
EM BARGOEL UNTIL DELIVERED FOURTH SESSION OF THE FOURTH KWAZULU LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY STATEMENT BY THE HON. THE CHIEF MINISTER 9 JUNE 198 6 Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Honourable Members, ever since the Minister of Education and Culture, the Hon. Dr. O.D. Dhlomo, made the suggestion in this House that it was time that I had a discussion with Dr. Nelson Mandela, there has been a barrage of comments and observations from numerous different quarters. I need to put · these in perspective because a lot of them are misleading and ~ay confuse the minds of ordinary people. A lot of the misconceptions can in fact be traced to Mr. Ismail Ayob who acts as one of Dr. Mandela's legal representatives. I have received reports that Mr. Ayob was very indignant because the question of my meeting with Dr. Mandela was not first discussed with him . South Africa hears for the first time that before you can even seek permission to speak to Dr. Mandela you need Mr. Ayob's approval. Mr. Ayob is acting quite outside his professional competence he when postures as manipulating a jailed son of South Africa for his own purposes - whatever they are. Perhaps some light is shed on these purposes by the report in the Sunday Times of June 8. In this report, the ANC Mission in Exile's spokesmen Mr. Tom Sebina said that I should have approached them first for permission to talk to Dr. Mandela. We thus have two statements about whom I should have spoken to before agreeing to the Minister of Education's suggestion, supported as it was from this floor, that the time was now ripe for me to speak to Dr. Mandela. In the Sunday Times report Mr. Sebina was also ittributed with the views that there were prospects that the ANC Mission in Exile may be prepared to t~lk to me in the future. Mr. Speaker, this just shows the Alice-in-Wonderland situation which some people live in. Delegation after delegation of South Africans who have trotted off to Lusaka were told in no uncertain terms that the ANC Mission in Exile was not prepared to talk to me. In broadcast after broadcast from Radio Freedom, ANC Mission in Exile spokesmen after ANC Mission in Exile spokesmen have attacked me bitterly, called me a traitor and as recently as .29 May, Mr. Mac Maharaj, a member of the National Executive of the ANC Mission in Exile said: "Who are the moderates? I suppose he [Mr. P.W. Botha] means Gatsha [Buthelezi]. Well that's a nice way to defend his henchman and hatchet-man. No question about it. Our people - we are in an era of mass politicisation. Our masses are putting through demands that were unheard of a decade · ago. They have been radicalised by the system, by their daily experience. And, of course, to divide our people in terms of radical and moderate is simply to try and suggest that they fall into this division and perpetuate their lies." 2 This is the voice of the South African Communist Party speaking in ANC Mission in Exile. The Central Committee of the South African Communist Party issued a statement recently which inter alia said: "The rural workers and the working masses require our special attention. They constitute a vital mass reserve of the revolutionary proletariat. Of them it can truly be said that they having nothing to lose but their chai ns. The importance of this political and organisational work is further Emphasised by the fact that these working people are at the n.arcy of backward, counter-revolutionary elements such as are exemplified by Gatsha Buthelezi. The struggle demands that these rural masses should be won over to the side of the revolution and that they should turn against all those who represent their continued oppression and exploitation, be they black or white. The demand ' l and to the tillers' must bec ome a rallying call mobilising the landless masses to seize w~at is theirs." As recently as the 12th May, the ANC Mission in Exile distributed~ statement in which they described me as "the major political foe tf the ANC inside South Africa". How dare an idiot like Mr. Tom Sebina suggest tha; I should have asked them for permission to speak to Dr. Mandela. Mr. Maharaj says it all when he says as he did say in a radio broadcast in speaking about the possible release of Dr. Mandela: "Because even if he [the State President] releases Comrade Mandela what change does it bring? It doesn't even take us back to the situation we were in before the ANC was banned in 1960. It doesn't even take us back to the situation when the Communist Party was banned in 1953." Dr . Mandela is far more use incarcerated in jail to the ANC Mission in Exile than he would be released. This is an Alice-in-Wonderland situation. I am described as the the ANC biggest enemy in South Africa. The ANC Mission in Exile attacks me left right and centre and then I am blamed for not approaching them to see Dr. Mandela as though he numbered amongst the goods and chattels they own and they could deal with him as they wished. This is making a pawn out of Dr. Mandela. Mr. Speaker, Sir, Honourable Members, in this debate which has now arisen subsequent to the Honourable Minister of Education's suggestion that the time is ripe for me to meet with Dr. Mandela, many do not understand a great deal that is vital to understand. We have had many struggles for liberation in the world since World War II. They have produced great leaders but in all the annals of the history of people struggling for their liberation,· I find no precedent where a leader who has been jailed for more than 20 years was eventually released to find his chair being vacated by somebody who did no more than keep it warm for him. Dr. Mandela does not even know the ANC Mission in Exile as an organisation. It was established after he was incarcerated in jail. His analytical 3 mind would be aware of the difficulties which beset his erstwhile colleagues in exile. He would know that Mr . Olive r Ta mbo's prime function in life would be to keep a semblance of un ity in what really is three separate organisations jacked up in one . He would know that Mr. Tambo is not free to lead as a pre sident . Dr. Mandela would know all about the realities of Thi rd Force developments. Dr. Mandela would know that there a re right now in this country already wayward unc o ntrollable violen t b a nds who a ct in the name of the ANC Mission in Exile, but who are beyond t heir control. Dr. Mandela would know that forces in the UDF and COSATU are developing into tails powerful enough to wag the dog. Dr. Mandela would know about p o litical ambition and the cut-th roat business that those involved in exiled scra mbling and trampling over each other to become important . If Dr. Mandela is releas ed from jail, he will have t o stride into a raging battle f o r the con trol of the ANC Mission ~n Exile . Dr. Mandela wo uld ha ve to come out of jail and put his ho use in order before he could even b e gin to live up to the expecta tions which s o many peop l e have o f him. Po litical time is a terrib l e thing . Hist o r y wil l n o t f eel s orry f o r Dr . Mande la wh en he c om es o ut o f j a il. Vast forces will hurtle onwards and South Afr i ca wil l be l ucky inde ed i f Dr. Mandela triumphe d ove r all a d versi t y a nd assumed an e ffecti ve c ommanding po si t i on in the ANC Mi s s i o n i n Ex ile. I b e lie ve soone r o r l a ter, Dr . Ma ndela wil l have to be released. He kn ows as we ll as I know that I wil l be pol iti call y alive and well when that hap pens and he knows that if he has to face the c hallenge of un i fying Bla c k Sout h Africa, he will have to thrash some elemen ts in the ANC Miss i o n i n Exile who a re responsible for t he · v icious ve ndetta wh i ch is be i ng c arried out against me and I nkatha b y them. If Dr. Mandela were rel eased f rom jail , there would be no smooth red-carpeted road way to e f fective national leadership for h i m. The ANC Mission in Exile has buggered his road up . In effect , I hear Dr. Mandela's suggestion that we postpone d iscussions un t il he is released from j ail as saying that he will need me a s an ally when that takes p lace. I a m not s uggesting, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Honourable Members, that Dr. Mandela wi ll not be man enough t o f i ght his own battles. I have said befor e that the internal p robl e ms o f the ANC Mi s s ion in Exile are matters which Dr .
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