Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 12-12-1940 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1940). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 379. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/379 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. CRIER Vol. No. 15 Z 797 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 No. 9 TOLO WEEK 1 COLLEGIANS SAY STATE EDUCATORS JUNIORS PREPARE 1· 0 . M . D With the Snow Ba 11, which was FoR BARN DANCE rama, us1c epartments YOUTH PROGRAM postponed until a date yet to be decided, will come a n official Tolo CONVENE, DISCUSS NEW DEAL'S TOP Week a s planned pr ior to t he flu Plan, ,:~ .:::.:En~n~w~: Join In Nativity .Production epidemic. Lloyd ·Mitchell, A.S.B. WITH CW cSTA .FF will be held some time during t he Students Laud CCC, NYA social comm1ss1oner, has an- Winter Qua1·ter were prepared at the . nounced that Tolo Week \r egula- Coun ty Superintendents Junior Class meeting last week , with COLLEGE CHOIR, ORCHESTRA, STAGE GROUP Austin, Texas, Dec. 14 - •Early in tions will Qe in effect frQm the Confer on School t he reminder to aB college students INCLUDED IN CHRISTMAS PROGRAM; SINGERS November the voters of th e nation Wednesday preceding the formal Problems that t he dance is a costume affair. PRECEDE PLAY WITH FOUR NUMBERS; SET returned President Roosevelt to the dance until t he ball, plan ned for --- Students are urged to ransack their White House for a third term. The a Saturday night early in winter •Count y s uperintendents represent- homes for suitable costumes while FOR FRIDAY EVENING, 8:15. New Deal, now in power for another quarter. ing eighteen counties of the state met they are on Christmas vacation. Con- Under the direction of Elizabeth Whyte Stevenson and Wayne .S. H ertz, tour years, will ·proba!bly grow ' more December 2 and 3 at Central Wash- f licts due t o the date changing ca used heads of drama and music department s, r espectively, "The Nat ivity," a and more to be a permanent compo- ALUMNA RATED ington College of Education to dis- by the flu epidemic, effected a post- Christ mas mystery play, will be given in the college auditorium tomoITow nenf of A mel·ican economy. .. Which .... cuss common problems w ith teacher- ponement from January 31. Chair- -<· night at 8 :15. The production, the of its features should be continue> d ; IN NATION WIDE trainin""' staff members. Monday men of various committees for the -:--- - - ------------< Christmas story in words and music, which should be discarded? morning, December 2, was devoted to Barn Dance were announced: decora- 1, "' was written by Ralph E. Maryott. College students have an interest observation of reading activities in tions, John McElhiney; entertainment, SPECIAL CRIERS Choral music under the direction of in the kind of nation they will live in the first, fourth, and sixth grades 0£ Bob Brainard and Vic re- POSTER CONTEST Overstre~t; There will be two Crier issues Mr. Hertz will describe the scenes when they enter active citizenship. the College Elementary School. This freshments, Alice Woods; and adver- at. a time when there have never portrayed on the stage. A new type Student Opinion Surveys of America was followed by luncheon at which tising, Herbert Legg. Eda Espersen Honored before been Crier issues. Midget of setting is being utilized, along with hus polled a representative sample of the superintendents were guests of In the discussion of class dues, John editions, size of t he summer a unique lighting system •to gain the · 1 t · d t the College. Monday afternoon coun- McElhiney, treasurer, reported that t h e ent1re u . 's . enro men m or er o Miss Eda Espersen, former student quarter paper, will be publish­ desired effects. t f h.' superintendents and Elementary collections were very slow. Various arrive at an accurate measm·emen o · cf CWCE, now teaching in the Na- ed test week and the first week Choral Program college sentiment on this issue. Most selle Public S'chools, has earned na- School staff members participated in ways of dues collection were dis- ---­ of winter quarter. For t his Preceding " The Nativity," in its h t ld · t · round table discussion of the morning cussed. It was suggested that a list collegians everyw ere o m erv1ew- tional recognition by . the acceptance reason Crier staff members first concert appear ance of the sea­ ers that what they like about the N ew of her pester for exhibition in t he· observations. At 2:45 p. m . .Miss E u- of the names of t hose who have not have been asked to meet at 4 :00 son, the 66-v oice choir will sing a nice Curtis of t he Washingt on S'ch ool paid should be pr inted· in the Crier. Deal is this : National Arts Club 1Galleries, in a na- today in the Crier editorial four -number group : 1. The opportunities it has created tion-wide ·poster contest. This con- of Ellensburg addressed the group on Dues may be paid to J ohn McElhiney, rooms. "A Ba•be Is Bor n," Malin; " In Eoc­ d CCC d NYA "improving the School Library," Bob Groeschell, or Alice Woods. for youth un er an · test, sponsored by the American So- College departments wishing celsis Gloria," Lundquist; "Spirit Ob . · h b ht t which was discussed by a panel com- To close the meeting Jim N orth, 2. The secunty 1t as roug o ciety for t he Control of Cancer, Inc., news in either of these issues De Lord," Cain; and "The S'now," the unfortunate aged. offered a first prize of $lOOO. 872 posed of superintendents and faculty junior representative, gave a report should contact the editor imme­ Elgar. !Featured in this last number members. on the activities of the student coun- WPA, AAA Unsuccessful posters were submitted; 292 were diately. is a string duet employing Garnet Dinner Meeting cil. The WP A and the AAA, the poll chosen and hung. Out of the five Kai.yala and Clifton Alford , with Jane <hows. are scored by the .greatest prize winners, four we1:e New York Miss Nina 0 . Buch anan, County Superintendent. of King County Troth at the piano. numb~r of students as the most un- artists, the other being a Pittsburgh WHITNEY. CALLS The college string orchestra, with sficcesful of all the · alphabetical prnduct. .S!ince the fourth prize was S'chools, and Miss Amanda H ebeler (1Continued on P age 4) CHOIR APPEARS Milton Steinhardt as director, will agencies. Failure of the administra- · won by a well-known commercial art­ .C AA PRO_ SPECTS complete the musical setting by ac- tion to solve unemployment is the ist, Joseph Binder, whose advertising ON BROADC1\ST ---- companying the stag e pantomime. greatest shortcoming of the New layouts appear in such magazines a s --- ·The concer t is open to the public; Deal, one out of seven (1'5 per cent) Time and Fortune, Miss Espersen's SOCIAL CALENDAR Scheduled fol' next week's Christ- H . J. Whitney, Colleg e Registrar, there will be no admission charge. believe. :mccess in placing a poster among mas broadcast is a one-act p lay "Dust would like any additional men. who Those attending are reminded to 1be Last April, when Student Opinion those exhibited is an impressive CALLING HOURS of the .Road," directed by Miss E liza- are interested in student pilot train- seated in the main part of the audi­ Surveys first gauged sentiment on a chievement. The administration h as set dormi­ beth Stevenson, head /,f t he drama iug to see him as soon as ·possible. A torium, as the balcony is to be used the New Deal, college students sane- In Local Design Class tory calling hours at 4 :00-7 :00 on all depart ment. The broadcasts planned in the production. quota of 10 students fol' t he pilot tioned Uncle Sam's 'aissumption of This poster was made during the school days except Friday for the re­ for Christmas Day and J anuar y have social guardianship. But comparison summer session, in Mr. R andall's mainder of the q uarter. Traditional been cancelled "because of circum- training course has been filled. An of those figures with the survey pub- Commercial Design class. It was t h e closed-weekend hours will be ob­ stances beyond th e control of this additional quota of 5 or 10 students \VARN LAST CHANCE lish ed t oday shows increased concen- ~ econd of •Miss Epersen's posters that iicrved, with dorms closing at 11 :00 college." The n ext program will · be may be secured froni t he Civil Aero- . FOR PROOF RETURN; tration of a pproval on the CCC, NYA, was successful in a big exhibit. A p. m. (gentlemen may call on Friday, .Tanuary 8. nautics Authority if more students 1 ART WORK PLANNED and social security. F ollowing are poster which she made last year for Satur day, and S unday evenings). !Last night's broadcast, a pre- would like to take the course. It is the p ercentages: the Washington State Arboretum, May t he Crier point o ut that no Christmas event, included the He1;tz- As result of a conference last week­ proposed to give the gr ound school As the most successful ageneies· which exhi·bited in Seattle, was rank- attempt is being made toward regi­ directed college a cappella choir sing- end· between the Seattle office of that sho uld be cont inued: ed fourth by the· judges.
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