HeTeas WiUiam Smith, otherwise -Eggs, five l;eet fix Advertisements. w Inches, well set, wears a dijk Wigg ; Thomas Rayner, * five Feet seven Inches, Pockbroken, Jockeys f and Juhn New­ On Tuesday next will publistfd, ( Price 6 d. ) born, five Feet six Inches high, *of slender Stature, wears a Wigg, did on Thursday the ioth of this Instant October, break H| HE BISHOP of L O N D 0 ff's out of the House of Correction, at Halsted, Essex, with tbeir i Pastoral Letter to the People of his Diocese ; Irons on. If any Person ihall apprehend the iaid Persons, or either of them, and give Notice to Edward Newman, Governor Particularly, to tnose of the two great Cities of of the said House, sliall receive Five -Guineas for each Person sLondon anrl Westminster. so secured, from Edward Newman, Governor. OccaSon'd by our present Dangers ; and exciting Ursuant to a Decree of the High C urt of Chancery, the sTo a serious Reformation of Life and Manners. P Creditors of John Killinghall, late of Eltham in theCoun­ With a Pofhcript ; setting forth the Danger and ty of Kent, Gendeman, deceased, are forthwith to come before Mischiefs of Popery.* "William Kinaston, Eiq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, and prove their several De­ Printed by E. Owen in Amen Corner. mands orin Default thereofth^y will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. O he peremptorily fold, (together or in Parcels) pursuant Dr. A NT) ER SO N% or, to a Decree of ^he High Ccurt of Chancery, on Friday Tthe 22d of November initant, between the Hours of Four The Famous SCOTS PILLS; and Six ofthe Clock in the Afternoon, before William Kinaston, RE siithfully prepared only hy D. IN&LISH, atthe Esq; one of the Masters of the iaid Court, A Freehold Mes­ Unicorn, over-against the New Church in tlie Strand, suage with the Appurtenances, together with eight Acres and LondoA n ; and to prevent Counterfeits from Scotland, as well an half of Arable Land, three Acres of Meadow, fiv-e Acres as in and about London, you are deiired to tafce Nodce, and half of Land called Moor Furlong, and one Acre ant) a That the true Pills have their Boxes sealed on the Top (in Yard of Meadow Ground called Miliham Meadow ; dil lying and black War) with a Lyon Rampant, and Three Mullets Ar- being in the Parish of Stadham in the County of Oxford. Par- gent, Dr. Anderson's Head betwixt I. I. with his Name round I culars whereof may be liad at the said Master's Chambers itt it, and Isabella Inglifh underneath the Shield in a Scroll. They ' Lincoln's Inn. are of excellent Use in all Cases wh-tre Purging is necessary, J. Htf-O be St)ld, pursuant td k Decree of the High Cwirt df ino may be taken with Epsom, Tunbridge, or other Medicinal I Chancery, before Anthony Allen, Esq; one of the Ma­ Waters.' sters of the laid Court, -at his House in Breames-$uildmgs» Michaelmas Term, in the 19th- Year Chancrry-Lane, A Freehold Estate at Calverton ib Bucking­ King's Remembran­ of the Reign of King Geoige the hamshire, consisting of a Farmh use with an Orchard, and fe. cer's Qffice. Second, Saturday the 26th of Oc­ veral Pieces of Arable and Meaduw Ground ; lett to Mathev tober 1745.' between George Ward, Jenkinson and James Rand, at 9I. 6 s. 8 d. per Annum. Par­ Gentleman, Plaintiff"} and William ticulars may be had a^ the sii d Master's House, . , Trigg. and John Newton, Defen-t HE Assignees of the tf state of ffaac Helbut} Tate df Mag­ dants. By Bill of Hevivor. pye Alley Fenchurch-street, Lqndon, Merchant* desire Middlesex, T "TPON the Motion of Mr. Starkie, of Counsel thTe Creditors of the said Isaac Helbut "tc meet them at the \^J with the. Plaintiff, it was prayed, that the Or- Crown *jTaverii in Threadneedle-street, near the Royal Ex­ -der made in this Cauie on the 13th Day of July last, whereby change- London, on the 14th of November Instant, at Five ist the Defendant John Newton was ordered to appear in a limited the Afernoon, to aslent to or dissent from the Assignees sub­ Time to the Plaintiffs Bill exhibited agamst the said Defendants mitting some Disputes to Arbitration, thrir compounding with in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster, might b$ some Persons Debtors to the faid Estate, their commencing a renewed 5 and oiv reading the said Order, it is by the Court or­ Suit or Suits in Equity -j and on other special Affairs. ** dered accordingly) and further ordered, that the said Defendant Ursuant'to an Order made by tbe Righf Hon. tsib Lbrft John N«w ton/Jo appear to the said Bill before the last Day of P High Chancellor of Great Britain, for enlarging the Time this Term* By Order. Qf the-Deputy Remembrancer. for Nicolas Wiei, late of Topfham in the County of Devon, Merchant, a Bankrupt, to pftke a Disclosure and Diseovery of Friday the 25th of October 1745, and in I ^ Effese ahd Effectsr for 49 Day*, to be computed from tho the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of his , **af November instant; This is to give Notice, that the Com- Majesty King George the Second, between I missioners in the said Commission named, or the majot Part of Lord on the Chancellor. EliaEl»>s BirdRirrf_, PlaintiffPkintHF;- ThomaThnma*s WapleWaoles and *«n, w^ ^ **& °f December next, at Three in thte ** Ceorge Waples, Defendants. Afternoon, at Atkey'* Coffee-house in EJton 5 when and whete Orafmuch as this Court was this present Day Informed by the laid Bankrupt is required to surrender himself, and make a Mr. Capper, being of the Plaintiff's CounCounsell , that the; full Disclosure and Discovery of his Estate and Effects, and finisti FPlaintiff the 29th Day of July last filed his Bill in this Court his Examination ; and the Creditors Jre then and there to prove against the Defendant Thomas Waples, as by the Six Clerks their Debts, and assent to cr disseat from the Allowance of hi? Certisicate appeared, and took out Process of Subjxwu return- | «rtlsica*e. Wherca9 .
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