Volume 2, Issue 6 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY June, 2011 CCMH INCLUSION INITIATIVE Newsletter: In Partnership with the CCHS Pride Initiative Find online with active links at http://www.cchealth.org/topics/lgbtq/newsletter/ Youth Suicide Pre- $5,000 Grants for CCC LGBTQ Youth Advocacy Programs vention: The Contra Costa LGBTQ Youth non-profit legal entities. Organi- nity Center, Center for Human After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools. Advocacy Collaborative has an- zations that do not have 501(c)(3) Development, RYSE Center, nounced a new RFA for mini- standing with the IRS may submit James Morehouse Project and SPRC releases issue brief on suicide and grants up to $5,000! The part- an application through a non- Gender Spectrum. The Collabo- bullying. ners in the Collaborative are profit fiscal sponsor that agrees to rative is also engaged in creating a designing an innovative advocacy receive and oversee the use of the map of CCC community services Free LGBTQ Survival Kits (Suicide preven- and support model for funds. The LGBTQ Youth Advo- that meet the needs of queer tion posters, bro- LGBTQQI2-S youth that im- cacy Mini-grant Project will fund youth. They will partner with the chures, etc). Every proves outreach to and engage- projects and services provided by Crisis Center to produce and youth program should post these. Click ment of support networks that community-based and faith-based maintain a directory of services. here for more infor- influence health outcomes for organizations to develop and notice to bid letter. mation or go to queer youth – placing special implement innovative outreach www.thetrevorproject .org/survivalkit emphasis on families, schools and and engagement approaches for faith groups. The purpose of the LGBTQQI2-S youth and/or their mini-grant process is to engage key support networks – families, more community partners in schools and/or faith groups – in providing services to this under- Contra Costa County. Inside this issue: served population in our county. Current partners in the Collabo- Eligible applicants are limited to rative include Rainbow Commu- PBS to Air ―Two Spir- 2 its‖ June 14th For LGBTQQI2-S Youth, Adolescent, Adult & Family Counseling, Support and Training Calendar by 2 Services—call the Contra Costa County Wide Intake Line at 925-692-2056 Date Online Trainings—Take 2 June is Gay Pride Month anytime. Gay and Lesbian Pride Month is Americans to observe this month Events Calendar 3 nize the impact gay, lesbian, celebrated each year for the by fighting prejudice and discrimi- bisexual, transgender and in- month of June. The last Sunday nation in their own lives and tersex people have had on the in June is celebrated as Gay Pride everywhere it exists.‖ [2] The Additional Headlines 3 world. GLBT groups celebrate Day. On June 2, 2000, President month was chosen to commemo- with pride parades, picnics, Bill Clinton declared June "Gay rate the 1969 Stonewall riots in [1] parties, memorials for those Other LGBTQQI2-S 4 & Lesbian Pride Month". U.S. Greenwich Village that sparked Community & Youth President Barack Obama declared the modern LGBT liberation lost from hate crimes , and Centers/Events June 2010 to be Lesbian, Gay, movement in the United States. other group gathering events Bisexual, and Transgender Pride that attract thousands upon Month, stating, ―I call upon all This month is meant to recog- thousands of individuals. CCMH INCLUSION INITIATIVE Newsletter: Page 2 PBS to Air “Two Spirits” on June 14, 2011 Two Spirits interweaves the tragic story of a mother’s loss of her son with a revealing look at the largely un- known history of a time when the world wasn’t simply divided into male and female and many Native Ameri- can cultures held places of honor for people of integrated genders. Click here to learn more. http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/two-spirits/ Training Calendar by Date A 8th Grade Student’s View on the Silence Over Bully- June 1—8; Supporting GLBTQ June 6th: ISM’s Conference— Communities. ing. Youth: An On-line Course for Berkeley. July 5—Aug 12: Pacific School of Follow Teaching Tolerance Providers and Educators. Sign on Facebook or the RSS up here for on-line mailing list to June 8th: Religion Summer Session. See feed. catalog of LGBTQ courses. be notified. June 20-July 15, San Francisco, June 2nd—Nov 3rd. Twenty—1 CA: Summer Institute 2011: Cul- July 12th Webinar—Creating In- clusive Programming & Practice hour online LGBTQ Trainings. ture, Sex, and Pleasure—SF, CA.. For Contact Jeff: 202.403.5368 more info: http://nsrc.sfsu.edu/ for LGBTQ Youth Through A Place of Respect: summerinstitute Awareness. June 3rd: 24th Annual East Bay NCLR Guide: HIV Update Conference. June 28th Webinar: Supporting July 24—28, Women in Medicine LGBTQ Youth in our Schools & Conference—Vermont. Treatment of Trans and Gender Online Trainings: Take Anytime Non-Conforming Primary Care Protocol for Trans- Transgender and Non-gender cordings. Contact Jeff for links: gender Patient Care Identity. Click here to view webi- email [email protected] Youth in Group Teaching Tolerance: Health Dis- nar. Larkin Street Stories. Working parities Lesson Plans. Facilities. Understanding the Health and with LGBTQ homeless youth. Working Effectively with Cultur- Wellness Needs of Two-Spirit Click here for the series. ally Diverse Populations in the Youth and the Provision of Care The Kids are Listenting: LGBTQ Public Mental Health System Within Systems of Care. Click Safe Schools Coalition here to view webinar. Foster Youth video. Click here. web site offers re- The First Step is an Open Mind: sources for all types of Assets-Based Approaches for Ad- providers. Best Practices for Working with LGBTQ Youth and Serving dressing the Needs of LGBTQI2-S LGBTQI2-S Youth. Youth and their Families. Click here to view webinar. Enhancing Delivery of Culturally Online Trainings cont: and Linguistically Competent Suicide Prevention among LGBT Youth: A Workshop http:// On-line HIV/AIDS Services for Children and Youth courses: Who Are LGBTQI2-S: Develop- www.sprc.org/ www.iasusa.org/cme/ ing Effective Community Engage- LGBTYouthWorkshopKit.asp Suicide Prevention. index.html ment Strategies. Click here to view webinar. LGBTQ Training Series Re- Volume 2, Issue 6 Page 3 Local Events Calendar to all LGBTQ youth) Prom. RYSE Youth Center/RCC Alphabet By dates: New LGBTQ - Youth Group—Richmond. Tuesdays June 13th: The 4th Annual Contra June 6th: Isms Workshop 4—6:30 pm Costa County LGBTQ Pride Picnic themed film from June 10—12: 7th Annual Queer & BBQ. Click here for more info. RCC Youth Groups:2nd & 4th Women of Color Film Festival. Wed: Ages 10—13 yrs youth1st & Scenarios USA, June 25—26 San Francisco Pride 3rd Wed: Trans/Questioning Events. June 11th: MH Consumer Con- youth1st & 3rd Th: Ages 18—24 Man in the cerns 35th Anniversary Celebration. youth. July 29—Aug 1st, Gender Spec- 7—11 pm. For more info: trum Family Conference. For www.mhccnet.org The Empowerment Project. Mirror. Directed & more info and to register click LGBTQQI2-S Youth Group at here. June 14th PBS Airs ―Two Spirits‖. Center for Human Develop— written by 18 yo http://www.pbs.org/ Antioch. Wednesday 4:30—6:30 By day of week: independentlens/two-spirits/ pm. Puerto Rican and Mixed AA Group, Tuesdays 7:30— June 16th—26: LGBT International Other RCC Groups: 8:30, and NA Group Saturdays 7:30 Frameline Film Festival examines - 8:45. Rainbow Comm. Ctr RCC Flyers: General Information June 18th—LGBTQ Hayward (open stereotypes, sexual LGBTQ Grants and Funding orientation, Opportunities: homophobia and Mentoring for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative. bullying. See Mini-Grants Page #1 CCMH MHSA Innovation RFP’s Additional Headlines: Gay and Transgender: Center for LGBT Asylum News. 19th Century American Art. American Progress Top Features With children in need, states Trans Community Leaders call on Suicide & Bullying: Issue Brief. struggle over gay adoptive parents. CA Elected Officials for stronger anti-discrimination protections. LGBT US Population Data: Poli- US Dept of Labor Announces tics, Policy, & Practice video. New Policy Prohibiting Gender AIDS funding: caught in the cross- Identity Discrimination. fire of the FY 2012 budget battle. The Affordable Care Act: Gay & Gray and at Higher Risk of Transforming LGBT Health Illness. American Library Assoc names New Bill seeks end to adoption And Tango Makes Three as the bias—US House of Rep. Intersex: Facebook Commuity most challenged book in 2010. Page. US Atty General issues surprise www.GLBTQ.com Highlights order to stop deportation. CCMH INCLUSION INITI ATIVE The Contra Costa Mental Health’s Inclusion Initiative’s Mission is to pro- tect Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Two-Spirit (LGBTQQI2-S) consumers and their families from discrimina- CCMH Inclusion & CCHS Pride Initiatives: tion and mistreatment, and to ensure that they are welcomed in culturally Contact: Tony Sanders, PhD affirmative settings where they will receive clinically competent mental Telephone: 1.888.678.7277 x 24404 health care. Email: [email protected] See CCMH Inclusion Initiative Dashboard CCHS Reducing Health Disparities: (http://cchealth.org/topics/lgbtq/) for Inclusion progress to date, and for Concepcion James: RHD Pgm Manager past issues of Inclusion Newsletters. Email: [email protected] CCMH Reducing Health Disparities: Local LGBTQQI2-S Imo Momoh, MPA: Ethnic SVCS Coord. Resources: Email: [email protected] www.EastbayPride.com Other LGBTQQI2-S and Youth Community Centers/Events LGBTQ Community Centers: event.php? Hayward Outlet Youth Cen- eid=100135160030639&ref=nf ter Calendar of Events: Rainbow Community Cen- or www.rainbowcc.org/ www.projectoutlet.org/ ter—Concord. April Calendar youthpage.html index.html (under Events & Activities): http://www.rainbowcc.org/ Center for Human Develop- South Bay DeFrank Youth ment--Antioch "The Empow- Ctr.
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