Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 4/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-28. Februar Die Themen dieser Ausgabe Besuch im Weißen Haus .......................................................................................................................................... 1 18 Monate Haft für Elor Azaria .................................................................................................................................. 3 Personalwechsel am Obersten Gerichtshof.............................................................................................................. 5 Medienquerschnitt .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Besuch im Weißen Haus While no one can truly promise peace between US-Präsident Donald Trump überraschte mit seiner Israel and the Palestinians is within reach, peace Haltung zur Zweistaatenlösung, die seit über 20 certainly awaits us with the White House. (…) There Jahren zu den Zielen der US-amerikanischen Au- may be another solution for the regional conflict and ßenpolitik gehört. Ginge es nach ihm, müssten nicht many other options can be considered as the cards unbedingt zwei Staaten am Ende des Friedenspro- have been re-dealt. All in all, one can conclude that zesses stehen, meinte Trump unmittelbar vor sei- the idea of two-state solution is in its final days (…). nem ersten persönlichen Gespräch mit Israels Re- Trump is far more attentive to Israel's security gierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu. Wichtig sei nur, needs. For him, Iran and jihadist terrorism are ene- dass beide Seiten die Lösung akzeptieren könnten. mies against which he must fight and win. (…) Netanyahu reagierte mit überraschtem Lachen. Er Trump believes Israel and the Palestinians both hielt indirekt weiter an der Zweistaatenlösung fest, must compromise to achieve peace. This too is a als er im Verlauf einer Pressekonferenz nach der new approach, as we were used to only Israel hav- Unterredung mit Trump erklärte, dass er und Paläs- ing to make concessions. Now the onus lies on the tinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas unterschiedliche Palestinians as well. (…) We can breathe a sigh of Vorstellungen von einem palästinensischen Staat relief. The president is a friend. A true one. hätten. In einem noch vor dem Treffen veröffentlich- Boaz Bismuth, IHY, 16.02.17 ten Interview mit Trump revidierte der US-Präsident seine Haltung zum erweiterten Siedlungsbau, den er Settlement coordination als „dem Frieden nicht förderlich“ bezeichnete. (…) On one hand, it seemed that Trump was contin- uing US policy that opposes settlement growth on Trump is good for the Jews the West Bank. (…) But then it appeared that Trump (…) A new era has begun in Washington, a much was willing to support full annexation of Judea and more refreshing one. The press conference with Samaria (…). Then again Trump qualified his sup- Trump and Netanyahu was a U-turn from everything port for a one-state solution. (…) Trump’s pick of we have heard, known, understood and considered David Friedman as his ambassador to Israel seems for decades. (…) Not only have the eight years of to imply that he supports settlements. (…) But then the Obama administration become history, even Bill again, in an exclusive interview with the Israeli daily Clinton's era now sounds obsolete and detached Israel Hayom, Trump said, “I am not someone who from reality. Trump has left the 1993 Oslo Accords believes that advancing settlements is good for and peace initiatives to the archaeologists (…). peace. (…)” So which is it? (…) The answer, most 1 likely, is that even Trump has not formulated a clear full citizenship to Palestinians in the West Bank. Yet position on the matter. (…) That’s why it is so im- maintaining the status quo indefinitely is also not an portant for Netanyahu to proceed cautiously. (…) option, as the status quo does not exist; it changes Editorial, JPO, 16.02.17 every day in ways that do not redound to Israel’s benefit. (…) An Israeli-Palestinian confederation Right From Wrong: A bear hug for all the mul- would be a recipe for endless violence and blood- lahs to see shed between two populations that have no level of (…) everyone can and should relax, because noth- trust at present, even when they are mostly separat- ing whatsoever has changed on the ground. (…) ed. (…) The two-state solution is imperfect but cer- The Palestinian leadership is not seeking statehood tainly not impractical. (…) Trump would be well- alongside Israel, but resistance against Jewish advised to firmly and decisively keep the Israelis and statehood. PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his the Palestinians on the path of two states, since the henchmen (…) make no bones about demanding simple truth is that there is no alternative. that any territory they claim to be their own be void Susie Gelman, HAA, 17.02.17 of all Jews. Nor did Trump disavow the two-state solution; he simply said that it is up to the Israelis After his magical meeting with Trump, real life and Palestinians to decide how to proceed. (…) awaits Netanyahu More importantly, he was doing so while proudly The fact that Netanyahu got exactly what he wanted showing appreciation – and even affection – for from the American president is indisputable. (…) To Netanyahu. And herein lies the seismic shift that is me, he still seems as ignorant and shallow as he causing such a stir. (…) The new US president not was throughout his entire campaign. An egocentric, only snubbed Abbas, purportedly refusing to answer slipshod and inarticulate person, who has no idea his calls, but promptly invited Netanyahu to Wash- what his opinions are on each of the issues on the ington, where he gave him a literal and figurative agenda, and worse—what his opinions will be to- bear hug for all the world’s mullahs and other de- morrow. He is someone who is engaged in how his tractors to see. (…) For Trump to grasp that his views make him look (…). On Trump’s part, we can country and Israel are fighting the same war is talk about three main messages, for now at least, cause for trepidation among their shared enemies. and without committing to what the messages will be The Palestinians – a footnote in this global story – tomorrow: He wants a deal, it doesn’t matter what may finally lose their leverage. It’s about time. deal, that both sides will agree on. (…) And he, Ruthie Blum, JPO, 19.02.17 Trump, expects a “holdback” in settlements. (…) The prime minister will have to decide whether he is Trump wants the 'ultimate' peace deal? The two- sticking to the vision he presented eight years ago in state solution is still waiting his Bar-Ilan speech, or adopting Bennett’s plan for (…) The two-state solution remains the only viable the annexation of Judea and Samaria, which means, path forward for Israel to remain both Jewish and as President Reuven Rivlin said last week, granting democratic and the only one that has any chance of citizenship to all Arab residents of Judea and Sa- being accepted by both parties. (…) the lack of maria. (…) Trump is a total mystery, an unpredicta- unambiguous support for two states betrays a fun- ble person, and there is no way of knowing what his damental misunderstanding of what is possible in stance will be tomorrow. The weeks that have this context, and Trump would be wasting his time passed since he entered the White House have only and effort if he expends American resources on confirmed all the fears, that the man arrived com- behalf of exploring a fantastical one-state alterna- pletely unprepared. (…) tive. The reasons that the two-state solution is the Sima Kadmon, YED, 19.02.17 only workable one are legion. (…) there is no other way for Israel to maintain both its Jewish and its The debate in Israel is over. Annexation it is democratic character. (…) A one-state reality in (…) Israelis are used to having to choose between a which only part of the West Bank is annexed, while binational state, with or without apartheid, and a keeping the rest of it in a state of permanent limbo Palestinian terror state to be established alongside as advocated by Education Minister Naftali Bennett, Israel. Those are the options. And with options like would spell the demise of Israeli democracy. Israel those, most people support annexation. (…) There cannot reject a two-state solution with finality and is no political leader on the horizon among those maintain its democratic status while refusing to grant who aspire to succeed Prime Minister Benjamin 2 Netanyahu who can or wants to extricate Israel from now. That option gave up the ghost somewhere over the madness of the occupation and save it from the past few years, evaporating into the air of the oblivion. (…) most Israelis really don’t care about the settlements, and lost amidst the split between Gaza settlements or Judea and Samaria. The settlement and the West Bank. (…) 421,000 Jews live in the family, like the crime families, have taken advantage West Bank (…), not including East Jerusalem. As- of the political and public flaccidity and won. A bi- suming that between two-thirds and 70 percent of national state is not preferable to a terror state. On them live in settlement blocs that would come under the contrary. A terror state is a problem that can be Israeli rule, this leaves approximately 140,000 Israeli dealt with. It does not constitute an existential dan- Jews who live in settlements that Israel would have ger. Israel has solutions for a terror state. It does not to remove in the event of a peace agreement. Does have solutions for a binational state. A binational anybody really believe such a scenario is possible in state is an existential danger. (…) Annexation Israel in 2017? (…) Does anybody really think Ha- means deepening already existing apartheid. An- mas will beat its swords into plowshares in Gaza the nexation is a historic mistake and an act of political day after a peace agreement is signed, announce insanity. Pure self-destruction. (…) Israel will disap- that it is giving up control in Gaza, and surrender it pear as a Jewish and democratic state.
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