, . " ~s ' I Cub. Nick Reds Pardy Cloudy les Whip PaUl DerrlnJer ID WID JOWA: Panq eloudy toda)'; \ I Over Loop Leaden ..mewbat warmer J See storr OD P&I'e , e owan . &omorrow. l ,, ' Datlu L I 0 Ie a Ciey', II ornin, Nstc,paper be held'i Emma F ~ ', fte~ ..... Irly yes.: FIVE CENTS .. ......... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 264 horne, or 'tter, 900 fOllowed in Ger. H:enrietla carne to d p~sed ire here. the Zion ec~ BlId d grand. I ,'* * * .* ,.* * inclUded *** *** *** *** *** *** :ter, Airs. -t LeWIS h Drews: at the Nith the 'England Istor,of_ Asks··More U. S.Armaments e in the * • * . body is * * * * If * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * uary. WHERE ITALIANS, BRITISH FIGHT Porter Appointed Political Science 'Head • • • • • • :e 1) .----- . - . • 'lowever - - ; to llri~ Would Gear House Amends A.ppointed 'i th Italy Selected Bv Infantrymen Smash Across The lat EgyPt Neutrality Act " territory Military Effort British Somaliland Frontier At here has For Refugees State Board t on the To Production WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, (AP) Of Education Several Points in East Africa British - With only a lew scattered re miles "noes," the house passed neutral­ of 345,_ Government Official ity act amendments today which 'AbOl,lt 6 Candidate ' Influential Spokesmen Charge Secretary Hull As Idvn nced would permit American ships to For Two Presidencies r British Pictures Factories enter belligerent waters to bring 'Crealing a Phantom of German-Italian Guided by Engli hmen back refugee children from war­ Considered at Meeting Menace' to America d out 01 torn nations. the col­ LONDON, Au&,. 8 (Thursday) The Legislation, which now goes Prot. Kirk H. Porter, a mem- I ROME, Aug. 7, (AP)-Italian infantrymen ma hed acro8s the Ital­ (AP)-Stepplnc up their bomb­ to the senate, would au thOl'ize the bel' of the statf ot the political I the British Somaliland frontier .in east Africa at several ;h Would IJlI' forays aiter a brlef lull. transportation, by unarmed and science department here since points tonight and fascist authorities claimed "conspicuous northern German airmen dropped bombs unconvoycd American ships, of : to the youngsters under 16, provided thc 1919, was appointed to head that I results" by bomber attacking British African bases pre­ In we tern England last night liminary to a vast military drive. b, which and early today and harassed vessels are proceeding under safe department by the Iowa State . and th~ other sections of EllI'land and conduct assurances Irom belliger- Board of Education at a meeting At the same time influential poke men charged Secretary [andeb s Wales. ent nations. in Waterloo yesterday. of State Hull of the United States was "creating a p'hantom or ShipS There were one or two cas­ The ~hips would be required to Professor Porter fills the posl- of German-Italian menace" to the America for political :he Sue!. carry painted American flags on purposes. ualties and slight damace done tion Jen vacant Jast may by the I to property In the residential their sides and superstructure, (A British communique in Cairo said the Italians had en­ conquest along with statements that they death of Prot. Benj. F. Shambaugh. j dls~rlct 01 one town in soutb­ tered Zeila, Gulf of Aden port in British Somaliland and Criea of­ are refugee-child rescue ships of PROF. KIRK PORTER west EncLand, where tbe nazis The PresIdency captured Hargeisa with a strong force after marchjng 30 f 500,000 the United States, "so that night dropped four or five bombs. "About six candidates" 101' the or day there can be no mistake mile through the desert.) In one raid near a north­ positions of president at t~,e Uni­ Italian airmen struck at British encampments at Swum, an arm,y as to the identity of such ves­ versity at Iowa and Iowa State believed I IlfAWCIRmS INDICATE western town, the Germans Cudahy Faces. --------- uarding the Egyptian-Libyan SUllfSOfcOIIN(r Ie­ sels." Teachers college were discussed roops in dropped several bombs in a rNE!" eRmSl' AMO by the board at education in ses­ tiVI!A.r.. field. -mand For Brl-tl-sh Adml-t frontier on the Mediterranean, ITAlIA" LAM!) NtO AII~ S eve r a I explosions were s! ons of the board Tuesday nigh t Reprl raided the railway connecting , Italian f()RC.I!S Mersa - Matruh and Alexandria, heard In southwest England and Arsenals On and yesterday morning in Water­ Wues when German ptanes loo, Thomas W. Keenan of Shen­ London Talk Italian Gain and shot down a flying boat off were reported In that secfton andoah, who presided at the meet­ Tobruk. Eight of the crew were one and but Ilrst reports did not lIay ing in the absence of President rescued by al) ItaHan warship. ThlI Central PreSI map .hows the various the, ters of acUvlty u )nree Shifts '110 win­ "tnbs were dropped. Sellreh. Geor,e T. Baker, said yesterday. Across Egypt to the east, las­ o! Ute Brltiah and ltallan colonial troops continue Inten8ifted warfare 'On He did rlbt dlvulge the names Unauthorized Interview Mussolini's W Hl'riors the Afrlcan front. Italian forces, according to reports, have launQhed Jirbts .. operated there also. cist Wet·s bombed the important .e of the wide-acale attacks on the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Egypt, and the Secretary Stimson of the candidates and would com- Criticized in London; Capture 3 Objectives oil port of Haifa In British-man­ rich Kenya colony. ' LONDON, Aug. 7 (AP) _ ment no further on the progress dated Palestine, "setting tire to planned Great Sritain must dovetail her Orders Move To ot the board. late Department Irked With Strong Forces more gasoline tanks and hitting Jer was own military ellort with the Am- Increa e Production Asked when presidents of the the port works." t which Wendell Willkie Wants Hatch erlcan defense pI'ogram to win the two Iowa institutions would be WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 (AP)- CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 7, (AP)­ (Palestine dIspatches sald the .cated in war, parliament was told today. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 (AP)- named, Keenan replied, "we wish John P . Cudahy. big-game-hunter I t a I ian s advancillj in Britisb damage and casualties were be~ ~rs . The government 'spokesman, Ar- we knew." ambassador to Belgium, faced a Somaliland in an apparent over- lieved sligh l) Secretary Stimson ordered sUe The apPointment ot Ella May 1e pres­ Anti-Politics Law Amended thur Greenwood, pictured Ameri- . possible reprimand from the state ture to a great war of empire for Port Bombed held ils can factories _ guided by war- army arsenals today to go on a Small ot the Umverslty of Ne- department tonight for an unauth- dominance in Africa have march­ In east Africa, heavy bomberS IS in the trained technl'cal experts from three-shift basis Aug. 10 in order braska to the women's PhYSiCalj orized interview in London in f lying ahead of t heir advancillj )Id Set­ .----------- education department was ap ed into Zeila, a port on the Gulf Federal Policy-Making Britaln-fn the role of supple- to increase production of munl- - which he di:sctJssed food condl- ground lorces attacked the British meeting Wallace, Roosevelt proved by the board G 01 Aden aero s from the British port of Berbera, in British Soma­ Officials W OlIld Have mentary producers of war mate- tions at least 65 per cent. P f P . fie tions and the conduct ot erman (d d ial celt· Meet for Conference, rial with the British fighting ro elISOr 0 r soldiers in Belgium. protectorate 0 A en, an captur- Uland, then crossed the Gull of Capitol To File Personal Assets forces as the consumers. The Rock Island arsenal at Forty - nlne-year-~ld Professor Sumner Welles. acting secretary ed Hargeisa, British Somallland, Aden to pump explosives on the It ot the Campaign Discussion His comment raised the ques- Rock Island, Ill., which now has Porter was born In Waukegan, oi state announced that he had in strong force. British port 01 Aden, guarding the COLORADO SPRINGS, AUg. 7, ~ of the approlCimately 5.500 employes Ill., in 1891. Educated in the pub- cabled t~r a complete text of Cud- This was acknowledged today southern entrance to the Red sea. (AP) - Wendell L. WiUkie said HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 7 t1~n of immensely increased lic .schO?ls there: h~ attended the ahy's remarks. made yesterday, by the British, along with the ltalJan fUers also bombed Gib­ today he wanted the Hatch anti­ (AP)-President Roosevelt and ' s hlpm en~ of arms from a coun- heads the six to go on the new Umverslty of Michigan where he which provoked sharp criticism In Italian capture of a third objec- raltar again last night, dispatches = politics law amended to require try girdmg fOl' her own defense basis. received the B A degree in 1914 live, the town of Oadweina, in his running mate on the demo- but at tlie same time seeking to . the BritiSh press. from Algeciras, Spain, said, but that the president and all tederal The war department chief said and the M.A. In 1916. ~e ~k his Cudahy, who stopped in Lon- the SomaIiland, while other and the high command did not men­ policy-making officials file sworn cratic ticket, Secretary of Agri- aid the BHtish in all ways "short the arrangement was authorized Ph.D. degree at the UOlverslty of don to visit Ambassador Josepb much heavier fascist forces were tion that raid. statements of their personal as­ culture Wallace, will meet to- of war." temporarily in order to obtain Chicago in 1918.
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