May 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 8 10509 NEWSWEEK: ‘‘THE COOLING ognize her and her accomplishments, 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WORLD’’ and I wish her continued success. OF ED AND JAN SLEVIN (Mr. POE asked and was given per- f (Mr. LEWIS of California asked and mission to address the House for 1 was given permission to address the minute.) LET’S USE AMERICA’S OWN House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, I am alarmed RESOURCES extend his remarks.) by news in Newsweek magazine. I Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- (Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania quote: ‘‘There are ominous signs that er, my colleague KEN CALVERT and I asked and was given permission to ad- the Earth’s weather patterns have want to express our love and admira- dress the House for 1 minute.) begun to change dramatically, and tion for Jan and Ed Slevin. Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. these changes may cause a drastic de- The congressional schedule may not Well, last week the House and Senate cline in food production. allow our attendance at their 50th an- adopted a policy that admits that sup- ‘‘The evidence has begun to accumu- niversary, a celebration that is taking ply does matter. We voted to stop put- late so massively that meteorologists place on June 20. ting 70,000 barrels of oil each day in the are hard pressed to keep up with it. Both KEN and I want our colleagues Strategic Petroleum Reserve, less than The changes in temperature have to know much more about this out- one-tenth of 1 percent of the world’s taken the planet a sixth of the way to- standing couple and their decades of consumption of oil. Then Iran an- ward the Ice Age average.’’ public service. So together, we are ask- nounced it was going to slow down pro- That’s right, Mr. Speaker, this arti- ing consent to include remarks in the duction. cle from April 1975 predicts the next ice RECORD reflecting their lives together In the meantime, the U.S. has mas- age. It even suggests melting the polar and their contribution to our Nation. cap and stockpiling food. sive supplies of oil that we’re saying I believed these scientists and ‘‘no’’ to, and Congress continues to say f thought we were going to all freeze in we’re not going to drill. Well, ‘‘no’’ is CONGRATULATING AMERICAN the dark. Now meteorologists are not an energy policy. Begging the IDOL WINNER DAVID COOK Saudis for oil is not an energy policy. claiming we’re all doomed because of (Mr. SKELTON asked and was given global warming. These meteorologists Just yelling in cathartic sessions at oil executives is not an energy policy. permission to address the House for 1 can’t even predict tomorrow’s weather, minute and to revise and extend his re- but claim to know as fact about global America’s families know, America’s truckers know, let’s drill for our own marks.) warming in the future. Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, let me take The climate is changing, but is it oil. Let’s use America’s own resources. this opportunity to congratulate a fellow Mis- man’s fault? Is it getting too cold or Let’s lower the price of gasoline and sourian, David Cook, winner of American Idol: too hot? Can we control the weather? make this affordable. Season 7. Scientists even today disagree. f Here are some pertinent facts: Before Congress continues to practice Native of Blue Springs, Missouri; the religion of global warming and TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY While attending Blue Springs High School passing expensive legislation that performed in The Music Man, West Side takes away our personal liberty, we’d (Mr. CHILDERS asked and was given Story, and Singin’ in the Rain; better come back to Earth and deal permission to address the House for 1 Cook formed the band, Axium, his junior with the truth. minute.) And that’s just the way it is. Mr. CHILDERS. This month marks year of high school, for which he was the lead the 75th anniversary of the Tennessee singer and guitarist. In 2004, Axium, was cho- f Valley Authority. sen the best band in Kansas City and was CONGRATULATING BESS On May 18, 1933, President Franklin recognized nationally as one of the top 15 MITSAKOS D. Roosevelt signed into the law the independent bands; (Mr. SIRES asked and was given per- TVA Act as part of his New Deal to He was a 2006 graduate of the University of mission to address the House for 1 help lift this Nation out of the Great Central Missouri with a degree in graphic de- minute.) Depression. Soon thereafter, the city of sign; Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- Tupelo, Mississippi, which is part of Upon completion of college, he released his ored to rise today to congratulate a the First Congressional District that I first solo independent album, Analog Heart, teacher in my district who has been now am proud to represent, became the which was chosen the fourth-best CD released recognized for her excellence in teach- first city to receive power service in 2006; ing. Bess Mitsakos from the Wallace under the initial TVA wholesale power It is worth noting that David Cook did not School in Hoboken, New Jersey, re- contract. Furthermore, Tupelo, Mis- originally plan to audition for American Idol; he ceived the International Technology sissippi also serves as the home of the traveled to Omaha, Nebraska to support his Educators Association Program Excel- Honorable Glen McCullough, the only younger brother Andrew; lence Award for elementary schools in TVA chairman ever from Mississippi. Cook was often seen playing his electric New Jersey on February 22, 2008. In 1933, the Tennessee River Valley guitar while performing on American Idol; Ms. Mitsakos began her teaching ca- faced many challenges and lagged be- He received 56 percent of the vote; 97 mil- reer 9 years ago and has spent the last hind this country in almost every indi- lion votes were cast. 7 years as a kindergarten through fifth cator, including schools, health and f grade science teacher. In that short jobs. From the beginning, TVA ad- time, she has become a highly deco- dressed problems in the valley through NATIONAL DRUG COURT MONTH rated teacher, with a number of awards providing necessary employment and (Mr. LARSEN of Washington asked to her name. aspirations of hope to the citizens of and was given permission to address Ms. Mitsakos is committed to in- Mississippi. TVA has a long and proud the House for 1 minute and to revise creasing student interest, engagement, history of serving north Mississippi, and extend his remarks.) and learning through the use of com- providing reliable, affordable elec- Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. puter-based educational tools as well tricity, supporting a thriving river sys- Speaker, today I stand in recognition as engineering and technological de- tem, and stimulating economic growth. of National Drug Court Month and the sign activities. I am proud to be the newest serving important work done by drug courts in I have no doubt that her students Member of Congress to represent the my district and around the country. will have a strong science, math and First District of Mississippi and our Drug courts combine intense judicial engineering foundation that will help fellow members of the Tennessee Val- supervision and comprehensive treat- them succeed in life. I am proud to rec- ley. ment in community-wide approaches to VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:26 Dec 21, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H22MY8.000 H22MY8 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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