Rhoads, Others Honored Registrar Announces At Founders Day Exercises Changes in Calendar Former Provost Jonathan E. Rhoads and 12 other mem- The Fall term of the 1960-61 academic year will open bers of the University's faculty, staff, alumni and student a week earlier than has been customary in the recent past, body were honored with Awards of Merit at Founders Day as a result of changes in the academic calendar, the Uni- exercises in Irvine Auditorium on January 16. versity announced recently. The change may affect the The awards were presented by Windsor F. Cousins, plans of faculty members who are now arranging for president of the General Alumni Society, which sponsored summer vacation travel. the Leonard C. Dill, executive of the program. secretary Ernest Whitworth, announced in a memo- read the citations, and a brief address President Registrar, Society, by randum on 19 that classes in the fall will Harnwell followed the January coming presentations. on 19, and that the date of editor of de- open Monday, September Edward Weeks, The Atlantic Monthly, Commencement in 1961 also will be advanced to Mon- Founders address, and the livered the traditional Day June 5. Naval Air Command Trainee Choir, of Pensacola, Ha., day, gave a brief concert during the program. These two changes, with others involving the final Alumni Awards of Merit, given in recognition of out- examination period for the Spring term of 1961, are in- standing service to the University during the past year, corporated in a newly revised academic calendar for the were presented to Dr. Rhoads, Provost of the University undergraduate schools and the Graduate School of Arts from 1956 to 1959 and now chairman of the Department and Sciences. Soon to be ready for distribution, this cal- of Surgery of University Hospital; to Mrs. Helen Mac- endar supersedes the one issued on October 1, 1959. Cardle Crease, of North Hills, Pa., an officer of the Associ- Two closely related factors are responsible for the ation of Alumnae and member of the General Alumni the of increased Board, and to Milton T. Daus, of Cleveland, change: prospect sharply applications, 0., lawyer and the need for an of studies to meet of the of expanded program and past president University Pennsylvania them. Alumni Clubs. Also to Dr. Albert Goho, of Harrisburg, Pa., dentist and "In anticipation of an expanding program of studies past president of the Dental Alumni Society as well as to be offered during the summer of 1961, the Committee founder of the Century Club for Alumni Giving at the on Calendar study recommended that the University Cal- School of Dentistry; Dr. William J. Hamilton, vice presi- endar for 1960-61 be altered so as to move the starting dent of the Pierce School of Business Administration in date of the first term to the third Monday in September Philadelphia and twice president of the Education Alumni and thus end the academic year one week earlier," Whit- Association; Angel Manuel Martin, of San Juan, P. R., worth's memorandum stated. "This recommendation was lawyer and president of the University of Pennsylvania approved by the President. Club of Puerto Rico; Desmond T. of Norristown, McTighe, "Attention is called also to the fact that the Commence- Pa., lawyer and general chairman of the Law School ment exercises will be held on Monday, June 5, 1961, Alumni Annual Giving Campaign for two years and local instead of on the customary Wednesday. The necessary chairman for Montgomery County in the Law School De- adjustment of the final examination period to one of nine Fund Campaign, and Merle S. Schaff, president velopment days in length is in consonance with the satisfactory ex- of the Dando-Schaff Printing and Publishing Co. of Phila- perience gained from a similar move made three years delphia and a former president of the College Alumni ago in relation to examinations at the end of the first Society. semester." Members of the University's senior class who received Student Awards of Merit in recognition of leadership in Final examinations in the Spring of 1961 will extend (Continued on Page Three) from Monday, May 22, through Wednesday, May 31. 2 THE ALMANAC Faculty Members Attend Fels Institute Establishes Meeting in Mexico City Metropolitan Research Unit The University was represented generously in Mexico The establishment of a Metropolitan Research Unit by City during the holidays by delegates to the 58th annual the University's Fels Institute of Local and State Govern- meeting of the American Anthropological Association and ment was announced last month. The unit is under the the 71st annual meeting of the American Folklore Society. supervision of Dr. James G. Coke, Associate Professor The two groups held their gatherings jointly in the Mexican of Political Science and Executive Director of the Study capital, December 26-30. Commission of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area. Members of the Departments of Anthropology, Archae- In creating the new unit the Fels Institute has also and as well as of the established a number of $3000 and $4000 pre-doctoral ology, English, representatives in an effort to selected students an University Museum, took part in the three-day series of fellowships give op- discussions. Dr. J. Alden Mason, Emeritus Curator of the portunity to delve more intensively into the problems of Museum's American Section, a on the metropolitan area development. Four research fellows are presented paper in the unit's work of the New World Archaeological Foundation in now actively engaged program. Chiapas. Dr. MacEdward Leach of the Department of Present emphasis of the unit is on the analysis of plan- English attended the sessions in his capacity as secretary- ning, zoning and sub-division control in the five-county treasurer of the American Folklore Society. metropolitan area. Other aspects of the growth and devel- of the area will be undertaken the Dr. Samuel Noah Kramer, Curator of the Museum's opment upon comple- tion of the current project in the early months of 1960. Tablet Collection, presided at a symposium of "The Myth- ologies of the Ancient World" and delivered a paper on "The Mythology of Sumer and Akkad." Other delegates of the University who took part in the same discussion Nuclear Scientist Named were Dr. Rudolph Anthes, Curator of the Museum's Egyptian Section, and Dr. Michael H. Jameson of the To New Donner Chair of Classical Studies. Department Dr. Primakoff, of Univer- on "The of and Dr. Henry formerly Washington Dr. Anthes spoke Mythology Egypt" sity at St. Louis, has been named to the newly established Jameson on "The Mythologies of Ancient Greece." Donner Professorship in Science at the University, it was Two other members of the University faculty who announced late in January. He will assume his duties here participated in the second part of this discussion, also under in September. Dr. Kramer's chairmanship, were Dr. W. Norman Brown, The appointment completed a list of five new chairs in who spoke on "The Mythology of Ancient China," and Dr. science established at five leading Eastern universities by E. Dale Saunders, on "The Mythology of Ancient Japan." the Donner Foundation of Philadelphia, according to its At the closing session, Dr. Paul W. Friedrich, of the president, Robert A. Maes. Department of Anthropology, took part in an Asian sym- Grants totalling $2,500,000 for chairs in the physical posium, speaking on "Caste and Politics in Kerala, India," sciences were made by the Foundation to the University of while Dr. Raymond D. Fogelson, of the same department, Pennsylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Massachusetts in a symposium on culture changes, spoke on "Cherokee Institute of Technology. Each institution received $500,000 Joint Work Groups." to establish a chair. Skinner Named Term Trustee Convocation Ceremonies James M. Skinner, Jr., president of the Philco Corpora- tion, has been elected a term trustee of the it George B. Kistiakowsky, Special Assistant for Science University, to President Eisenhower, was the was announced recently by Dr. Alfred H. Williams, chair- and Technology principal man of the trustees. speaker last Saturday at the University's midwinter Con- vocation in Irvine Auditorium. In addition, Harry E. Humphreys, Jr., chairman of the board of the United States Rubber Co., has been re-elected The ceremonies, marking Commencement for members a term trustee; Robert G. of the Sun included the Dunlop, president of the February graduating class, presentation Oil Company, who was a term trustee, has been elected a of degrees in course and the conferring of four honorary life trustee, and Horace Stern, a life trustee, has been degrees. elected an emeritus life trustee. More than 600 members of the graduating class of Skinner, a Philadelphian, has been an associate trustee February, 1960, received degrees in course at the cere- of the University and in that capacity has served as a monies, while Dr. Kistiakowsky and three others received member of the University's board of business education. honorary degrees at the hands of President Harnwell. Humphreys, who lives in Scarsdale, N. Y., has been a The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was bestowed term trustee since 1950, and Dunlop since 1952. The upon Justice John C. Bell, Jr., of the Supreme Court of latter's home is in Bryn Mawr. Stern, a former Chit Pennsylvania; Dr. Millard E. Gladfelter, recently installed Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, was named as President of Temple University, and former Provost a life truste in 1953 after 25 years of service as a Jonathan E. Rhoads of this University. Dr. Kistiakowsky term trustee. He lives in this city. All are alumni of the received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science.
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