Oct. 8, 1968 N. c. THUesen 3,404,666 MEANS FOR CONTROLLING THE MOVEMENT OF POPPET WAVES Filed Dec. 18, 1967 %ar Fifti %RAres - EFF, 2 SIYS IIl -X HIS SSTN 22 ), ser SETEARSs Š INVENTOR 777/ASA Ay a 77%away 3,404,666 United States Patent Office Patented Oct. 8, 1968 1. 2 3,404,666 The above show various forms of compensators which MEANS FOR CONTROLLING, THE MOVEMENT are devised for allowing the poppet valves to seat properly. OF POPPET WALVES The same do not have any teachings respecting the pro Niel C. Thuesen, 6021 Compton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90001 vision of means to provide the mentioned added opening Filed Dec. 18, 1967, Ser. No. 691,366 movement of the valves nor the pinpoint control of the 7 Claims. (CI. 123-90) valve movement. Summary of the invention The present improvements are incorporated in a cylin ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE der back 10 which is semidiagrammatically shown and Compensator means interposed between a poppet valve 10 has a cylinder 11 and a flow port passage 12 leading to and the cam-controlled mechanism that reciprocates the said cylinder with a valve seat 13 where said passage 12 same, said means including flexible means which, due to joins said cylinder 11. Since, in four-stroke cycle engines, acceleration of the action of said mechanism, flex so the each cylinder is provided with at least one inlet and one poppet moves with increased velocity over that of the 15 outlet port, said passage 12 is representative of each such tappet that carries it in the direction away from its seat port. In an exemplary manner, a camshaft 14 reciprocates toward open position, said poppet thereby moving greater a tappet 15 that is guided for movement in aligned guides distance than the tappet and being held open for a longer 16 mounted on the cylinder block, through the medium of period of time due to the additional movement of the a mechanism 17. A poppet valve 18, in the usual manner, poppet relative to the tappet. 20 is mounted in said cylinder block 10 to reciprocate and move between a position engaged with the seat 13 to close -awamummon-m- the port passage 12, and a position spaced therebelow to Background of the invention open said passage. According to the invention, the present . In four-stroke cycle internal combustion engines, espe poppet-controlling means 19 is carried by the upper end cially for automotive and aircraft use, the intake and ex 25 of the poppet stem 20 and is engaged by the tappet 15. haust valves are normally controlled, in their opening and Brief description of the drawing closing movements, by cam-controlled mechanisms hav ing preset timed relation. The more accurately the open In the drawing, like reference characters designate positions of the valve are timed, the greater the general similar parts in the several views. efficiency of operation of the engine as regards fuel econ 30 FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, in semidiagrammatic form, show omy, and the cleaner the engine will run. Therefore, the three successive positions of the poppet valve and the exhaust of the gases of combustion will be less noxious, means controlling the movement thereof. due to improved combustion, and engine performance will FIGS. 4, 5 and 6, to an increased scale, show the com be materially improved. If such pinpoint control of move pensator means and the respective operative positions ments of the valves is coupled with prolonged time periods thereof according to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3. during which the valves remain open, further improve FIG. 7, to the same scale, is a plan view of the com ment in combustion efficiency and general performance, pensator means, partly in section to show detail. as above, will result. FIG. 8, to a further increased scale, shows a modifica An object of the present invention is to provide im tion of the compensator means. proved compensator means by which the poppet valves of 40 Description of the preferred embodiments an internal combustion engine of the type referred to are The camshaft 14 is shown with a cam lobe 25 that oper so controlled that the improvements in performance of ates the mechanism 17. The latter is shown as having a such engines, as above enumerated, result. lifter 26 which may be a hydraulic lifter for obtaining Another object of the invention is to provide means of uniform operation during all engine speeds, a rod 27 con the character referred to which, independently of the nected by a pivot 28 to the upper end of said lifter, a cam-controlled movements of the valve-mounting tappet, spring abutment 29 on said rod, a compression spring 30 allows for an additional further movement of the valve around said rod with one end engaged with said abutment poppets at the valve-open positions thereof. 29 and the opposite end engaged with a fixed abutment 31 The invention also has for its objects to provide such on the cylinder block, a rocker arm 32 on a rocker shaft means that are positive in operation, convenient in use, 33 having one arm thereof pivotally connected to the easily installed in a working position and easily discon upper end of the rod 27, and a link 34 pivotally con nected therefrom, economical of manufacture, relatively nected by one end to an oppositely extending arm of the simple, and of general superiority and serviceability. rocker arm 32, the other end of said link being shown as The invention also comprises novel details of construc pivotally connected to the tappet 15. tion and novel combinations and arrangements of parts, 55 While FIGS. 1, 2 and 3 show the rod 27 and the axis of which will more fully appear in the course of the follow the poppet valve 18 parallel, these parts may be arranged ing description, which is based on the accompanying so there is an inclined angle therebetween. Irrespective of drawing. However, said drawing merely shows, and the the chosen arrangement of the parts constituting the following description merely describes, preferred embodi mechanism 17, the cam lobe 25, on its rising movement, ments of the present invention, which are given by way 60 moves the tappet 15 from its raised position of FIG. 1 to of illustration or example only. - its lowermost position of FIG. 3, when it is at top dead The most pertinent art that may be cited comprises center. This movement is effected against the light bias of patents issued to the applicant, as listed below: 3,183,901, the spring 30 and causes the tappet to move a distance May 1965; 3,185,139, May 1965; 3,220,391, November represented by the dimension 35 (FIG. 3). In the absence 1965; 3,211,138, October 1965 (with C. H. Collins). 65 of means on the camshaft 14 to reverse this movement of 3,404,666 3 4. the means 17, the spring 30 performs this function upon valve to move back to its initial relationship with the parts continued rotation of said camshaft. of the means 19 as in FIG. 1, and again flex the elements The present poppet movement-controlling means 19 is 42. As a consequence, the opening between the valve and shown as disposed in a space 36 in the tappet 15 between the valve seat, shown by the dimension 53, is greater than an upper wall 37 and transversely spaced ledges 38, the 5 the dimension 35, which represents the full tappet move same constituting opposed abutments. Said means 19 is ment, less the initial movement of the tappet from its shown as comprising a body 39 preferably having a fully raised position of FIG. 1 to the position of FIG. 2 polygonal form-in this case, eight-sided-and a lower where the encounter of the tappet wall 37 and the abut frusto-conical portion 40, the wall of which is convex as ment extension 50 occurs. viewed from above. A central or axial opening 41 in said O Such controlled acceleration of the poppet movement, portion has clearance around the stem 20 of the valve 18 causing the valve to remain open longer than if directly which extends upwardly therethrough. moved by the mechanism 17, enables pinpoint opening of A complement of flexible elements 42 is disposed within the valve, induces efficient and cleaner engine perform the body 39, the number thereof preferably conforming to ance, improved timing of fuel inlet and exhausting of and fitting against the side faces of said body, said ele 5 burnt gases, and generally increases efficiency of engine ments 42, as seen in FIG. 7, being clear of each other operation. so each may flex independently of its adjacent elements. While the foregoing has illustrated and described what Said elements may be flat, or may have some degree of is now contemplated to be the best mode of carrying out initial flexure imparted thereto. Also, as shown in FIG. 8, the invention, the constructions are, or course, subject to instead of a single layer of elements as in FIGS. 4, 5 and 20 modification without departing from the spirit and scope 6, two or more layers 42a may be used. The top layer of the invention. Therefore, it is not desired to restrict the may be flat and the others therebelow may be initially invention to the particular forms of construction illustrated curved or bent to varying degrees so the spring rate of the and described, but to cover all modifications that may fall elements may be interchanged for obtaining the rate of within the scope of the appended claims.
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