'■’" V '■'XI X ■/ \ TWENTY4tIGHT 7^ : WEDNESDAY,.OC'TOBER 8 , 19S« ., f 'A.'-- 'S Sni^ttinQ iim lb Average Daily Net Press Run' pmw ' ' ' ' ^ For the Week Ended ' Tbs Waitbar \ September tf, 1956 ^M ast M O.S. W sa ^ ApAipL Manchester .txMtge, No. 73, A.F.* St. Oerard‘/Mothers Circle will Mies Barbara Lynna Hewitts ainctlty of the better mall, Bailey "V and AM.. Will conduct a Maaonic meet tonight at 8? o’clock at the Lughter of Mr. smd Mra William Lead in Touitiey^ reminded Manchester residsnta AhoutTown memorial service this evening tot home of Mrs.'Norman Fontom 37 Hewitt 13 Airfield St,.: was that one Of the basic Amerlhdii! 12,261 Bafai ooMwIoaalljr Ihe^Iate Jo«d H. Beet.' The lodge St. Paul Dr. Mrs. El^'ard Ward eiieted e«c^ of the freshman Taken^by Oliva’s Freedoms is the uncensorsd ttans* Member the Audit Muty, intermltteat later tealgOt. ''^(hmautl Brotherhood hes wiir ha , opened at '•tha Masonic will be co-hoste class it BHh .T CoUe^l^. Hartford, mission their, first class .^inMl< BoreeU of OimuletiOu ' Low/ aroowf SS.'Baia eadbig early iUuum4 «a InterMting phocram Tampte it 7 o'dock, ail|d^e i setv- this ,u^k;:'Mlselas HewIttHeWltt: V*^ 1686 It A !th«ji«ist valuable j^iiesiion^ Oliva's |Uso,' With 82S.jK>tnti,Ha ■ - - -• ■ \ M anckH ter— ‘A City o f VUlag6 Charm ^ Fitday. High la mid JOs. • for tu moetiht Friday at f;30 p.tn. tce will be held 'at tha ,idnn T, e .Queen of 'Peace Mothers gra^ato bt, Maacheater^ High leading after the foiirOt hitting of pf the citlh ep i^ ' a .free iouhtri? ' ■ In liuther dnUl of m>~ church.' TAJj Tlemey Funeral "Mdmei 816 - W- Circle .Will meet ttmiorrow. at 8.; School and ia a . student In HiU- ■ ^^e. all knOw i t ^ hjiman lm-?f :f preinnt and potential nicmfaers are Center St„ at 7:30. ' ycr> medical secretarial program. the Elks Setback TOuimament held mm. with Mrs. Frank Pearson.-MS ■at the. Elks Home las*' night. ooftim.ee of lettec^Woting,*' Bailey' ,YQL. (TWENTY-FOUR-PAG E3-«.TWO SECTIONS) X urged to attend. \ jwetfon -Rd. ■ Mrs.' William Man-'" Other teama and their standings stated. ” tl» way in wtri^ Av o id s MANCH^TEiL c o N n ^ T h u r s d a y ; O c t o b e r 4, lo s o (ClBuOfled AdvtrtliOif «■ Fage 88) Joseph C." Fulton. 113 W. Cen­ ning'Will i^ co-l.ostess. KennetlCW. -Bennett. 68 Bald­ acattemd families together, pRicB^ii|« CBirnr Rd.., enrolled, as a student'^at include: ■' <• Saul M. Silversteln, preaidcnt ter St.. has been admitted to Hart­ win. JOe>Ban^.Shop, 813; Diamond iiigr comfort and loVe and hew'tr ford Hospital for sutgaiT- Wentworth .. institute, -Boston, tw all the people ,of the land. But' of the Rogera Corp., win he the Ladjc of Fatima Mothers Mass. He Is studying architecture Jim’s. 818; Woody!?. Wonders. 81S: % apealter on the dlacuaeion .'‘Per* Circle. wlH meet tonight i t 8 Vichl’s- Radio?* TV, 8l*fcT*aul’s it|i value ta..immMiaurqMy greater: ■"3V/- ai construction. than that.' Its iipplt'chtlona are al'^ i aonnel—* 8-Way Street” at the Tiib-. Adult- Prospective Mem­ o’clock With' Mrs." Ralph Anderson;.- ... j;-;,... Paint. 8il; .Elks. No. 1888T 8Q6: .-2 Doriit Chief third annual Connecticut Person­ bership group will meet tomorrow 104 Columhtis St. Hostesses will SMFD,' No. 796; "Manchester moat: Infinite. , intornol sanitary protbftioA nel Seminar to iM.held Oct. 13 at at ' StSO p.m'. ' in 2Hon Lutheran be Mrs. Diane Pusinas. and Mra, EN’ebing. Herald, 789; Mahrbeater '•We in-AmeHca ha\a thP privi- thp Uhiversify of Connecticut Church. Mary Sulota. Officer Inspects/; < ^ru8t( 78T;-Stale Shoe Repair, 782. lege ^ uncousored a'hd. VnliniltAd' invontod by 0 do«tor>v..,^^4 oi I ^ Q s t p o n e d . Also. CapltoL,Equipment, .779; means oiF? corrimunicatidn. iiifttb- Plig. of 10^ ^Sc—-Pkg. of 40’8 |l,3.f^' %VM Degree Work ^'our Deiices, 772;^Peterson,’8 Milk- this in mind. l urge all citiaehs of r. en, T4^ Garden Restaurant, 765;' ManCheater to Join .me in this na­ Leone’s Trucking, 757; The Rebels, tional celebration. Le.t's. make Na­ DuetoRabi D f Collision Delta'tCliapter, No. 51. Royal 756; AnderSon Painters, 754;.Wa]^ tional Letter Writing Week .for. • ■M ^w CO lU l Arch Maaons, will be Inspected in nut CUopqrs, 751: Patten’s Build­ 1956 the greatest ever.” " New York,- Oct. 4 </P)-t ^ Ffitin- ;For Angel 1the work of the Royal Arch de­ M M K H n n R Cohn* New York, Oct. 4 '<A’)— ers. 740: V A D. 732; The Heights, Baaebali Commissioner Ford Capt. Piero Calamai of the gree, tonight at its regular meet­ 730; Fogerty Bros.. T27: 4XXXX, • Frick today ordered the-post- ing. Bx.^'Comp. Frank Fieher. •721; Hilinsk’a Sunoco, 708; QulsK' Italian Uner Andrea Doria to?, Funeral Home, 686. ponement of today’s second day gave his account of the eon A Cuddle Coal - So Trim So Meat grand custodian of the ■work for J. ;W. Halo Carp. i» ^ game of the Worltj Series be- ship’s disastrous collision the Grand Royal-Arch Chapter oS 'tween Brooklyn and the New Connecticut, will be the inspecting pItaiMd to oniiouiiea with the Swedish liner Stock­ officer. Tdwn id Observe York- Yankees because of a Lovely Vision A Fittin-^Treat holm. It was incdirect opposi­ NO ANIMALS'" This Is the first inspection^ on riioy will now carry — > c light rain and, "menacing tion to that of the'offlcerkwhQ this degree in several years and Week fdr Letters weather/’ . ALLOW ED IN in order to conform to the-.deci­ was directing the Stodch(Dlm. 9U8 UC SUiLDINGS ■ The decision The veteran, 59-year-old skippeg! sions of the Grand Chapter dur­ STRAFFORD (EDT) after a conference of I5.S. Ship^rs Map ing the intervening yeara, aeVer- "National Letter Writing Week made these -assertions during testi­ will again be celebrated during ; Frick, with Manager:, 'Casey "Sten­ mony being taken preparatory to aMnnovationa have been incor­ gel of the Yankees and Walter porated. In the w'ork>' the -week Oct. 7 to 13. Postmaster WINDOW federal court trial of damage suits Alden-H. Bailey announced .today. Alston of the Brooklyn Dodgefif totaling more than 340 million. It ia moat- iirgcntly requested X. and the um'pires, Pl^<tp Run CfUi^ by Moat Excellent High Priest Commenting on the signiteance ' The Andrea Doris' encountered of National' Letter Writing Week. The huddle was held In the tog about 3 p.m. J'jly 25, the date Melvin Boomer that' all the com- ALDMINUM BrdiMyn diigout at Ebbets Field paniona wh'o can possibly do ao Bailey pointed , out that each year of the collision, and remained .in it since 1938 this event has been ob­ while a'light sprinkle fell on the until, the crash at 11:09 p.m. He ^ United Nations, J)7.Y., Oct. 4 <A*)—Secretary General D af attend this meeting. The officers diamond,. which was covered by : f c Hanunarskjold is reported uMitg hi.s full influence to avert are doing, an excellent Job on the served as a reminder of the. real PRODUCTS ordered every precaution taken for meaning of a personal letter. a tarpaulin. proceeding in fog. a showdown Security Council fight which might shut the degree work and a good attend- Emphasizing the traditional '”rhese conditions are all "right nnee will greatly help the chap­ * 3 track storm windows for playing,” the Commissioner The Andrea Doria sighted the door to further U.N. peace efforts ih the Suez dispute. ter’s rating. Stockholm by radar first at a dis­ Informed quarters said this was the main theme in the * Combination doors aaid, "but the forecast "for gen­ tance of 17 miles. They were trav­ era), and po.ssibly heavier raina, eling toward each other oh parallel serie.s of private talks Hammarskjold is having with high this afternoon have forced iis tp courses, right side to right side. ranking diplomats assembling here for the Suez debate be­ * Awnings call off the game." * Coffee Hour Held R. E. WANDELL A nurse ia lowered into area where workmen search for The Stockholm was four degrees to ginning in the Security Council tomorrow. '— " . Fair Weather Friday bodies following collapse of the- nmv Consumers Power Co. con­ the right of the Andrea Doria. The Secretary General.was un--^ ...... ...................... — ,i.. .. At Green School * Jolousios The aecond game will be played crete and Steel building which was under conatruction in Jack- derstood to havfr found aubstantiari ~ _ _ _____ /Building Friday at Ebbets Field with the A constant radar check was son, Mich. maintained, and at a little less Ih-n x>rt, but Britain and France W |- n -ra gg twwr w -I- a Hr fore you buy any storm ■ forecast , for fair weather. The ' they were determined to push I kl/ a aa U U Jt J. 1 . 0 Mrs. Nona McCann and her atu- Contractor rain Is expected to end in the early eight miles the Stockholm was 14 dents invited aU the parents of windows, be sure to stop in degrees to the Andrea Doris’s their demands for-a U.N. endorse-; Raffdtnfic^UCemmtrciql ‘ morning. right. 'ment of thk plan for international' to the fourth grade at Manchester at Hale’s for thrir offer on It ..was the first postponement control of the canal approved by of a World Series game in five Four Degrees I.*ft Sway Green School to a special Coffee Altarations-Ramodolifig Capt.
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