EL PASO HERALD TVcdnnsday, Xov. 6, 191S 5 rniinnnniiM LAW FOR FREE N 10. S, SENATE SELECTED TUESDAY ' EL PASO'S NEWEST DEPARTMENT STORE IIITIil! School Boys Mail Orders women should by were no senatorial elections Missouri Seldon P. Spencer, R An overstocked condition also BOOKS FAVORED! THERn ' all means take advantage of LDSENEWYDRK California, Connecti- (probable). prevails In the Boys" Depart- on cut!. llary-- Montana D. (prob- 5 present prices women's Florida, Indiana, Maine, Thos. J. Walsh, we offer- ready-to-wea- r. or- land. Mississippi, i able). ment. This week are All mall New York. North ing radically reduced prices on ders are filled by experienced Dakota. Ohio. Pennsvlvanla. Utah. Nebraska George Vf. Norris. R & SAN JACINTO SfS. shoppers. Only 28 Votes Are Polled Democrats Appear to Have Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. Nevada Chas. B. Henderson. D. all boys suits and overcoats. COrDVETP Below are the names of the men cer New Hampshire Henry W. Keyes, Against Amendment In Sleeted Governor of the tain or election or probably elected in it., ana ueorge ll. Closes. IS. all states where returns were suffi- New Jersey W. E. Edge, R, and Paso County. Empire Si fce cient to David Balrd. R. I El Tuesday. warrant a reasonable forecast ' There was EI Paso early Wednesday morning. States New Mexico A. B. Fall, R (prob- - less interest In (Continued from page 4) otner able). m In t&e Tuesday any tnan the above not in the list election than la them are steadily cutting down naa such close races that It was im- North Carolina F. M. Simmons, D. f r any years past. Thirty seven Smith's advantage. possible to forecast the result: Oklahoma Robert Latham Owen, D. ' M VERS TO CKED j:rr-nr- ts ' i which returns had been Goverror Whitman Is seeking re- Alabama John H. Bankhead. D. Oregon Chas. L. McNary, R, (prob- - . 0 election Joseph tra2s to county TV. Greet for a third term. Arkansas Taylor Robin- able). clerk I. at If Smith continued his forging son, D. Rhode Island LeBaron B. Colt. R. Ready-To-We- ar n "Wednesday showed that only is Now on Sale ahead, he would have a plurality over Colorado Lawrence C. Phlpps, R South Carolina N. B. Dial. D, long ; Our Entire Stock of C""1 votes had been cast. Whitman of 60.000. (probable). terms; iv. J?. Pollock. D, short term. only In which was Delaware Dr. Lewis Heisler Ball, R. Te matter there NORTH DAKOTA. Georgia W. resembling contest was J. Harris. D. South Dakota Thomas Sterling, R. Radically Reduced Prices a Fargo, N. D. Nov. 5. Ninety one Idaho William E. Borah. R.. and Tennessee John Knight Shields, D. at the free text book amendment to the precincts out of 1S74 In the state, all Frank R. Gooding. R. Texas Morris Sheppard. D. c sstitutfon. There were 47 votes from towns and cities, gives for gov- Illinois Medili McCormlck. R. Virginia Thomas staples Martin, stocks and most complete lines of suits, coats, ernor: Doyle (D). 1086: Iowa S. At the beginning of the Fall season we showed magnificent as for the amendment only 28 Frasler (R), Wm. Kenyon. R. D. and 926. Kansas Arthur Capper. H. West Virginia David Elklns. R. nst TTnder every stu- - started briskly and were so encouraged by the prospects that additional affa this law, Louisiana Joseph Eugene Rans-del- l. Wyoming Francis Emroy Warren. skirts and dresses. Selling so we n the common schools of the OHIO. D. and Edward J. Gay. D. K. 5. ready-to-we- ar business conditions have been r a a !I be provided with text books Columbus. O. Nov. With a little Massachusetts David L. Walsh, D. Maine elected Bert M. Fern, Re- stocks of were ordered. The public knows what the past of public. les than one-fift- h of the state having Michigan T. at the cost the It Newberry. R (prob- publican, last September; Mississippi! ready-to-we- smallest number of votes cast reported. James 31. Ccx Democrat, able). elected Byron Pat Harrison. Demo month. Now we find ourselves largely overstocked and for that reason place on sale every item of ar 'n any one precinct was seven. In was leading Frank G. Willis, Repub- Minnesota Knute Nelson, R. crat, some time ago. two; while the banner box lican, in the race for the governorship yjaio oy in stock. was uomber 31, which gave 83 votes. oi c;oo. a majority or approxi- Republicans, are close, with each can- - lng victory. The race Is close between ! mately aiaate claiming victory. Harry P. Atwater, Republican, and OTK The Democratic Incumbents In the Harry L. Gandy, Democrat. Jtl AT FOIIT BLISS. OKLAHOMA. six congressional Description At Fort Bliss a 111 sol-- c other districts are Widely scattered figures Indicate No Need Detailed s total of Oklahoma for c were cast here today by City, Okla. Nov. 6. The expected to be returned by large plu- that suffrage has carried In South - reelection of United States senator ralities. Ed. Howard and C. H. Hyde. Dakota. In Sioux Falls, .'f describe in four following do want to impress upon you is that reductions are made from prices r nre.dent voters from Pennsylva- Robert K. Owen Republican the Issue 3 We think it hardly necessary to detail the a -- 6 by those from New York over his Democrats, are opposing Chandler and carried two to one was running -- and opponent, B. and ;g would ordinarily regard elsewhere bargain prices. v soldiers. The vote is W. Johnson, and a gain Morgan, respectively. ahead in Minnehaha county. Hyde, lots. In suits, coats, skirts and dresses you will find the very best that you as After Kansas of one Democratic congressman Is In- g counted and tabulated by elec-t'o- n Brookings and Hanson also voted suf- - styles, the best materials, the very best workmanship and a full all the true test of a price is the garment itself. So come now and commissioners. dicated In returns today from slightly OREGON. rage. very more one-ha- lf Re- f ready-to-we- than of the state. 6. season's colors and color combinations. we buy your Winter ar turns trow 833 precincts in SI counties Portland. Ore, Nov. Reelection range of all the What Ten million U the titlmat placed on give, for governor: Robertson XD.), of Gov. James Wlthycombe. Repub- TEXAS. Jg the gmt army of women war workers 43.131: aicKeever 37,754. lican, and election of senator Charles ztow toiling to win the war. Suffrage (R, L. McNary. Republican, to the United Dallas. Texas. Nov. 5. The entire 11 apparently was defeated. Democratic ticket, national and local. , Contests in and eighth States scnatorship for the long term For LessVery Much Less The welfare of women war workers has the first seemed certain-toda- y on was elected In Texas today without eeeeme an Important item and man ways congressional districts now held by the basis of serious opposition. a- scattering returns from all parts of jg cf ac t r them have been found. x. a. unanmer ana dick t. aiorgan. Early returns for governor gave s Representative McArthur and Sin-n- Wm. P. Hobby. Democrat, for reelec-- ! were well ahead and the Repub- Hon. 13,164: Charles A. Boynton, Re- - lican state ticket as a whole probably publican. 1838, and Wm. D: Simpson, ; was elected. Representative Hawley, Socialist. 147. g CaldweWs Republican, was returned a victor With this ratio maintained. Gov. "For six years we have used Dr. with but little opposition, Hobby would poll 175.C00 votes andjg Syrup Pepsin in our family and feel vie add KANSAS Boynton 15,000. I PENNSYLVANIA. U could not possibly do without it, especially iAlU j s Philadelphia. Pa Nov. 5. W. Kfllf TTtiVi xr-- v r n. Sproule (R) the children." (From letter to Dr. was elected governor of Democratic members In congress from , H for a . u!. uj piurainy i utan slays ana Welling are re- -' Caldwell written by Mrs. Earl Cowell, Ce- over Eugene C. Bonnlewellibo (D). some elected on the face if nmspnt returns estimates placing his lead as high as,1 it was admitted today by W. D. Can- - ment City, Mich.). 50.000. deland, chairman of the Republican Philadelphia, somplete, for gorernor. state central committee. Candeland s Sproule (R), 151,716; Bonnewell (D), would not concede the election of the 58.379. Democratic candidates for the sa- - i H Sproule's plurality in the stae will preme bench. ' g exceed 200,000 and may reach 300,000. Richard B. Thurston, chairman of become constipated as readily the Democratic state central commit- - Children nnODE ISLAND. tee today claimed the election of the I if as do their elders, and the result is equally dis- Providence. R. I Nov. 5. Incom Democratic state ticket by a vote of 1 plete returns Indicate the election of approximately i to 2. In scattered j Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ideal the whole Republican ticket, both na districts there were 6S00 straight Re- - ! tressing. Dr. tional and state, in Rhode Island. publican ballots and 9600 straight if its pleasant taste, posi- Seventy districts in the vote for sena Democratic ballots. The Democrats ' M for children because of tor give: Colt (R), 12,416; O'Shaugh-- carried everv district with th ,rn. ' 3 nessy tu). m.u.'l. Hon of a few In this city, Mr. Thurs- tive, yet gentle, action, and its freedom from For governor S75 districts give: ton declared. Beekman (R). 11.599: Archambault Utah voters went to the polls in a ' opiates and narcotic drugs.
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