PARLIAMENT OF UGANDA THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET ON THE APPROPRIATION BILL 2021 OFFICE OF THE CTERK TO PARIIAMENT PARTIAMENT BUILDINGS KAMPAI.A. UGANDA =') Moy 2021 (.., THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGET ON THE APPROPRIATION BItL 2O2I I.O INTRODUCTION Rt. Hon. Speoker ond Hon. Members, on lsrApril 2021 the Appropnotion Brll 202lwos reod for lhe first time ond subsequently referred to the Committee on Budgel for considerotion. ln occordonce with rule 170(3) (c), the commiltee considered the Bill ond reports os follows; I.'I MEIHODOLOGY The Commrltee held consullolive meetrngs with the Minrster of Frnonce, Plonning ond Economic Development; ond exomined the Appropriotion Brll to oscertoin lhe consistency ond occurocy of the estimotes os indicoted in the Schedule to the Appropriotion Bill ogoinst ihe Resolution by Porlioment on the some. 1,2 OBJECT OF THE BITL The object of the Bill is to provide for; o) lhe outhorizotron of public expendilure oui of the Consolidoled Fund of o sum of twenty-seven lrillion, six hundred twenty billion, seven hundred ninely six million, lhree hundred sixty lhree lhousond shillings only; ond b) wilhdrowol of Funds from ihe Petroleum Fund into the Consolidoled Fund o sum of two hundred billion shillings only, to meet expendilure for the Finonciol Yeor 2021 /2022 ond to oppropriote the supplies gronted. 2.OLEGAL FRAMEWORK ,l55 2.1 Arlicle ( l ) provides thot; "fhe heods of expendilure confoined in ,he esfimoles, other lhon expendilure chatged on lhe Consolidoted Fund by lhis Conslilulion or ony Act of Porliomenf, sholl be included in o bill lo be known os on Appropriotion Bill which sholl be inlroduced into Porlioment to provide for fhe issue from the Consolidofed Fund of lhe sums necessory meel lhal expenditure ond the oppropriotion of lhose sums for lhe purposes speclfled in the bill." J 2 u 2.2 Additionolly under S. l4(1) of the Public Finonce Monogement Act 2015, "Porliomenl sholl, by the 3lst doy of Moy of eoch yeor, consider ond opprove the onnuol budget ond work plon of Government for the nexl finonciol yeor, lhe Appropriotlon Bill ond ony olher bills thot moy be necessory lo implemenl lhe onnuol budgel". 2.3. Seciion 58 of the Public Finqnce Monogement Act 2015, provides lhot; withdrows fiom the Pelroleum Fund sholl only be mode under outhorily gronled by on Appropriolion Acl ond o worront of lhe Audilor Generol - (o)to the Consolidoled Fund to support lhe onnuol budgel; ond (b)to lhe Pelroleum Revenue lnvestmenl Reserve, for inveslments to be undertoken in occordonce wilh section 63. 2.4 Seclion 59 (3) of the PFMA 2015, provides thot pelroleum revenue sholl be used for the finoncing of infroslruclure ond developmenl projects of Government ond nol the recurrenl expendilure of Government. 2,0 OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE Rl. Hon Speoker ond Members, Porlioment on 7rh of Moy 2021 considered ond opproved the eslimotes of revenues ond expenditure of Governmenl for the finonciol yeor 2021 122. Subsequently, in occordonce wrth Rule 170 (3) of the Rules of Procedure, lhe Committee hos exomined eoch vole togelher with its corresponding figures indicoted in the Schedule to lhe bill ond frnds thot there ore severol inconsistencies wilh the opproved estimotes. The Commitlee therefore recommends thot the figures os ollocoted per vote in the Schedule to the Bill should be reploced with the figures per vote os supplied by Porliomenl ond contoined in the Resolution of Porlioment doled 7h Moy 2021. The Resolulion of Porliomenl is hereto otloched. Conclusion The Commillee recommends lhot the Appropriotion Bil 2021 be possed into low subject to the proposed omendments. <.\ 3 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS l) crAusE 2. tssuE oF MoNEy ouT oF THE coNsouDATED FUND Substitule for the enlire clouse the following - "2. lssue of money oul of the Consolidoled Fund The lreosury moy issue out of the Consolidoted Fund ond opply towords the supply gronted to lhe Government for lhe service of the yeor ending on 30th June 2022, the sum of twenty-seven trilhon, six hundred twenty billion, seven hundred ninety six mrllion, ond three hundred sixly lhree thousond shillings only. 2) SCHEDULE Reploce column 2 of lhe Schedule with the following figures os indicoled per vote- Vole Descrlpllon Supply Shs'000 001 Office of ihe Presrdent 11 5,221 ,379 oo2 S toie House 392,828,332 003 Offrce of the Prime Minrster 92,607,679 004 Ministry of Defence I ,272,353,7 57 005 Minrstry of Publrc Service 25,748,876 006 Ministry of Foreign Affoirs 63,735.519 o07 Mrnrstry of Justrce ond Conslituiionol Affoirs 117,822,618 008 Minislry of Frnonce, Plonning & Economic Dev 506,O78,782 009 Mrnislry of lnlernol Aff orrs 47,O87,435 010 Minrstry of Agriculture, Animol & Frsherres 35,780,713 0t l Mrnistry of Locol Governmenl 32,165,925 012 Mrnistry of Londs, Housing & Urbon Developmenl 64,162,395 013 Minrstry of Educotion ond Sporis 248,47 5,869 0t4 Mrnrstry of Heolth I23,018,16t 015 Ministry of Trode. lndustry ond Cooperotrves 7 1 ,624,69 4 0r5 Mrnistry of Works ond Tronsport 119 ,981 ,O42 o17 Mrnistry of Energy ond Mrnerol Development 31 ,626,541 018 Minislry of Gender, Lobour ond Sociol Development 199.43r,055 019 Minrstry of Woler ond Environmenl 30,755,687 020 Ministry of ICT ond Notronol Gurdonce 48,00s,052 021 Mrnislry of Eosl Africon Communiiy Afforrs 28,89 I ,0s r o22 Mrnisiry of Tourism, Wrldhfe ond Antrquities 143,4\8,456 o23 Mrnrstry of Science, Technology ond Innovolron 70,932,588 4 "L Vote Descriplion Supply Shs'0(x) 024 Minislry of Kompolo Copitol City ond Meiropoliton Affoirs 4,s00,000 l09 Low Development Centre 23,602,990 110 Ugondo lndustriol Reseorch lnstiiute t 6,331 ,462 lil Busitemo University 43,606,O37 112 Ethics ond lntegrity 9,188,O92 il3 Ugondo Nolionol Roods Authority 129,521 ,592 114 Ugondo Concer lnslitute 24,422,857 r15 Ugondo Heort Institute 19,9 52,79 s 1r5 Notionol Medicol Siores 590,235,388 117 Ugondo Tourism Boord 16,931 ,169 lt8 Rood Fund 489,364,780 119 Ugondo Regishotion Services Bureou 22,461 ,351 t20 Notionol Citizenship ond lmmigrotion Control 90,590,886 121 Doiry Development Authority 10,o25,317 122 Kompolo Copitol City Authority 185,202,67 4 123 Rurol Electrificotion Agency (REA) 28,796,825 124 Equol Opportunities Commission 11 ,673,636 125 Notionol Animol Genetic Res. Centre ond Doto Bonk I 1,035,833 126 Nolionol lnformotion Technology Auihority 21 ,897,929 127 Muni Unlversiiy 19,3 t 4,507 128 Ugondo Notionol Exominolions Boord (UNEB) 107,804,838 129 Finonciol lntelligence Authority 15,9 58,432 124 Educotion Service Commission 7,781,404 133 Directorote of Public Prosecuiions 46,478,113 r34 Heolth Service Commission 6,979,803 136 Mokerere Universiiy 346,121 ,570 137 s3,337,402 Mbororo Universiiy 138 Mokerere University Business School 96,890,935 139 Kyombogo University 133,445,619 140 Ugondo Monogement lnstitute 33,943,412 141 URA 488,299,914 142 Nolionol Agriculturol Reseorch Orgonisolion 50,s/6,3s6 143 Ugondo Bureou of Stoiistics 47 ,445,160 144 Ugondo Police Force 646,291,283 145 Ugondo Prisons 237,485,961 146 Public Service Commission 8,0s6,336 147 Locol Government Finonce Commission 5. I 71 ,955 148 Judiciol Service Commission 10.1 9?,586 -k ).(. 5 ;-1, Vole Descrlpllon Supply Shs'000 149 Gulu University 54,328,532 150 Notionol Environment Monogement Authority 14,872,527 r5l Ugondo Blood Tronsfusion Service {UBTS) 15,328,203 152 NAADS Secretoriot 4,839,384 r53 PPDA 10,626,490 154 Ugondo Notionol Bureou of Stondords 50,053.077 i55 Ugondo Cotton Developmenl Orgonisotion 3,42),717 156 Ugondo Lond Commission 33,197,466 157 Nolionol Forestry Aulhority 23,081.20s r58 tso 9s,439,7 s9 't59 Exlernol Security Orgonisolion s3,875,O34 r50 U gondo Coffee Development Authority 80,051,rsl 161 Mulogo Hospitol Complex s5,578,s34 162 Butobiko Hospilol 12,485,842 301 Lko University 22,882,621 .2na Ugondo Notionol Meteorologicol Authority 9,328,524 303 Nolionol Cuniculum Development Cenlre 38,2r5,854 304 Ugondo Virus Reseorch Institute 8.901,940 305 Directoroie of Government Anolyticol Loborotory 12,845,868 .1U6 Ugondo Export Promotion Boord 6,17 5,460 307 Kobole Universily 38,409,578 308 Soroti University 14,234,938 309 Notionol ldeniificotion ond Registrotion Authority 62,s73,760 310 Ugondo Investmenl Authorily I 8,1 85, I 78 312 Pelroleum Aulhority of Ugondo 38,767,337 313 Copitol Morkets Aulhority 6,894,000 314 Notionol Lotteries ond Goming Regulotory Boord 8,370,000 315 Noiionol Populotion Council 15.37r.000 316 Ugondo Free Zones Authority 6,088,361 317 Ugondo Microfinonce Regulotory Authority 7,000.000 318 Ugondo Retirements Benefits Regulolory Authority 14.000,000 319 Notionol Council for Higher Educoflon r 0. t 80.000 320 Ugondo Business ond Technicol Exominotion Boord 26,951 ,489 321 Notionol Council of Sports 18,368,214 Referrol Hospilols 163 Aruo Referrol Hospilol 7,657.567 164 Fort Portol Referrol Hospitol 7 ,71 4,683 165 Gulu Referrol Hospiiol 1t ,237 ,447 6 Q9--,- Vole Descrlpllon Supply Shs'000 166 Hoimo Refenol Hospilol 7 ,649 ,9 56 167 Jinjo Refenol Hospitol 12,60s,370 168 Kobole Referrol Hospitol 6.132,028 169 Mosoko Referrol Hospitol 6,369,344 170 Mbole Referrol Hospitol 14.034,092 171 Soroti Referrol Hospitol 6,1 60,805 172 Liro Refenol Hospitol 13,036,770 173 Mbororo Referrol Hospitol 12,235,123 174 Mubende Referrol Hospiiol 6,786,185 175 Moroto Referrol Hosptiol 7,387,108 \76 Noguru Referrol Hospitol 7,817,379 177 Kiruddu Referrol Hospitol I 7.301 ,328 178 Kowempe Referrol Hospilol 10,419,466 179 Eniebbe Regionol Referrol Hospitol 3,92 r .5r 3 I80 Mulogo Speciolized Women ond Neonotol Hospitol t9 .7 56,164 Missions Abrood 201 Ugondon Mission ot lhe United Notions, New York 17,086,699 202 Ugondo High Commission in United Kingdom.
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