Sunday of All Saints Their Death is More like Dreaming Icon of All Saints Eastern Christian Bulletin Service -- PO Box 3909 -- Fairfax, VA 22038-3909 www.ecbulletin.com Ph: 703-691-8862 Fax: 703-691-0513 - 2 - June 7, 2020: Sunday of All Saints Epistle: Heb. 11:32 - 12:2 Gospel: Mt. 10: 32-33, 37-38 & 19: 27-30 Mon., June 8 9:00 + Fred Jacobs (Family) Tues., June 9 9:00 + Andy Marcinko (St. Cyril’s Religious Ed Program) Wed., June 10 9:00 + Joseph Fawcett (Stephen & Jeannie Cucura) Thurs. June 11 9:00 + Douglas Kanuik (Gloria Boccitto) Fri., June 12 9:00 + Anne & Michael Shumek (Michael Shumek) Sat., June 13 1:00 Confessions. 3:00 For Our Parishioners Sun., June 14 10:00 + Stephen & Amelia Malinchak (Daughter, Jule) Welcome Back! We welcome back all our 1. Everybody entering the Church Parishioners who sacrificed and MUST wear a face mask. stayed home for the past two and a 2. Social Distancing is to be kept half months due to the COVID-19 between non-family people when plague. For the safety of everyone, in the pews, aproaching to receive we remind our Parishioners about the Holy Communion, or when Guidelines that were issued by our moving around in the Church. Archbishop: 3. If you are sick, or do not feel well, PLEASE STAY HOME! 4. Everyone is reminded to open their mouth wide and not bite down on the spoon when receiving Holy Communion. The spoon will be disinfected between Communicants. 5. For those of you who are still not comfortable coming Church, or at - 3 - high risk, the Dispensation from Collection donation by placing the Obligation to attend Church your offering into one of the boxes on Sundays and Holy Days of in front of the Church by the Obligation remains in effect. candles. At this time, there will be 6. We will continue to LIVESTREAM no one collecting. our services on Facebook and We are all in this battle with the YouTube for a little while longer. Coronavirus. Together, if we do our 7. We ask that you make your Sunday part, we can defeat it! The Feast of All Saints Celebrated by the Early Church on the Sunday after Pentecost All Saint’s Day is a Christian holy also to venerate and pray to the saints day observed by Eastern churches on in heaven as intercessors for various the first Sunday after Pentecost, keep- helps. ing the traditional date as celebrated In the early days the Christians in the early church. The feast was were accustomed to solemnize the an- transferred for the Latin church to niversary of a martyr’s death for Christ November 1 in 835 by Pope Gregory at the place of martyrdom. In the fourth IV. The day now honors all saints of century, neighboring dioceses began to the church, even those not known by interchange feasts, to transfer relics, to name. divide them, and to join in a common All Saint’s Day is celebrated by feast. Frequently groups of martyrs Roman Catholics, Eastern Christians, suffered on the same day, which natu- both Catholic and Orthodox, Angli- rally led to a joint commemoration. In cans, and Lutherans. However, be- the persecution of Diocletian the num- cause of their differing understand- ber of martyrs became so great that a ings of the identity and function of the separate day could not be assigned to saints, what these churches do on the each. The Church, feeling that every Feast of All Saints differs widely. For martyr should be venerated, appointed Roman Catholics, Eastern Christians, a common day for all. both Catholic and Orthodox, and to The first trace of the observance of some extent, Anglicans, All Saints is this feast on the Sunday after Pente- a day to remember, thank God for, but cost is found in Antioch. In the fourth - 4 - and fifth centuries there is also men- IV accepted the Pantheon as a gift from tion of a common day in a sermon of the Emperor Phocas and proclaimed Saint Ephrem the Syrian, and in the May 13, 610 as the Feast of All Holy 74th homily of Saint John Chrysostom Martyrs. He dedicated it as the Church of Constantinople. of Santa Maria Rotonda in honor of At first only martyrs and Saint the Blessed Virgin and all martyrs. John the Baptist were honored by a During Pope Gregory III’s reign, special day. Other saints were added the festival was expanded to include gradually, and increased in number all saints and a chapel in St. Peter’s when a regular process of canoniza- church was dedicated accordingly. tion was established. As early as 411 In 835, Pope Gregory IV changed there is in the Chaldean Calendar a the date to November 1 for the Latin Commemoratio confessorum for the Church and the name to Feast of All Friday after Easter. Saints. In the sixth century, Pope Boniface Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is an Eastern Catholic Latin is sui iuris, “of their own law”), Church? even while being in communion with A: Many people think of the Catholic the Church of Rome. Church as a monolithic structure with a Each of these particular Churches clear leadership and traditions. People is self-governing (sui iuris) because also mistakenly refer to the whole as they have their own hierarchy. In the Roman Catholic Church. But this other words, what makes a particular is not quite accurate. Church self-governing (sui iuris) is The Catholic Church actually that each particular Church has its own comprises twenty-two particular leaders which govern all the faithful Churches in full communion with Christians belonging to that particular one another. There are twenty-one Church. These hierarchs (whether Eastern Catholic Churches, and one Patriarchs, Major Archbishops, Latin Catholic Church (i.e., the Church Metropolitans, Bishops, or otherwise) of Rome). Each of these particular are in communion with one another, Churches is self-governing (the term in and with the Church of Rome. The - 5 - correct term is to be in communion Almost all Eastern Catholic with Rome, and not “under the Pope” Churches have counterparts in the (as many people will mistakenly say). Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Eastern Catholics are the minority Churches. In fact, those with in terms of the number of Catholics counterparts all came from their worldwide. However, they are the vast mother Orthodox Churches throughout majority in terms of diversity within the past four hundred years or so. the Catholic Church (twenty-one to Therefore, many Eastern Catholics one!). Eastern Catholics are distinct choose to identify themselves as from the Latin Church in that they have ‘Orthodox Christians in communion four distinguishing characteristics. with Rome,’ since Eastern Catholics They have their own (1) theology, are meant to be an example of how (2) spirituality, (3) canon law, and (4) to be fully Eastern, and yet fully in liturgy. In other words, the Eastern communion with Rome. Churches have their own theological Eastern Catholic Churches are way of understand the mysteries traditionally found in Eastern Europe, of God, their own spirituality and the Middle East, North Africa, and devotional practices, their own laws India. However, nowadays we can and customs, and their own styles of find Eastern Churches throughout liturgy. This is what distinguishes the world, speaking a multitude of them from the Latin Church. languages, and serving a vast array of People mistakenly refer to the people. Eastern Catholic Churches as ‘Eastern ALL of the particular Catholic Rite Roman Catholics’, or simply as Churches share “equal dignity, so ‘The Eastern Rite,’ as if there is only that none of them is superior to the one. There are many rites within the others as regards rite, and they enjoy Catholic Church, and what makes an the same rights and are under the Eastern Church is more than simply its same obligations, also in respect of liturgical rite. An Eastern Church also preaching the Gospel to the whole has its own theology, spirituality, and world (cf. Mark 16:15)…” (Second canon law. Even the term ‘The Eastern Vatican Council, Decree on the Church’ is wrong, since there are more Eastern Catholic Churches). than one Eastern Churches. - 6 - How Big is One? As a man walked a desolate beach starfish on this beach,” the man re- one cold, gray morning he began to plied. “You can’t possibly get to all of see another figure, far in the distance. them. There are just too many. And Slowly the two approached each other, this same thing is probably happen- and he could make out a local native ing on hundreds of beaches all up and who kept leaning down, picking some- down this coast. Can’t you see that you thing up and throwing it out into the can’t possibly make a difference?” water. Time and again he hurled things The local native smiled, bent down into the ocean. and picked up another starfish, and as As the distance between them con- he threw it back into the sea he replied, tinued to narrow, the man could see “Made a difference to that one!” that the native was picking up starfish Each of us is but one person: lim- that had been washed upon the beach ited, burdened with our own cares and and, one at a time, was throwing them responsibilities. We may feel there is back into the water. so much to be done, and we have so Puzzled, the man approached the little to give. We’re usually short of ev- native and asked what he was doing.
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