INDEX I : COLLECTIONS This index lilts all the extant paintings, oil sketches and drawings catalogued in both volumes of Part vm . Copies have also been included. The works are lilted alphabetically according to place. AIX-EN-PROVENCE, ST. MAGDALEN’S Head Study of St. Catherine of Alex­ CHURCH andria, Cat. 88b, I, 137, 138, fig. T. Boeyermans, painting: 153 The Martyrdom of St. Paul, Cat. 138, ANTWERP, G, FAES II, 134 -137 , fig. 92 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: ALOST, ST. MARTIN’S CHURCH Angels Transporting the Dead Body Rubens, paintings: of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Cat. The Holy Virgin Holding the Infant 79. h I2 3> fig- 13 8 Christ, Cat. 143, 11, 146, 147, fig. ANTWERP, KONINKLIJK MUSEUM 106 VOOR SCHONE KUNSTEN St. Roch Interceding for the Plague­ Rubens, paintings: Stricken, Cat. 140, I, 22, 1 12 ; il, The Lalt Communion of St. Francis of I4 2-I4 7; fig. 102 Assisi, Cat. 102, I, 156 -16 2, fig. Studio of Rubens, paintings: 178; II, 180 St. Roch Fed by a Dog, Cat. 14 1, 11, St. Teresa of Avila Interceding for Ï44-X47, fig. 104 Bernardino de Mendoza, Cat. 155, The Death of St. Roch, Cat. 142, 11, i, 92; i i , 166-168, fig. 125 144-147, fig. 105 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: ALOST, A. CHRISTIAENS St. Thomas Aquinas, Cat. 15 7 ,11, 170, Anonymous, painting after Rubens: fig. 129 St. Magdalen Repentant, Cat. 130, II, ANTWERP, PRESBYTERY OF ST. ANDREW’S 119 CHURCH ALOST, F. VAN ESSCHE Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: St. Charles Borromeo, Cat. 85, 1, 13 1, St. Roch Fed by a Dog, Cat. 14 1, 11, fig. 148 145 ANTWERP, RUBENIANUM AMSTERDAM, GEMEENTEMUSEA Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: Rubens, drawing: The Enthronization of a Holy Bishop, The Infanta Isabella with her Patron Cat. 160, i i , 174, 176, fig. 138 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Cat. 117a, ANTWERP, RUBENSHUIS i i , 85-87, fig. 57 Rubens, oil sketch: AMSTERDAM, RIJKSPRENTENKABINET The Martyrdom of St. Adrian, Cat. L. Vorfterman, ? retouched by Rubens, 61a, I, 86, 87, fig. 108 engraving: ANTWERP, ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH The Martyrdom of St. Laurence, Cat. Rubens, painting: 126b, II, 109, fig. 72 St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the AMSTERDAM, THE HEIRS OF DR. H.A. Infant Christ, Cat. 94, 1, 145-148, WETZLAR 150, fig. 165 Rubens, oil sketch: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata, Cat. 91a, I, 143, fig. 160 Stigmata, Cat. 90,1, 138 ANGERS, MUSÉE TURPIN DE CRISSÉ ANTWERP, ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Rubens, drawing: Rubens, paintings: 18 1 COLLECTIONS The Real Presence in the Holy Sacra­ St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the ment, Cat. 56, I, 22, 73-79, 96, Stigmata, Cat. 90a, 1, 140, 14 1, fig. figS. 99, IOO, 102 156 ANTWERP, STEDELIJK PRENTENKABINET Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: Rubens, drawing: The Conversion of St. Bavo, Cat. 72, The LaSt Communion of St. Francis I, 107 of Assisi, Cat. 102a, 1, 15 9 -16 1, BESANÇON, MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS fig. 180 Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: M. Lasne, drawing after Rubens: Head and Right Hand of a Woman, St. Francis of Paola, Cat. 95a, 1, 149 Cat. 104g, ii, 34, fig. 14 ARRAS, MUSÉE MUNICIPAL BLACKBURN, LANCASHIRE, STONYHURST Rubens, painting: COLLEGE St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the J. Jordaens, painting: Stigmata, Cat. 91, 1, 142, 143, fig. The Four Latin Dodors of the Church, I59 Cat. 60, I, 81-83, fig. 104 BASLE, H. FANKHAUSER BORDEAUX, MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Rubens, paintings: St. Helena, Cat. n o , 11, 58 The Martyrdom of St. George, Cat. BASLE, KUNSTMUSEUM, KUPFERSTICH­ 106, II, 39-43, fig. 21 KABINETT The Miracle of St. JuStus, Cat, 125, Anonymous, ? retouched by Rubens, 104-106, 12 1, fig. 69 drawing: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: The Martyrdom of St. Peter, Cat. St. Magdalen Repentant, Cat. 130, 11, 139a, II, 140-142, fig. 99 JI9 BERGAMO, ACCADEMIA CARRARA BREMEN, LUDWIG ROSELIUS-HAUS Rubens, oil sketch: ? Rubens, painting: BuSt of St. Domitilla, Cat, 109c, 11, St. Luke, Cat. 128, 11, 116 , 117 , fig. 52, 53, fig. 28 79 BERGUES, ST, MARTIN’S CHURCH BRUNSWICK, HERZOG ANTON ULRICH­ Anonymous, painting after Rubens: MUSEUM St. Francis of Assisi Protecting the Rubens, drawing: World from the Wrath of Christ, The Mocking of Christ, Cat. m a , 11, Cat. 10 0 ,1, 154 64, 65, fig. 33 BERLIN-DAHLEM, STAATLICHE MUSEEN BRUSSELS, CHURCH OF NOTRE-DAME Rubens, paintings: DE LA CHAPELLE St. Cecilia Playing the Virginals, Cat. Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: 82, i, 12 7 -13 1, fig. 144 St. Francis Xavier, Cat. 114 ,11, 72 St. Sebastian, Cat. 145, 1, 23, 60; 11, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Cat. 1 1 3 ,1 1 , 68 40, 148-150, fig. 108 BRUSSELS, CONVENT OF THE CARMELITE Rubens, oil sketch: NUNS St. Gregory the Great Surrounded by Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Other Saints, Cat. io9d, 11, 52-56, St. Teresa of Avila writing under fig. 25 Divine Inspiration, Cat. 154, 11, BERLIN-DAHLEM, STAATLICHE MUSEEN, 165, fig. 128 PRINT ROOM BRUSSELS, A, DE HEUVEL Rubens, drawings: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: The Enthronization of a Holy Bishop, St. Francis of Assisi, Cat. 92, 1, 144, Cat. 160a, 11, 17 5 -17 7 , fig. 136 145 182 COLLECTIONS BRUSSELS, MUSÉES ROYAUX DES BEAUX-ARTS CASTAGNOLA (LUGANO), VILLA FAVORITA, Rubens, paintings: BARON THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA The Miracles of St. Benediâ, Cat. 73, Rubens, painting: I, 23, no-115, fig. 125; ii, 21, 22 St. Michael Striking Down the Rebel­ St. Francis of Assisi Proteâing the lious Angels, Cat. 136 ,11, 130, 13 1, World from the Wrath of ChriSt, fig. 90 Cat. 100, I, 22, 144, 153—155, fig. CHATSWORTH, THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE 17 3 ; II, 12 1 Rubens, drawing: The Martyrdom of St. Livinus, Cat. Two Studies for a Franciscan Monk, 127, I, 24, II, 109-116, 131, fig. 74 Cat. I02C, I, 137, 159, 161, 162, Rubens, oil sketches: fig. 182 The Martyrdom of St. Livinus, Cat. COLOGNE, ST. PETER’S CHURCH 127a, ii, 113 , 114 fig. 75 Rubens, painting: The Martyrdom of St. Ursula and Her The Martyrdom of St. Peter, Cat. 139, Companions, Cat. 159 ,11, 172-174 , II, 13 7 -14 1, fig- 98 fig. 132 COLOGNE, WALLRAF-RICHARTZ-MUSEUM E. Delacroix, painting after Rubens: Rubens, painting: The Miracles of St. Benediâ, Cat. 73, St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the I, h i Stigmata, Cat. 90, 1, 22, 13 8 -14 1, BRUSSELS, PRIVATE COLLECTION 148, fig. 155 Rubens, oil sketch: COPENHAGEN, STATENS MUSEUM FOR St. Peter and St. Paul, Cat. 49-508, 1, KUNST, PRINT ROOM 65, 66, fig. 91 Anonymous, drawings after Rubens: BRUSSELS, ROYAL PALACE Head of St. Anthony Abbot, Cat. 64, Anonymous, painting after Rubens: I, 93 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen, Cat. The Conversion of St. Bavo (central 146a, ii, 152, 153, fig. n o panel), cat. 71, 1, 102 BUDAPEST, SZÉPMÜVÉSZETI MÛZEUM The three Women on the left of The Rubens, oil sketch: Conversion of St. Bavo, Cat. 71, The Miracle of St. Justus, Cat. 125a, I, 102 il, 106, fig. 70 The Conversion of St. Bavo, Cat. 72, CAMBRIDGE, FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM I, 107 Rubens, drawings: St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Drapery Study for St. Francis Xavier Stigmata, Cat. 93, 1, 145, fig. 163 Preaching, Cat. 104c, 11, 31, 32, The Miracle of St. Justus, Cat. 125, fig. II II, 104 Study of a Man with a Broad-Brimmed St. Peter, Cat. 49,1, 63 Hat, Cat. 104b, II, 30-32, fig. 10 DETROIT, THE CLOISTER ART GUILD - Study of a Youth Wrapped in a Cloak, ST. MARY’S Turned to the Left, Cat. i04f, 11, Anonymous, painting after Rubens: 33» % • 9 The Martyrdom of St. Livinus, Cat. CAMBRIDGE, MASS,, THE FOGG ART MUSEUM 127, II, n o Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: DETROIT, THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS The Possessed Man Lying on his Back, Rubens, painting: on the left Foreground of the Mira­ St. Ives of Tréguier, Defender of cles of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Cat. Widows and Orphans, Cat. 119 , 1, IJ 5> h, 73 59! il, 95- 97» fig- 63 183 COLLECTIONS DIJON, MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Rubens, painting: Infant Chrift, Cat. 9 5 ,1, 147 St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the FARNHAM, WOLFGANG BURCHARD Infant Christ, Cat. 96, 1, 149, 150, Rubens, drawings: 152, fig. 169; II, 159 The LaSt Communion of St. Francis of DJURGÂRDEN (STOCKHOLM) Assisi, Cat. 102b, 1, 160, 16 1, fig. Anonymous, painting after Rubens: 18 1 The Holy Family under the Apple­ St. Gregory the Great Surrounded by Tree with St. John the Baptist, Other Saints, Cat. 109a, 11, 50, 51, Elisabeth and Zacharias, Cat. 118 , fig. 24 ii, 92-94 FRANKFORT (MAIN), STÄDELSCHES DRESDEN, GEMÄLDEGALERIE KUNSTINSTITUT Rubens, painting: Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: St. Jerome in the Wilderness, Cat. Head of St. Francis of Assisi, Cat. 1 2 1 , 1, 22, 23; II, 9 9-10 1, fig. 66 100, I, 154 Rubens, oil sketch: GAASBEEK, CASTLE The Miracles of St. Francis of Paola, Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Cat, 103a, II, pp. 21-24, 27, fig. i St. Roch Interceding for the Plague­ Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Stricken, Cat. 140, II, 142 St. Roch Interceding for the Plague­ GENEVA, MADAME E. MARICH Stricken, Cat. 140, II, 142 ? J. Witdoeck, drawing: DUBLIN, NATIONAL GALLERY OF IRELAND St. Udefonso Receiving the Chasuble Rubens, paintings: from the Virgin, Cat. 1x7, 11, 82, St. Dominic, Cat. 86,1, 132, 133, fig. 92 149 GENOA, CHURCH OF SANT’ AMBROGIO St. Francis of Assisi, Cat.
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