Australian Caver The Quarterly Journal of the AUSTRALIAN SPELEOLOGICAL FEDERATION INCORPORATED PO Box 388, Broadway, NSW 2007 Issue No. 139, January 1997 Printed on 100% recycled paper [Ewart Ackroyd in] Angel Cave (GP-8), Cape Schanck, Victoria [Photoby] P J Ackroyd, [9th] Aprill996." Who to blame when things go Australian Caver wrong ... 711e Quarterly .Journal <~(the AUSTRALIAN SPELEOLOGICAL President:­ Brendan Ferrari FEDERATION INCORPORATED The views expressed in the PO Rox 388, Rroadrwty, NL\'~V 2007 Australian Caver arc not necessarily that of the Editor. or llfthc Australian Speleological Issue No. 139, January 1997 . Federation Incorporated. telstra.com.au l'ri11ted 011 /00?-1> re(yc/ed paper Senior Vicc-President:­ Pcter Berri 11 Editorial Meet the new Editor folks ...................... 2 c ASF Issues Obituary- Rick Bray .......................... 4 The new Southern Tasmanian Caverneers. .. 4 Treasurer:­ Mole Creek Karst National Park. ............... 6 0 Chris Riley Are these free eggs rotten?!?! ................... 7 The ASF- Where are we going? ................ 8 Conservation Officers Report. .................. 9 N Karst Index Progress Report. .................. 12 edu.au ASF/NORLD/ORCA Update.................. 14 & Secretary:­ ASF The Internet. .. 16 Kevin Mott T Articles TCC's 50th Celebrations....................... 18 Speaking my piece ............................ 20 Executive Secrctary:­ Hades Cave rescue........................... 22 E Jill Rowling Cave divers body found ....................... 26 2 Parks Symposium ............................ 26 Crinoids. 27 N Membership Secretary: Peter Dykes Stuff Club reports ................................ 30 Caving Terms............................... 32 T Editor:­ Dean Morgan Book Reviews Sinkholes, caves & spring lakes .................33 s lJnderground Photographer Issue 1&2 ........... 33 Speleo Synopsis No 21 .........................34 net. au Lopyright 1997 ASF This work is ASF copyriKhl .. 1part(rom any fair dealinRfor the purpose <!/private sttu~v. research. criticism or review, as permitted under the ( 'opyright Act, 110 pari may he reproduced hy any process without wrillen permission from the puh/ishers and the inclusion (!lacknowledKment of the source. Page 2 Australian Caver- Issue 139- January 1997 Editorial Meet the new Editor and no-one could really give still no issue appearing, and folks ••. an valid answer as to when, just more broken promises or why, there had been no and excuses as to why this Australian Caver for such an was so. Finally, it was extended period of time. decided to pass the job on, and I was the only one dumb Being a bit mentally slow enough to do it ... like I am(!), around 2 months ago, I offered to If you had sent material in to take over the role of Editor previous Editors to be (not realising what a task it published - don't despair, as would turn out to be!), but it I hope to retrieve that was thought best not to material soon for future make a change yet, as the issues. For now though, it Editor at the time had only was thought important to recently taken over the role get something out as soon a A Tasmanian Editing rr==:!:::===:::::========::d:===:::::;'l possible to let our Journal? Surely Contributions people know the that's not If you are reading this bit, then maybe your thinking of situation and right?!?!?!?! contributing something yourself! yes, am I correct??? what's been If so, then contributions can be sent to me happening. via email at [email protected] Luckily for poor Well, I'm afraid it's little old me, I can true! Those of you use that as an ~r sent via 3 1h inch floppy disk. Preferably Word with email access excuse for this for W mdows, RTF, or ASCII formats. Pictures can be who subscribe to issue being a bit in most formats, but Jpegs, Gifs, Bmp's, and Tiff's Ozcavers (and below par in the work best for me. anyone with email quality stakes, as acce.-.,·s should.~ it was slapped It is also pre~erable if you can send me a hard copy should know what's together in a of your matenal so I know I've got it right in the happened and how a couple of days!!! Tasmanian came electronic transfer. about getting the job. I must say, I was If you have no computer, then typed, scribbled, But as for the rest of quite stunned at hand written, carved in rock slabs, courier, carrier you - I'll try and give the amount of pigeon- who cares, as long as I get it! you a brief summary material that as to how it arrived in my Of course- you'll have to bribe me with money if transpired ... mailbox within 2 you want it to appear in print ... days of the Ozcavers ts an announcement of Send contributions to:- electronic mail me being Editor, Dean Morgan, 17 Belhaven Ave, Taroona, discussion list that a and I just hope Tasmania 7053 lot of Australian the practice keeps deanm@netspace. net.au cavers in all states up! It was almost and clubs subscribe too much to keep and contribute too. and had not been given a track of at first! Over the last 6 months or sufficient chance. so, it has been flooded with Anyhow, I promise the next comments about the non­ issue (which should "hit the Unfortunately, a couple appearance of the Australian more months passed with stands" around March) will Caver for such a long time, "Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together .... " --Carl Zwanzig: Australian caver- Issue No 139 - January 199 7 Page 3 have more photos, Caver - I urge you to start and wisdom whenever drawings, surveys and such again! asked him for some. in it, as it won't be as rushed as this one was, and I Thanks for the support from Keep all the articles coming, promise to keep producing those who know who they and I promise you all a them at least Quarterly, are. A special thanks to better March issue. (dependent on the ASF's Arthur Clarke for hassling to Journal hudget (?! course.'.'O get me the job (at lea.-.,·t, I Catch you all next issue' If you have been a think it should he a contributor in the past, but thank.,·'!!'! 1'! O. and also to Dean Morgan have lost faith in Stuart Nicholas for guidance Editor contributing due to a complete lack of Australian Hey \ook! I've a \so got my first ''LETTE.R, TO) THE. E;DITO!R.IJI)! Tle £ditolt, Aast1tatru11 Cal!e!t. !?e: rfJisto/liCa t as age O/J t#.e 'BOob Tube 1 [ lle!Jelt to t#.e allticte cJttided 1VetJrititious aud Cottoqaiat WMrito&Jg!/1 b!J (') K StstitK csq. pabtis#.ed 011 poge 17 O!J t#.e L·r'8t/( editiou 0/J t#.e .AastllatiOJt ()a{)eA.. Tie so-catted 'boobtabe 1 a;as rit ase b!J bas#.t{fatf:ei!S &Jug bet;-oAe 197~. t#.oag#. uot au dell til at JtOMe.- paUicatallt!J so rit Tas~~taHia ({f/(e/te it t{fas rdeat t;-oll d.lritl2ri1.g oat otr battou-g;tas..c; SMl~nps. :Jolt ex.aMpte. itt t/(e boof! "£qaip~tteHt (JOlt /vfoautaritectritg" (secoud e_ditiou. 1965) ptibfis#.ed ti!J Jle /vfetbotA/lfte Uui{)ei!Sr"t!J }llfotAJttOritee!liM) Gtab. it iS desC!tibed 011 page 17 WtdtJt f#.e #.eodi1t9 "l?abbe!t tabe" as.. ':A teugt#. otr ,wbbct tabtitg (aboat .:.r t;-ee~) cau be ased !Jolt d!tritl:!rit9 !JILOM s#.attow pools, t;-oA b&Jwritg t;-iles. a11d as a S11af:e bite totAAHiqaet. " .Apallt IJI!OM beiug cfeaJr. Ottd MetJJCated t#.e 'boobtabe 1 descllibed b!J )At. SMitR. woatd appeall to be t#.e sa111e t#.ritg. TRe ModeJ.Jt uoH-etastic Uei!Sio11 woatd seeM to be ritiJeJ.ioA. IJO!t t#.e pa1pose ot;- totlllJtiqaetritg e11bitfeftcd SHaf:es. [ lte~ttarit, (joalt dis#.a~ttbte Sei!Uaut, Rot;-. Colldo~t C. C!tiMSte!J DIJIJiCe ot;- t#.e G#.ieiJ Lexicog!tap#.e!t, aolliuda .Al~ttCR.aill Speteo&Jgicat .AssociatiOH. "/ mn not a vegetarian hecause !love animals: I am a vegetarian hecause I hate plants. " --:1. H71ilney Hrown Page 4 Au.~traliun Ctlver- /.~.me 139- January 1997 Rick Bray 4/12/52 - 26/10/94 Sadly, Tasmania and the rest renowned tor his attention and always miraculously nf the world sutTered the to detail. managed to produce the loss or a tell ow caver a short letter needed to convey the time ago when Rick Bray This would often involve club's opinion when needed. passed away complex communications with unsuspecting souls on Rick will be sadly missed by Rick lirst joined the the other end of the the club and all his friends, Northern Caverneers after telephone' and we hope to be able to emigrating lrom England in keep up his high standards 1980 Alter a few years of His capacity to organise of organisation and enjoying the splendor of the himself and others often left documentation. Mole ('reck caves, he those around him in a spin, knuckled down to some real but against all odds - Rick Rick worked at the hard worked and was voted would always get the job Maritime Collage as a 111 as Club Secretary for done. lecturer up until the time of many consecutive years his death, and his spirit will He would ensure that no remain with the club Taking on this role with stone was ever left unturned ease, he then looked at the in the organisation of even more dillicult role of various activities. He never The Northern Caverneer.~ Fditor and was well took sides in any debate I ncorporatetl respected as a doer, and was within the club, but listened; Tbe new SOUTHE~N TASMANIAN CAVE~NEE~S Hy Arthur ( 'Iarke caving organisations: postal ballot of all financial .
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