Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 1-20-1971 The aB tes Student - volume 97 number 13 - January 20, 1971 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 97 number 13 - January 20, 1971" (1971). The Bates Student. 1609. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1609 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T tfv^ ^ AC '> Spirits) in Action; A Session with the Ad Board MRP by Dan Weinberg on to say that by March 1, the issue GfflO Thursday night's Ad Board ses- might be dead, with the most effec- sion was more spirited than I've tive time for action being now. seen. Meeting in an atmosphere of Rogers, head residence fellow, student dissent, the members of the and supposedly responsible to Dean Ad Board acted with a mixture of Carignan, made some pretty inter- anger, cynicism and humor to sup- esting statements. He said, "At port "the action with respect to so- Hedge, we've had sort of 24-hour cial regulations taken by the men" parietals all year." He contrasted the and to affirm that they do not want situation at the men's dorms to the Deans Carignan and Isaacson as women's side of campus, where he members of a new governance com- said, the parietal rule was enforced SfflfflTJAN. 20, 1971 No. 13 Vol mittee. much more strictly. Rogers said, ^&fo At first it was doubtful that there "I wouldn't want to be caught in a disapproval of the resolution as be- immediately brought on some was going to be any meeting at all. girls' dorm." He expressed the opin- ing "chicken shit." The resolution laughs) has refused to sign some At 6:30 when Ad Board meetings ion that the girls are waiting for stating, "The Ad Board supports Ad Board bills. Goodman said that usually start, there were just five the men to take action, before tak- the action with respect to social the problem may have arisen be- members (two short of a quorum) ing any of their own. regulations taken by the men and cause the accounting office doesn't sitting around the Co-ed Lounge Kathy Lynch said that the parie- recommends that the women follow have all Ad Board receipts, adding watching two students with broken tal situation on the women's side suit," was passed by a vote of seven that Carignan wants to make sure legs and crutches race each other of campus was not as rigid as Ro- to one. Kathy Lynch cast the only that Ad Board money is being used around the room. Conversation was gers pictured it, although she did negative vote. by Ad Board and not for personal mostly about the faculty's action of admit that some women proctors are Ad Board decided that because of reasons. Goldstein said that the ac- establishing an ad hoc committee to stil strictly enforcing the parietal what it considers a lack of any kind counting office doesn't have all the study dorm residence. Student re- rules. As far as any action the wo- of meaningful communication be- receipts because every time he action to this move, both Ad Board men could take, Lynch said that as tween faculty and students, mem- bought paper clips and posters he and non-Ad Board, was completely of now, Page, Parker, and Rand bers of the faculty accompanied by didn't want to go rounding up Pe- negative and expressed in loud would vote for the institution of 24 Ad Board members should go ter Goodman, Ad Board's treasurer. laughter. The general feeling was hour parietals, though some of the around to all the dorms discussing Cont'd on Pg. 7, Col 3 that the committee would not ac- smaller houses might turn it down. the issues with students. The gen- complish anything and that March In reference to the actions taken eral opinion was that "Joe Gibbs" Members of the Ad Hoc Commit- first is too long to wait. by the Men's dorms Goldstein said, speaking up for the students does tee on Student Residences hove an- Rich Goldstein finally showed up "I hope the women would have the not constitute adequate student - nounced the following schedule of at 6:40 and just about his first com- moral fiber to do the same." Elabo- faculty communications. office hours for informal discussion ment was, "Well, in typical Bates rating on his opinion of the facul- Ad Board unanimously passed a with students. These hours will be fashion they appointed another ty's action, Goldstein characterised resolution recommending "the es- reserved for any individuals who committee." By 6:45 Ad Board had it as "faculty hesitation to take any tablishment of a new governance wish to comment on the quality of a quorum and was gathered in the concrete action," adding "this committee to consist solely of six Bates residential living. The Com- international Lounge. committee could be just as ludi- new students, six faculty, and six mittee will announce soon other Buck Rogers led off the discus- crous as last year's committee." trustees." Goldstein placed heavy plans for meeting with students. Of- sion by saying that Ad Board After a lot of discussion someone emphasis on the word "solely," fice Hours: Mr. Bam berg (Pettigrew "should wait until the faculty takes proposed that Ad Board make a re- telling me that Ad Board does not 206)-TT 2-4; Mr. Boyles (Dana 217) action" before supporting the ac- solution supporting the actions tak- want Deans Carignan and Isaacson - TT 9:30-12; Mr. Chute (Carnegie tions taken in the men's dorms. en by the men's dorms. Mac Herr- on any new governance committee. 033) ■ M 2:30-4. W- 10-12; Miss Hol- Goldstein took the opposite position, ling raised a question about what He said that they had exercized too den (Llbby 12C) - MTF 2-4; Mr. feeling that Ad Board should act the faculty reaction would be to much power on the first governance Moyer (Psychology Lab) - TT 2-4; now, because it's a student organi- such a resolution. Goldstein charac- committee. Mr. Straub (Parker 12) . MTF 12:30- zation with a responsibility of ex- terized the relevance of possible fa- Peter Goodman said that the 2; Mr. Wright (Hathorn 312) - MWF presing student sentiment. He went culty reactoion to the approval or Dean of Men as our advisor (which 11-12. Chose Hall Presents: Jaime Brockett Returns Friday Night New Hampshire folk singer Jai- gotten so far. There really isn't any- mie Brockett will be featured in a one else like him . but, still, he concert at Bates College Friday, Jan- has a close personal contact with uary 22 at 8:30 PM in the Alumni his audience. He makes you feel Gym. Tickets will be available at as though he's singing and playing the door at $2.50 each. Students pur- just for you. He has the facility of chasing in advance in the supper being on an intimate level with line Wednesday and Thursday the individual members of his aud- night, or from Bob Shepherd at the ience." CSA office may buy them for $1.75. Jaime Brockett's concerts are gen- Sponsored by the Chase Hall erally about three hours in length Committee, the Brockett concert with a single brief intermission. will feature the romantic tradition The stamina of the entertainer is which the singer has established matched by his ability to retain through his records and concert ap- his audiences' attention throughout pearances around the country. the program. He does this through A Brockett concert, held at Bates his presentation using satire and last year during Winter Carnival, traditional melodies interspersed drew enthusiastic response from with a commentary tailored to the Bates students and he was invited occasion. to return for a second concert this year. The singer expressed his ap- Between performances he builds preciation of the warm reception his own instruments. For each per- accorded him by his many student formance he uses four guitars (in- friends. cluding a twelve string), banjo, The artist has been described as autoharp, and two dulcimers. Self- "unique among modern folk sing- taught, he has mastered each. ers. He Is a crusader without really Audiences are impressed by his crusading his guitar style was ob- honesty as it projects from the viously nurtured in the blues but stage. They consider him an enter- he doesn't play blues; he is a tra- tainer — not just a singer — and ditionist but he is about as far in- he appears to enjoy and to believe to contemporary song as anyone has in every thing he does on stage. * TWO BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, JANUARY 20,1971 Lent, Bamberg, Stauffer Outstanding Educators of America Three Bates College professors Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and graduated from Swarthmore A native of Marblehead, Mass., have been selected to appear in the Professor Robert D. Bamberg receiv- College with honors in 1934. He re- Professor Lent received his B. A. 1970 edition of "Outstanding Edu- ed his Ph. D. in English from Cor- ceived his Ph. D. in chemistry from from the University of California cators of America." Nominated ear- nell University in 1961.
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