February 4, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S467 He has a long list of accomplish- VA, Gordon oversaw the implementa- erate at a much higher speed than pre- ments and awards, including earning tion of the post-9/11 GI bill and many viously possible.. Indeed, Herreshoff the Purple Heart and the Navy other major transformation initiatives. built the fastest boats on the water, Achievement Medal with Combat Dis- I worked closely with Gordon to es- both steam and sail. Between 1893 and tinguishing Device for Valor. In addi- tablish the Captain James A. Lovell 1920, five of Nathanael Greene tion, he was named as one of People Federal Health Care Center in North Herreshoff’s custom-designed racing Magazine’s Heroes of the Year and a Chicago, the Nation’s first fully inte- sloops were chosen to sail in the pres- 2011 recipient of the Veterans Leader- grated Department of Defense-VA med- tigious America’s Cup, and all five ship Award presented by the Iraq and ical center. Only a few years before, a emerged as victors. Afghanistan Veterans of America. The Washington consulting company rec- Notwithstanding these sea-going next year, Secretary of Defense Leon ommended the closure of the North champions, the Herreshoffs’ most ac- Panetta invited Aaron to discuss mat- Chicago VA. Instead, the idea behind claimed boat design is arguably the ters affecting wounded veterans. the Lovell FHCC was born. smaller S class. Nathanael Greene He has taken his pain and suffering Working with Gordon was a privilege, Herreshoff first designed the S boat in and turned it into a model of persever- and through his dedication to this ef- 1919, and the company built 95 boats ance that is helping other soldiers and fort, we succeeded. Today, over 100,000 before halting production in 1941. So veterans heal from the pain of battle. veterans, military servicemembers, well designed and built are they, that Aaron, we are proud of your vision- and their families have access to state- many S boats are still racing today. ary leadership and all of your accom- of-the-art health care at the Lovell It is no wonder the S boat has held up plishments. You have always main- FHCC. so well. The boat shows speed and agil- tained an optimistic attitude and a de- It is for this, and his many other ac- ity under all conditions, and its engi- termination that can be an example to complishments, that we thank and neering is considered one of the most us all. We are excited to see what your honor Gordon Mansfield for his service groundbreaking undertakings in future holds, and we are proud to call to this Nation.∑ boatbuilding history. The S boat was particularly well suited for the coastal you a son of Rogers, Arkansas. ∑ f waters of Rhode Island: comfortable for f RHODE ISLAND’S MARINE easy day sailing; fast when racing hard. REMEMBERING GORDON ECONOMY Its deep keel and hull shape made the MANSFIELD ∑ Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, boat steady in the strong ocean breeze ∑ Mr. KIRK. Mr. President, today I rise today I wish to pay tribute to one of that characterizes summer afternoons to honor the legacy of former VA Dep- my State’s great traditions and to a on Narragansett Bay, but on mild days uty Secretary Gordon Mansfield; a wonderful man. The Herreshoff Marine its vast mainsail catches the lightest combat veteran, friend, and tireless ad- Museum, founded in 1971, preserves zephyr. The S boat boasted a keel with vocate for our veterans. He passed today the history of one our State’s a high aspect ratio, and a high ballast- away last week. Over the course of his most important economic and design to-displacement ratio, allowing for a distinguished career Gordon served his legacies, the Herreshoff boat building stiffer boat. Although these features nation, its veterans, and those perse- company of Bristol. were unusual for the 1900s, other boat vering through disabilities. He will be Early Rhode Island settlers took ad- designers quickly adopted them after missed but his legacy remembered. vantage of the State’s location on the the great success of the S boat became Like many in his generation, Gordon Narragansett Bay to foster one of Colo- apparent. The S boat transom became enlisted and served in Vietnam. During nial America’s most successful marine a common sight for other sailors. the Tet Offensive, while on his second economies. Newport, RI, was the Colo- Ninety-five years after the first S combat tour, Gordon was wounded and nies’ fifth most prosperous commercial boat splashed into Bristol Harbor at sustained a spinal cord injury. He was center, in part because of its port ac- the Herreshoff boatyard, the fleet is ac- awarded the Bronze Star, two Purple tivity. Since that time, Rhode Island- tive and growing, with boats being re- Hearts, the Combat Infantryman’s ers have sustained the State’s mari- stored to join the class. This success Badge, and Presidential Unit Citation. time tradition, excelling in and growth is much thanks to fleet While recovering from his injuries, boatbuilding, fishing, shipping, port op- commodore Fred Roy. Fred brought Gordon earned his law degree, and upon eration, energy exploration, and ma- bouyant enthusiasm and cheerfulness moving back to Florida, began prac- rine biology. to the Narragansett Bay Herreshoff S ticing law. He served as a counsel in a The marine trades continue to play a Class Association, and the association and all who love our bay and its special legal aid program devoted to assisting pivotal economic development role in sailing traditions join in appreciation his fellow veterans. our State today; as many other sectors From 1981 to 1989, Gordon served as in Rhode Island struggle to rebound of Fred Roy. Fred has brought the spir- the executive director of the Paralyzed from the recent recession, our marine it of the S boat, rail down and surging forward, to this part of our ongoing Veterans of America, advocating for industry is actually expanding. The history and maritime culture, and I disabled veterans’ interests on a na- Rhode Island Marine Trade Association take this opportunity to thank and sa- tional level. His work at PVA was in- reports that this industry supports lute him, and celebrate this tradition strumental in standing up the U.S. over 6,600 Rhode Island jobs, paying al- of Narragansett Bay.∑ Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims most $260 million in wages to Rhode Is- as well as shaping landmark disabil- land workers—and almost 10 percent of f ities advocacy legislation. In 1989, Gor- private employers in the State are as- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT don joined the Department of Housing sociated with the boating industry. Messages from the President of the and Urban Development, and served as The Herreshoff family helped shape United States were communicated to President George H.W. Bush’s Assist- Rhode Island’s maritime legacy. In the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his ant Secretary for Fair Housing and 1878, John Brown Herreshoff and his secretaries. Equal Opportunity. There he served as brother Nathanael Greene Herreshoff f a strong advocate for accessible hous- more commonly known as ‘‘Captain ing. Nat’’—joined forces to form the EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED In 2001, Gordon once again answered Herreshoff Manufacturing Company in As in executive session the Presiding the call to help veterans, joining Sec- Bristol, RI. Known for innovative de- Officer laid before the Senate messages retary Anthony Principi as the Assist- sign, superior skills, and efficient man- from the President of the United ant Secretary for Congressional and ufacturing, the Herreshoff Manufac- States submitting sundry nominations Legislative Affairs at the Department turing Company quickly became a na- which were referred to the appropriate of Veterans Affairs. In 2004, he became tional leader in the boatbuilding indus- committees. the Deputy Secretary and Chief Oper- try. The brothers developed a lighter, (The messages received today are ating Officer, and served as Acting Sec- faster version of the steam generator printed at the end of the Senate pro- retary in 2007. During his time at the boiler, which allowed steamboats to op- ceedings.) VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:05 Sep 25, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\FEB2013\S04FE3.REC S04FE3 bjneal on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 4, 2013 REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION HARRIS) had signed the following en- EC–269. A communication from the Chair- OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY rolled bill: man of the Council of the District of Colum- THAT WAS DECLARED IN EXECU- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report H. R. 325. An act to ensure the complete on D.C. Act 19–539, ‘‘Office of the Chief Fi- TIVE ORDER 13396 ON FEBRUARY and timely payment of the obligations of the nancial Officer Audit Report Transparency 7, 2006, WITH RESPECT TO THE United States Government until May 19, Temporary Act of 2012’’; to the Committee SITUATION IN OR IN RELATION 2013, and for other purposes. on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- TO COˆ TE D’IVOIRE—PM 1 Under the authority of the order of fairs. EC–270. A communication from the Chair- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- the Senate of January 3, 2013, the en- rolled bill was signed on February 4, man of the Council of the District of Colum- fore the Senate the following message bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report from the President of the United 2013, during the adjournment of the on D.C. Act 19–546, ‘‘Health Benefits Plan States, together with an accompanying Senate, by the President pro tempore Members Bill of Rights Amendment Act of report; which was referred to the Com- (Mr.
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