August 15th, 2021 A.D. – The Assumption of the B.V. Mary Gregorian Latin liturgy Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were all of apostolic origin. The Gregorian Latin liturgy, celebrated in this church, fol- lows the tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has never undergone any essen- tial change till the present time. Every ges- ture, every word has been weighed and measured with the assistance of the Holy Ghost for the greatest glory of God and the salvation of souls. Welcome Visitors! We thank you for coming. Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a spiritual home, are returning to the Hospitality practice of Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic “Let the charity of the brotherhood abide Church; we are happy to have you here, as in you and hospitality do not forget; for by you are. this some, being not aware of it, have enter- Please take time to read this bulletin, to tained angels.” (Heb. 13, 1-2) meet with the priest after Mass and to so- “Wherefore receive one another, as Christ cialize. also hath received you unto the honor of Enter the Holy Temple of the Good Lord God.” (Rom. 15, 7) to worship Him. Pax vobis! Peace be with you! 4580 SW 65th Ave., Davie, FL 33314 (407) 872-1007 Websites: sspxflorida.com | sspx.org - E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Marc Vernoy- Prior; Fr. Samuel Fabula - Chaplain THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. On November 1, 1950, in his Apostolic Constitution “Munificentissimus Deus”, pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of faith: “We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” The pope proclaimed this dogma only after a broad consultation of bishops, theologians and laity from 1940 to 1950. What the pope solemnly declared was already a common belief in the Catholic Church. **** The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The heart of the B.V. Mary is venerated because it is united to her person and is the seat of her love, especially for her divine Son, and her virtue. This devotion is an incentive to a similar love and virtue. Please pray the Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary after your daily rosary. **** Today’s Second Collection will be taken up for the Priory in Sanford. **** The US District Superior is asking that during the period from the Vigil of the Assumption (August 14th) to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart (August 22nd) all our houses join in praying a special novena asking the Blessed Virgin Mary for the following intentions: • to protect the work of the Society of Saint Pius X and the re-flowering of Catholic Tradition throughout the world; • to grant consolation to all of those wounded by the recent Motu Proprio, wherever they may be; and • to keep all her children safe in an increasingly chaotic and sinister world. **** Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In some countries it is Grandfather's Day. Let us pray to St. Joachim to intercede before his grandson, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for our families to persevere. **** St. Hyacinth of Poland was born in Silesia in 1185. He studied in notable cities and obtained the title of Doctor of Law and Divinity, In Rome he met St. Dominic and entered the newly created Dominican Order. St. Hyacinth went throughout Northern Europe spreading the faith. He dies on August 15, 1257 and was canonized by Pope Clement VIII on April 17, 1594. His feast day is on August 17. **** St. John Eudes was a French missionary and the founder of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity. He was the author of the liturgical worship of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He was also instrumental in encouraging devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, writing the first book ever on the devotion to the Sacred Hearts, "Le Coeur Admirable de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu". He died at Caen, on August 19th, 1680. He was canonized in 1925. “The LORD is in his Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him.” (Hab. 2, 20) ON CONFORMITY TO THE WILL OF GOD. by St. Alphonsus Liguori (6) He that acts in this manner enjoys that peace which the angels announced at the birth of Jesus Christ to men of good will that is, to those whose wills are united to the will of God. These, as the Apostle says, enjoy that peace which exceeds all sensual delights. “The peace of God, which sur- passeth all understanding.” (Phil. 4:7) A great and solid peace, which is not liable to change. “A holy man continueth in wisdom like the sun; but a fool is changing like the moon.” (Eccl. 27:12) Fools that is, sinners are changed like the moon, which increases today, and grows less on tomor- row; Today they are seen to laugh through folly, and to-morrow, to weep through despair; Today they are humble and meek, tomorrow, proud and furious. In a word, sinners change with prosperi- ty and adversity; but the just are like the sun, always the same, always serene in whatever happens to them. In the inferior part of the soul they cannot but feel some pain at the misfortunes which befall them; but, as long as the will remains united to the will of God, nothing can deprive them of that spiritual joy which is not subject to the vicissitudes of this life. “Your joy no man shall take from you.” (John 16:22) He that reposes in the divine will, is like a man placed above the clouds: he sees the lightning, and hears the claps of thunder, and the raging of the tempest below, but he is not injured or disturbed by them. And how can he be ever disturbed, when whatever he desires always happens? He that desires only what pleases God, always obtains whatsoever he wishes, because all that happens to him, happens through the will of God. Salvian says, that Christians who are resigned, if they be in a low condition of life, wish to be in that state; if they be poor, they desire poverty; because they wish whatever God wills, and therefore they are always content. “Humiles sunt, hoc volunt, pau- peres sunt, paupertate delectantur: itaque beati dicendisunt.” If cold, or heat, or rain, or wind come on, he that is united to the will of God says: I wish for this cold, this heat, this rain, and this wind, because God wills them. If loss of property, persecution, sickness, or even death come upon him, he says: I wish for this loss, this persecution, this sickness; I even wish for death, when it comes, because God wills it. And how can a person who seeks to please God, enjoy greater happi- ness than that which arises from cheerfully embracing the cross which God sends him, and from the conviction that, in embracing it, he pleases God in the highest degree? So great was the joy which St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi used to feel at the bare mention of the will of God, that she would fall into an ecstasy. To receive Holy Communion : - The most important requirement is to have a - You must be a baptized Catholic, having made great desire to receive the Body, the Blood, the a good confession since the last committed mor- Soul and the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. tal sin - if any - in order to hopefully be in the You can humbly approach the Communion rail at state of Grace. any time after the Communion of the priest. - You must believe in the doctrine of Transub- Then, open your mouth wide and extend smooth- stantiation. “For anyone who eats and drinks without ly and horizontally your tongue. discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon him- There is no special order, so that nobody should self” (1 Cor. 11:29). feel compelled to follow a general movement. - You must observe one hour of Eucharistic fast Do not judge your neighbor who abstains from (except water and medicine. However, we advise to abstain receiving Holy Communion, as there is no obliga- from food and alcohol for three hours and one hour for tion to receive it daily. However, “Live in a manner other liquid before Holy Communion). to be able to receive communion every day!” (St. Augus- - One must not be a public sinner (public adulter- tine) er, concubine, public homosexual), or excommunicated, In this Church, the faculty to absolve sins is di- or interdicted. rectly granted to the priests by the Holy Father. “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” Rm 12:1 Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ and for For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts, T- the edification of our neighbor, we beg all to ap- shirts nor sneakers meet the norms of modesty. pear in Church decent in deportment and modest For ladies and girls: Neither shorts, slacks, in dress. sleeveless, short nor low-cut dresses meet the norms of modesty. However, no one has the right to question others, Furthermore, according to apostolic custom or especially visitors.
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