EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. The fares will be same in case of all distances within that distance slab. 2. Minimum distance for charge of 200 Km. in Sleeper Class will not be applicable in case of Sleeper coaches declared as unreserved coaches by Zonal Railways in notified trains and in specified sections. In such cases, actual fares as shown in the concerned column will be levied/charged. 3. All fares notified in this Coaching Tariff are Basic Fares. All other miscellaneous charges like Reservation Fee, Superfast Charge, Catering Charge and Service Tax etc., wherever applicable, will be levied additionally. 3.1 Basic fares for high speed trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi, all type of Duronto trains, Garib Rath and Yuva etc., as given in this Coaching Tariff, are also exclusive of Reservation fee, Superfast charge, Catering Charge and Service Tax etc. These charges, wherever applicable, will be levied additionally. 4. Suburban fares shall be levied for journeys performed in the suburban sections only. Non-suburban fares shall apply in case of all other journeys. 5. Rounding-off of fares: 5.1 Fares of all classes except Second Class Ordinary (Suburban). Chargeable Fares, as obtained after adding Miscellaneous Charges like Reservation Fee, Supplementary charge for Superfast trains, Catering Charge, Service Tax etc. to the Basic Fare, will be rounded off to the next higher multiple of Rs. 5. 5.2 Second Class (Suburban) Fares. Chargeable Fares for Second Class Suburban passengers, as obtained after adding applicable miscellaneous charges like MUTP Surcharge (as and where applicable) etc. to the Basic Fare, is proposed to be rounded off to the next higher multiple of five rupees, except that in cases where either '1' or '6' comes up as the last digit (i.e. in unit's place) it was be rounded off to the immediately lower multiple of rupees 5, i.e. 11.00, 21.00, 31.00, etc. would respectively become rupees 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, etc. and 6.00, 16.00, 26.00 etc. would respectively become rupees 5.00, 15.00, 25.00 etc. And, Fare values ending in rupees 2, 3 or 4 would be getting rounded off to rupees 5 and those ending in rupees 7, 8 or 9 to rupees 10 and so on and so forth. 6. Fares published in these tables are separately for the Peak and Lean seasons. 6.1 Peak and Lean seasons shall be as under: - Lean Seasons 1st February to 31st March; and 1st August to 31st August Peak Seasons 1st April to 31st July; and 1st September to 31st January 6.2 In so far as the “popular” trains’ segment is concerned, the peak period fares shall be applicable throughout the year in case of journeys undertaken in AC First and AC 2-Tier Classes. 7. The point-to-point fares for all pairs of stations, including intermediate to intermediate stations, in case of Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi, Rajdhani and Duronto sets of trains shall be notified by the Zonal Railways. 8. Children under 5 years of age will be carried free of charge. Children above the age of 5 years and under 12 years of age will be charged at half the corresponding adult fare. After adding applicable miscellaneous charges, if any, this Fare will be rounded-off to the next higher multiple of Rs.5 in case of all classes other than Second (Suburban); in the case of Second Suburban, rounding-off principle stipulated in Para 5.2 above shall apply. In case of Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Duronto and Jan Shatabdi trains the methodology of computing concessions shall be governed in terms of CC 66 of 2012. 9. Children under 5 years of age will be provided food in Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto Express trains without any charge. 10. Bed-rolls will be supplied to passengers in AC First Class, AC 2-Tier and AC 3-Tier Classes in all trains, except Garib Rath Express trains without any additional charge. 11. Bed-rolls in Garib Rath Express trains and in Sleeper Class of Mixed Duronto Express trains will be supplied to passengers on demand, on payment of stipulated charges. 12. Quarterly Season Tickets (QST) fares will be 2.7 times the Monthly Season Tickets (MST) fares. 13. Season Tickets beyond 150 km will be issued only over sections where this facility was being enjoyed prior to 1.4.1951. 14. In case of any disparity between English and Hindi Version, the English version shall prevail. ***** Ordinary Services Second Class Second Class (Non- Sleeper First Class (Suburban) Suburban) Class Distance Slabs Minimum Minimum Basic Basic Basic Basic chargeable chargeable Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare (Kilometers) ` ` ` ` 1 - 5 4 5 3 5 16 43 6 - 10 4 5 3 5 17 43 11 - 15 5 5 3 5 19 53 16 - 20 6 5 5 5 21 80 21 - 25 8 10 6 10 22 81 26 - 30 8 10 6 10 24 108 31 - 35 9 10 7 10 26 109 36 - 40 10 10 8 10 28 115 41 - 45 11 10 9 10 29 116 46 - 50 12 15 11 15 31 126 51 - 55 13 15 12 15 33 130 56 - 60 14 15 13 15 34 134 61 - 65 14 15 13 15 36 135 66 - 70 15 15 14 15 38 146 71 - 75 17 20 15 15 39 155 76 - 80 18 20 16 20 41 156 81 - 85 19 20 18 20 43 166 86 - 90 20 20 19 20 44 168 91 - 95 20 20 19 20 47 169 96 - 100 21 20 20 20 48 180 101 - 105 22 25 21 25 51 183 106 - 110 22 25 21 25 52 191 111 - 115 23 25 22 25 52 192 116 - 120 24 25 24 25 52 198 121 - 125 25 25 24 25 54 199 126 - 130 26 25 25 25 56 206 131 - 135 26 25 25 25 56 215 136 - 140 27 30 26 30 58 217 141 - 145 28 30 27 30 59 223 146 - 150 28 30 28 30 60 230 151 - 155 29 30 29 30 62 234 156 - 160 30 30 29 30 63 235 161 - 165 31 30 30 30 64 244 166 - 170 32 35 31 35 65 249 171 - 175 33 35 31 35 67 256 176 - 180 33 35 32 35 68 257 181 - 185 34 35 33 35 69 268 186 - 190 34 35 34 35 71 271 191 - 195 34 35 35 35 72 273 196 - 200 35 35 35 35 73 279 201 - 205 36 35 36 40 74 286 206 - 210 37 40 36 40 75 286 Second Class Second Class (Non- Sleeper First Class (Suburban) Suburban) Class Distance Slabs Minimum Minimum Basic Basic Basic Basic chargeable chargeable Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare (Kilometers) ` ` ` ` 211 - 215 38 40 37 40 76 299 216 - 220 38 40 39 40 78 300 221 - 225 39 40 39 40 79 310 226 - 230 40 40 40 40 80 310 231 - 235 41 40 40 40 82 314 236 - 240 42 45 41 45 83 314 241 - 245 43 45 42 45 84 329 246 - 250 44 45 43 45 86 330 251 - 255 44 45 44 45 86 339 256 - 260 44 45 44 45 87 339 261 - 265 44 45 45 45 89 349 266 - 270 44 45 45 45 90 349 271 - 275 45 45 46 50 91 358 276 - 280 47 50 46 50 92 358 281 - 285 48 50 48 50 93 367 286 - 290 48 50 48 50 94 367 291 - 295 49 50 49 50 95 381 296 - 300 50 50 49 50 97 381 301 - 310 52 55 51 55 99 390 311 - 320 53 55 53 55 101 398 321 - 330 55 55 54 55 104 409 331 - 340 55 55 55 55 106 420 341 - 350 55 55 58 60 107 433 351 - 360 56 55 59 60 110 439 361 - 370 58 60 60 60 112 449 371 - 380 59 60 61 65 114 458 381 - 390 61 60 63 65 117 473 391 - 400 62 65 63 65 119 481 401 - 410 64 65 63 65 121 487 411 - 420 65 65 65 65 123 499 421 - 430 67 70 66 70 126 511 431 - 440 68 70 67 70 128 518 441 - 450 70 70 69 70 130 520 451 - 460 71 70 70 70 133 531 461 - 470 73 75 71 75 135 541 471 - 480 74 75 72 75 137 551 481 - 490 76 75 74 75 140 563 491 - 500 77 80 75 75 142 564 501 - 510 76 80 154 591 511 - 520 78 80 156 602 521 - 530 79 80 159 614 531 - 540 80 80 160 620 541 - 550 82 85 162 622 551 - 560 83 85 165 632 Second Class Second Class (Non- Sleeper First Class (Suburban) Suburban) Class Distance Slabs Minimum Minimum Basic Basic Basic Basic chargeable chargeable Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare (Kilometers) ` ` ` ` 561 - 570 84 85 166 647 571 - 580 84 85 169 653 581 - 590 86 90 170 662 591 - 600 87 90 172 663 601 - 610 87 90 175 674 611 - 620 89 90 176 685 621 - 630 90 90 179 696 631 - 640 91 95 181 704 641 - 650 93 95 182 706 651 - 660 93 95 185 718 661 - 670 94 95 187 728 671 - 680 95 95 188 736 681 - 690 97 100 190 746 691 - 700 98 100 192 747 701 - 710 98 100 194 755 711 - 720 100 100 196 767 721 - 730 101 105 198 779 731 - 740 101 105 200 787 741 - 750 103 105 203 789 751 - 760 104 105 204 806 761 - 770 105 105 206 814 771 - 780 106 110 208 822 781 - 790 107 110 209 824 791 - 800 108 110 211 838 801 - 810 109 110 212 839 811 - 820 110 110 215 841 821 - 830 112 115 217 843 831 - 840 113 115 218 844 841 - 850 114 115 220 846 851 - 860 114 115 222 847 861 - 870 115 115 223 860 871 - 880 116 120 225 869 881 - 890 117 120 228 871 891 - 900 118 120 229 880 901 - 910 119 120 231 888 911 - 920 121 125 232 890 921 - 930 121 125 234 899 931 - 940 122 125 236 907 941 - 950 124 125 237 909 951 - 960 124 125 240 924 961 - 970 125 125 242 927 971 - 980 126 130 243 938 981 - 990 128 130 245 940 991 - 1000 128 130 246 953 1001 - 1025 131 135 250 970 1026 - 1050 133 135 255 983 Second Class Second Class (Non- Sleeper First Class (Suburban) Suburban) Class Distance Slabs Minimum Minimum Basic Basic Basic Basic chargeable chargeable Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare Fare (Kilometers) ` ` ` ` 1051 - 1075 134 135 258 1004 1076 - 1100 137 140 262 1020 1101 - 1125 139 140 264 1045 1126 - 1150 141 145 268 1051 1151 - 1175 142 145 272 1077 1176 - 1200 144 145 276 1091 1201 - 1225 147 150 280 1106 1226 - 1250 149 150 283 1126 1251 - 1275 150 150 287 1135 1276 - 1300 153 155 291 1157 1301 - 1325 155 155 295 1171 1326 - 1350 157 160 298 1188 1351 - 1375 159 160 302 1202 1376 - 1400 161 165 306 1219 1401 - 1425 164 165 310 1231 1426 - 1450 167 170 314 1257 1451 - 1475 168 170 317 1262 1476 - 1500 171 175 321 1282 1501 - 1525 173 175 324 1309 1526 - 1550 174 175 329 1324 1551 - 1575 175 175 333 1337 1576 - 1600 177 180 336 1355 1601 - 1625 180 180 340 1369 1626 - 1650 182 185 343 1392 1651 - 1675 183 185 348 1398 1676 - 1700 186 190 350 1423 1701 - 1725 188 190 354 1433 1726 - 1750 190 190 357 1452 1751 - 1775 192 195 361 1461 1776 - 1800 194 195 366 1485 1801 - 1825 197 200
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