Weda Bay Nickel Project PT Weda bay Nickel 14 November 2011 Document No. JKTD11149/ESHIA/Final The Land Preparation For Construction (LPC) Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment Weda Bay Nickel Project AECOM The Land Preparation For Construction (LPC) Project The Land Preparation For Construction (LPC) Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment LPC Project ESHIA Prepared for PT Weda bay Nickel Prepared by PT AECOM Indonesia Recapital Building, 1st Floor, Jl. Adityawarman Kav.55,, Blok M, Kebayoran Baru,, Jakarta Selatan 12160, Indonesia T +62 21 720 7574 F +62 21 739 2001 www.aecom.com 14 November 2011 JKTD11149 © PT AECOM Indonesia 2011 The information contained in this document produced by PT AECOM Indonesia is solely for the use of the Client identified on the cover sheet for the purpose for which it has been prepared and PT AECOM Indonesia undertakes no duty to or accepts any responsibility to any third party who may rely upon this document. All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of PT AECOM Indonesia. 14 November 2011 Weda Bay Nickel Project AECOM The Land Preparation For Construction (LPC) Project Quality Information Document The Land Preparation For Construction (LPC) Project JKTD11149 Ref document2 Date 14 November 2011 Prepared by PT AECOM Indonesia Reviewed by Kevin Dobson Revision History Authorised Revision Revision Details Date Name/Position Signature Release1 14-Nov- For Release Kevin Dobson 2011 Director, Environment 14 November 2011 1 Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment Table of Contents List of Abbreviations Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1-3 1.1 General 1-3 1.2 Project Location 1-3 1.3 Project Objectives and Outline 1-5 1.4 Project Background and Current Status 1-5 1.5 PT. Weda Bay Nickel 1-6 1.6 The Main ESHIA Objectives 1-7 1.7 The Objectives and Structure of this ESHIA 1-8 2. The Environmental Impact Assessment Process 2-3 2.1 Overview 2-3 2.2 Screening 2-4 2.3 Scoping 2-4 2.4 Baseline Studies 2-4 2.5 Impact Prediction and Evaluation 2-5 2.6 Evaluation of Community and Social Impacts 2-10 2.7 Mitigation 2-13 2.8 The Environmental and Social Action Plan 2-14 3. Project Description 3-4 3.1 The Weda Bay Nickel Project 3-4 3.2 The Land Preparation for Construction (LPC) Project 3-7 3.3 Project Location 3-9 3.4 Ore Relocation 3-10 3.5 Ore Stockpiling for Export 3-24 3.6 Ore Export 3-27 3.7 Materials Transportation 3-29 3.8 Quarrying 3-33 3.9 Project Support and Management 3-38 4. Legislation and Relevant Standards 4-3 4.1 Indonesian Legislation 4-3 4.2 International Protocols 4-8 Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment 4.3 Corporate Requirements 4-10 5. Environmental Baseline 5-6 5.1 Physical Environmental 5-6 5.2 The Biology of the Weda Bay Nickel Environment 5-49 5.3 Ecosystem Services 5-69 5.4 Traffic and Transport 5-72 6. Existing Social Conditions 6-4 6.1 Scoping for the LPC Project 6-4 6.2 Population and Culture 6-6 6.3 Socio Economics 6-11 6.4 Land Ownership 6-15 6.5 Public Health 6-16 7. Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation/Compensation Measures 7-5 7.1 Overview 7-5 7.2 Surface Water Quality 7-7 7.3 Groundwater Quality 7-24 7.4 Surface Hydraulics 7-25 7.5 Water Use 7-30 7.6 Landform Management 7-30 7.7 Contaminated Land 7-36 7.8 Air Quality 7-37 7.9 Noise 7-43 7.10 Ecology & Biodiversity – Terrestrial and Aquatic 7-44 7.11 Ecology & Biodiversity – Marine 7-51 7.12 Ecosystem Services 7-54 7.13 Visual Impact 7-55 7.14 Traffic, Transport, Pedestrian and Cycle 7-56 7.15 Waste Management (Non Mining) 7-61 7.16 Transition to the main project 7-62 8. Community Impacts 8-4 8.1 Overview 8-4 8.2 LPC Project - Community Touch Points 8-5 8.3 Economic impact 8-7 8.4 Social and Public Amenity Impacts 8-13 8.5 Community Health and Safety Impacts 8-15 Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment 8.6 LPC Disclosure and Community Advice 8-22 8.7 WBN Community Interaction Management and Monitoring for LPC 8-23 9. Cumulative Impact 9-3 9.1 Overview and approach 9-3 9.2 Receptors 9-4 9.3 Contributing Activities 9-4 9.4 Cumulative Contributors To Key LPC Receptors 9-6 9.5 Conclusions 9-9 10. Environmental and Social Action Plan 10-3 10.1 Environmental Elements 10-4 10.2 Community and Social Action Plan 10-37 11. References Each section is prefaced with a detailed table of contents, list of figures and tables Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADTs Articulated Dump Trucks AlSO4 Aluminium Sulphate AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan - Environmental Impact Assessment ANDAL Analisis Dampak Lingkungan - Environmental Impact Statement APL Aneka Penggunaan Lain - Various Other Uses AQ Air Quality ARI Average Rain Incident ASL Above Sea Level AST Aboveground Storage Tanks ASTM 4447 – 06 Standard Guide for Disposal of Laboratory Chemicals and Samples BFS Bankable Feasibility Study BIO Ecology and Biodiversity BLB Bukit Limber Barat BLS Bukit Limber Selatan BLT Bukit Limber Timur BLTL Bukit Limber Timur Laut CAPEX Capital Expenditure CHPP Cultural Heritage Preservation Plan CIPDP Community and Indigenous Peoples Development Plan CLM Contaminated Land Management CoG Cut off grade COM Public Communications CoW Contract of Work Cr VI Chromium (VI) CSMP Community Safety Management Plan CSR Corporate Social Responsibility D Dominancy Index dBA Decibel sound level units DOC Dissolved Organic Compound E Evenness Index ECO Socio-Economic EHS Environmental, Health and Safety Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment EOS Export Ore Stockpile EP Equator Principle EPCM Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management ESAP Environmental and Social Action Plan ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ESHIA Environmental, Social, and Health Impact Assessment ETO Export Temporary Ore GOI Government of Indonesia GR Government Regulation H&S Health and Safety H’ Diversity Index Ha Hectare HYD Hydrology and Hydraulics HQ Headquarters IDR Indonesian Rupiah, a unit of currency IFC International Finance Corporations IFP Institut Francais du Petrole ISO International Organization for Standardization ITCZ Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Kabupaten Regency (Local Government) Kecamatan District/sub-regency kVA Kilo Volt Amps LARAP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LIPI Indonesian Institute for Sciences – Research Centre for Biology LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPC Land Preparation for Construction LW Lelilef Waebulen MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment MI Minor MO Moderate MOF Materials Offload Facility N Negligible Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment ND Non-detected NOI Noise NW North West OGV Ocean Going Vessels OHSAS Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Services OPEX Operational Expenditure ORR Outer Ring Road PCDP Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan PFS Pre-Feasibility Study PM10 The Particles of 10mm or less PM2.5 The Particles of less than 2.5 µm PS Performance Standards 3 Q100 Volumetric Flow For Flood ( in 100 years probability – m /s ) 3 Q50 Volumetric Flow For Flood ( in 50 years probability – m /s ) Renstra Rencana Strategi / Strategic Development Plan SE South East SEIA Social and Environemntal Impact Assessment SE-NW South East-North West SME Small to Medium Enterprise SOC Social and Public Amenity SOI Soils, Slopes and Topography SoW Scope of Work TCLP Toxicology Characteristic Leaching Procedures TDS Total Dissolved Solids THH Trans Halmahera Highway TOC Total Organic Carbon TOR Terms of Reference TSP Total Suspended Particulate TSS Total Suspended Solids TT Traffic and Transport TUC Tanjung Ulie-Camp TUP Tanjung Ulie-Project Site UKL/UPL Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan / Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Weda Bay Nickel – Land Preparation for Construction Project Environmental Social and Health Impact Assessment (Environmental Management / Environmental Monitoring Measures ) US EPA US Environmental Protection Agency VI Visual Impact WBN Weda Bay Nickel WHO World Health Organization WM Waste Management WQ Water Quality WRD Waste Rock Dump WRF Waste Rock Facility Executive Summary Executive Summary The Weda Bay Nickel Land Preparation for Construction (LPC) Project PT Weda Bay Nickel is in the final stages of preparing a project in Central Halmahera for the realisation of ore bodies for the production of nickel and cobalt. The project is subject to a contract of work (CoW) first established by Presidential Decree in Indonesia in 1998. The current area covered by the CoW is 54,874 Ha, with approximately 344,000,000 tonnes of ore that is expected to yield approximately 5,000,000 tonnes of nickel, and 250,000 tonnes of cobalt. Halmahera Island lies to the east of Sulawesi in the Indonesian archipelago in North Maluku Province. It is a largely undeveloped island, where local communities are principally located according to the natural resources of the area. The project will take place in the central area of the Island in the northern reaches of Weda Bay (Figure E - 1). The project will ultimately develop a hydrometallurgical beneficiation plant to enable the export of the metals as concentrates. That process has been developed by the WBN parent company, ERAMET based in France.
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