ELECTROWEAK MEASUREMENTS FROM RUN II AT THE TEVATRON T. R. WYATT Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Email: [email protected] The CDF and D detectors were fully commissioned for physics running in Run II at the Tevatron pp¹ collider in early 2002. Since then both experiments have collected data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of around L = 200 pb¡1 at a pp¹ centre-of-mass energy of ps = 1.96 TeV. Datasets corresponding L = 120 pb¡1 have beenR analyzed for physics so far. Recent electroweak measurements from Run II are reviewed.R Cross section times branching ratio measurements (σ Br) are presented for the intermediate vector bosons (IVB's) in their leptonic ¢ decay modes: W `º and Z `+`¡. For the ¯rst time, a combination of the σ Br results from the CDF and D ! ! ¢ experiments is made; this includes using a consistent choice of the total inelastic pp cross section for the luminosity determinations of the two experiments. Quantities derived from these σ Br values are also updated. These include: ¢ R the ratio of the σ Br values for W and Z; Br(W `º), the leptonic branching ratio of the W ; and ¡W, the total ` ¢ ! decay width of the W . Other measurements using events containing W and Z leptonic decays are presented, including studies that probe the QCD phenomenology of W /Z production and searches for events containing two intermediate vector bosons. 1. Experimental Measurements of σ ¢ Br for Z ! `+`¡ and W ! `º 1.1. Introduction Figure 1 shows the mechanism for IVB production in pp¹ collisions. The experimental signature for Z `+`¡ is il- ! lustrated in Fig. 2. We observe a pair of oppositely charged leptons that have high pT with respect to the beam direction and are isolated with respect to other energetic particles in the event. The presence of two high pT leptons in the event leads to a high degree of redundancy in the trigger and o²ine selec- tion. This leads to low backgrounds and excellent Figure 2. An illustration of the experimental signature for Z `+`¡ in pp¹ collisions. control of systematic uncertainties. ! presence of only one high pT lepton in W `º events ! leads to less redundancy in the trigger and o²ine selection than for Z `+`¡. In addition, the mea- miss ! surement of ET requires us to understand the mea- surement of the pT of the hadrons recoiling against the W . These issues make it more di±cult to con- trol backgrounds and systematic uncertainties in the analysis of W 's than is the case for Z's. Of course, from the point of view of electroweak physics, mea- Figure 1. The mechanism for IVB production in pp¹ collisions. surements at the Tevatron on W 's are much more interesting than those on Z's, since the properties The experimental signature for W `º is illus- of the Z have been so well understood at LEP and ! trated in Fig. 3. We observe a single high pT isolated SLC. However, the samples of Z events are extremely charged lepton plus missing transverse momentum, useful as a means to measure experimental e±cien- miss ET , carried away by the unobserved neutrino. The cies and control phenomenological systematic uncer- 1 2 ing uncertainty in the experimental acceptance. The uncertainties in the σ Br measurements of both ex- ¢ periments have been evaluated using the PDF error sets provided as part of the CTEQ6 PDF's.1 When determining σ Br for Z `+`¡ it must ¢ ! be borne in mind that the physically observed pro- cess is pp¹ `+`¡X; the `+`¡ system may couple ! to a Z or a γ. In order to determine the (unphys- + ¡ ical) quantity σZ Br(Z ` ` ) the number of ob- ¢ ! served `+`¡ events must therefore be \corrected" by the factor σZ /σZγ , where σZγ is the full Standard Model cross section including Z, γ and Z-γ interfer- ence, and σZ is the cross section calculated using Z exchange only. Figure 3. An illustration of the experimental signature for W `º in pp¹ collisions. ! 1.2. DÂ: Z ! ¹+¹¡ The D experiment has updated its measurement + ¡ tainties. Most experimental systematics currently of σZ Br(Z ¹ ¹ ) for this conference using a ¢ ! quoted are limited by the size of the data samples dataset corresponding to L = 117 pb¡1. The event currently available and will decrease as larger data selection cuts require twoRoppositely charged central samples are collected and analyzed. tracks with pT > 15 GeV. In order to maintain a In measuring the rate of production of W and Z high selection e±ciency the tracks are required to events at the Tevatron the dominant systematic error satisfy only loose requirements on muon identi¯ca- arises from the determination of the pp¹ luminosity. tion and only one of the muons is required to be iso- For CDF this uncertainty is quoted at 6% and for lated. Events are selected over a wide angular range D it is quoted as 10% for the preliminary results ´ < 1:8 and a loose cut on the invariant mass of j j + ¡ presented so far. These respective uncertainties are, the ¹ ¹ system, M¹¹ > 30 GeV, is made. Cosmic of course, completely correlated amongst all of the ray muons are rejected by cuts on scintillator timing measurements made by an individual experiment. A and the distance of closest approach of the muons to large part of the above uncertainties is correlated be- the beam crossing point. The invariant mass of the tween the two experiments. The treatment of the lu- 6126 D ¹+¹¡ candidates is shown in Fig. 4. The minosity scale and uncertainties for the purposes of dominant backgrounds arise from QCD (0.6 0.3)% § combining the CDF and D results will be discussed and Z ¿ +¿ ¡ (0.5 0.1)%. ! § in Sec. 2.1. The other signi¯cant source of systematic uncer- D∅ Run II Preliminary tainty that introduces correlations among the mea- surements arises from uncertainties in the parton dis- 700 6126 events tribution functions (PDF's). Experimentally the ob- 600 L = 117 pb-1 candidate events served charged leptons from IVB decay are required 500 ∫ to lie within a given range of pseudorapidity (´). The η monte carlo Entries / 3 GeV 400 | | < 1.8 probability for the leptons to lie within this accep- background 300 tance depends on the degree to which the IVB's are boosted along the beam direction, and this in turn 200 depends on the PDF's. Accurate knowledge of the 100 0 PDF's is therefore essential in order to determine 0 50 100 150 200 the experimental acceptance. Of equal importance, Mµ+µ- (GeV) a quantitative assessment of the uncertainties in the Figure 4. The invariant mass of D ¹+¹¡ candidates. PDF's is essential in order to evaluate the result- 3 ∅ ``CONTROL - µ'' D Run II Preliminary offline and 140 trigger µ central track pT > 30 GeV isolated 120 test µ fired trigger test µ did not fire trigger central track 100 pT > 20 GeV M.I.P Events / 3 GeV 80 isolated trigger µ ?? 60 offline µ ?? ``TEST - µ'' 40 Figure 5. Illustration of the methods used to evaluate experi- 20 mental e±ciencies using the Z `+`¡ data. In this particular ! ¯gure, the muon trigger e±ciency for the \test" muon is eval- 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 uated. This measurement uses a pure sample of Z ¹+¹¡ ! events that is triggered and selected without any bias as to Mµ+µ- (GeV) whether or not the \test" muon is detected by the muon sys- tem. Figure 6. Comparison of the shapes of the invariant mass dis- tributions for two samples of D Z ¹+¹¡ events: points ! with error bars: test muon did not ¯re the Level-1 trigger; line histogram: test muon did ¯re the Level-1 trigger. An illustration of the methods used to evaluate experimental e±ciencies using the Z `+`¡ data is ! given in Fig. 5. The basic idea is that a very pure The dominant experimental systematic uncertainties + ¡ + ¡ sample of Z ¹ ¹ events can be selected by mak- on σZ Br(Z ¹ ¹ ) arise from the limited size of ! ¢ ! ing rather tight cuts on one \control" muon and only the Z data sample currently available to make such very loose cuts on the second \test" muon. In Fig. 5, e±ciency measurements ( 3.3%) and from PDF's § the muon trigger e±ciency for the \test" muon is ( 1.6%). The preliminary result is: § evaluated using a sample of Z ¹+¹¡ events that is ! + ¡ triggered and selected without any bias as to whether σZ Br(Z ¹ ¹ ) = or not the \test" muon is detected by the muon sys- ¢ ! 261:8 5:0(stat:) 8:9(syst:) 26:2(lum:) pb: tem. In making such measurements it is important to § § § demonstrate that a very pure sample of Z ¹+¹¡ ! events can be selected even though only loose cuts are made on the \test" muon. This is illustrated by D∅ Run II Preliminary Fig. 6, which shows a comparison of the shapes of 1 the ¹+¹¡ invariant mass distributions for the two + ¡ relevant sub-samples of D Z ¹ ¹ events: the 0.8 ! points with error bars show the events in which the Efficiency test muon did not ¯re the Level-1 trigger; the line 0.6 histogram shows the events in which the test muon did ¯re the Level-1 trigger. The shapes of the two 0.4 distributions are very similar, both being dominated by Z ¹+¹¡. The resulting e±ciency per muon of 0.2 ! the D Level-1 muon trigger as a function of ´ is 0 shown in Fig.
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