... :i- 1 I VOL. 22 VICTORIA, B. 0.. TUESDAY, JANUARY U, 189G. AS SEASONABLE forwarded her assent to the British au­ AS THE SNOW thorities. r London, Jan. H.—Several newspapers THE CATS discuss the Canadian crisis. The Globe LONDON HOSPITAL COUGH CUBE Rolled Plate Chains considers the school question the most AN ENTENTE JOHN COCHRANE, Druggist serions which has arisen since federa­ N.-W. Cop. Yates anti Douglas Sts tion, and adds: “if the Manitobans Y\e handle the K. F. Simmons & Co. R. P. Ladies’ CAME BACK remain obstinate, they must either bo and Gents' Watch Chains. They are the best on NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. compelled to yield to federal force or CORDIALE the^aoverument will connive at nn nsser- WANTED A mother s help. Apply to Mrs the marker. Hard soldered and finished as well Henry J. Scott, 27 (Jorge Road. sertlkn of slate rights, which will All the “Bolters” Except Young Tup- threaten the integrity of the Dominion.” as solid gold. Each chain guaranteed. Try one. Sulci to Exist Between Prune* and SHINGLES FOR SALE—In quantities to per. Having Bested the Old We have also a full line of R. P. Brooclfes, But salt purchaser; $1.10 per thousand, del v- west iilthon election. Britain—The Latter's Debt ored at Inner harbor. Apply, Munn, Hol­ Man, Return. to Germany. tons, Links, Etc., as well as our Solid Gold and land & 26 1-2 Broad M. Indicati me That Cameron, Liberal, Silver Goods. WE WISH to Inform our customers and Elected by a Large Majority. the public In geueral, that we are selling the “Best Wellington Coal" In the mar­ While It Last*. It Will be Called ket. The Central Coal and Wood Yard, Goderich, Jan. 14.—The fight here is The Mother Country WIH Protect Bowell-T upper Ad now over and all that remains is to re- f 0 Trounce Avenue. Telephone 05. American Citizens in the Challoner & Mitchell. jalS-St ministration. ceive the final figures. The indications Transvaal, WELCH—January 11th. at Mount Toliuie, at present are that Mr. Cameron, the to the wife or K. E. Welch, a sou. ...Jewellers, Etc., 47 Government Street. Liberal candidate, has been elected by SEE OUR 15c WALL PAPERS. Mellor, a large majority. Will tiie Latest Form of Crazy Quilt Fort street, above Douglas. Liter—With nine places to hear from The Plying Squadron In Commission* Administration Suit jibe ELEPHANT MIXED PAINTS. $1-60 per Cameron has ltiti of a majority. Under Sealed Orders lor Fu­ French Wing? Imperial gallon. Mellor, Fort street, ture Movements. above Douglas. x HAWAII WOULD SECEDE. USE MELLOIV8 Bath Enamel, 40 & Uf»c. J. W. Mellor, Fort Street. The Islam! Contemplates Withdrawal Ottawa, Jan. 14,—Premier Bowell From thi- Hawaiian Government. I-omlon. Jam 14,-The Pall Mall Ga- A GRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given In Alhambra Hall, cor Y’atcs & and Tapper, senior, had a long confer­ 1,To u. , zettv this afternoon, referring to the po- Government street, Tuesday, Jan. 14. ence this forenoon arranging the gov «H- ^-Special cor- Uticttl situation, thinks Great Britain Richardson’s orchestra, 4 pieces. Admis­ fr.T, H , nl„h A8s»™te<l Press wmthl la- most ungrateful if she tailed Why? sion, Ladles 25c, Gents 50c. Grand Mareb ernment’s programme. The new gov 8:45 sharp. Jan V-5i datml « .. .. "n >" rocoguiro the debt of gratitude which crament is to be called the Bowell- HawaiMs' ft* of *•»»« Kmporor William for arousing DON'T FORGET the Daughters of England i ,1" “it B ""T. {r"m ! tim patriotism of the couutrv and thus dance 17th of January, music provided by Tupper administration. All the minis­ There Is a reason for every success. The only reason why the Mr. J. Bruce, at Harmony Hall. *2t tion .f dl government and the for- ! leading to a better understanding with sales at the WKSTHIDE are always such a success that we ters are expected to be in their seats tuition of its own government. When the Lnited States. know of Is, that goods are always Just as they are represented. When the house meets. eeesston nmîLZrL.r," tte The Westminster Garotte repeats the We do not Import quantities of low-grade stuff for our sales, ! s«cession movement will be brought up. assertion that there has been an nn- but having decided NOT to carry over unreasonable goods, at For School Trustee. The French Canadians are not pleased to H ° Uawali “bVUl11 de" derstandlag arrived at between tirent the close of each season we mark down surplus stock to prices over the dropping of Sir Hibbert Tup- nothinv I . , 'Vf °*£ govetrnment, Britain and Pranrc, ami ,,oints to the that effectively clear the shelves. Mr. R. B. McMicking per, who framed the remedial bill, and nn -eût themÏÏ ' couW settlement of the Mekong dispute as be- 1896 has gone; It was a year of good LEGITIMATE business, PTOTent them, I he Dote government lug the first fruits of this entente. Is a nominee for election to the Board, on the proposed dropping of Sir Mackenzie wotUd be powerless, as Hawait is more Many friends of Americans at Jo- and secure In the ESTEEM and GOODWILL of- onr customers Thursday next. Jal4-2t we hope to maintain the same always. Bowell at an early day. The result of the ia‘“"d h*'n«-'t"’rg today at the United of the group. Minister of borugn Af- j Stales embassy here and made itmtliries Our Sale continues, and as winter Is on us In reality we In­ may be that there will be another crisis clude lu our sale— lo a»e,.rtahirh™'“n "‘U",,**7!?* I r"».r.lh,g their safety. But the U. S. To the Electors of Central War d to aactrtaiii how wide-spread is the de- ambassador. Mr. Thomas by the French ministers resigning. F. Bayard, sire for secession. The friends of the : bad no additional Ottawa, Jan. 14.—(Press dis­ news to give them. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:-! am a ex-queett arc anxious for a war between I W hen Secretary Olney’s instructions re­ 250 Fairs of Blankets candidate for the above ward u* Alderman patch)—While there is ‘’many a England and the United States, betiev- garding the request made to the govern­ and respectfully solicit your votes and sup­ slip between the cup and the ing that in the At lower prices than could be expected considering the great port. event of suchr hostilities ment of Great Britain to provide protec­ advance In the price of wool. Jal4-3t HUGH H. MACDONALD. lip,” os the events of the past few days England would seise the Hawaiian fs- tion for Americans in the Transvaal ar­ : la mis and restore Lilioukalani. 150 yds. Elder Down Flannels, at 40c. have amply proven, the handwriting on j rived yesterday, .in attache of the U. 8. Welsh and French Flannels, extra good value. I Carl Klemme, exiled from the island the wall to-day is that Premier Bowell for conspiracy in connection with the re­ embassy was immediately sent to the Underwear, the best and cheapest. foreign office. There he was escorted To the Electors of Central Ward. lias capitulated, and his dissident min- bejfion, has returned, accompanied by Dress Tweeds, away down. to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, when Mr. fsters have come out of the squabble j wife. He was given no permission Oluey’g request was made known. Mr. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.—I am n candidate for alderman at the forthcoming victorious. j ~ "'■**“ a"*""aotraeu1 ny the"» Chamberlain' J'antbnrlitin immediately «id:said “Wo municipal election, and respectfully solicit I, in Htatetl with a coo.idvr.bl,. degree ' ÎToïTh? pro«^^“°fL‘T? ............,r bo,kI J. Hutcheson & Co. your votes and Influence. of ponitiveneaa that Sir Chari,a, Top- ! apiraey. Hca'tya h, wiî, l,h", ZIZ Ti"*1' I’f th<“ J!ni"‘“ »«««■ ’ THE WE8TSIDE, JJanuary 14. 1896. WILL AM DALBY. 1HT has consented to take u portfolio, rather than leave. The rematatag uol was !?*** î°r5*1 "ut® WM\ Sir Mackenzie Bowell remains premier itical prisoners were released on \>w Mr ChaiuherI*>inM£i ®?yard* ‘n Notice. until after the session, and all the hon Year's day. They all ,‘romiLl to »„o ^ 1 th<‘ rooet kh,,ll-v 8E(é!üii(êE(©lE©Sf@EfifiE oralile gentlemen who bolted will return port the present government 1 I Great Brifflaiïd asmirame that litP Notice Is hereby given that we Intend to apply at the next sitting of the Llcens'ng Board for the City of Victoria for a transfer « : 55^ z of the license held by ue to sell spirit nous '''vnm'i'vrBnwcib finding that le coM j starving and fermented liquor* on the premises known as the “Regent Saloon,'’ situate otr the south-west corner of Johnson and Doo*. 'SUTTMTh.ttowi^ à" rüî: ...... ! - --'h laa streets, Victoria, to Frederick M. «vet-» «» me expense of the government. l?.r.,Stîltv of affair8 in regard to Vene- tier, of the city of Victoria. i romisels evidently prevailetl, and it was Preparations are under way for the Victoria. B.U., Jan. 14th, 1896. s(x>n agreed tliat Sir Charles Tapper SWITZER & MeCLUBKEY, third celebration of the anniversary of ! Portsmouth, Jan. 14.—The first clew ! Delicious should come in ami span the breach, like the revolution which overturned the ItaVtarbip Revenge, flagship of the flv a Colossus, until the work of the ses­ im narchv- It will take place on Jam, ing squadron. eg^gWoffiJra «£ WE SLEEP . sion is disposed of.
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