[ 614 3. Notice to produce at the hearing any books, Elizabeth Only, heretofore of No. 36, Naw J»hn-Street, Aston, or papers tiled with the schedule, must be £iven Birmingham, Warwickshire, widow, and out of business, afterwards of No. 33, Upper Tower-Street, Birmingham lo the Ofiicer having tne custody theieof, within aforesaid, Widow, Licenced Brewer and Retailer of Beer, llie hours above mentioned on any day. previous and late of Westbromwicb, Staffordshire, Widow, following- to the day of hearing. no business. Johh Meakin, late of Wootton, in the Parish of Ellastou, near • 4. Opposition at the hearing can .only be niiule Cbeadle, Staffordshire, Labourer. by the Creditor in person, or by Counsel appear- William Boulton, late of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, here- tofore following the business of a Jagger, Cowkeeper aud ing for him. , Labourer, and late a Labourer only. Abraham Dutton, late of Tipton, Staffordshire, first a Fender- ;Maker, arid late a Fender-Maker, Licenced-Brewer, and .Retailer of,Beer, THE COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT John Burgess, late, of Budgford, Staffordshire, Miller. DEBTORS. Philip Till, formerly of Sharesliill, Staffordshire, Wheelwright, •and late of Wednesbury, in the same County, Wheelwright. John Mellatt'^fdruierly of Leek, Staffordshire, Silk-Manufac- N. 1>. See the Notice at the end of this Ail- turer, and late.of Liverpool, Lancashire," out of business. vertisement. Edward Willcockj late of Gayton, Staffordshire, first out of business, theft'a Farmer, then a Maltster' and Farmer, then The Matters of the PETITIONS and SCHEDULES a Farmer only, then a Farmer, Licenced Brewer, and Retailer of Beer'and Tobacco, since of a Retailer of Beer, of the PRISONERS hereinafter named (the same Licenced Brewer, and Huckster, and lately of a Licenced having been filed in the Court) are appointed Brewer and Retailer of Beer and Tobaccd. : • to be heard as follows : . - > ; . George Goodwin, 'late of Burton upon-Trent, Staffordshire, . heretofore following the business of a Victualler, then At the Court-House, at Stafford, in the County !of being:out of business, since of a Licenced Brewer and Ra- 1 tailefW Beer, and 'laiely following no business. Stafford, on the Oth day of April 1832, at Ten " Lot Craildock, late of Cannock Wood, Staflordshire, Collier. o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. ; 'x Jeremiah Webb, late of Thomes, near Brierley-Hiil, Kings- , if ' wintordj. Staffordshire, first a Spade-Manufacturer, after- John Phillips, heretofore of Hilderstone, in the. Parish 6 ' wards, a Jagger, and late a Nail-ManufacJurer. » • Stone, Staff.irdshire, Miller, Farmer, and Butcher, and late Richard Bridgen, late of Stafford, Staffordjhire, Bricklayer. of Dixy-Hills, Milwich, Sta'lt'ordshire, heretofore Butcher1 John Clews, late of the Parish ot Norton in the Moors, • Farmer, and Victualler, and lately out of business. - ' Staffordshire, Journeyman Potter, Retail Brewer and Joseph Moore, late of Wals.ill, Staffordshire, Joiner and Car- Huckster. " ,, penter. Richard Evans, late or/S'metbwicb, in Harbofne, Statfor^sbire, Joseph Adams, heretofore of Hocker-Hill, in the Parish of Boatman and Coal-Dealer. ~~ Tipton, near Tiptou, Staffordshire, For gem an at Messrs. James Steel, late ot Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffoidshire, Car- . Woolleys and Pretty's Iron Works, <it Toll-End, near Tip-' rying on trade there in partnership with William Steel, but ton aforesaid, Grocer, afterwards ot Wednesbury, Stafford- trading under the name of James Steel only.'-*' shire, first being out of business and afterwards Superin- Robert Wiley, late of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Lock- ' tendant at Messrs. Tickell and Chiffney's Iron Works, at smith and Victualler. f-< Toll-End aforesaid, and Forgeman; and afterwards being Thomas Broster, late of Tamworth, Warwickshire, Victualler out of business, then of Hilltop, West.iroruwich, Stafford-- . and Farmer, and Agent" to a Bone-Dealer, but now out of • sliire, Forgeuian and Superintendant at the said Works, . busine.-s. '; under the Birmingham Coal and Iron Company, then of William Cooper, late of Newcastle-under-Lyme,jStaffordshire', Toll-End Cottage, near Tipton, in the County aforesaid, ^ Grocer and Baker. n Stifnrintcndaiit under the said Company at the Works lust 'Sarah Greening, late of Stafford, Staffordshire, Brush-Maker, mentioned, and Forgeman, Brewer, and Retailer of Heer 'China and Earthenware-Dealer and Huckster.. .,. and afterwards of a Brewer, and .Retailor of Beer only, Jolin Scarratt, late of Slielton, in the Parish of Stoke-upou- and lately of Short Heath., ;rBpxjy'ich, in tke Foreign of ' Trent, Staffordshire, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter. Walsall, Staffordshire,, first ben^'a^j^perintendant at Mr. Charles Burgess, late of Tunstall, Wolstanton, Staffordshire, ' Fryer's Iron Won s a't Pelsall;W0d<ty ne'af Walsall aforesaid, Maltster, Farmer, and Retail-Brewer. b. Licensed Brewer anci' Retailer -,of"^eef,\ and lately of a John Cartledge, heretofore of the Soap Works, near Stoke- ;t Licensed Brewer and Retailer of BeeConly.^, ... v upon-Trent. aforesaid^ and late of Hanley, iri tbe said \Vil?iam Evans, late ol Uttoxeter,* Staffor,dsh«ef Carpenter and Parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, all in Staffordshire, Rope- joiner, afterjvards Carpenter, Joiner; and Letter of Gij,'s ' Maker. - ' ' arid Horses to hire, Jthen a Carpenter and Joiner, and lately George Coxpn1, Iieretofore of Hanley, in the Parish ot Stoke- of.an Binkeeper, Carpenter, and Joiner. ' ' upon-Trent, Victualler and Builder, nnd late of Endou, in Gcoi'ge^Majisqn, heretofore of No. 70, Dale-End,-"Binning-- the Parish "of Leek, both in Staffordsliire, Farmer. .,k -. ' bani>j Witrwickshire, Grocer and Dealer in Tea, Coffee, William Barratt, late of Stoke-upon-Trent, in Staffordshire, Cotton,'and Drapery Goods, then of No. 13, Upper Priory-. Wharfinger. '•• Street, in Birmingham aforesaid, -Ten and Coffee-Dealer, Joseph *,hesters, late of- Audlem, near N'antwich, Cheshire, since, of-No. 65, Constitution-Hill, in Birmingham aforesaid, Butclier and Victualler. Tea-;and Coffee-Dealer, and lately following no business,' Thomas Allcock tlie elder, heretofore of the Acre-Farm, Leek, and having no cf i-tain place of abode. Staffordshire, Farmer, and late of Leek aforesaid, out of J.>hn Barratt the elder, late of Gnosall, in the Parish of Gno- business. sall, Staffordshire, Fanner, .Jagger, and being also Con- James Hpod, heretofore of Hanley, in Stoke-upon-Trent, stable of Gnosall aforesaid (sued as .lobn i'.arratt, and with' Staffordshire, Counting-House Clerk and Victualler, and John Jenkinson and John Arkinstall.) • • , late 01 Shelton, in the said Parish and County, out of Jonn Arkinstall, late i>f Gnosall. Staffordshire, Shaver and * employ., ' Hair-Dre>ST (sued will)-lolin Jenkinsan and John Barratt.) Francis (. oxon, late of Shelton, Stoke upon-Trent, Stafford- John Boot, late of Statt'ord, Siattordshiie, first a Fishuion^'iir, shire, Builder and Lime-Burner. Fruiterer, < on ectiimer, and occasionally a Chair-Hottomer, •Jaiiies Brimsley, late of'Hanley, in the Parish of Stoke-upon- and lately a Fruiterer, Fishmonger, Confectioner, , and Trejitj.Stafib.dsbire,, Hatter. Blacking-Manufacturer. ThdiMfts Cotton, late of Pcnkliull, in the Parish of Stoke-upoo- John Jenkinson, late of Gnosall, Staffordshire, heretofore Tr'eirt, Stuffurdshire,, Crate-Maker. • ' Farmer, then Farmer and Maltster, and lately Farmer only John Chapman, late of Walsall, Staffordshire, Grocer and (»ued with John Barratt and John Arkinstall.) . •Victualler,-and Ironmonger, heretofore in Partnership wiih John Taylor, late of Walsall, Staffordshire, heretofore an iJoseph Ankrett. ur. ' • ' Auctioneer, Furniture" and Clothes-Dealer, and lately Tliomas Copeland, late of Burslem, Staflordsbire, Cli^ir- Auctioneer and Furniture-Dealer. ;i Maker aud Victualler,.
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